How do I know if my page is being cached? - caching

I have a WordPress site that is doing a few weird things, and I believe it is because it is being cached. I changed the contents of a CSS stylesheet file, and the change took around 10 minutes before it appeared live.
I can't however find any caching mechanism setup. I've looked through cPanel and can't see anything setup there. The IP of the site resolves to the IP that cPanel is showing.
I've looked for plugins in WordPress and can't see any caching plugins (although if it was a caching plugin, would accessing a stylesheet be cached?).
Any tips on how I can see if the page is being cached on the server or by a plugin?

Put a JavaScript bug on the page which crafts a random URL and requests it. Compare the number of page requests to random URL requests. But there are lots of scenarios where a browser can cache a page in the absence of caching information.

If your website is behind Cloud Flare network or such, this is normal behavior.
Try running next command (Windows Command prompt/Linux terminal):
and visit resolved IP address in browser - this may tell you if you are behind caching network.
Take a look at this article:


Custom domain redirecting to index.html in firebase

So I just linked my custom domain with firebase and it shows connected:
image of connected status
which is great. But now when I search website without /index.html, it redirects me to this page. I want to see this page which is accessible only when I append website domain with /index.html. I am new to firebase. How can I make my domain access index.html page without specifically mentioning /index.html?
EDIT: I just noticed that it's working fine on the mobile devices and in the incognito tab on PC. It must be something with my chrome browser I am logged in with. which is weird :/ should I change the title? Cause I think fault could be related to browser. but help me if you can.
So the real issue wasn't the configuration but the browser cache. if you are facing similar issues then try clearing the browser cache or try browsing the website on a different device. Spent literally 1-2 hrs on such a silly problem. Either way, thank you.

Website is different when I upload on FTP

I have just started developing for a few weeks now and I bought a domain, but when I upload the files on live, the website looks different than what I have uploaded. Now, this gets fixed when I clear my cache. The problem is that my visitors enter, they see the page in a way, and after I update it they see it as the previous version!
Is there any possible solution for this? I don't want my visitors to clear cache every time I make a change on my website!
This is quite probable to be due to css cache. Your server is loading a cached version. You can specify the cached time in a few ways. Etags and htaccess (on apache) are the most common.
A very simple trick is just to add at the end of your style link url (where you load your main style in the head of the document) a get-like parameter: just like this:

Resolving Mixed Content warning from external insecure server

I have a https site and need to show content from other sites that may or may not be themselves https. Predictably enough, I'm getting warning messages like this in the console...
"Mixed Content: The page at '' (my server) was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure image ''. (not my server) This content should also be served over HTTPS."
(not to the mention the fact that I no longer see the little padlock displayed properly in most browsers who now consider my site's network insecure).
I've read through a bunch of posts on SO on this topic, but I can't seem to find a definitive answer on whether there's anything I can do when I don't own the external servers (so can't guarantee they'll have a https version). Appreciate any thoughts on whether this is possible, and if so how I could go about achieving it!
When you need to include content from another domain in an https webpages you can:
Make the owner of the other domain commit to https by explaining him the security reason behind that
Proxy the content through your website or host it yourself (if you have right to do it)
(If you don't see the padlock anymore it's because your page is no longer secure because it include insecure elements that could have been tempered: it's not they "consider my site's network insecure", it is indeed insecure!)
You should use the // prefix. (instead of http[s]://)
On an https page, the secure version wil be loaded.
On on a plain http page, the plain http version will be loaded.
Edit your theme replacing every occurence of with //

firefox has blocked content that isn't secure

I am running a site. Some of its pages are not working in Firefox, but work perfect in Chrome. In Firefox it shows me a gray shield next to the URL and when I click on that shield and manually click on disable protection on this page then my page works fine. So now the problem is that there are many users on my site, and some of them don't know how to do it so I want to handle it on my site so its users don't need to do that.
How can I do it? I Googled and found a setting of Firefox in about:config named security.mixed_content.block_active_content. If we set it to false then it works. So is there a way to do it programmatically or other way so that users just view that page without seeing that shield?
As I understand it, content that is blocked by default by Firefox now is http content that is accessed from an https page. Common types of content that fall foul of this are external stylesheets and images.
As far as I am aware the way to prevent the problem on your site is to make sure that if a page is served by https, any and all other files that it references are also served by https.
Hi Friends,
The reason you see this error in Mozilla Firefox is because your
website is a Mixed Box that is, your website has many internal links
which are not SSL protected.
In order to avoid this error from showing up in Mozilla Firefox you
will have to make sure all the internal links on your website are SSL
So, Use https:// in your page not http://
I hope I was clear enough in answering your query.
firefox has blocked content that isn't secure means there are some contents on your website are not secure.
I had same issue as my fonts were downloading with http://google.apis.something instead of https
Then I change to //google.apis.something and problem get solved.
To know what is not secure in you website use this link

Blank page on Azure

I have an application running in Azure (trial account). So far so good, everything has been nice, except for a long deploy times (10-15 minutes).
I've done a deploy recently and got a lot of weird bugs I cannot trace. For example, if I log in and thus a cookie is created (I use FormsAuthentication) all I get from the application is a blank page, as in, absolutely nothing is sent to the browser. The application works fine in the ASP.NET Web Dev Server, IIS Express, even the Azure Emulator!
What could be the issue? Searching the web hasn't been much help, with only a couple of unrelated issues.
I tried logging into the site (if I correctly understood from one if the comments, the url is and I didn't get any blank page with 404 status code.
However, there is another problem I spotted. Your site seems to be implementing caching inappropriately. The main page, the one from which you trigger the login and which is dynamic in nature contains an Expires header set at 5 minutes after the pages first load. That means that each call or redirect to that page within 5 minutes since it was first loaded, will be served from the browser's cache.
Because of that, after I login into your application I am redirected back to the home page which looks like I am not logged in. If I force a F5 refresh on the browser, then the page will indeed show me as logged in.
If instead of a refresh I try to login again (which is what I did in my first trials, since it looked like the login didn't work in the first time), I am getting an error page with the following message:
Sorry, there has been an error on the server.
The page looks like an application error page and even if it displays the 500 number, it is actually served with an HTTP 200.
So, while I am not 100% sure if this is also the cause of the problem described by you, you should remove the Expires headers from the dynamic pages your application is serving.
This can be because you're combining Forms Authentication with multiple instances. Are you using multiple instances? If that's the case, could you:
Try to change it to 1 instance. Does this fix the issue?
Try to make the following change to the web.config (configure machineKey):
some partial views are not rendered at all;
Do you mean some pages are working fine, but others are not? It would be better if you can point out a pattern on what’s working and what’s not? For now, please make sure all referenced assemblies (except for default .NET assemblies and Windows Azure runtime) have Copy Local set to true. For example, MVC assemblies are considered as extensions to .NET, so please set Copy Local to true. In addition, you can also try to use Fiddler to monitor the requests to see what’s returned from the server.
Best Regards,
Ming Xu.
Could you provide a link to the application, or perhaps some source code?
When you say 'blank page', what is actually returned, a 404 / 500?
Have you inspected the IIS logs, or added some trace information to your code?
Have you tried accessing the service using it's ip address rather than domain name?
