Powershell and IBM/Lotus Domino - windows

I have written 9 routines in the last few weeks in Powershell for Domino, they all appear to do what I need except 1!
This is the RegisterNewUser method, which does everything except the Email address. If I setup a user via Domino Administrator, I get everything including the email address ie internal address that is 'bob patz/smallhome'.
If I use my code this uses the registration process but all I end up with is the domain part of the internal email address '#smallhome'.
Does anyone know how to correct this? I don't think powershell uses the #formula language in any form, so I assume i somehow need to find the right column in a document or database and append the fullname in there somehow.
Is there anyone out there who can help in anyway?
This Powershell Function was created in March 2020 by (myself) Mark Baker as 'a' just to see if I can de-mystify
some of the Domino Database stucture, after running short bits of code and using Get-Member on some parts
of it and looking at online code snippets and reading some of the online info from IBM I have come up with
the function below to Create a New Lotus Notes User.
Original Code: 31/03/2020 by MBaker
A lot of work testing and diagnosing the different settings and values EVENTUALLY lead me to getting this working,
as at 08/04/2020 I just need to work out the settings for setting the correct email address per person.
This is how to use this function:
New-DominoUserRegistration "hazell" "C:\Program Files\IBM\Lotus\Notes\Data\ids\people\dhazell.id" "CN=Dom-01/O=Smallhome"
"Daniel" "" "swindon" "Work" "comment" "mail\dhazell" " " "password" 176
Main use of this function is to connect to an IBM Domino Server and Create a New lotus notes user.
Function New-DominoUserRegistration {
param (
# Create Lotus Notes Object
$DomSession = New-Object -ComObject Lotus.NotesSession
# Initialize Lotus Notes Object
# "It'll use your open notes session and authentication Details"
# Use Method from Objects returned in variable $domsession one of which is CreateAdministrationProcess which
# takes a Server as input
$adminProcess = $Domsession.CreateRegistration()
$expiration = (Get-Date).adddays(1095)
$adminprocess.certifieridfile="C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\Lotus\Notes\Data\ids\cert.id"
$adminprocess.Expiration =$expiration
#$adminprocess.RegistrationLog ="C:\program files (x86)\IBM\lotus\notes\data\reglog.nsf"
New-DominoUserRegistration "archer" "C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\Lotus\Notes\Data\ids\people\barcher.id" "CN=Dom-01/O=Smallhome" "basil" "" "swindon" "Work" "comment" "mail\barcher" " " "password" 176 "barcher"
[![enter image description here][1]][1]
[1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/2Wamq.png

I now have an answer for this, this came from someone else on another board: the line [parameter(Position=9,Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$True)][string]$fwddomain,
Needed to have [AllowEmptyString()] inserted before [string]$fwddomain, and the input field was " " and needed to be "". It appears the $fwddomain has an impact on the internal email address name ie: 'bob patz/smallhome'.
I have tested this and it shows up in the people view and also I can now send emails to other users and ones self!
Problem solved.


TestComplete_JavaScripting_how to hide web url path while performing any operation for any object in script

I'm new to use Testcomplete , i'm using javascripts to automate my code, below are sample script ( converted one recorded first then converted into jscript) and in this scripts what i observe that TestComplete identified and captured the object element by using complete web url path not on only object specific .
efunction Test_Login {var UserName, Password, TestEnv;UserName = "XYZ";Pwd = "XYZXYZ";TestEnv = "https://test.Env.com/";Browsers.Item(btChrome).Run("TestEnv",1);Aliases.browser.pageTestenvCom.formFrmlogincomponent.textboxUsername.SetText("UserName");Aliases.browser.pageTestenvCom.formFrmlogincomponent.passwordboxPassword.SetText("Pwd");Aliases.browser.pageTestenvCom.formFrmlogincomponent.buttonLogin.ClickButton();}e
what i means lets see below example of login page
thank you
Whenever we record any Test case in Test-Complete, it stores all the object in the Naming Repository and then access the same.
This helps test-complete in easily recognisation of object and can improve the speed of test-case, in case there are multiple objects visible on screen
You can go through following link for more info on Name Mapping.

How to get UserName from Computer?

I'm searching to get back the String on the red block.
I already tried the following code:
But this code don't work, because the computer of my company uses a domain, and the String that I need is different as the user.
The user is composed only by the name, and the string is composed by the name and the first name of the employees.
I finally found what I need here
We have to import that :
And write this two lines to get back the red block.
Dim currentADUser As System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.UserPrincipal
currentADUser = System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.UserPrincipal.Current
You can try using either

Creating Outlook Contacts via Applescript

I'm trying to create an Outlook contact via Applescript. The script looks like this:
tell application "Microsoft Outlook" to make new contact with properties {first name:"test1", last name:"test2", email addresses:{{address:"work#mywork.com", type:work}, {address:"home#myhome.com", type:home}}}
The Outlook dictionary tells me that I got the class name ("contact") and the field names right. But upon saving the script I'm told: expected class name, but got property and the first "name" is highlighted. Strangely enough this error goes away if I remove the space between "first" and "name" (and "last" and "name").
Then I can save it, but upon executing I get this:
error "The variable „contact“ is not defined." number -2753 from "contact" (my translation, the original error message is in german). I'm using Outlook 2011 (v14.3.9 on Mavericks). What might be up there?
Your script works. Try looking somewhere else in the script. Paste the snippet above into a new script and test it yourself.

QTP recognising a JavaEdit object but not able to set a value when running the script

I have written a simple script to log into a Java app where it fills in username and password, and then clicks on the "Connect" button".
Set UVC = JavaDialog("UVC")
If UVC.Exist Then
UVC.JavaEdit("JTextField").Set "admin"
UVC.JavaEdit("PSW").SetSecure "5256833195fsdqsdsqd447e4beefsdsdqd"
print "Console is not present"
End If
It's strange as QTP is identifying my password field properly. When running the following code I get a value back as expected:
MsgBox Main.JavaEdit("password").GetROProperty("attached_text")
I have also tried to set the password without encrypting it but it's also not working.
PS: the same script was working before and has since stopped working for an unknown reason!!!
Thanks in advance.
UVC.JavaEdit("PSW").SetSecure "5256833195fsdqsdsqd447e4beefsdsdqd"
UVC.JavaEdit("PSW").Click 1,1
UVC.JavaEdit("PSW").SetSecure "5256833195fsdqsdsqd447e4beefsdsdqd"
and it will work even with replay mode = "event". If you want to beautify this, you can use a click in the middle of the field, like in:
With UVC.JavaEdit("PSW")
.Click .GetROProperty ("width")\2, .GetROProperty ("height")\2
.SetSecure "5256833195fsdqsdsqd447e4beefsdsdqd"
End With
It seems that most Java password fields must first be focussed to be SetSecure-able.
Just to be sure.. check whether the field is enabled by testing .getroproperty("editable").
Use any of these methods to set text in Java Edit field.
You could use JavaEdit("PSW").Object.Settext method - this uses the JTextField in JavaSwing object properties
You could use setfocus method before entering the string in the field
Get the position of the test field
x = JavaEdit("PSW").Getroproperty("abs_x")
y = JavaEdit("PSW").Getroproperty("abs_y")
Set DRP = CreateObject("Mercury.DeviceReplay")
DRP.MouseClick x,y,"0"
DRP.SendString "the string"
You could also use JavaEdit's type object
Any of these methods should work for you. If not tough luck.. :)
Thanks for your answers but none of your suggestions worked, I have ended up using a basic turnaround :
UVC.JavaEdit("PSW").Click 1,1
wait (5)
While JavaDialog("Login Error").Exist
JavaDialog("Login Error").JavaButton("Ok").click
I really don't get it how could the same function work sometimes and sometimes not!!

The specified format name does not support the requested operation. For example, a direct queue format name cannot be deleted

I'm trying to send a message to a queue using a Message object and am getting the error
The specified format name does not support the requested operation. For example, a direct queue format name cannot be deleted.
Here is the code.
Order ord = new Order(new Guid(), "Smith & Smith");
Message orderMessage = new Message(ord);
orderMessage.UseEncryption = true;
orderMessage.EncryptionAlgorithm = EncryptionAlgorithm.Rc2;
orderMessage.Recoverable = true;
orderMessage.Priority = MessagePriority.VeryHigh;
orderMessage.TimeToBeReceived = TimeSpan.FromHours(1);
orderMessage.UseJournalQueue = true;
orderMessage.Body = "Test Encryption";
queue.Send(orderMessage, "Encrypted Order");
Any help with this is appreciated.
Did you ever solve this? I came across this problem myself and found out I needed to use (just like the error says) a different format name.
The strange thing was that if I set UseAuthentication property using the MQ certificate, then it worked. But if I also wanted to set UseEncryption, then it did not work.
You do not specify your queue/server setup/formats, but I suspect you're trying to send from one machine to another machine's public queue within the same domain, using DIRECT formatname? As the MQ Manager will use the domain AD to lookup the certificate and queue details, it raises an exception as the format name is invalid (not the same as specified in the AD). So instead of using the direct format, use the queue ID to define the formatname. I switched this:
with this:
Now it worked. You can find your queue ID by right-clicking your queue on the receiver machine and then go to Properties->General and see the value specified in field "ID".
I have found that getting the FormatName correct whether public or private in nature will save hours of work. It's incredibly important to understand the setup of each (Public requiring AD and private does not when access remotely). This is a great summary of FormatName.
One note on this issue, if your queue format name starts this way: "FormatName:Direct=" then you will receive the error "The specified format name does not support the requested operation. For example, a direct queue format name cannot be deleted" if you try to access the queue's QueueName property. Use the queue's FormatName property instead.
