Pandoc: get array size - pandoc

In pandoc, I can iterate through an array like this:
Which works fine. What is the best way to get the size of the array? The reason is that in my template, I would like to do one thing if there is only a single author, and do something else if there are more than one authors.

According to a message from September 2015, a length attribute of arrays is not available within the Pandoc template language.


Print full array items with Visual Studio Code

I use Visual Studio Code and I want to print all of the array data, but it only shows ... more items message.
Is there any ways to show it all?
I search it on stackoverflow but I can't find the solution.
I user default cmd terminal and it runs with Node.js
You may be trying iterate over every element inside the array and printing then individually. See the code below:
arr = [2, 54, 72, ... ] // your big array
arr.forEach(e => console.log(e))
See also where above code was taken
You can stringify the array and print it, just like a json object.
You can do something like
This will print the stringified version of the array which can be beautified in any editor

Why can't see full pointer array value after passing into a function [duplicate]

If you have a statically allocated array, the Visual Studio debugger can easily display all of the array elements. However, if you have an array allocated dynamically and pointed to by a pointer, it will only display the first element of the array when you click the + to expand it. Is there an easy way to tell the debugger, show me this data as an array of type Foo and size X?
Yes, simple.
say you have
char *a = new char[10];
writing in the debugger:
would show you the content as if it were an array.
There are two methods to view data in an array m4x4:
float m4x4[16]={
One way is with a Watch window (Debug/Windows/Watch). Add watch =
This displays data in a list:
Another way is with a Memory window (Debug/Windows/Memory). Specify a memory start address =
This displays data in a table, which is better for two and three dimensional matrices:
Right-click on the Memory window to determine how the binary data is visualized. Choices are limited to integers, floats and some text encodings.
In a watch window, add a comma after the name of the array, and the amount of items you want to be displayed.
a revisit:
let's assume you have a below pointer:
double ** a; // assume 5*10
then you can write below in Visual Studio debug watch:
(double(*)[10]) a[0],5
which will cast it into an array like below, and you can view all contents in one go.
double[5][10] a;
int **a; //row x col
add this to watch
Yet another way to do this is specified here in MSDN.
In short, you can display a character array as several types of string. If you've got an array declared as:
char *a = new char[10];
You could print it as a unicode string in the watch window with the following:
See the tables on the MSDN page for all of the different conversions possible since there are quite a few. Many different string variants, variants to print individual items in the array, etc.
You can find a list of many things you can do with variables in the watch window in this gem in the docs:
For a variable a, there are the things already mentioned in other answers like
but there's a whole lot of other specifiers for format and size, like:
a,en (shows an enum value by name instead of the number)
a,mb (to show 1 line of 'memory' view right there in the watch window)
For MFC arrays (CArray, CStringArray, ...)
following the next link in its Tip #4
For example for "CArray pArray", add in the Watch windows
to see the first 5 elements .
If pArray is a two dimensional CArray you can look at any of the elements of the second dimension using the next syntax:
I haven't found a way to use this with a multidimensional array. But you can at least (if you know the index of your desired entry) add a watch to a specific value. Simply use the index-operator.
For an Array named current, which has an Array named Attribs inside, which has an Array named Attrib inside, it should look like this if you like to have to position 26:
You can also use an offset
will show ne "next" 25 elements.
(I'm using VS2008, this shows only 25 elements maximum).

SuperCollider: convert a Dictionary to YAML

SuperCollider has a String:parseYAML method that can create a nested Dictionary:
"{44: 'woo'}".parseYAML
Dictionary[ (44 -> woo) ]
But how to go the other way, output a YAML string given a (possibly nested) Dictionary?
[answer is from someone else outside]
Does the document have to be readable?
I've ben using JSON.stringify from Felix's API quark In order to share dictionaries with an Max MSP application.
The result from this method is not readable, that is, it doesn't generate any newlines and tabs etc. So it doesn look pretty in a text document, but that's not the intention with method design I can imagine.

Read Dates as Strings with Spreadsheet Ruby Gem

I have been looking for a way to read out an Excel spreadsheet with keeping the dates that are in them being kept as a string. Unfortunately I can't see if this is possible or not, has anyone managed to do this or know how?
You may want to have a look at the Row class of the spreadsheet gem:
There's a lot that you can get there, but the Row#formatted method is probably what you want:
row = sheet.to_a[row_index] # Get row object
value = row.formatted[column_index]
The formatted method takes all the Excel formatting data for you and gives you an array of Ruby-classed objects
I think you can try method..
You can refer to this page

Is there a way to alias/anchor an array in YAML?

I'm using Jammit to package assets up for a Rails application and I have a few asset files that I'd like to be included in each of a few groups. For example, I'd like Sammy and its plugins to be in both my mobile and screen JS packages.
I've tried this:
sammy: &SAMMY
- public/javascripts/vendor/sammy.js
- public/javascripts/vendor/sammy*.js
<<: *SAMMY
- public/javascripts/something_else.js
and this:
but both put the Sammy JS files in a nested Array, which Jammit can't understand. Is there a syntax for including the elements of an Array directly in another Array?
NB: I realize that in this case there are only two elements in the SAMMY Array, so it wouldn't be too bad to give each an alias and reference both in each package. That's fine for this case, but quickly gets unmaintainable when there are five or ten elements that have a specific load order.
Closest solution I know of is this one:
- public/javascripts/something_else.js
Alternatively, as already suggested, flatten the nested lists in a code snippet.
Note: according to yaml-online-parser, your first suggestion is not a valid use of << (used to merge keys from two dictionaries. The anchor then has to point to another dictionary I believe.
If you want mobile to be equal to sammy, you can just do:
mobile: *SAMMY
However if you want mobile to contain other elements in addition to those in sammy, there's no way to do that in YAML to the best of my knowledge.
Your example is valid YAML (a convenient place to check is YPaste), but it's not defined what the merge does. Per the spec, a merge key can have a value:
A mapping, in which case it's merged into the parent mapping.
A sequence of mappings, in which case each is merged, one-by-one, into the parent mapping.
There's no way of merging sequences on YAML level.
You can, however, do this in code. Using the YAML from your second idea:
you'll get nested sequences - so flatten them! Assuming you have a mapping of such nested sequences:
data = YAML::load('test.yaml'))
data.each_pair { |key, value| value.flatten! }
(Of course, if you have a more complicated YAML file, and you don't want every sequence flattened (or they're not all sequences), you'll have to do some filtering.)
This solution is for Symfony/PHP only (considerations for other languages, see below)
Note about array keys from the PHP array manual page:
Strings containing valid decimal ints, unless the number is preceded by a + sign, will be cast to the int type. E.g. the key "8" will actually be stored under 8. [...]
This means that if you actually index your anchor array with integer keys, you can simply add new keys by continuing the initial list. So your solution would look like this:
sammy: &SAMMY
1: public/javascripts/vendor/sammy.js
2: public/javascripts/vendor/sammy*.js
<<: *SAMMY
3: public/javascripts/something_else.js
You can even overwrite keys and still add new ones:
<<: *SAMMY
1: public/javascripts/sammy_laptop.js
3: public/javascripts/something_else.js
In both cases the end result is a perfectly valid indexed array, just like before.
Other programming languages
Depending on your YAML implementation and how you iterate over your array, this could conceivably also be used in other programming languages. Though with a caveat.
For instance, in JS you can access numerical string keys by their integer value as well:
const sammy = {"1": "public/javascripts/vendor/sammy.js"}
sammy["1"]; // "public/javascripts/vendor/sammy.js"
sammy[1]; // "public/javascripts/vendor/sammy.js"
But you'd need to keep in mind, that your initial array is now an object, and that you would need to iterate over it accordingly, e.g.:
Object.keys(sammy).forEach(key => console.log(sammy[key]))
As it has been suggested, when you need to flatten a list, at least in ruby, it is trivial to add a "!flatten" type specifier to mobile and implement a class that extends Array, adds the yaml_tag and flattens the coder seq on init_with.
