error: -bash: grunt: command not found - macos

bit of a macosx noob , trying to install grunt on my machine. I tried:
npm install grunt
It look like the files are downloaded properly but still getting the error.
When I do echo $PATH it does not look that the path is pointing to grunt. Do I have to install it from a certain directory? How can I fix this?
After I run :
npm install -g grunt-cli
This happens:

You have to do sudo npm install -g grunt-cli, then you can use grunt in your terminal


Jfrog-CLI installation isn't working

I'm running it on Ubuntu.
when I try to run: npm install -g jfrog-cli-go
I get:
And when I try the other option of running it using curl, it gives the feeling like it succeeded but when I try to run
> jfrog
it doesn't recognize the command curl -fL | sh
I get:
the jfrog-cli version that I'm using is: 1.17.1
Can anyone tell me what's the problem here?
For npm in Ubuntu please use --unsafe-perm=true flag:
sudo npm install -g jfrog-cli-go --unsafe-perm=true.
Please see the npm package documentation for more info.
curl: Curl will download jfrog cli to your current working directory. After this, you can either run it locally by running ./jfrog or moving it to Ubuntu's execution path, e.g. sudo mv ./jfrog /usr/local/bin/

Why SCSS compile error in atom?

I need help! I installed sass-autocompile in Atom. Created .scss file. But I have error when I want to compile it.
The problem is that node-sass is not installed in your system, you need to install (globally, so any application or command line execution could reference it without the full path to the binary file) it by running the following command:
npm install -g node-sass
Read more about installing node packages globally here.
Hope it helps.
Try to install node-sass globally. npm node sass
$ npm install -g node-sass
Check in command line:
$ node-sass -v

Grunt installation path is /Users/XXX/XXX and not in the /usr/local/XXX on mac

I'm new to mac's but not to grunt so apologies upfront for the stupid question but when I install grunt-cli via the command line
sudo npm install -g grunt-cli
on my mac it's installing it in the /Users/username/xxx folder and not in the /usr/local/XXX directory and so when I run the command
grunt-cli -v
I get the grunt: command not found message.

Command error running installed npm modules

Hi guys could you help me? i've installed the latest version of node.js and installed cordova and ionic framework the problem starts is when i'm trying to run the ionic command, the console throw me the following message:
MacBook-Pro-de-Diego:~ diegochavez$ ionic start myApp
-bash: ionic: command not found
So then i looked for the root of my npm modules
MacBook-Pro-de-Diego:~ diegochavez$ npm root
if you guys know something to fix this? Thanks in advance
First check if ionic is installed at path like /usr/local/lib/node_modules/ionic/bin/ionic. If it is there, you need to check the npm default global path.
Run command npm config get prefix to check the default path, it should be /usr/local. If it is not /usr/local, run command npm config set prefix /usr/local to set it. And then install again. Also see this answer
I having issue while running - sudo npm install -g gulp ionic with below version of node installed
node -v v0.10.15
npm -v 1.3.5
Error went way after I update node to latest version v0.10.26
The error you are getting is because ionic was not installed successfully. Trying updating node and run command as mentioned sudo npm install -g gulp ionic
Check where your npm folder is located. If your npm folder is located in $Home..then type this:
export PATH="$HOME/npm/bin:$PATH"
You need to run sudo npm install -g ionic from the command line.

Why does Grunt not add itself to the shell?

I have a problem installing grunt. All the documentation, and blog post tutorials, say that running:
npm install -g grunt
will then allow you to run grunt commands from the terminal.
I have a situation where grunt appears to install with no errors, but typing the command grunt in the terminal still gives:
-bash: grunt: command not found
What could I be doing wrong? And where could I find grunt to add it to my BASH profile manually?
Since Grunt version 0.4 (which was released 1 or 2 weeks ago) you need to install the grunt command line tool globally (if needed, use sudo before the command):
npm install -g grunt-cli
In your project location you then install the latest grunt version:
npm install grunt --save-dev
Option --save-dev will save the npm config in your package.json file, which makes it easier to install or reinstall the dependencies (using just npm install).
Try running the install with the verbose flag:
npm install -g grunt --verbose
You can see where it is being installed (something like /usr/local/share/npm/bin/grunt). Then check your path:
echo $PATH
If the path does not contain the install bin location, modify the path in your bash profile to include the location of the bin directory, then try grunt again in a fresh terminal.
UPDATE: Grunt 0.4 altered installation process. For 0.4 installs, see answer from asgoth below.
It seems that grunt in the current version 0.4.0 does not install a bin command. The last 0.3.x version is 0.3.17, which supports a bin command. To run grunt from the command line, you will want to install the grunt command line grunt-cli:
npm install -g grunt-cli --verbose
I had installed node using Homebrew and this was my solution:
set config for -g (GLOBAL) install directory directory: npm config
set prefix /Users/YOURNAME/.node/
make sure to edit PATH: sudo nano ~/.profile
add to path: export PATH=“/Users/YOURNAME/.node/bin:”$PATH
then update source: source ~/.profile
Following these steps will allow any packages installed using npm install -g somePKG to be placed in the correct location regardless of your current working directory. And by updating your $PATH correctly command line functions will work.
Information based on:
Fixing npm permissions -
