Valid Credentials are not working if pass through csv - jmeter

In response ,credentials along with special character are coming.
For example, i am trying to run a test with multiple logged in user having credentials such as 989898-98989 but in response %22%98989-98989%22 is coming that results in failed test as unable to login with this credential.

You need to check if your CSV has valid data. There should be comma-separated values in it.
It seems that your are using spaces after and before commas. Please remove if there are spaces and then try again.
If you still face the issue then share more details about CSV file and the CSV data set config.


Jmeter API testing using csv input as post request in localhost

I tried to run a POST method for API testing in JMeter, I have sent the parameters as needed in body using a csv file. It works with https url(domain url) but not working in localhost. In localhost, requested body is showing blank. Please help me to resolve this issue.
There should be no any difference between local and non-local URLs so most probably you made a configuration mistake somewhere. We cannot state where exactly without seeing the test plan so I would suggest:
Inspect request and response details using View Results Tree listener
Ensure that the variables originating from the CSV Data Set Config really exist and have their respective values by adding a Debug Sampler and seeing what variables are there.
Check jmeter.log file for any suspicious entries. If it doesn't say anything meaningful you can try increasing logging verbosity to DEBUG level.

How can I resolve this Session ID problem in Jmeter?

I am working on a Jmeter login script. To create this script I used blazemeter. The thing is that it is not working correctly as I get a http 403 response code.
Thanks to fire fox I know that in my header I need to send the next data whenever I do a GET to the web page:
This is how I do it in JMETER:
This is the response:
The problem I am having is that the session id is not working correctly. I dont know if this is the problem why I have a 403 response code but it is still a problem. I tried everything to solve this error code but I failed so I need to start from the beginning
Look at this:
Do you have any suggestions to resolve this problem of the sesison id? If you do, I would really appreciate it
I changed the variable in the petition because I was naming it wrong but I am still having issues. No id appears:
You're trying to extract Cookie value from the response message, switch the Regular Expression Extractor to the Response Headers (Cabeceras) and your approach should start working:
Also be aware that you don't even need the Regular Expression Extractor.
Add the next line to file:
Restart JMeter to pick the property up
Add HTTP Cookie Manager to your Test Plan
In the HTTP Header Manager (Gestor de Cabecera HTTP) refer the extracted value as ${COOKIE_GX_CLIENT_ID}

JMeter Not Recognizing Server Name Field - Test Failed Code Expected To Equal /

My colleague is running the same JMeter file as myself but for some reason it doesn't work for her but it does for me.
She can make it work if instead of having the field Server Name filled in she has the whole url on path instead.
We've checked all our settings and they seem to be the same (same version of JMeter included). Not sure what we could be missing please?
File that doesn't work
File that works
Thanks a lot.
There is a mistake due to which the test is not running.
There is a slash "/" missing in the path "get-event", you should write "/get-event" because jmeter reads the url by combining the link from server field and path field. So, when link joins together it becomes "/api-hcget-even" instead "/api-hc/get-even"

Part of the HTTPS response is changing on every session

I have a HTTP response code. A part of it was changing with application upgrade, so I have created a variable for this and changing the variable after each upgrade and so that it will be automatically updated throughout the JMeter script.
The above is the part which is changing and I have created a Variable as Language. And everything is fine till now.
Now, I am facing a new problem after upgrading my application. This variable is changing with every new login, because of this was unable to run the load test. It is giving me the following error.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Error while decrypting message, close tab or re-login
Can someone came across similar issue or if anybody has some idea how to solve this. Please help me !!
So basically you are doing what is known as a "Correlation". The error you are getting is mostly related to correlation. when you are replaying the script, you are using dynamic value from the recording script which is expired.
Check the following:
Have you replaced all the changing values in the scripts with your variable? Maybe you
missed some parts. Some values could be in a request url or in a body data of a Post
Check for other values that are changing, sometimes you will have many values to be
correlated, not just one (ex. JSessionID, CSRF token and ...)
What tool you are using to search for dynamic values and their locations? You can use
JMeter response to check for dynamic values but it is easier if you use Fiddler or if
you know LoadRunner, you can use its scripts comparison capabilities.

Jmeter: File upload Issues while Jmeter scripting

I have a scenario wherein I have to upload a .txt file which inserts records in database, for a batch job operation further. I am using Jmeter scripting to automate this flow. I think I have followed all the rules needed to upload a file but still I face this error:
Response code: 500
Response message: Internal Server Error
Here are the details of scripting the file upload
and the html code showing the paramter name for the input type "file"
<input type="file" size ="40" name="filename" class="textinputgroup_input" title="Use Browse button to select the file.">
I am not sure where I have made the mistake. I have properly used the request attributes in the HTTP sampler as per the Fiddler.
I will not be able to record due to some firewall restrictions
Your config looks good, just make sure that:
File exists under the ${filepath}
${filepath} should contain either full path to the txt file being uploaded or the file needs to live in JMeter's "bin" folder
In case if it doesn't help, check jmeter.log and/or server-side log file to get some clues regarding what's wrong. It may be something like missing header or whatever. As a last resort try comparing the requests which are being sent by JMeter and real browser with a sniffer tool like Wireshark to detect the differences and apply the appropriate JMeter configuration so requests would be identical.
See Performance testing: Upload and Download Scenarios with Apache JMeter article for more detailed instructions.
