Unity Supports Arabic - user-interface

Does unity support arabic writing in InputField UI or even GUI Texts ?
I mean if I want to write arabic characters in the InputField, does unity support that ?

There's a free library for supporting Arabic language in Unity. You can download it here
This is part of the readme file. Just add the library and use one of GUIText or 3DText prefabs.
To use the Unity Arabic Support asset inside a script, use: using ArabicSupport;
After using the using statement, use the following method (returns a string): ArabicFixer.Fix(textToBeFixed);
And you're done! You can use the alternative: ArabicFixer(string, tashkeel, hindoNumbers) for more customization options.

No by default but there are libraries/asset packs to make it work.
Just search "Arabic" in the unity store to find them.
Keep in mind that it is really hard to setup TextMeshPro (The addon pretty much everyone uses for crisp text in unity) in Arabic with a different font as most Arabic fonts you find will not have all the characters you need.
Lookup this to see the encoding range you need to put in the font asset creator.
For example you will be able to write letters but only some of the letters will be connected as the font does not have all possible connections and unity wont make them by default.
But I think the Adobe Arabic has all the letters for a start.

It should if you save the script with UTF-8 encoding. Then you should be able to include all unicode characters in there.

short answer : unity doesn't support Arabic or Persian although
there are bunch of plugins on assets store that can buy you some times.
you can find them easily.


RTF using Hebrew in Z-Tree on Windows

I'm currently using z-tree (the Zurich Toolbox for Readymade Economic Experiments) for programming an experiment. I using a lot of formatting in Hebrew letters, which display correctly using my MAC. When I try running the experiment file on Windows, the Rich Text Formatting seems to not be encoded: sentences with numbers are all messed up.
I changed to locale language to Hebrew but I don't know what else should I do.
Any suggestions?

Alter Multilingual App Toolkit source language

So I understand how Multilingual App Toolkit 4.0 works and it works great for my Xamarin.Android project. The default language is English, and with MAT we've translated it to Dutch and German.
Then comes the translator along and asks about how to make changes to the English texts, which is my source texts and the basis of all translations. The source texts (English) are in a file Resources\values\Strings.xml. Alter a string there, would invalidate all translations (Dutch and German).
Besides invalidation, I can't send my translator the normal .xlf file, because all source texts are in the Strings.xml file.
So my question is, how can my translator alter the source language texts in the most easy way (preferably with an .xlf file)?
The short answer is that you can't. The design of the Multilingual App Toolkit focused on providing easy support for translation into other languages. The concept of providing source content editing was not considered.
That said, as a workaround you could add another variant of English. For Android apps, the default is English Neutral (en), so adding en-US or en-UK would create the XLIFF file that your translator / proofer could edit using the same tooling (e.g.: Multilingual Editor) to provide source content proofing. If using the same translator for proofing and translating, they could apply the translation based on the update English string to the Dutch and German files.
When you receive the XLF files back ensure all the resource in the proofing English XLF (e.g.: en-US) are marked as need review, translated or final (basically anything except 'New'). The reason is that the Multilingual App Toolkit does not include untranslated resource in the generated target resource file. (The reason is for language fallback purposes in Windows apps).
Now you can import the proofed English file with the other XLF file and build. Copy the entire contents from the proofed English resource file(s) overtop the original source files (recommend Comparing first). When you next build, you will receive warnings that the source resources have changed after the translation, but you can just review and clear those warning in the editor, or clear them globally within the Visual Studio IDE.

How to Integrate non supported fonts in WP7

I am creating a English to Mangolean Dictionary app; So i need to display mangolean word corresponding to my english word; i read from a blog that wp7 only supports limited language set. So how can i over come my issue. Please help me to solve this issue.
There's a tutorial on embedding fonts in Silverlight here: http://paulyanez.com/interactive/index.php/2009/12/embedding-fonts-in-silverlight/ The implementation for Windows Phone is exactly the same. The tutorial uses Expression Blend (which is part of the developer tools download and also free for Windows Phone), which is the simplest, quickest, and easiest way to embed fonts for Silverlight.
Apart from the supported Fonts you can add your on fonts to you project. For example create a folder named Fonts in you project and add you *.TTF files(Font Files). By referring this font files you can resolve your issues.

Generate PDF with cyrillic (or UTF-8) contents

My C# .NET 3.5 application has an option to export text to PDF. I am using ReportingCloud (based on RDL) as generation engine. However, cyrillic texts shown incorrectly in resulting PDF. What means can I use to generate cyrillic PDF correctly? A method to generate UTF8 will also do.
UPD: Particularly, how to embed right fonts into PDF?
I am not familiar with ReportingCloud, so perhaps this is not the easiest answer to your question. But for really great looking PDFs with UTF8 and cyrillic support you could use LaTeX. But it is a language like HTML, just for PDFs. So you have to generate some source code. It is also possible to embed the desired fonts.

how to debug vb6 richtextbox not showing unicode (chinese) properly

I have a simple vb6 editor type application which has a richtextbox as the editor page. It allows users to key in stuff and the store it into a file which will keep all the text in RTF stored as CDATA in xml.
When you load back the file, it will read it off the xml and load back the rtf. We allow for unicode editing, but my problem is I have a user which is using Windows XP, and they have some problems reading the chinese characters. They show up as gibberish in their pc.
It displays fine in both mine and a coworker's. I've already checked that they have the proper regional language and settings in their system. The install files for east asian language is already checked. And they can see chinese words on websites and even type them out.
I feel like I'm missing something here but I'm at a lost on what to check next? Any ideas on what I could test or check next?
my bad for the poor description skills, if anything is not clear just ask me.
That is weird. Try confirming that your user have the same version of RICHTXT32.OCX ?
Could be a problem with font?
Try using font that supports unicode characters (Arial Unicode).
Or try going to a website with chinese characters and paste it into richtextbox, save it to a file and try loading it from the file.
Does that work?
well they should because i packed the app in vs installer setup package.
and for fonts, it's sim sun, and i've already checked with the users that they do have the sim sun fonts under window/fonts.
Btw i've already updated that the data is actually stored in xml under CDATA, although the rtf chunk is kept as it is.
okie, this seems to be the solution although i don't know why. in my msi setup file i've included the riched.dll so when i installed it in, the dll acts up and screw up my chinese character in the richtext control.
but when i repack to exclude that dll file and reinstall using that setup, it seems to work now...
