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Spring Batch. How to get the number of the element being processed
(1 answer)
Closed 7 years ago.
Is there any way to get the current row number of the file that is being processed inside item processor without implementing listeners?
if your item implements the ItemCountAware Interface, spring batch will fill the current row number for you
ps: i am almost 100% sure that a similar question and answer already exists here at stackoverflow, but i did not found it
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Why JMeter failures marks as KO?
(3 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
When you generate jmeter dashboard, you get a table called statistics. It shows similar stats like one of the GIU views provide when you run JMeter in GUI mode.
There is a column called "KO" under "executions" section of the table.
What does the "KO" stands for?
In this case, KO means "not OK" or "Failure". It is possible to rename it if needed.
Just found the answer here.
KO: Total Number of samples failed to execute.
However I still don't know why it's called "KO"
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How to set complete build number in VB6 (Major.Minor.Build.Revision)
(2 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
I've googled this. Searched here for it. Closest I came to the answer is a guy was asking the same question back in 2003 in another forum!
in the MAKE tab of the project properties in the VB6 IDE, you can set the version number of your build. Major Version, Minor Version and Revision. So say you set these three to 8, 6, and 2 - you'd expect to see your exe to have its version set to 8.6.2 - right?
NOPE. What you get is !!
I want to set that zero to be 2 - But I have yet to find out what that third place position is called.
Any of you long time VB6 programmers have a solution to this issue?
Thanks to #jac I found VBAdvance from the thread he pointed me to. and it does exactly what I want and more.
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How to get file creation date/time in Bash/Debian?
(13 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
I know you can't for files, but is there by any chance a way to check this for folders?
It is not possible to get creation time of any files in linux, since
Each file has three distinct associated timestamps: the time of last
data access, the time of last data modification, and the time the file
status last changed.
Also you as you wrote in your question "I know you can't for files, but is there by any chance a way to check this for folders?", in linux, all files and directories are considered as files, so you have your own answer in your question.
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How copy data from one database to another on different server?
(1 answer)
Closed 8 years ago.
Actually I want to copy 50 GB of database from one one server to another server, I just want to know that which one of three options is best.
Assuming you don't have to transform the data, can't see any gain by using Hadoop (or parallel processing, for that matter) in this scenario.
See this question on copying Oracle data between servers
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How to put files to specific node?
(1 answer)
Closed 9 years ago.
I am working on hadoop and I am currently trying to find out how to make the file given by the client to be stored in specific nodes in the cluster.
The client wants the files or chunks to be stored in particular nodes or particular files but not in all.
I am searching for a way to specify which nodes will be used to store the file we put in HDFS.
Can anyone suggest some ideas?
With the help of HDFS-385 you can do that. This feature provides a way to write code that specifies how HDFS should allocate replicas of blocks of a file. You can visit this if you need some help on how to write your own block placement policy.