How to install template or theme in laravel 4.2? - laravel

I need to install an admin panel theme in laravel. Please share any ideas.

Look like there is a project for it.
and see "Usage". (only for themes, sorry)

There are packages such as "cartalyst/themes": "3.0.*"
You can insall them by including this in your composer.json
"cartalyst/themes": "3.0.*"
and do
composer update
Here is the link about that.
Also you shall use this and many such are available over github and other resources.
But i would recommend you to put the css and js files in your assets folder and simply use the html in your blades
Recommendation : Still why Laravel 4.2, why not 5.1
install composer before. Site to composer is too obvious to put it here


Laravel assets folder and bootstrap

I have started my first laravel project after I got a recommendation to use a framework.
I have started watching some tutorials and am trying to follow along, but in all the tutorials there is an assets folder inside resources with for example a _variables file. I don't have this folder, I guess it because I am using laravel version 7x and the tutorials are using an older version? I also thought bootstrap was provided with laravel, but it does not work. Have I done anything wrong or does everything seem right? I have followed a tutorial step-by-step from the start and used npm install & npm run dev, but the css file it creates is empty. I have also tried to start over with a new project, but the same happens!
Any help is appreciated!
Are you already run composer require laravel/ui? Laravel 7 has frontend scaffolding. You can read the documentation's about frontend scaffolding here
Hope this help.

Laravel 5.6 - Vue.js installing third party UI Kit and fonts

I am trying to install Now-UI-Kit in Laravel 5.6 with vue.js implementation but not having any success.
URL to Now-UI-Kit:
I was able to install the plain UI Kit by following some very simple steps documented here:
UI Kit Here:
Laravel Steps:
But I couldn't do similar steps for the now-ui-kit.
Both UI KIt and Now-UI-KIt are installed with NPM in node_modules.
Can someone please guide?
Alright - turned out to be a simple task. Put all the css files in a sub directory under your assets folder and point to them in app.scss. laravel-mix will take care of them automatically.

How to update CodeIgniter with Composer?

I switched from Symfony to CodeIgniter and I would like it to stay up-to-date with the framework.
I understand that you can easely install and update all kind of packages, I know how to do it as I did it over and over again with Symfony.
I already set $config['composer_autoload'] = TRUE; in application/config/config.php. (Thanks to a lot of other SO questions)
My problem: Composer seems to update all the packages fine, but not the framework itself. Is it possible or am I doomed to do it manually?
Please consider using CodeIgniter 4, which is made to be used with Composer from the start. CodeIgniter 3 is old and should only be used on legacy projects.
You can update your codeigniter using composer by below method:
$ cd /path/to/codeigniter
$ composer update
Here you can get more info about this
CodeIgniter hasn't been made as a composer packageā€¦ except that someone eventually did it anyway!
It is possible to keep CodeIgniter up-to-date by installing it throught composer in the first place. The project is hosted on GitHub.
In order to use it, it's quite easy: composer create-project kenjis/codeigniter-composer-installer codeigniter should do the trick!

Laravel Download and Installation

I'm a webdeveloper and I'm starting a huge project requested by a company.
I'm trying to figure out if is best to use a PHP framework or not, and in case, which one.
I know Codeigniter, but I wanted to look around to see what's the best framework at the moment. I found out Laravel is trending at the top so I wanted to try it out.
Being used to Codeigniter I usually download the zip file with all the phps inside and start working. I'm trying to do the same with Laravel but I saw you are to download and use composer to install it.
I'm not really used to the Terminal and I wanted to ask if that's the only way of installing it or if there is a downloadable version as in Codeigniter, CakePHP, etc...
You can always download the ZIPped code directly from project's GitHub site. You can find the base application here: - you'll find a link at the bottom of the right column. This code is what composer downloads when you use that to setup the application.
If you want to use Laravel you will have to use Composer as this is what the application uses to manage its dependencies. It's not hard, as you'll only need to run a few commands.
You can learn more about how to install and use composer in the docs:

NetBeans 8.0 PHP CodeIgniter Framework support

I am using netbeans 8.0 it shows auto-complete for zend framework but not for codeigniter. How can I use it with codeigniter for auto-complete support???
Copy the code in the answer here: Netbeans code completion for CodeIgniter
into a php file in your project.
I used CI_Autocomplete2.0.php in the root of the project. It's a hack, but it does work. Since I'm familiarizing myself with CI's syntax & naming conventions it does what I want.
I successfully installed one of the Kenai 7.3 modules in 7.4, but the other one they show on the webpage wasn't listed in the plugin options, so I uninstalled it and now I can't get it to re-install again. I haven't tried it in my NetBeans 8 yet though.
Edit: Sorry, I just figured out that the Kenai modules were both listed. The "PHP CI Framework Repository" installed ok (don't know what, if anything, it did yet). It's the "PHP CI Framework" that won't install and lists out a bunch of module dependencies. I'll update again if there's anything to add when I try with Nb8.
You can do this using Project Kenai. Hope that's what you're looking for.
use sublime text editor 2 or 3 and install CI:snippets you will get dropdown for the codeigniter or check this link
