Configuring Web Deploy on Windows Server 2012 - visual-studio

I'm trying to publish my web application on Visual Studio 2013 to a remote server operating on Windows Server 2012 R2. I have been following the steps here to install Web Deploy.
I installed the Recommended Server Configuration for Web Hosting Providers and added the role "Management Services" for IIS 8 but I still couldn't find the Deploy option when right-clicking my website.
What could I possibly be missing?

It turned out that i had installed web deploy 3.6 on top of 3.5, removing 3.6 fixed the problem and now Deploy shows in the menu.


IIS Web Deploy Automatic BackUp

I'm making deploy of a web site to remote server from Visual Studio. I want to configure IIS of the remote server to automatically create back up on every deploy. I read a lot of MSDN tutorials, tried to run scripts in command line, but it didn't work for me.
IIS version 10.0.16299.15.
Windows 10.
Deploy from Visual Studio 2017. WebPublishMethod : MSDeploy

No Windows Azure Web Sites publish option in VS 2012 website publish

I'm trying to help a colleague setup their development environment to deploy to an azure website. Both of us have Visual Studio 2012 update 5, Azure SDK 2.6 and Web Deploy 3.6 installed but my colleague does not see the option I see (see screenshot 1), they only see what you can see in screenshot 2. Does anyone have any idea what the issue might be?

Visual Studio 2010 web deployment to IIS server

I need to be able to setup my IIS server to accept Web Application publishing via the web deployment tool in Visual Studio 2010. I have attempted to install web deploy, but still haven't had any success. I am not positive if this is the right tool or not.
I am running Server 2008 R2 Enterprise
version 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Build 7601
IIS Version 7.5.7600.16385
SQL Databases will be accessed and are housed on this server as well.
SSRS is also running on this server.
Thank you,
Stephen Hathaway

How to develop sharepoint application on a client machine

I have a centralized Microsoft Sharepoint Server and SQL Server on Windows Server 2008 intalled. I am new to sharepoint. In my local machine i have installed Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate Trial version. When i goto create new share point project in the visual studio, I am getting an error message saying,
"A sharepoint server is not installed on this computer. A sharepoint server must be installed to work with sharepoint projects"
Is it possible to develop the sharepoint application like this? if yes. can you please let me know what i can do?
You should install SharePoint 2010 on that machine. Either install it on Windows 7-8 or Windows Server 2008-R2
Check this Installing Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 on Windows 7 x64 along this follow msdn.
you should have 64-bit version of Windows 7. then follow the step
mentioned in the above link. Install the additional prerequisites carefully else the installation will cause some error.

How to create Web Deploy 2.0 projects in Visual Studio 2010?

We are using Visual Studio 2010 to publish to IIS using Web Deploy. I have now upgraded to Web Deploy 2.0 on the client, and the server (by uninstalling the old version and installing the new version).
From Visual Studio, it still seams to be creating web deploy 1.0 packages. This is where I am confused. How does Visual Studio integrate with Web Deploy? How do I get Visual Studio to create Web Deploy 2.0 packages?
Thanks for your post.
I just found a doc might help, it illustrates the installation and enabling of web deploy:
Moreover, I think web deploy is more relevant to ASP.Net, and if you can post another thread at:
I believe you can get more useful information.
Hope this can help.
I got it working. The batch file that was being generated by web deploy was checking for v1.1 in the registry. Editing it to check for v2 works on a server that only has v2 installed.
After installing the Visual Studio service pack, I see now that the batch file is different, and no longer does a registry check so works with web deploy clients 1 and 2.
