CKeditor 4 replace config param for each field - ckeditor

I got 3 textarea on page.
It's conected with CKeditor. also got CKeditor plugin on it.
I wish to have different characters count for each field.
Now I give it in config for all of them:
to sum up:
how I change config value for one field in ck'editor

You should be able to use the tag MaxLength on each individual control.
<cke:CKEditorControl ID="ckeText" Toolbar="" AutoGrowOnStartup="true" MaxLength="5" runat="server" />
You can also find all of that information on their documentation website


Spring MVC checkbox with Materializecss

I am using Spring MVC checkbox with materialize css and it is not showing up at all.
Here is what i am doing. i am using simple checkbox in jsp like this (without materializecss).
<form:checkbox path="nameID" value="store" id="nameid_3" />
Checkbox gets displayed correctly.Now when i embedded materializecss, checkbox does not appear on the screen.
So i went further to check what is really going on behind the wall and found this.
<input id="nameid_3" name="nameID" type="checkbox" value="store" checked="checked"><input type="hidden" name="_nameID" value="on">
Checkbox with hidden field and that's the problem.
When i deleted this hidden field in inspect element in chrome it worked.
So now questions how do i stop generating this hidden field with Spring MVC tag..? or is there alternate approach..?
and i am bound to use Spring MVC tag for validitions.
I found an alternate approach to remove these hidden fields. As we can see, there is a linking between name of checkbox and its hidden element. As we can see these field names are differentiated only using underscore. So we can remove these hidden fields using jQuery like this.
$('input[type=checkbox]').each(function() {
var name = $(this).attr('name');
$('[name="' + '_' + name + '"]').remove();
Hope this solves your problem.

Can't display my own id in apex:inputField in browser

I am very new to apex and just start to study how to add validation on the field. I am not able to do this from set up. In more detail I want to assign an id to apex:inputfield. I read a lot of information in the internet such as using partial id like
However know matter what I add in apex page, it doesn't show up inside the string. Here is my code:
<apex:pageBlock id="pageBlock" ...>
<apex:dataTable ... id="transTableBrandPurchase" ">
<apex:inputField id="eric_test" value="{!varBla}" required="true" />
when I check the browser in html it gets
<input id="j_id0:j_id6:pageBlock:transTableManufacturerPurchase:0:j_id273" maxlength="255" name="j_id0:j_id6:pageBlock:transTableManufacturerPurchase:0:j_id273" size="20" type="text">
Based on Salesforce reference I should get id="j_xxx:j_yyy ...:pageBlock:transTableManufacturerPurchase:eric_test"
People may say that I can just use "pageBlock:transTableManufacturerPurchase", I cann't because in this page we display then rows and the other rows look like similar:
<input id="j_id0:j_id6:pageBlock:transTableManufacturerPurchase:0:j_id275" name="j_id0:j_id6:pageBlock:transTableManufacturerPurchase:0:j_id275" >
Right now I am working on validation in visualforce page with Jquery.
My approach to assigning ID to elements in VF page is, give ID to all apex elements. Then use chrome inspect element option to find exact ID.
If you are using salesforce any repeat tags , , etc, salesforce will add additional numbering on your ID, to make sure that all elements have unique ID.

kendo ui, angular require validation for numeric text box

I am trying to use a kendo numeric text box with angular validation (ng-required) however I'm not able to get it working. The ng-required attribute on this element has no effect on the form validation status.
From my understanding, the reason why this doesn't work is because kendo numeric text box uses k-ng-model to store it's value, whereas the angular validation works only with ng-model.
Has anyone else seen this issue, are there any workarounds?
I have found a workaround that involves using the kendo-numeric-text-box along with a hidden input field which makes use of ng-model.
<input data-kendo-numeric-text-box data-k-ng-model="numValue"/>
<input type="hidden" data-ng-model="numValue" data-ng-required="true" />

How to get the title of a column grid from a properties file in struts2-jquery plugin

I am using the grid component of the struts2-jquery plugin
and I need to get the title of the column from a properties file. Anyone have idea how to do that.
Note: in normal case without jquery plugin I get the value from properties file using the tag:
If i understand the problem right you could use:
<sjg:gridColumn name="name" index="name" title="%{getText('addDate')}"/>

How to configure ckeditor to not wrap content in <p> block?

I am using ckeditor on my website to make it easier for users to input HTML.
However, the data I get back from ckeditor is wrapped in <p></p> blocks. (Which I don't want.)
Is there some configuration setting that forces the editor to not wrap the text in anything?
Add the following to your config.js file for CKEditor:
config.enterMode = CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR;
CKEDITOR.editorConfig = function (config)
config.enterMode = CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR;
The configuration setting that controls this behavior is based on what you want to happen when the user presses Enter.
Just in case someone who's new to working with HTML reads this, I'm including some basic explanation of the concepts involved and why a tag will need to be inserted when the Enter key is pressed.
We know that if we enter some text into an HTML document and then put additional text on a new line, the browser won't display the text as two lines, it will ignore any carriage returns and will condense multiple spaces between characters to a single space.
The following HTML:
Will be rendered as:
qwer tyui
So the editor needs to insert an HTML tag to tell the browser that it should display the second group of text on a new line.
The configuration setting that controls this is config.enterMode and it offers three options:
1 - Insert paragraph
The default setting creates a paragraph element each time Enter is pressed:
config.enterMode = CKEDITOR.ENTER_P; // inserts `<p>...</p>`
2 - Insert 'div'
You can choose to create a div element instead of a paragraph:
config.enterMode = CKEDITOR.ENTER_DIV; // inserts `<div></div>`
3 - Insert break (the setting you're looking for)
If you prefer to not wrap the text in anything, you can choose to insert a line break tag:
config.enterMode = CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR; // inserts `<br />`
The CKEditor documentation indicates that using the ENTER_BR setting is not recommended:
Note: It is recommended to use the CKEDITOR.ENTER_P setting because of its semantic value and correctness. The editor is optimized for this setting.
Another related setting 'autoParagraph'
There is a second setting that controls a similar situation –config.autoParagraph. How it functions depends on the config.enterMode setting discussed above.
autoParagraph determines whether inline elements such as span are wrapped in the block element (p or div) specified by the enterMode setting. The default is to wrap inline elements, so if you enter a span like this (as HTML):
It will be wrapped in a p or div element like this:
or this:
The inline element won't be wrapped if you set this to false or if you set enterMode to CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR.
The CKEditor documentation includes this note about config.autoParagraph:
Note: Changing the default value might introduce unpredictable usability issues.
Even more settings
There are three more settings that are somewhat related to this subject:
A complete list of the available configuration options can be found here:
CKEDITOR.config - CKEditor 3 JavaScript API Documentation
CKEDITOR.config - CKEditor 4 Documentation
I know I'm a little late to the game, but I think the option the OP is looking for is:
config.autoParagraph = false;
This is answered perfectly well above, however as mentioned you should not really be changing this in the main config.
The correct way to do this is per .replace really.
<form name="title" method="post" action="<?php echo htmlentities($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);?>">
<textarea id="editor2" name="editor2" rows="300"><?php echo $editor2;?></textarea>
<textarea id="editor1" name="editor1" rows="1" cols="50" onfocus="this.value=''; this.onfocus=null;">Type Tab Title Here:</textarea>
<input type="submit" value="Submit">
<script type="text/javascript">
CKEDITOR.replace( 'editor2', {
on: {'instanceReady': function (evt) { evt.editor.execCommand('maximize'); }},
A very simple solution without any configuration change is to use
shift+enter for a line break <br>, and
just enter would cause a new paragraph.
Advantage is that you don't have to do any configuration changes. Plus, you have both.
If you want to exclude <p> tag and want only basic editing tool like Bold Italic superscript Subscript etc in Ckeditor then follow these steps:
I am 100% sure about this as I researched 36 Hours continuously :)
Step 1: Add this script in your PHP webpage
<script type="text/javascript">
CKEDITOR.replace( 'editor1', {
on: {'instanceReady': function (evt) { evt.editor.execCommand('');}},
Step 2: add id="editor2" and onfocus="this.value='';" in your textarea like this
<textarea id="editor2" name="AsYourWish" onfocus="this.value='';">
Step 3: Be sure that remove Class="ckeditor" from Textarea.
Step 4: Reload your webpage if not happened Delete Cache/History and Restart PC/laptop.
Step 5: Its Done :)
For Django-ckeditor add this config in your file:
ENTER_P = 1 # default
'default': {
'enterMode': ENTER_BR,
If anyone comes here with ckeditor 5, don't look for this option. They have removed it, I've spent days tyring to figure this out.
I'm afraid you're not going to like it, but enter mode BR is the root
of all evil. If we were able we'd removed it from CKEditor 4 long time
ago and we're definitely not going to implement it in CKEditor 5.
Related GitHub issue
