Sometimes, images do not load - image

Upon loading my site (, certain images do not load in Chrome. Upon reloading the page, the results vary. Rarely does everything load properly in Chrome. This only started happening once I uploaded the site to the server.
When I uploaded the site using the server's online cPanel, none of the assets appeared until I started fiddling with each individual file's permission. I then tried uploading the site using FTP (Transmit) which produced far better results, but still certain assets sometimes do not always show up once the page loads.
Do you think this is a reflection of poor server performance? I wanted to get a second opinion before I subscribe to a new server provider (any recommendations?).


Website is different when I upload on FTP

I have just started developing for a few weeks now and I bought a domain, but when I upload the files on live, the website looks different than what I have uploaded. Now, this gets fixed when I clear my cache. The problem is that my visitors enter, they see the page in a way, and after I update it they see it as the previous version!
Is there any possible solution for this? I don't want my visitors to clear cache every time I make a change on my website!
This is quite probable to be due to css cache. Your server is loading a cached version. You can specify the cached time in a few ways. Etags and htaccess (on apache) are the most common.
A very simple trick is just to add at the end of your style link url (where you load your main style in the head of the document) a get-like parameter: just like this:

How do I know if my page is being cached?

I have a WordPress site that is doing a few weird things, and I believe it is because it is being cached. I changed the contents of a CSS stylesheet file, and the change took around 10 minutes before it appeared live.
I can't however find any caching mechanism setup. I've looked through cPanel and can't see anything setup there. The IP of the site resolves to the IP that cPanel is showing.
I've looked for plugins in WordPress and can't see any caching plugins (although if it was a caching plugin, would accessing a stylesheet be cached?).
Any tips on how I can see if the page is being cached on the server or by a plugin?
Put a JavaScript bug on the page which crafts a random URL and requests it. Compare the number of page requests to random URL requests. But there are lots of scenarios where a browser can cache a page in the absence of caching information.
If your website is behind Cloud Flare network or such, this is normal behavior.
Try running next command (Windows Command prompt/Linux terminal):
and visit resolved IP address in browser - this may tell you if you are behind caching network.
Take a look at this article:

my opencart website is not displaying images on on way back machine

My opencart website is not displaying images on way back machine of (How did
look in the past?), I have checked multiple dates but images does not display anywhere.
My opencart images are also not getting crawled by google merchant center, it shows that it is because of the robots.txt but I have removed images from robots.txt file & still it shows same error.
My website is working fine otherwise and I am also getting orders but want to know if the above two issues are interrelated and what can be the best solution to this problem.
from what you are saying i think the problem with wayback machine is that you cache of images got cleared so ofcource most urls of images are dead, since opencart get 98% of images from cache after they get resized. So no problem there, i think this happens with every oencart setup that cached images are cleared from time to time, also in the same fashion please check images folder and sub-directories if you have any .htaccess limiting everything but local requests, also one last notice google usually takes from one day and up to update data regarding robots.txt and other data.
And if nothing works out try to specifically allow access to one directory with robots.txt
Hope i could help you.

Fixing slow response time for resources

I have a Magento website and I have been noticing an increase in warnings from Catchpoint that various images, CSS files, and javascript files are taking longer than usual to load. We use Edgecast for our CDN and have all images, CSS, and JS files hosted there. I have been in contact with them and they determined that the delays happen when the cache for the resource has expired and it must contact the origin for an updated file. The problem is that I can't figure out why it would take longer than a second to return a small image file. If I load the offending image off our server (not from the CDN) in my browser it always returns quickly. I assume that if you call up an image file directly using the full URL to the image file (say a product image, for example), that would bypass any Magento logic or database access and simply return the image to you. This should happen quickly, and it normally does, but sometimes it doesn't.
We have a number of things in play that may have an effect. There are API calls to the server for various integrations, though they are directed at a secondary server and not the web frontend. We may also have a large number of stale images since Magento doesn't delete any images even if you replace them or delete the product.
I realize this is a fairly open ended question, and I'm sorry if it breaks SO protocol, but I'm grasping at straws here. If anyone has any ideas on where to look or what could cause small resource files, like images, to take upwards of 8 seconds to load, I'm all ears. As an eCommerce site, it's getting close to peak season, and I can feel the hot breath of management on my neck. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Turns out we had stumbled upon some problems with the CDN that they were somewhat aware of and not quick to admit. They made some changes to our account to work around the issues and things are much better now.

caching kills links (jquery mobile on iPad)

I am working on a webapplication that uses caching to make it available offline. Everything works fine when running it chrome (offline and online). But when I run it on iPad the links don't work anymore and I get failed to load page everywhere. Removing the caching makes the links work again so it obviously has something to do with the caching. Navigating directly to the seperate pages of the webapp also works fine in Safari, its the link that causes the error. By default all links are loaded with AJAX in jQuery Mobile. Changing this by adding rel="external" also fixes the problem, but obviously I don't want to do that.
To enable caching I added this code: and created a manifest file with ALL the files (scripts, css, images, html). Does anyone know what the problem could be?
I've experienced this as well while working with caching using manifests. What I discovered was that there Chrome has no limits. iPad and iPhone do. This appears to be pretty small, around 5mb. Try removing images as much as possible and using YUI Compressor on your scripts.
Ajax requests can be cached actually, the system doesn't care if the request is by AJAX or normal full request. All you have to do is put the URLs you wanted to retrieve by ajax into the manifest like the rest of the assets.
Hope this helps
