Log analytics using Elasticsearch & Kibana - Few queries - elasticsearch

I have just started playing around with ELK to develop our log analytics solution.
I had a few questions regarding the best practices so that I don't make any bad choice to begin with.
This tool will analyze various types of logs to find out and correlate any issue. It will run on multiple 'devices' and each device will be uniquely identifiable with a serial number.
Question 1) Is it possible to create a dashboard where the serial number is taken as an user input?
Details: I would like to have 1 dashboard created to analyze various fields and I should be able to specify the serial number of the device as an input. From what I see, I could use filter but then this would need the visualization to be 'edited'. So it appears to be me that right now, if I need to analyze multiple devices then I need to create a dashboard for each of the device. This will be a problem that if I need to modify the dashboard then I will have to make changes to all. The problem can be minimized by importing additional dashboards as a JSON file, still it is inconvenient.
Is there a better way that I am not aware of?
Question 2) On the main dashboard, I want to show a heatmap of various 'services' and their status as a time series. For e.g. say I am monitoring, CPU, memory, network and our service then I want to see something like below:
Now the heatmap visualization doesn't provide a way to uniquely specify the condition. I generated above image by populating dummy data where values were one of 0,1,2,3. Which means that I need to create such data periodically which the visualization can then use. Is there any built-in mechanism (scheduled jobs for e.g.) provided by ELK to do such processing. One option could be to run an external problem which queries Elasticsearch, fetches all the relevant information, analyzes it and puts it back into Elasticssearch. Is that the only way?
If there are any other suggestions, please feel free to share. Thanks.


Showing multiple metrics with conditions and calculation in visualize tool in Kibana

I want to create a table in the Visualize tool in Kibana where I show several metrics with condition and calculcation. I have created a generic example in excel, see below. I know the basics. On how to produce the first two columns, be the other ones are harder. I tried looking into adding JSON input with adding another Count and adding a script, but i dont get it to work unfortunately. Any ideas?

Apache Nifi - Federated Search

My team’s been thrown into the deep end and have been asked to build a federated search of customers over a variety of large datasets which hold varying degrees of differing data about each individuals (and no matching identifiers) and I was wondering how to go about implementing it.
I was thinking Apache Nifi would be a good fit to query our various databases, merge the result, deduplicate the entries via an external tool and then push this result into a database which is then queried for use in an Elasticsearch instance for the applications use.
So roughly speaking something like this:-
For examples sake the following data then exists in the result database from the first flow :-

Then running https://github.com/dedupeio/dedupe over this database table which will add cluster ids to aid the record linkage, e.g.:-

Second flow would then query the result database and feed this result into Elasticsearch instance for use by the applications API for querying which would use the cluster id to link the duplicates.
Couple questions:-
How would I trigger dedupe to run on the merged content was pushed to the database?
The corollary question - how would the second flow know when to fetch results for pushing into Elasticsearch? Periodic polling?
I also haven’t considered any CDC process here as the databases will be getting constantly updated which I'd need to handle, so really interested if anybody had solved a similar problem or used different approach (happy to consider other technologies too).
For de-duplicating...
You will probably need to write a custom processor, or use ExecuteScript. Since it looks like a Python library, I'm guessing writing a script for ExecuteScript, unless there is a Java library.
For triggering the second flow...
Do you need that intermediate DB table for something else?
If you do need it, then you can send the success relationship of PutDatabaseRecord as the input to the follow-on ExecuteSQL.
If you don't need it, then you can just go MergeContent -> Dedupe -> ElasticSearch.

Elastic search to Google big query

How do we send data from elastic search to google big query, Is there any specific connector?
I have been looking into various options and will need data to be available in google big query real time
I found google_bigquery output pligin that might be useful, but I have never use it personally.
Experiment with the settings depending on how much log data you generate, your needs to see "fresh" data, and how much data you could lose in the event of crash. For instance, if you want to see recent data in BQ quickly, you could configure the plugin to upload data every minute or so (provided you have enough log events to justify that)

Getting into designing dashboards and need some help identifying each technical layer along the way

So I will be embarking on designing a dashboard that will display KPI's and other relevant information for my team. Since I am in the early stages of this project and am not very familiar on the technical process behind designing a dashboard, I need some questions vetted out first before I go and shop for some solutions to avoid reinventing the wheel.
Here are some of my questions:
We want a dashboard that can provide live-time information via our data sources (or as close to live-time as possible). What function allows a dashboard to update itself with concurrent datasources? From a conceptual standpoint, I can understand creating a dashboard out of Microsoft Excel, and having the dashboard dependent on the values you may have set within your pivot table.
How do you make a dashboard request information from multiple datasources on its own? Just like the excel example, a user may have to go into the pivot tables to update values, but I want to know how would a dashboard request this by itself and what is the exact method from a programming standpoint? Does the code execute itself every time you refresh the webpage?
How do you create datasources organically? I know for some solutions such as SharePoint BI Center, there are pre-supported datasources like an excel sheet or SharePoint and it's as easy as uploading your document and letting the design handle the rest. However, there are going to be some datasources that I know that will need to be fetched. Do I need to understand something else like an event recorder in order to navigate this issue?
The dashboard (or a report, respectively) is usually the result of a long chain of steps. Very much simplified it could look like this:
src2 | /---- Dashboards
src n | | \---- Reports etc.
|------/ [Big Data]
Keep in mind, this is only a very, very simple structure of a data backend / frontend.
DWH means Data Warehouse, where data might be stored temporarily (you referred to this as fetching). This could be a database, could be a Big Data engine, could be a combination of both...
Afterwards, there are Business Rules (BR). Those might be specific rules in how different departments calculate and relate to data, but also simple things like algebra.
So, the main question should not be about the technology:
What software should we choose?
How can we create a dashboard?
but on the contrary focused on your business processes (see it like a top-down view):
How does our core process look like? Where would I like to measure data?
How would department a calculate sales in difference to department b? Should all use the same rule?
Where does everyone store the data? Can we access it? Do we need structural data?
And, very easy to forget but also easily sometimes one of the biggest parts: Is the identifier of a business object (say, sales id) everywhere build and formatted in the same way?
When those questions are at least in the back of your head and you keep working in this direction, more or less automatically data will spill out at certain points of that process.
Then it won't matter if you use Excel, a small-to medium app like Tableau, Tibco Spotfire, QlikView, Power BI or you want to go full scale with a big Hadoop backend, databases and JasperReports, Apache Drill, Pentaho, SSIS on top of it... it will come out eventually.
Focus on the processes first. Make sure to understand them. Draft in Excel. Then proceed in getting the data and the tools you need to help your use cases. It will work out much better from a "top-down" approach than trying to solve your requirements with tools only.

How flexible is Pentaho for dynamic transformations? (user-input based parameters)

Based on the following use case, how flexible are pentaho tools to accomplish a dynamic transformation?
The user needs to make a first choice from a catalog. (using a web interface)
Based on the previously selected item, the user has to select from another catalog (this second catalog must be filtered based on the first selection).
steps 1 and 2 may repeat in some cases, (i.e. more than two dynamic and dependent parameters).
From what the user chose in step 1 and 2, the ETL has to extract information from a database. The tables to select data from will depend on what the user chose in previous steps. Most of the tables have a similar structure but different name based on the selected item. Some tables have different structure and the user have to be able to select the fields in step 2, again based on the selection of step 1.
All the selections made by the user should be able to be saved, so the user doesn't have to repeat the selection in the future, only re-run the process to get updated information based on the pre-selected filters. However he/she must be able to make a different selection and save it for further use if he/she wants different parameters.
Is there any web-based tool to allow the user to make all this choices based? I made the whole process using kettle but not dynamically, since all the parameters need to be passed when running the process in the console. The thing is, the end user doesn't know all the parameter values unless you show them and let them chose, and some parameters depend on a previous selection. When testing I can use my test-case scenario parameters, so I have no problem, but in production there is no way to know in advance what combination the user will chose.
I found a similar question, but it doesn't seem to require user input between transformation steps.
I'd appreciate any comments about the capabilities of Pentaho tools to accomplish the aforementioned use case.
I would disagree with the other answer here. If you use CDE it is possible to build a front end that will easily do those prompts you suggest. And the beauty of CDE is that a transformation can be a native data source via the CDA data access layer. In this environment kettle is barely any slower than executing the query directly.
The key thing with PDI performance is to avoid starting the JVM again and again - when running in a web app you're already going so performance will be good.
Also; The latest release of PDI5 will have the "light jdbc" driver (EE customers) which is basically a SQL interface on PDI jobs. So that again shows that PDI is much more these days than just a "batch" etl process.
This is completely outside the realm of a Kettle use case. The response time from Kettle is far too slow for anything user facing. It's real strength is in running batch ETL processes.
See, for example, this slideshow (especially slide 11) for examples of typical Kettle use cases.
