SuperCollider: convert a Dictionary to YAML - yaml

SuperCollider has a String:parseYAML method that can create a nested Dictionary:
"{44: 'woo'}".parseYAML
Dictionary[ (44 -> woo) ]
But how to go the other way, output a YAML string given a (possibly nested) Dictionary?

[answer is from someone else outside]
Does the document have to be readable?
I've ben using JSON.stringify from Felix's API quark In order to share dictionaries with an Max MSP application.
The result from this method is not readable, that is, it doesn't generate any newlines and tabs etc. So it doesn look pretty in a text document, but that's not the intention with method design I can imagine.


How can I output an XML Node in Freemarker

I'm probably abusing Freemarker here, but I'd like to be able to use it to strip a wrapping element from around the outside of an XML document, something like:
<br:wrap xmlns:br="">
<br:city>Los Angeles</br:city>
I want to remove the outer <wrap/> element. It's easy to select the inner document with:
<#ftl ns_prefixes={"D":""}>
<#assign borrower = doc.wrap.borrower>
{ "result" : "${borrower}" }
The problem here is that the 3rd line is going to result in the good old error:
For "${...}" content: Expected a string or something automatically convertible to string (number, date or boolean), but this has evaluated to a sequence+hash
If I knew exactly what the content and structure of this inner document was I could just walk through it and output the scalar values, but changes all the time. I don't even know the namespaces of all the inner elements (this could even be a problem with the top-level inner object).
I know I could handle this scenario easily with XSLT, but I would much rather find an easy solution in Freemarker.
Any ideas?
${borrower.##markup} should do this.

Find HTML Tags in Properties

My current issue is to find HTML-Tags inside of property values. I thought it would be easy to search with a query like /jcr:root/content/xgermany//*[jcr:contains(., '<strong>')] order by #jcr:score
It looks like there is a problem with the chars < and > because this query finds everything which has strong in it's property. It finds <strong>Some Text</strong> but also This is a strong man.
Also the Query Builder API didn't helped me.
Is there a possibility to solve it with a XPath or SQL Query or do I have to iterate through the whole content?
I don't fully understand why it finds This is a strong man as a result for '<strong>', but it sounds like the unexpected behavior comes from the "simple search-engine syntax" for the second argument to jcr:contains(). Apparently the < > are just being ignored as "meaningless" punctuation.
You could try quoting the search term:
/jcr:root/content/xgermany//*[jcr:contains(., '"<strong>"')]
though you may have to tweak that if your whole XPath expression is enclosed in double quotes.
Of course this will not be very robust even if it works, since you're trying to find HTML elements by searching for fixed strings, instead of actually parsing the HTML.
If you have an specific jcr:primaryType and the targeted properties you can do something like this
select * from nt:unstructured where text like '%<strong>%'
I tested it , but you need to know the properties you are intererested in.
This is jcr-sql syntax
Start using predicates like a champ this way all of this will make sense to you!
HTML Encode <strong>
HTML Decimal <strong>
Query builder is your friend:
Predicates: (like a CHAMP!)
Have go here:
Predicates: (like a CHAMP!)
Have a go here:
/jcr:root/content/geometrixx//element(*, nt:unstructured)
jcr:like(#text, '%<strong>%')
SQL2 (already covered... NASTY YUK..)
SELECT * FROM [nt:unstructured] AS s WHERE ISDESCENDANTNODE([/content/geometrixx]) and text like '%<strong>%'
Although I'm sure it's entirely possible with a string of predicates, it's possibly heading down the wrong route. Ideally it would be better to parse the HTML when it is stored or published.
The required information would be stored on simple properties on the node in question. The query will then be a lot simpler with just a property = value query, than lots of overly complex query syntax.
It will probably be faster too.
So if you read in your HTML with something like HTMLClient and then parse it with a OSGI service, that can accurately save these properties for you. Every time the HTML is changed the process would update these properties as necessary. Just some thoughts if your SQL is getting too much.

Yahoo Pipes: Extracting number from feed item for use in URL builder

Been looking all over the place for a solution to this issue. I have a Yahoo Pipe ( that I've created to pull back image content from the Bing Search API. The URL builder includes a $skip attribute that takes an integer and uses it to select the starting (index) point for the result set that the query returns.
My initial plan had been to use the math engine in the Wolfram Alpha API to generate a random number (randomInteger[1000]) that I could use to seed the $skip value each time that the pipe is run. I have an earlier version of the pipe where I was able to get the query / result steps working using either "XPath Fetch" and "Fetch Data". However, regardless of how I Fetch the result, the response returns as an attribute / value pair in a list item.Even when I use "Emit items as string" in XPath Fetch, I still get a list with a single item, when what I really want is the integer that I can plug into my $skip attribute.
I've tried everything in Pipes I can think of, and spent a lot of time online looking for an answer. Is there anyway to extract text (in this case, a number) from a single list item and then use the output as input to "wire" a text parameter in another Pipes block? Any suggestions / ideas welcome. In the meantime, I'm generating a sorta-random number by manipulating a timecode hash, but it just feels tacky :-)
All the sources are for repeated items. You can't have a source that just makes a single number.
I'm not really clear what you're trying to do. You want to put a random number into part of the URL string that gets an RSS feed?

How can I retrieve object keys from a sequence in freemarker?

I have a list of objects that are returned as a sequence, I would like to retrieve the keys of each object so as to be able to display the object correctly. At the moment I try data?first?keys which seems to get something like the queries that return the objects (Not sure how to explain that last sentence either but img below shows what I'm trying to explain).
The objects amount of objects returned are correct (7) but displaying the keys for each object is my aim. The macro that attempts this is here (from the apache ofbiz development book chapter 8).
Seems like it my sequence is a list of hashes and as explained by Daniel Dekany this post:
The original problem is that, someHash[key] expects a
string as key. Because, the hash type of FTL, by definition, maps
string keys to arbitrary values. It's not the same as Java's Map.
(Note that to further complicate the matters, in FTL
someSequenceOrString[index] expects an integer index. So, the [] thing
is used for that too.) Now someBeanWrappedMap(key) has technically
nothing to do with all the []-s, it's just a method call, so it
accepts all kind of keys. If you have a Map with non-string keys, you
must use that.
Thanks D Dekany if you're on stack, this ended my half day frustration with the ftl template.

ruby yaml ypath like xpath?

Hi i have a yaml file like so
- date: "2004-06-11"
description: First description
- date: "2008-01-12"
description: Another descripion
How can i do a "ypath" query similar to xpath for xml ? Something like "get the description where the date is 2004-06-11"
YAML.parse_file('myfile.yml').select('/data/*/date == 2004-06-11')
How do you do it, and if that's possible how can i similarly edit the description by 'ypath' ?
There is indeed such thing as YPath:
And it's implemented in Ruby's YAML lib; see the doc for BaseNode#search.
If Ruby is not a hard constraint you might take a look at the dpath tool.
It provides an xpath-like query language to YAML (and other) files. Maybe call
it externally to filter your data.
The yaml file describes a hash mapping from strings to arrays of hashes that map from strings to strings. There is no such thing as xpath for nested hashes (at least not in the standard library), but it's simple enough with standard Hash and Enumerable methods:
hash = YAML.load_file('myfile.yml')
item = hash["data"].find {|inner_hash| inner_hash["date"] == "2004-06-11"}
#=> {"date"=>"2004-06-11", "description"=>"First description"}
To change the description, you can then simply do item["description"] = "new description" and then serialize the hash back to YAML using hash.to_yaml.
