Most efficient seating arrangement - algorithm

There are n (n < 1000) groups of friends, with the size of the group being characterized by an array A[] (2 <= A[i] < 1000). Tables are present such that they can accommodate r(r>2) people at a time. What is the minimum number of tables needed for seating everyone, subject to the constraint that for every person there should be another person from his/her group sitting at his/her table.
The approach I was thinking was to break every group into sizes of twos and threes and try to solve this problem, but there are many ways of dividing a number n into groups of twos and threes and not all of them may be optimal.

Does a Mixed Integer Programming model count?
Some notes on this formulation:
I used random data to form the groups.
x(i,j) is the number of people of group i sitting at table j.
x(i,j) is a semi-integer variable, that is: it is an integer variable with values zero or between LO and UP. Not all MIP solvers offer semi-continuous and semi-integer variables but it may come handy. Here I use it to enforce that at least 2 persons from the same group need to sit at a table. If a solver does not offer these type of variables, we can formulate this construct using additional binary variables as well.
y(j) is a binary variable (0 or 1) indicating if a table is used.
the capacity equation is somewhat smart: if a table is not used (y(j)=0) its capacity is reduced to zero.
the option optcr=0 indicates we want to solve to optimality. For large, difficult problems we may want to stop say at 5%.
the order equation makes sure we start filling tables from table 1. This also reduces the symmetry of the problem and may speed up solution times.
the above model (with 200 groups and 200 potentially used tables) generates a MIP problem with 600 equations (rows) and 40k variables (columns). There are 37k integer variables. With a good MIP solver we find the proven optimal solution (with 150 tables used) in less than a minute.
Notice this is certainly not a knapsack problem (as suggested in another answer -- a knapsack problem has just one constraint) but it resembles a bin-packing problem.

It is same problem as knapsack problem which is NP complete (see ). So finding optimal solution is pretty hard.
A heuristic that works most of the time:
Sort the groups according decreasing size.
For each group put it in the table that has least amount of space, but still can accommodate this group.

Your approach is workable. If a solution exists for a given number of tables, then a solution exists where you've split every group into some number of twos and some number of threes. First, split a three off of every group of odd size. You're left with a bunch of groups of even size. Next, split twos off of every group whose size isn't divisible by six. And forget that it's one bigger group; split it into a bunch of groups of six.
At this point, you have split all of your groups into some number of twos, some number of threes, and some number of sixes. Give each table of odd size one three, splitting sixes as necessary; now all tables have even size. All remaining sixes can now be split into twos and seated arbitrarily.


Optimize event seat assignments with Corona restrictions

Given a set of group registrations, each for a varying number of people (1-7),
and a set of seating groups (immutable, at least 2m apart) varying from 1-4 seats,
I'd like to find the optimal assignment of people groups to seating groups:
People groups may be split among several seating groups (though preferably not)
Seating groups may not be shared by different people groups
(optional) the assignment should minimize the number of 'wasted' seats, i.e. maximize the number of seats in empty seating groups
(ideally it should run from within a Google Apps script, so memory and computational complexity should be as small as possible)
First attempt:
I'm interested in the decision problem (is it feasible?) as well as the optimization problem (see optional optimization function). I've modeled it as a SAT problem, but this does not find an optimal solution.
For this reason, I've tried to model it as an optimization problem. I'm thinking along the lines of a (remote) variation of multiple-knapsack, but I haven't been able to name it yet:
items: seating groups (size -> weight)
knapsacks: people groups (size -> container size)
constraint: combined item weight >= container size
optimization: minimize the number of items
As you can see, the constraint and optimization are inverted compared to the standard problem. So my question is: Am I on the right track here or would you go about it another way? If it's correct, does this optimization problem have a name?
You could approach this as an Integer Linear Programming Problem, defined as follows:
let P = the set of people groups, people group i consists of p_i people;
let T = the set of tables, table j has t_j places;
let x_ij be 1 if people from people group i are placed at table j, 0 otherwise
let M be a large penalty factor for empty seats
let N be a large penalty factor for splitting groups
// # of free spaces = # unavailable - # occupied
// every time a group uses more than one table,
// a penalty of N * (#tables - 1) is incurred
min M * [SUM_j(SUM_i[x_ij] * t_j) - SUM_i(p_i)] + N * SUM_i[(SUM_j(x_ij) - 1)]
// at most one group per table
s.t. SUM_i(x_ij) <= 1 for all j
// every group has enough seats
SUM_j(x_ij * t_j) = p_i for all i
0 <= x_ij <= 1
Although this minimises the number of empty seats, it does not minimise the number of tables used or maximise the number of groups admitted. If you'd like to do that, you could expand the objective function by adding a penalty for every group turned away.
ILPs are NP-hard, so without the right solvers, it might not be possible to make this run with Google Apps. I have no experience with that, so I'm afraid I can't help you. But there are some methods to reduce your search space.
One would be through something called column generation. Here, the problem is split into two parts. The complex master problem is your main research question, but instead of the entire solution space, it tries to find the optimum from different candidate assignments (or columns).
The goal is then to define a subproblem that recommends these new potential solutions that are then incorporated in the master problem. The power of a good subproblem is that it should be reducable to a simpler model, like Knapsack or Dijkstra.

Runtime of Dynamic Programming Solution from Previous Post (Balls into Bins)

In the question
Calculating How Many Balls in Bins Over Several Values Using Dynamic Programming
the answer discusses a dynamic programming algorithm for placing balls into bins, and I was attempting to determine the running time, as it is not addressed in the answer.
A quick summary: Given M indistinguishable balls and N distinguishable bins, the entry in the dynamic programming table Entry[i][j] represents the number of unique ways i balls can be placed into j bins.
S[i][j] = sum(x = 0 -> i, S[i-x][j-1])
It is clear that the size of the dynamic programming 2D array is O(MN). However, I am trying to determine the impact the summation has on the running time.
I know a summation of values (1....x) means we must access values from 1 to x. Would this then mean, that for each entry computation, since we must access at most from 1...M other values, the running time is in the realm of O((M^2)N)?
Would appreciate any clarification. Thanks!
You can avoid excessive time for summation if you keep column sums in additional table.
When you calculate S[i][j], also fill Sums[i,j]=Sums[i-1,j] + S[i,j] and later use this value for the cell at right side S[i,j+1]
P.S. Note that you really need to store only two rows or even one row of sum table

Efficiently search for pairs of numbers in various rows

Imagine you have N distinct people and that you have a record of where these people are, exactly M of these records to be exact.
For example
So you can see that 'person 1' is at the same place with 'person 50' three times. Here M = 3 obviously since there's only 3 lines. My question is given M of these lines, and a threshold value (i.e person A and B have been at the same place more than threshold times), what do you suggest the most efficient way of returning these co-occurrences?
So far I've built an N by N table, and looped through each row, incrementing table(N,M) every time N co occurs with M in a row. Obviously this is an awful approach and takes 0(n^2) to O(n^3) depending on how you implent. Any tips would be appreciated!
There is no need to create the table. Just create a hash/dictionary/whatever your language calls it. Then in pseudocode:
answer = []
for S in sets:
for (i, j) in pairs from S:
if threshold == count[(i,j)]:
If you have M sets of size of size K the running time will be O(M*K^2).
If you want you can actually keep the list of intersecting sets in a data structure parallel to count without changing the big-O.
Furthermore the same algorithm can be readily implemented in a distributed way using a map-reduce. For the count you just have to emit a key of (i, j) and a value of 1. In the reduce you count them. Actually generating the list of sets is similar.
The known concept for your case is Market Basket analysis. In this context, there are different algorithms. For example Apriori algorithm can be using for your case in a specific case for sets of size 2.
Moreover, in these cases to finding association rules with specific supports and conditions (which for your case is the threshold value) using from LSH and min-hash too.
you could use probability to speed it up, e.g. only check each pair with 1/50 probability. That will give you a 50x speed up. Then double check any pairs that make it close enough to 1/50th of M.
To double check any pairs, you can either go through the whole list again, or you could double check more efficiently if you do some clever kind of reverse indexing as you go. e.g. encode each persons row indices into 64 bit integers, you could use binary search / merge sort type techniques to see which 64 bit integers to compare, and use bit operations to compare 64 bit integers for matches. Other things to look up could be reverse indexing, binary indexed range trees / fenwick trees.

Partitioning an ordered list of weights into N sub-lists of approximately equal weight

Suppose I have an ordered list of weights, having length M. I want to divide this list into N ordered non-empty sublists, where the sum of the weights in each sublist are as close to each other as possible. Finally, the length of the list will always be greater than or equal to the number of partitions.
For example:
A reader of epoch fantasy wants to read the entire Wheel of Time series in N = 90 days. She wants to read approximately the same amount of words each day, but she doesn't want to break a single chapter across two days. Obviously, she also doesn't want to read it out of order either. The series has a total of M chapters, and she has a list of the word counts in each.
What algorithm could she use to calculate the optimum reading schedule?
In this example, the weights probably won't vary much, but the algorithm I'm seeking should be general enough to handle weights that vary widely.
As for what I consider optimum, I would say that given the choice between having two or three partitions vary in weight a small amount from the average would be better than having one partition vary a lot. Or in other words, She would rather have several days where she reads a few hundred more or fewer words than the average, if it means she can avoid having to read a thousand words more or fewer than the average, even once. My thinking is to use something like this to compute the score of any given solution:
let W_1, W_2, W_3 ... w_N be the weights of each partition (calculated by simply summing the weights of its elements).
let x be the total weight of the list, divided by its length M.
Then the score would be the sum, where I goes from 1 to N of (X - w_i)^2
So, I think I know a way to score each solution. The question is, what's the best way to minimize the score, other than brute force?
Any help or pointers in the right direction would be much appreciated!
As hinted by the first entry under "Related" on the right column of this page, you are probably looking for a "minimum raggedness word wrap" algorithm.

Counting ways of placing coins on a grid

the problem requires us to find out the number of ways of placing R coins on a N*M grid such that each row and column has at least one coin. Constraints given are N , M < 200 , R < N*M. I initially thought of backtracking, but i was made to realise that it would never finish in time . Can someone guide me to another solution? (DP , closed form formula.) any pointers would be nice. Thanks.
According to OEIS sequence A055602 one possible solution to this is:
Let a(m, n, r) = Sum_{i=0..m} (-1)^i*binomial(m, i)*binomial((m-i)*n, r)
Answer = Sum_{i=0..N} (-1)^i*binomial(N, i)*a(M, N-i, R)
You will need to evaluate N+1 different values for a.
Assuming you have precomputed binomial coefficients, each evaluation of a is O(M) so the total complexity is O(NM).
This formula can be derived using the inclusion-exclusion principle twice.
a(m,n,r) is the number of ways of putting r coins on a grid of size m*n such that every one of the m columns is occupied, but not all the rows are necessarily occupied.
Inclusion-Exclusion turns this into the correct answer. (The idea is that we get our first estimate from a(M,N,R). This overestimates the correct answer because not all rows are occupied so we subtract cases a(M,N-1,R) where we only occupy N-1 rows. This then underestimates so we need to correct again...)
Similarly we can compute a(m,n,r) by considering b(m,n,r) which is the number of ways of placing r coins on a grid where we don't care about rows or columns being occupied. This can be derived simply from the number of ways of choosing r places in a grid size m*n , i.e. binomial(m*n,r). We use IE to turn this into the function a(m,n,r) where we know that all columns are occupied.
If you want to allow different conditions on the number of coins on each square, then you can just change b(m,n,r) to the appropriate counting function.
This is tough, but if you begin by working out how many ways you can have at least one coin on each row and column (call them reserve coins). The answer will be the product of #1 (n! / r! (n - r)!) *, where #2 n = N*M - NUMBER_OF_RESERVE_COINS and #3 r = (R - NUMBER_OF_RESERVE_COINS) for #4 each arrangement of reserving one coin on each row/column.
#4 is where the trickier stuff takes place. For N*M where N!=M, abs(N-M) tells you how many reserve coins will be on a single rows/columns. I'm having trouble on identifying the correct way of proceeding to the next step, mainly due to lack of time (though I can return to this on the weekend), but I hope I have provided you with useful information, and if what I have said is correct that you will be able to complete the process.
