Issues in installing COM + Component using PowerShell script - windows

I'm trying to install COM + Component using powershell. But I'm getting following error.
Unable to find type [some.dll]. Make sure that the assembly that contains this
type is loaded.
+ $comAdmin.InstallComponent("test", [some.dll]);
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (COMITSServer.dll:TypeName) [], Runtime
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : TypeNotFound
and here is my powershell script:
Install COM + Components
$comAdmin = New-Object -comobject COMAdmin.COMAdminCatalog;
$comAdmin.InstallComponent("some", [some.dll]);
#if an exception occurs in installing COM+ then display the message below
if (!$?)
Write-Host "Unable to Install the COM+ Component. Aborting..."
exit -1
My powershell version is 4.0
Can someone please help me on this.
Thank you.

Square brackets in PowerShell indicate a type, like [string] or [int32] or [System.Array] or [System.Math]. The error message is complaining because you're telling PowerShell that COMITSServer.dll is a registered and loaded data type.
Additionally, the InstallComponent method of COMAdminCatalog appears to me to have four arguments, not two. You should be able to confirm that by looking at the definition, but I don't know if v2.0 supports doing it like this:
PS U:\> $comAdmin = New-Object -comobject COMAdmin.COMAdminCatalog
PS U:\> $comAdmin | gm | where { $_.Name -eq 'InstallComponent' }
TypeName: System.__ComObject#{790c6e0b-9194-4cc9-9426-a48a63185696}
Name MemberType Definition
---- ---------- ----------
InstallComponent Method void InstallComponent (string, string, string, string)
As such, I would try this:
$comAdmin.InstallComponent("ITSServerOO2", "COMITSServer.dll", "", "");
That appears to be how the VB code here calls the same method:
' Open a session with the catalog.
' Instantiate a COMAdminCatalog object.
Dim objCatalog As COMAdminCatalog
Set objCatalog = CreateObject("COMAdmin.COMAdminCatalog")
' Install components into the application.
' Use the InstallComponent method on COMAdminCatalog.
' In this case, the last two parameters are passed as empty strings.
objCatalog.InstallComponent "MyHomeZoo","MyZoo.DLL","",""
Here is the class definition of that function, I believe, athough I'm not familiar enough with COM+ to know if COMAdminCatalog and ICOMAdminCatalog are the same.

This is an answer to the question about the 0x80110401 HRESULT. (BTW, follow up questions should be answered in a new post on SO, not in the comments of an existing question). This allows other people to find answers when they have the same question.
Documentation for ICOMAdminCatalog::InstallComponent. As the documentation explains the first parameter is GUID, the second is the DLL being registered. The third parameter (typelib) and fourth (proxy stub DLL) are optional and can be specified as an empty string.
"test" is not a valid GUID. Note that a GUID is a distinct .NET type (System.Guid). However the documentation calls for a BSTR which would translate into a System.String. To get a new GUID as a string use this: [Guid]::NewGuid().toString().
Note that GUIDs for COM+ components are "well known" values that are used by both the COM servers implementing an interface(s) and by clients that are consuming the interface(s) from a COM server. So normally you wouldn't want to generate a new GUID when registering a COM server, but use the one the developer created when the COM server was developed. However if you don't know what the correct GUID to use is, then generating a new GUID will at least allow you to make progress in developing your script.
This may or may not fix the problem causing the 0x80110401, but it will definitely fix a problem you'll run into sooner or later.


Powershell and IBM/Lotus Domino

I have written 9 routines in the last few weeks in Powershell for Domino, they all appear to do what I need except 1!
This is the RegisterNewUser method, which does everything except the Email address. If I setup a user via Domino Administrator, I get everything including the email address ie internal address that is 'bob patz/smallhome'.
If I use my code this uses the registration process but all I end up with is the domain part of the internal email address '#smallhome'.
Does anyone know how to correct this? I don't think powershell uses the #formula language in any form, so I assume i somehow need to find the right column in a document or database and append the fullname in there somehow.
Is there anyone out there who can help in anyway?
This Powershell Function was created in March 2020 by (myself) Mark Baker as 'a' just to see if I can de-mystify
some of the Domino Database stucture, after running short bits of code and using Get-Member on some parts
of it and looking at online code snippets and reading some of the online info from IBM I have come up with
the function below to Create a New Lotus Notes User.
Original Code: 31/03/2020 by MBaker
A lot of work testing and diagnosing the different settings and values EVENTUALLY lead me to getting this working,
as at 08/04/2020 I just need to work out the settings for setting the correct email address per person.
This is how to use this function:
New-DominoUserRegistration "hazell" "C:\Program Files\IBM\Lotus\Notes\Data\ids\people\" "CN=Dom-01/O=Smallhome"
"Daniel" "" "swindon" "Work" "comment" "mail\dhazell" " " "password" 176
Main use of this function is to connect to an IBM Domino Server and Create a New lotus notes user.
Function New-DominoUserRegistration {
param (
# Create Lotus Notes Object
$DomSession = New-Object -ComObject Lotus.NotesSession
# Initialize Lotus Notes Object
# "It'll use your open notes session and authentication Details"
# Use Method from Objects returned in variable $domsession one of which is CreateAdministrationProcess which
# takes a Server as input
$adminProcess = $Domsession.CreateRegistration()
$expiration = (Get-Date).adddays(1095)
$adminprocess.certifieridfile="C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\Lotus\Notes\Data\ids\"
$adminprocess.Expiration =$expiration
#$adminprocess.RegistrationLog ="C:\program files (x86)\IBM\lotus\notes\data\reglog.nsf"
New-DominoUserRegistration "archer" "C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\Lotus\Notes\Data\ids\people\" "CN=Dom-01/O=Smallhome" "basil" "" "swindon" "Work" "comment" "mail\barcher" " " "password" 176 "barcher"
[![enter image description here][1]][1]
I now have an answer for this, this came from someone else on another board: the line [parameter(Position=9,Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$True)][string]$fwddomain,
Needed to have [AllowEmptyString()] inserted before [string]$fwddomain, and the input field was " " and needed to be "". It appears the $fwddomain has an impact on the internal email address name ie: 'bob patz/smallhome'.
I have tested this and it shows up in the people view and also I can now send emails to other users and ones self!
Problem solved.

Type Mismatch in VB6 on call to method in .NET DLL

I have a .NET DLL that serves as a wrapper to a 3rd party application. The DLL is registered for COM-Interop as follows:
C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\RegAsm.exe /tlb /codebase "C:\Dev\1) Source\TAC10_CAD\Lib\PowerPhoneInterface\PowerPhoneInterface.dll"
There are multiple methods in the DLL that are called from VB6. All work perfectly except one. The .NET function prototype for that method is as follows:
int SetAniAli([Optional] string incidentType);
In VB6, I invoke the problematic method as follows:
If GetSettingBitValue("G_POWERPHONE_ENABLE") Then
If CheckPowerPhoneConnection() Then
frmParent_Dispatch.PowerPhoneInterface.SetCallerInformation person,
phone, Callback, Address.FullText
rc = frmParent_Dispatch.PowerPhoneInterface.SetAniAli
If rc = 10 Then
PowerPhoneCallInit = True
Call modCAD.SetWarning("Attempt to set ANIALI information failed.")
End If
End If
End If
PowerPhoneInterface is the object reference to my DLL. The first method call (SetCallerInformation) works great. In addition, there are two other DLL calls invoked from the function CheckPowerPhoneConnection that also work great. However, SetAniAli gives a "type mismatch" error every time. I have rc defined as a Long in VB6, but also tried Variant. No success with either.
I have googled until I get blurred vision and cannot seem to find what is wrong with the call.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
I'm not sure if this is the reason or not, but I modified the SetAniAli method to make the incidentType parameter required vs optional and the problem is no more. If someone definitively knows that VB6 has a problem with optional parameters or if they require special handling on the VB6 side, please post a comment so that others can benefit.

Remove project from solution via Package Manager Console

I am trying to use powershell within the Package Manager Console to script the removal of a project from a solution and I am having a surprisingly hard time.
I can easily add a project by
PM> $dte.Solution.AddFromFile("C:\Dev\Project1.csproj")
Now I want to be remove a project and can't get anything to work.
I have tried a number of things including:
PM> $project1 = Get-Project "Project1Name"
PM> $dte.Solution.Remove($project1)>
Cannot convert argument "0", with value: "System.__ComObject", for "Remove" to
type "EnvDTE.Project": "Cannot convert the "System.__ComObject" value of type
"System.__ComObject#{866311e6-c887-4143-9833-645f5b93f6f1}" to type
PM> $project = Get-Interface $project1 ([EnvDTE.Project])
PM> $dte.Solution.Remove($project)
Cannot convert argument "0", with value: "System.__ComObject", for "Remove" to
type "EnvDTE.Project": "Cannot convert the "System.__ComObject" value of type
"NuGetConsole.Host.PowerShell.Implementation.PSTypeWrapper" to type
PM> $project = [EnvDTE.Project] ($project1)
Cannot convert the "System.__ComObject" value of type
"System.__ComObject#{866311e6-c887-4143-9833-645f5b93f6f1}" to type
PM> $solution2 = Get-Interface $dte.Solution ([EnvDTE80.Solution2])
PM> $solution2.Remove($project1)
Exception calling "Remove" with "1" argument(s): "Exception calling
"InvokeMethod" with "3" argument(s): "Object must implement IConvertible.""
PM> $dte2 = Get-Interface $dte ([EnvDTE80.DTE2])
PM> $dte2.Solution.Remove($project)
Method invocation failed because [System.Object[]] doesn't contain a method
named 'Remove'.
I have tried other combinations, but I am clearly spinning my wheels. I appreciate any suggestions.
Right, I know I'm late to the party but I've just been tackling this same issue for an internal NuGet package we've been writing, and I think I've found how to do it.
Indeed Microsoft have (helpfully) left the Delete method unimplemented, and as we have both found, attempting to call the Remove method on the Solution2 interface throws an exciting myriad of errors depending on context!
However what I have found is that directly invoking the Remove method defined in SolutionClass does actually work (despite its being documented by Microsoft as internal use only. But hey, when every other option is exhausted...). The only catch is that the runtime binder also sometimes seems to fail to resolve the method overload, producing the error:
No overload for method 'Remove' takes 1 arguments
All of which means that it's time to get our reflection crayons out! The code looks like this:
$removeMethod = [EnvDTE.SolutionClass].GetMethod("Remove");
$solution = $dte.Solution;
$toremove = ($solution.Projects | where ProjectName -eq "<whatever>");
$removeMethod.Invoke($solution, #($toremove));
After a day of various iterations (many closely resembling those in the question) and varying degrees of success (depending on whether I was executing inside the package manager, from inside the install script or within a debugger), the above is what I have found to be most reliable.
One thing to note is that because the reflected method is defined in EnvDTE.SolutionClass, passing it a EnvDTE._Solution or EnvDTE80.Solution2 throws a Type mismatch error, so unfortunately you cannot obtain your $solution object by the Get-Interface cmdlet (which is usually my preferred method). Doing the cast to [EnvDTE.SolutionClass] wherever possible is obviously preferable, but again I've found varying degrees of success in doing so. Hence the slightly sloppy $solution = $dte.Solution above.
Hope this is useful to someone else!
Looks like it is "Delete" instead of "Remove". See this MSDN article
Project prj = dte.Solution.Projects.Item(1);

Burning CD/DVD using IMAPI2.dll

I am trying to add the facility to burn CD/DVD into my app by using IMAPI2.dll. I am using Microsoft Visual FoxPro 9 SP 2 to devolopment. When I invork the method Write() which is a member of the IMAPI2.MsftDiscFormat2Data class (Last line of the sample code) Visual FoxPro gives the following error message. Error Msg : "OLE error code 0x80004002: No such interface supported."
OS : Windows 7
Please Help.
**--Creating MsftDiscMaster2 object to connect to optical drives.
loDiscMaster = CREATEOBJECT("IMAPI2.MsftDiscMaster2")
**--Creating MsftDiscRecorder2 object for the specified burning device.
loRecorder = CREATEOBJECT("IMAPI2.MsftDiscRecorder2")
lcUniqueId = loDiscMaster.ITEM(0)
**--Create an image stream for the specified directory.
loFileSystem = CREATEOBJECT("IMAPI2FS.MsftFileSystemImage")
loRootDir = loFileSystem.Root
**--Create the new disc format and set the recorder.
loDataWriter = CREATEOBJECT("IMAPI2.MsftDiscFormat2Data")
loDataWriter.Recorder = loRecorder
loDataWriter.ClientName = "IMAPIv2 TEST"
**--Add the directory and its contents to the file system.
**--Create an image from the file system
loResultImage = loFileSystem.CreateResultImage()
loStream = loResultImage.ImageStream
**--Write stream to disc using the specified recorder.
I'm afraid you are out of luck there. FoxPro interacts with COM objects at a fairly high level. In fact, it works in much the same way that VBScript interacts with COM. Normally, if your code works in VBScript, it will also work in FoxPro.
This is actually a common problem with some ActiveX/COM libraries. While the objects implemented in imapi2.dll and imapi2fs.dll all use IDispatch - the highest level and most interoperable form of COM interface - some of the method parameters, method returns, and properties of those objects are not IDispatch.
Specifically, the ImageStream property returns something called an IStream which inherits from IUnknown instead of IDispatch. Because of this, the ImageStream property returns something that FoxPro doesn't know how to deal with. FoxPro knows that it is a COM interface, but it doesn't know how to find or call the methods on that object.

Add item to Error List in Macro

I want to notify the user of the macro if something went wrong during the execution of the macro. I was wondering if it would be possible to add an item to the Visual Studio error list?
It is possible to do so from within an AddIn (like here), but I would like to do the same thing from a macro.
To further clarify what i want to achive, here is the sample from the Samples macro library (Alt+F8 -> Samples -> Utilities -> SaveView())
Sub SaveView()
Dim name As String
name = InputBox("Enter the name you want to save as:", "Save window layout")
If (name = "") Then
MsgBox("Empty string, enter a valid name.")
End If
End Sub
Instead of the MsgBox("...") alert I want to put the error into the VS error list.
You can add an item in the Task List easily from your macro. Just use the AddTaskToList method from that article and change m_objDTE to DTE. I've tried it and it worked.
However, adding the item in Error List, is probably impossible. You need to call VS services, see how adding an error is done in an add-in. I created a macro from this code and it didn't work. In general, VS services don't work in macros. I was able to create ErrorListProvider successfully. I could access it's methods and properties. But calling ErrorListProvider.Task.Add caused COM exception. If you want to play with it, several notes:
As described in the article, you need to get 4 assemblies out of the GAC e.g. to c:\dlls\ directory. Since Macros IDE doesn't allow you to browse when you Add Reference, you need to copy these dlls into ...\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\PublicAssemblies directory (change the 10.0 to your VS version). Then, when you Add Reference in Macros IDE, you should see the assemblies.
The GetService function always returned Nothing. Add the following field to the class:
Private serviceProvider As IServiceProvider = New Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.ServiceProvider(CType(DTE, Microsoft.VisualStudio.OLE.Interop.IServiceProvider))
and in GetService function change line:
objService = Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Package.GetGlobalService(serviceType)
objService = serviceProvider.GetService(serviceType)
As I wrote, everything seems OK then but ErrorListProvider.Task.Add fails.
I think that for your situation outputting something to your own output pane would be more suitable. The error list is generally used for errors within the project the user is working on, not for errors caused by running macros. Especially when someone says it can't be done. :)
Outputting to your own output pane is pretty easy:
Dim panes As OutputWindowPanes = window.OutputWindowPanes
Dim my_pane As OutputWindowPane
my_pane = panes.Item("SaveView")
Catch exception As System.ArgumentException
my_pane = panes.Add("SaveView")
End Try
my_pane.OutputString("Empty string, enter a valid name." + vbCrLf)
Hope this helps.
Is this not what you want?
HOWTO: Add an error with navigation to the Error List from a Visual Studio add-in
