Can't display my own id in apex:inputField in browser - visualforce

I am very new to apex and just start to study how to add validation on the field. I am not able to do this from set up. In more detail I want to assign an id to apex:inputfield. I read a lot of information in the internet such as using partial id like
However know matter what I add in apex page, it doesn't show up inside the string. Here is my code:
<apex:pageBlock id="pageBlock" ...>
<apex:dataTable ... id="transTableBrandPurchase" ">
<apex:inputField id="eric_test" value="{!varBla}" required="true" />
when I check the browser in html it gets
<input id="j_id0:j_id6:pageBlock:transTableManufacturerPurchase:0:j_id273" maxlength="255" name="j_id0:j_id6:pageBlock:transTableManufacturerPurchase:0:j_id273" size="20" type="text">
Based on Salesforce reference I should get id="j_xxx:j_yyy ...:pageBlock:transTableManufacturerPurchase:eric_test"
People may say that I can just use "pageBlock:transTableManufacturerPurchase", I cann't because in this page we display then rows and the other rows look like similar:
<input id="j_id0:j_id6:pageBlock:transTableManufacturerPurchase:0:j_id275" name="j_id0:j_id6:pageBlock:transTableManufacturerPurchase:0:j_id275" >
Right now I am working on validation in visualforce page with Jquery.

My approach to assigning ID to elements in VF page is, give ID to all apex elements. Then use chrome inspect element option to find exact ID.
If you are using salesforce any repeat tags , , etc, salesforce will add additional numbering on your ID, to make sure that all elements have unique ID.


Struts 2 XML form validation breaks when new element that does not need validation is added

I am facing an issue that is really hard to debug. I have a JSP page that has some form elements on it that submit to a Struts2 action. I also have a XML form validation file to perform some validation on the submitted fields. The file has the naming convention 'actionName-validation.xml'
This works fine, but when I add a drop down box, outside of the form, the validation now fails. Instead it redirects to a blank page and my breakpoint in my action class is not hit.
Is there a way to turn on some kind of debugging or logging for the validation? Why would adding a tag outside of a form cause this to happen?
Here is the code on the JSP page:
<s:select id="dataSource" name="selectedDataSource" theme="simple" listValue="top"
headerKey="" headerValue="Choose Data" list="dataSources" size="1" />
<div id="forms">
<s:form method="post" action="MyAction" theme="simple">
<label class="input" for="name"
<span style="color:red;">*</span>
<s:textfield theme="simple" name="name" maxlength="11" size="11" />
<s:fielderror theme="plain"><s:param value="'name'" /</s:fielderror></label>
<s:submit value="Create New" theme="simple" cssStyle="display: block; clear: left;"/>
If I remove the <s:select> tag, it works.
Any help would be greatly appreciated it.
EDIT2: I found the problem. I needed a get method for the list that is used to populate the select drop down inside the action that the form submits to.
I had one for the action that initially is called for the page, but when the validation fails and it re-loads that page from the form action class, it tries to re-populate the select drop down and needs a getter there. I feel silly for not finding that sooner. Would be nice if there were some type of logging or messaging of these types of issues.
The error you are encountering is not a validation error (handled by the Validation Interceptor), but an error occurred when setting the parameters (raised by the Parameters Interceptor) and for which the Conversion Error Interceptor added a fieldError, which you are not seeing because
your INPUT result lands on a blank page and
you are using theme="simple" on the textfield, which forces you to add <s:fielderror fieldName="dataSource" /> to show it (or <s:fielderror /> to show them all).
Read how the INPUT result works, set your page as the INPUT page, print the errors, then you will discover the problem, that is most likely related to the fact that you've not specified a listKey attribute in your select, that is sending the description instead of the code of the datasource to selectedDataSource, which is probably an Integer.
I found the problem. I needed a get method for the list that is used to populate the select drop down inside the action that the form submits to.
I had one for the action that initially is called for the page, but when the validation fails and it re-loads that page from the form action class, it tries to re-populate the select drop down and needs a getter there. I feel silly for not finding that sooner. Would be nice if there were some type of logging or messaging of these types of issues.

How to reRender an inputText generated dynamically by a dataTable using Ajax

I'm using here in my project JSF 1.2 and the Tag <a4j:support> .
Well, i'm using here a <h:dataTable /> to print on the screen a list of financial expenses, where it's possible for the user to insert new expenses or edit the existed expenses at anytime, the value of these expenses fields (amount, balance, value) are being shown in inputTexts components.
As i'm using a <h:dataTable /> the inputTexts of it are generated automatically, so it creates dynamical inputTexts with dynamical ids. I took a look at the html source code of the page and the pattern JSF uses to generate the ids in a dynamically way is this:
id="formTemplate:tableForm:0:inputTextValue" ;
id="formTemplate:tableForm:1:inputTextValue" ;
And in the xhtml page the code i used with the dataTable is this:
<h:inputText id="inputTextValue" value="#{item.value}" label="Value" styleClass="field" size="9" readonly="true" dir="RTL" style="font-size:12px;width:170px">
My business rule works like that: When the user types something in the inputTextBalance it calls the event onBlur where it automatically inserts an other value in the field "value", but to update this inputTextValue i need to do a reRender in my panel (panelDataTable), so it reRender the whole dataTable (dataTable is inside the Panel).
<h:inputText id="inputTextBalance" value="#{item.balance}" dir="RTL">
<f:convertNumber currencyCode="BRL" type="currency" />
<a4j:support event="onblur" reRender="panelDataTable" ajaxSingle="true" action="#{expenses.update}"/>
Now comes the trouble, what i need to do is to reRender only the inputTextValue instead of the panel, but these fields are generated dynamically and i can't get there ids. Like i said before, this is the pattern that JSF uses to generate the id of the fields
id="formTemplate:tableForm:0:inputTextValue" ;
id="formTemplate:tableForm:1:inputTextValue" ;
But when i use any of these ids in reRender attribute, the Ajax's log returns me this message:
18:23:57,208 WARN [AjaxContext] Target component for id formTemplate:tableForm:0:inputTextValue not found
I tried this but i got the same error message: reRender="#{rich:clientId('inputTextValue')}"
The weirdest thing here is that it shows me this message of the input not found, but in the html source code the id of he inputText is the same that i've puted to reRender.
Does anybody here have already delt with this problem? Any suggestions to me?
Thank you!
you should bind the h:dataTable to a variable in your bean, in order to reach the current row index.
<h:dataTable binding="#{myManagedBean.dataTable}" ...>
then you can change a4j:support like this:
<a4j:support reRender="formTemplate:tableForm:#{myManagedBean.dataTable.rowIndex}:inputTextValue" ... />

How to make a field required without data annotation

I am using the MvcContrib Grid to display a table on the page. I am using a custom column to produce a checkbox on the table so that the user can select multiple rows and submit the form.
I don't want the form to submit unless at least one checkbox has been selected. I could easily write this Javascript myself to enforce the validation, but I wanted to know how I could fit it in with the unobtrusive library supplied with MVC3.
I imagine I just need to set my inputs with the proper classes and attributes and then the scripts (validate and validate.unobtrusive) on the page should pick them up and mark them as needing validation, but I haven't been able to get the right combination thus far.
Here is the input that I am currently generating:
<input type="checkbox"
data-val-required="Please select an option."
data-val="true" />
Try setting the data-val attributes on the item, then you have to tell jQuery you have new content to re-parse the form via something like:
where form is of course a reference to your form element.
There is also this great posting and jQuery has a few internal adapters you can call:
jQuery.validator.unobtrusive.adapters.addSingleVal("notequalto", "otherproperty", "mynotequaltofunction")
From my experience, a commonly overlooked mistake with displaying client-side validation is putting a Html.ValidationMessageFor(lambda) on the page.
Without that, no client-side validation will fire to prevent the form submit and/or display the message that is generated using annotations on the client-side.
Hope this helps.
<div class="editor-field">
<input class="text-box single-line"
data-val="true" data-val-number="The field Qty Available must be a number."
data-val-range="The field Qty Available must be between 0 and 120."
data-val-range-max="120" data-val-range-min="0"
data-val-required="The Qty Available field is required."
id="QtyOnHand" name="QtyOnHand" type="text" value="12" />
<span class="field-validation-valid" data-valmsg-for="QtyOnHand"
The tie-in between the data model annotations and the data-val-* attributes should be clear after reading the above code, but it's where the client side validation ties in might not be so obvious. Open the \Scripts\jquery.validate.unobtrusive.js file and search for "data-val". Right away you'll see that the JavaScript uses the data-val-, input- and field-* CSS classes to display/hide validation messages on the client.
The above is taken from this great article, which you might want to read in full.

Codeigniter validation

Based on the backend data i may have n number of items displayed along with the check box and textarea for selecting and give commnet on the page and there is also a option given to the user to remove the items based on the requirements. I need to set a validation like atlease one item is required.
Since its number is based on the query dont know how to set the validation.
It's hard to say without a bit more detail, but in general if you have a set of checkboxes and you want to make sure at least one is checked you could do this in your HTML:
<p><input type="checbox" name="my_field_name[]" value="item1" />Item 1</p>
<p><input type="checbox" name="my_field_name[]" value="item2" />Item 2</p>
<p><input type="checbox" name="my_field_name[]" value="item3" />Item 3</p>
and just set a rule that "my_field_name" is a required field. That's assuming it works for you to have the values returned in one array like that.

Firefox 3.5.2 Refresh(F5) causes Highlighted Form value to get copied to next field

I am having a strange issue in Firefox 3.5.2 with F5 refresh.
Basically, when I focus on an input field and hit f5 the contents of that input field gets copied to the next form field after the F5 refresh.
But, if you inspect the HTML source code, the values are correctly loaded.
I am not having this issue in IE8 or Safari 4.0.3.
The problem does not occur if I do a hard refresh or run window.location.refresh(true).
After F5 Refresh:
Here's an overview of what's going on.
I believe the thing you should look into is the autocomplete attribute,
you should set it to off on the input box. However be careful since this will trigger two effects.
When you refresh the page it won't remember the old values
The default dropdown of the already used values on that input box will also be disabled.
If you want to keep the second behavior you should set the autocomplete attribute back to on with JS.
Browsers can remember form field contents over a refresh. This can really throw your scripting off if it is relying on the initial value of a field matching what's in the HTML. You could try to prevent it by calling form.reset() at the start.
Different browsers have different strategies for detecting when a form or a field is the same as in the previous page. If you have clashing names, or names that change on reload, it is very possible to end up confusing them. Would have to see some code to work it out for sure.
In the backend, I am using ASP.NET MVC 1.0 with the Spark View engine. When I examine the source code after an F5 refresh in Firefox 3.5.2, the page renders correctly; however, if you look at the page visually the adjacent form field field gets populated with the value from the previous field.
I included enough code so you can just get an idea of what I'm trying to do.
Again, the rendering is fine and the final view/HTML code is fine. It's what I see on the screen that is incorrect. I am using hidden vars; but the issue occurred before using it as well.
Note in the code below, I have 2 distinct ID fields: "date_{projectTask.ProjectTaskId}" and "finishDate_{projectTask.ProjectTaskId}, which gets renders to something like "date_1" and "finishDate_2".
<for each="ProjectTask projectTask in projectTasksByProjectPhase">
<input type="hidden" value="${projectTask.ProjectTaskId}" />
<td class="date">
<div class="box">
<div class="datefield">
<input type="text" id="date_${projectTask.ProjectTaskId}" value="${startDate}" /><button type="button" id="show_${projectTask.ProjectTaskId}" title="Show Calendar"><img src="~/Content/yui/assets/calbtn.gif" width="18" height="18" alt="Calendar" ></button>
<div class="box">
<div class="datefield">
<input type="text" id="finishDate_${projectTask.ProjectTaskId}" value="${finishDate}" /><button type="button" id="finishShow_${projectTask.ProjectTaskId}" title="Show Calendar"><img src="~/Content/yui/assets/calbtn.gif" width="18" height="18" alt="Calendar" ></button>
FYI: ${} are used to output variables in the Spark View engine.
I am also using the YUI 2.7 Connection to make Ajax calls to update the datebase for "change" and "enter/tab key press" events. I am able to verify that the AJAX calls are made correctly and the form field values are still valid.
The problem occurs when I just do a F5 refresh; for some reason, the "finishDate_1" gets populated with the value from "date_1".
This problem occurs just by clicking on "date_1" and hitting F5; so, the adjacent field just gets populated even if there are no AJAX calls.
Here's the Javascript code I call towards the end of the body"
function() {
var idList = YAHOO.util.Dom.getElementsBy(function (el) { return (el.type == 'hidden'); }, 'input');
len = idList.length;
var startDatePickers = new Array();
var finishDatePickers = new Array();
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
var id = idList[i].value
startDatePickers[i] = new DatePicker("date_" + id, "show_" + id, "cal_" + id);
startDatePickers[i].valueChanged.subscribe(updateDate, 'S');
finishDatePickers[i] = new DatePicker("finishDate_" + id, "finishShow_" + id, "finishCal_" + id);
finishDatePickers[i].valueChanged.subscribe(updateDate, 'F');
The form field gets copied over before any Javascript code is processed because I call the Javascript code towards the end of the body after all HTML is rendered. So, I'm guessing it's a refresh issue in Firefox? What do you guys think?
As you can see above, I created my own calender date picker objects which allows you to either enter the date in the text manually or by clicking on a button to view the calendar and select a date. Once you enter or select the date, an AJAX call will be made to update the datebase in the back end.
Thanks everybody for the quick responses.
#Anonymous: whoever you are, you are awesome!
#bobince: thanks for the feedback as well.
I added a dummy form tag with the attribute autocomplete="off" and that solved the problem!
I was scratching my head because I didn't get this issue in Safari 4.0.3 or Internet Explorer 8.
<form action="" autcomplete="off">
<!-- my code -->
The values were loading correctly in the back end (ASP.NET MVC 1.0/Spark View engine) and the HTML source code reflected this, but the input field values were not getting populated correctly. I was using the YUI Connection Manager and Javascript to support edit-in-place and the date pickers.
I tried changing the XHR call to a GET call instead of POST and the same issue was happening.
Anyway, the problem was that the Firefox was not setting the correct values for the input fields for F5 refreshes.
Again, thanks so much! You guys rock!
All element id's must be unique, if two elements have same id's then that could be reason why Firefox inserts same values to elments that didn't orginally have those values entered.
I had a similar problem related to my question at Input control shows incorrect value, even 'though inspect element shows the right value is there
The problem occurred for me in Firefox, but not Chrome, for some but not all controls on the form, and when I pressed F5, but not ctrl-F5.
The "dummy form" seems to have resolved it for me.
