'Error: not found: git' code: 'ENOGIT' while installing bower - installation

I'm using windows 10 with git and node installed. Running :
npm install -g bower
resulsts in
npm WARN addRemoteGit Error: not found: git
npm WARN addRemoteGit at F (C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\npm\node_modules\which\which.js:78:19)
npm WARN addRemoteGit sheerun/fs-write-stream-atomic#v1.0.4-fix resetting remote C:\Users\Muhammet Akkus\AppData\Roaming\npm-cache\_git-remotes\git-github-com-sheerun-fs-write-stream-atomic-git-v1-0-4-fix-7baaaaefc7e8a6f2fd1f4fdbc8e4b6e7 because of error: { [Error: not found: git] code: 'ENOGIT' }
npm ERR! git clone --template=C:\Users\Muhammet Akkus\AppData\Roaming\npm-cache\_git-remotes\_templates --mirror git://github.com/sheerun/fs-write-stream-atomic.git C:\Users\Muhammet Akkus\AppData\Roaming\npm-cache\_git-remotes\git-github-com-sheerun-fs-write-stream-atomic-git-v1-0-4-fix-7baaaaefc7e8a6f2fd1f4fdbc8e4b6e7: undefined

You should try to run this command as root. On Windows, start your CommandLine as administrator and under Mac or Linux use
sudo npm install -g bower

Installing git and running npm install from git-bash worked for me. Make sure you are in the correct directory.
Refer more here for solution
git is not installed or not in the PATH

i use windows and i have same problem when i want to install react-native-router-flux , for me that is solved when i use git bash to install it instead of command line, i hopefully this is help you .


how to update npm on macOS

For reasons unknown to me, I haven't been able to update to the latest version of npm on macOS (it works fine on Windows). It displays no error, only 'updated 1 package'.
Using Node.js 8.11.1
node -v
What version of npm do I have?
$ npm -v
I tried this...
$ npm i -g npm
+ npm#5.8.0
updated 1 package in 7.37s
And it fails to update.
$ npm -v
Where is npm?
$ which npm
So I try brew...
brew install npm
And it fails...
$ npm -v
*And then I tried this... *
npm install npm#latest -g
+ npm#5.8.0
updated 1 package in 7.618s
And it fails...
npm -v
With sudo:
sudo npm i -g npm
+ npm#5.8.0
updated 1 package in 7.794s
And it fails...
npm -v
This also fails...
sudo npm install npm#latest -g
I followed the directions found on this Q&A, completely removing npm and node from my system and reinstalling them from scratch, and it also fails to update.
Screenshot, per request:
Close the terminal, and then re-open the terminal and running:
$ npm -v
sudo twice:
$ sudo npm i -g npm
+ npm#5.8.0
updated 1 package in 7.478s
$ sudo npm i -g npm
+ npm#5.8.0
updated 1 package in 7.434s
Also fails:
$ npm -v
What did I miss? What's going on here?
This works on my mac.
Based on docs https://docs.npmjs.com/troubleshooting/try-the-latest-stable-version-of-npm :
npm install -g npm#latest
There is a note stated on the docs that depends on your installation method, you might addd some sudo.
Upgrading on *nix (OSX, Linux, etc.)
(You may need to prefix these commands with sudo, especially on Linux,
or OS X if you installed Node using its default installer.)
npm install -g npm#latest
works fine!!
and you can also replace the latest for specific versions
npm install -g npm#5.6.0
I hope it will help!!!
Perhaps you have already solved this, but here is what I found when I had exactly this issue. I had 2 versions of npm installed.
I verified this as follows:
grep \"version\" ~/.npm-packages/lib/node_modules/npm/package.json
"version": "6.2.0"
grep \"version\" /usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/package.json
"version": "5.6.0",
I worked around the issue by updating the path in my bash profile, but would like to know why (how) I ended up with 2 versions. Here is the update:
tail -2 ~/.bash_profile
In my case, none of the previous answers worked. For me, a working solution was a simple, five-step process.
Make sure (the old version of) npm is installed.
npm -v
If npm is not installed, then install it on the Mac with Node.js.
Globally installed the desired version of npm.
npm install -g npm#latest
This command uses the old version of npm (installed by Node), to globally install the latest version of npm at ~/.npm-global/. Once installed, close and open a new terminal shell.
Remove the old version of npm installed by Node
rm -r /usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/
Sometimes this doesn't work, so I had to go into finder to delete the /npm/ folder.
Make sure to set the correct path variable.
echo $PATH
If ~/.npm-global/bin does not show up between the colons, then update the path variable. Open up ~/.zshrc in a text editor and add the following line. If you don't use zsh, open the profile for your corresponding shell (i.e. ~/.bash_profile)
export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.npm-global/bin
Save your changes and close the text editor.
Close and reopen the terminal shell and run npm -v to check that npm is correctly on the latest version.
The reason for updating the path variable is because the npm cli suggests you update npm with npm install -g npm which will install npm at a different location than where Node installs npm originally.
In my case, only the following has helped:
sudo rm -rf /usr/local/lib/node_modules
sudo rm -rf ~/.npm
brew uninstall --ignore-dependencies node
brew install node
EDIT NOV 21: These days, I bypass brew entirely and use "n":
And so I can change between versions too.
I faced the same problem.
You might have already installed the npm version, and now it is time to point the new npm version install. You can do that by following below steps.
sudo nano /usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/package.json
change "version" : "5.6.0" to "verison": "5.8.0"
In my case, I'm using nvm to manage different versions of node. In order to upgrade npm version, I have to
1 - Install the latest version of npm by navigating to your current
version of node
cd ~/.nvm/versions/node/v10.9.0
npm install npm
or you can probably use
nvm install-latest-npm
2 - Edit $PATH to point to your current version of node
On my macOS the homebrew-installed npm did not want to upgrade due to pre-existing link file. I ran the install with --force flag and now things are okay.
$ npm --version
$ npm install -g npm#8
npm ERR! EEXIST: file already exists, symlink ...
$ npm install -g --force npm#8
npm WARN using --force I sure hope you know what you are doing.
+ npm#8.19.2
$ npm --version
Note also that in my case, no 'sudo' was required, thanks to homebrew. To check if your npm is installed with homebrew, use brew list.
$ brew list | grep node

Why is my npm install failing on Mac for React Native?

New to React Native I've made sure to install node.js from here and after install I'm told:
Node.js v9.5.0 to /usr/local/bin/node
npm v5.6.0 to /usr/local/bin/npm
I can verify the node version:
node --version: v9.5.0
I ran the documentation's getting started for npm install:
npm install -g create-react-native-app
and also referenced building projects and installed watchman with brew:
watchman 4.9.0
in the terminal ran: npm install -g react-native-cli and terminal: npm start and I get:
grim ~/react-native/react-native npm start
> react-native#1000.0.0 start /Users/grim/React-Native/react-native
> /usr/bin/env bash -c './scripts/packager.sh "$#" || true' --
throw err;
Error: Cannot find module 'graceful-fs'
at Function.Module._resolveFilename (module.js:555:15)
at Function.Module._load (module.js:482:25)
at Module.require (module.js:604:17)
at require (internal/module.js:11:18)
at Object.<anonymous> (/Users/grim/React-Native/react-native/local-cli/cli.js:12:1)
at Module._compile (module.js:660:30)
at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:671:10)
at Module.load (module.js:573:32)
at tryModuleLoad (module.js:513:12)
at Function.Module._load (module.js:505:3)
grim ~/react-native/react-native
After research I found NPM, cannot find 'graceful-fs', no matter what I do and in terminal ran:
sudo npm install -g graceful-fs
and get:
+ graceful-fs#4.1.11
added 1 package in 0.678s
but when I run npm install I get:
npm ERR! Unsupported URL Type "npm:": npm:babylon#^7.0.0-beta
npm WARN deprecated gulp-util#3.0.8: gulp-util is deprecated - replace it, following the guidelines at https://medium.com/gulpjs/gulp-util-ca3b1f9f9ac5
npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
npm ERR! /Users/grim/.npm/_logs/2018-02-08T17_08_50_619Z-debug.log
and in the file log it shows:
117 error Unsupported URL Type "npm:": npm:babylon#^7.0.0-beta
so I went to The Problem with gulp-util but when I do:
npm ls gulp-util
I get └── (empty).
Further research I found Why is my npm install not working? but that throws an npm ERR! What am I doing wrong and how can I get npm successfully installed on my Mac running Seirra?
What caused this was trying to test RNTester from the react native repo and it told me:
git clone https://github.com/facebook/react-native.git
cd react-native
npm install
Per the suggested answer already tried brew install node and was told with a warning node 9.5.0 is already installed so tried brew link node then prompted:
grim ~/react-native/react-native brew link node
Linking /usr/local/Cellar/node/9.5.0...
Error: Could not symlink bin/node
Target /usr/local/bin/node
already exists. You may want to remove it:
rm '/usr/local/bin/node'
To force the link and overwrite all conflicting files:
brew link --overwrite node
To list all files that would be deleted:
brew link --overwrite --dry-run node
so ran brew link --overwrite node.
Browsing through my files under Users/grim I found a directory with modules in it named node_modules could that be in the wrong location?
After further research I found Fixing npm On Mac OS X for Homebrew Users and ran:
rm -rf /usr/local/lib/node_modules
brew uninstall node
brew install node --without-npm
echo prefix=~/.npm-packages >> ~/.npmrc
curl -L https://www.npmjs.com/install.sh | sh
modified my ~/.bash_profile with nano:
export PATH="$HOME/.npm-packages/bin:$PATH"
ran npm install and received a missing package.json file so in the terminal did npm init and answered the questions. Went back and pointed to the cloned repo and when I run npm install:
npm ERR! Unsupported URL Type "npm:": npm:babylon#^7.0.0-beta
npm WARN deprecated gulp-util#3.0.8: gulp-util is deprecated - replace it, following the guidelines at https://medium.com/gulpjs/gulp-util-ca3b1f9f9ac5
but if I build a new project with react-native init AwesomeProject and npm install I get:
up to date in 0.416s
and I can point into the project and do react-native run-ios and it works but react-native run-android has to be tweaked in the build.bundle from: classpath 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:2.2.3' to classpath "com.android.tools.build:gradle:2.1.0"
Use Homebrew for Mac as package manager;
then you can run: brew install node
There are many other utilities on this.
create-react-native app does not work with npm 5.
I had the same problem on Windows and downgraded my npm to 4 you can use npm i -g npm#4 to downgrade.
You may try to use yarn command with -W flag (or --ignore-workspace-root-check) which might be helpful.
info Visit https://yarnpkg.com/en/docs/cli/add for documentation about this command.

Puppeteer installation has error

I have problem with puppeteer. I cannot install it on my debian 8.7.1.
These are the steps:
1.install chrome:
wget https://dl.google.com/linux/direct/google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb
sudo dpkg -i google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb
sudo apt-get -f install
sudo dpkg -i google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb
2.install nodejs & puppeteer:
apt-get install curl
curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_8.x | bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
npm i puppeteer
When I run npm i puppeteer, the errors are:
> puppeteer#0.11.0 install /root/node_modules/puppeteer
> node install.js
ERROR: Failed to download Chromium r499413! Set "PUPPETEER_SKIP_CHROMIUM_DOWNLOAD" env variable to skip download.
Error: Download failed: server returned code 403. URL: https://storage.googleapis.com/chromium-browser-snapshots/Linux_x64/499413 /chrome-linux.zip
at ClientRequest.https.get.response (/root/node_modules/puppeteer/utils/ChromiumDownloader.js:195:21)
at Object.onceWrapper (events.js:316:30)
at emitOne (events.js:115:13)
at ClientRequest.emit (events.js:210:7)
at HTTPParser.parserOnIncomingClient (_http_client.js:565:21)
at HTTPParser.parserOnHeadersComplete (_http_common.js:116:23)
at TLSSocket.socketOnData (_http_client.js:454:20)
at emitOne (events.js:115:13)
at TLSSocket.emit (events.js:210:7)
at addChunk (_stream_readable.js:266:12)
npm ERR! errno 1
npm ERR! puppeteer#0.11.0 install: `node install.js`
npm ERR! Exit status 1
npm ERR!
npm ERR! Failed at the puppeteer#0.11.0 install script.
npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above.
npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
npm ERR! /root/.npm/_logs/2017-10-04T12_32_37_607Z-debug.log
I run the command npm config set PUPPETEER_SKIP_CHROMIUM_DOWNLOAD true to skip download but it wants to download chromium yet.
Any idea to solve this problem?
Try below options;
1) npm config set puppeteer_skip_chromium_download true
2) Add puppeteer_skip_chromium_download=true to .npmrc file where the package.json location
After that run sudo npm install --unsafe-perm=true --allow-root
upgrade your puppeteer version (optional)
npm set strict-ssl false
npm config set puppeteer_skip_chromium_download true
and npm install again.
sudo npm install puppeteer --unsafe-perm=true
Error: spawn EACCES
This roughly means that puppeteer cannot execute Chrome due to permissions issues. If you're having troubles I have a docker image here that you can use and interact with remotely. The issue with Chrome and many linux distros is that installation is quite a challenge to solve.
If you have chrome already you can use system variable to skip installation
I faced a similar issue when I was using Puppeteer.
I see two parts to your problem,
1. The inability to download Chromium and getting 403 error other is
2. Error: spawn EACCES problem
I'll start with Error: spawn EACCES problem as it's more subtle and tricky
This is because your debian machine doesn't have the required dependencies installed in order to run Puppeteer. These dependencies differ between distributions(CentOS, Ubuntu/Debian etc...).
Follow these steps,
Install all the dependencies required. You can refer this link for the list, https://github.com/GoogleChrome/puppeteer/blob/master/docs/troubleshooting.md#chrome-headless-doesnt-launch-on-unix
After all the dependencies are installed, install npm and configure proxy in .npmrc if you are behind a VPC/proxy.
Then, as usual, go ahead with npm i puppeteer and proceed as always
Next to address your inability to download Chromium problem.
Are you behind a proxy? That was my issue.
I noticed on executing npm i puppeteer the script downloads Chromium from an external URL which from your log is https://storage.googleapis.com/chromium-browser-snapshots/Linux_x64/499413/chrome-linux.zip
npm is unable to download from this external URL because of the proxy blocking it.
The way I solved this issue was by configuring .npmrc file with the proxy settings
npm config set proxy http://<proxy_username>:<proxy_passowrd>#<proxy_host>:<proxy_port>
npm config set https-proxy http://<proxy_username>:<proxy_passowrd>#<proxy_host>:<proxy_port>
If your username/password contains any special characters you need to URL encode them. Eg. If your username is bruce\wayne then you need to URL encode it as bruce%5Cwayne where %5C="\"
If your proxy has no authentication then ignore and
npm config set proxy http://bruce%5Cwayne:darkknight#11.434.2.23:8080
npm config set https-proxy http://bruce%5Cwayne:darkknight#11.434.2.23:8080
So, try configuring your .npmrc file using the commands given above and then try running npm i puppeteer. The proxy will no longer be blocking the external URL and you would be able to download Chromium.
Let me know if this works and reach out to me if you have any doubts.
I have faced similar issue. The best work around for this is to create a project using npm init, then install puppeteer using command "npm install puppeteer --save". This way chromium also gets installed with out any issues.Hope this helps..
Please set the following in .npmrc
puppeteer_download_host = https://npm.taobao.org/mirrors
npm config set puppeteer_download_host https://npm.taobao.org/mirrors

error: -bash: grunt: command not found

bit of a macosx noob , trying to install grunt on my machine. I tried:
npm install grunt
It look like the files are downloaded properly but still getting the error.
When I do echo $PATH it does not look that the path is pointing to grunt. Do I have to install it from a certain directory? How can I fix this?
After I run :
npm install -g grunt-cli
This happens:
You have to do sudo npm install -g grunt-cli, then you can use grunt in your terminal

Lesscss command line compiler Lessc

Hi Im trying to get the LessCss command line compiler installed on a Mac.
I've tried
brew install less
Error: No available formula for less
brew install lessc
Error: No available formula for lessc
sudo npm install -g less
..Installs happily..
sudo npm install -g lessc
npm http GET https://registry.npmjs.org/lessc
npm http 404 https://registry.npmjs.org/lessc
npm ERR! 404 'lessc' is not in the npm registry.
npm install less --global
..Installs happily..
npm install lessc --global
npm http GET https://registry.npmjs.org/lessc
npm http 404 https://registry.npmjs.org/lessc
npm ERR! 404 'lessc' is not in the npm registry.
and all I get is
less js/less/style.less > style-theme.css
-bash: less: command not found
lessc js/less/style.less > style-theme.css
-bash: lessc: command not found
Does anyone have any experience with this?
I found something said my path variable might be messed up. This:
/bin/echo $PATH
gets me:
the npm package name for lessc is less
try writing
sudo npm install -g less
I will try to provide a complete answer.
All commands must be executed in the Terminal application.
If you don't have it: Install Command Line Tools for Xcode
xcode-select --install
If you don't have it: Install HomeBrew
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
If you don't have it: Install Node.js
brew install node
Install LessCSS
sudo npm install -g less
Now you can execute lessc commands.
i`m using macOS Siera and work for me, you can try:
install npm using brew:
brew install node
check node and npm version using:
node -v
npm -v
3.change user to SU using:
sudo su
install less:
npm install -g less
Good Luck.....
