How can I speed up a primality checker? - performance

I have a function FIsPrime which takes a int64 and returns a boolean True or False depending on whether the given int64 is prime or not.
function FIsPrime(P:int64):boolean;
I:= 3;
RSqrtP := sqrt(P) + 1;
while ((P mod I) <> 0) AND (I <= RSqrtP) AND ((P mod 2) <> 0) do
I := I + 2;
if I < RSqrtP then
FIsPrime := False
FIsPrime := True;
However, while this works, it's quite slow. To check the numbers from 106 to 5×106 takes 4 seconds.
I'm testing numbers on the order of 1012 and 1015 - the whole code picks a random number and × it by 1012 to get a large random number.
This random number is run through the FIsPrime function and incremented by 1 untill it is prime:
function FFirstPrimeAbove(P:int64):int64;
BIsPrime: boolean;
if P mod 2 = 0 then
BIsPrime := FIsPrime(P);
P := P + 2;
until (BIsPrime);
FFirstPrimeAbove := P;
This can take a while - around 6 seconds for 1012 and 7 for 1015.
While 14 seconds isn't much, it is annoying. Is there a way to reduce this time with a more efficient algorithm?
I'm fairly new to Pascal, but have been programming for years - so any more efficient algorithm would be useful.
I looked at the AKS Test but there is a lot of jargon to overcome - "polynomial congruence relation", "generalization to polynomials" and "binomial coefficient" to pick a few.
Any basic hints as to how I could implement something in Delphi would be appreciated.

Changing RSqrtP to Int64 would most likely improve preformance. I didn't test it, but I'd expect comparing a float value to an int64 value not to be the fastest.
Take ((P mod 2) <> 0) out of the loop.
Also, if you don't mind having a longer initialisation time for your application, you could load a list of all prime between 2 and X and start with them before going to the I+2 routine. You don't need to try to divide by non prime number, as this is already taken care of by prime one (i.e. Anything that can be divided by 4 will be divided by 2, anything that can be divided by 49 will also be by 7, etc)
I posted an article about optimisation using primes as an example a while ago. Maybe you'll see some more information there that could help you.

I suspect that the most effective simple way to improve the speed is to create a table of known primes.
There are probably too many primes to store all that fit in a 64 bit integer. But you can store all primes less that sqrt(high(int64)). Then when you loop throw possible divisors you can check only against primes. That should provide a very significant benefit.
So, the algorithm is, in outline:
Fill an array with all the primes less than sqrt(high(int64)). This should be pre-calculated.
To test a value N for being prime, first find its root, sqrt(N).
Then try to divide primes into the value under test until you reach a prime greater than sqrt(N).
If you get that far, N is prime. Otherwise if you find a prime divisor, it is not prime.


Early termination of fractional exponent calculation?

I need to write a function that takes the sixth root of something (equivalently, raises something to the 1/6 power), and checks if the answer is an integer. I want this function to be as fast and as optimized as possible, and since this function needs to run a lot, I'm thinking it might be best to not have to calculate the whole root.
How would I write a function (language agnostic, although Python/C/C++ preferred) that returns False (or 0 or something equivalent) before having to compute the entirety of the sixth root? For instance, if I was taking the 6th root of 65, then my function should, upon realizing that that the result is not an int, stop calculating and return False, instead of first computing that the 6th of 65 is 2.00517474515, then checking if 2.00517474515 is an int, and finally returning False.
Of course, I'm asking this question under the impression that it is faster to do the early termination thing than the complete computation, using something like
print(isinstance(num**(1/6), int))
Any help or ideas would be greatly appreciated. I would also be interested in answers that are generalizable to lots of fractional powers, not just x^(1/6).
Here are some ideas of things you can try that might help eliminate non-sixth-powers quickly. For actual sixth powers, you'll still end up eventually needing to compute the sixth root.
Check small cases
If the numbers you're given have a reasonable probability of being small (less than 12 digits, say), you could build a table of small cases and check against that. There are only 100 sixth powers smaller than 10**12. If your inputs will always be larger, then there's little value in this test, but it's still a very cheap test to make.
Eliminate small primes
Any small prime factor must appear with an exponent that's a multiple of 6. To avoid too many trial divisions, you can bundle up some of the small factors.
For example, 2 * 3 * 5 * 7 * 11 * 13 * 17 * 19 * 23 = 223092870, which is small enough to fit in single 30-bit limb in Python, so a single modulo operation with that modulus should be fast.
So given a test number n, compute g = gcd(n, 223092870), and if the result is not 1, check that n is exactly divisible by g ** 6. If not, n is not a sixth power, and you're done. If n is exactly divisible by g**6, repeat with n // g**6.
Check the value modulo 124488 (for example)
If you carried out the previous step, then at this point you have a value that's not divisible by any prime smaller than 25. Now you can do a modulus test with a carefully chosen modulus: for example, any sixth power that's relatively prime to 124488 = 8 * 9 * 7 * 13 * 19 is congruent to one of the six values [1, 15625, 19657, 28729, 48385, 111385] modulo 124488. There are larger moduli that could be used, at the expense of having to check more possible residues.
Check whether it's a square
Any sixth power must be a square. Since Python (at least, Python >= 3.8) has a built-in integer square root function that's reasonably fast, it's efficient to check whether the value is a square before going for computing a full sixth root. (And if it is a square and you've already computed the square root, now you only need to extract a cube root rather than a sixth root.)
Use floating-point arithmetic
If the input is not too large, say 90 digits or smaller, and it's a sixth power then floating-point arithmetic has a reasonable chance of finding the sixth root exactly. However, Python makes no guarantees about the accuracy of a power operation, so it's worth making some additional checks to make sure that the result is within the expected range. For larger inputs, there's less chance of floating-point arithmetic getting the right result. The sixth root of (2**53 + 1)**6 is not exactly representable as a Python float (making the reasonable assumption that Python's float type matches the IEEE 754 binary64 format), and once n gets past 308 digits or so it's too large to fit into a float anyway.
Use integer arithmetic
Once you've exhausted all the cheap tricks, you're left with little choice but to compute the floor of the sixth root, then compare the sixth power of that with the original number.
Here's some Python code that puts together all of the tricks listed above. You should do your own timings targeting your particular use-case, and choose which tricks are worth keeping and which should be adjusted or thrown out. The order of the tricks will also be significant.
from math import gcd, isqrt
# Sixth powers smaller than 10**12.
SMALL_SIXTH_POWERS = {n**6 for n in range(100)}
def is_sixth_power(n):
Determine whether a positive integer n is a sixth power.
Returns True if n is a sixth power, and False otherwise.
# Sanity check (redundant with the small cases check)
if n <= 0:
return n == 0
# Check small cases
if n < 10**12:
# Try a floating-point check if there's a realistic chance of it working
if n < 10**90:
s = round(n ** (1/6.))
if n == s**6:
return True
elif (s - 1) ** 6 < n < (s + 1)**6:
return False
# No conclusive result; fall through to the next test.
# Eliminate small primes
while True:
g = gcd(n, 223092870)
if g == 1:
n, r = divmod(n, g**6)
if r:
return False
# Check modulo small primes (requires that
# n is relatively prime to 124488)
if n % 124488 not in {1, 15625, 19657, 28729, 48385, 111385}:
return False
# Find the square root using math.isqrt, throw out non-squares
s = isqrt(n)
if s**2 != n:
return False
# Compute the floor of the cube root of s
# (which is the same as the floor of the sixth root of n).
# Code stolen from
a = 1 << (s.bit_length() - 1) // 3 + 1
while True:
d = s//a**2
if a <= d:
return a**3 == s
a = (2*a + d)//3

Best way to generate U(1,5) from U(1,3)?

I am given a uniform integer random number generator ~ U3(1,3) (inclusive). I would like to generate integers ~ U5(1,5) (inclusive) using U3. What is the best way to do this?
This simplest approach I can think of is to sample twice from U3 and then use rejection sampling. I.e., sampling twice from U3 gives us 9 possible combinations. We can assign the first 5 combinations to 1,2,3,4,5, and reject the last 4 combinations.
This approach expects to sample from U3 9/5 * 2 = 18/5 = 3.6 times.
Another approach could be to sample three times from U3. This gives us a sample space of 27 possible combinations. We can make use of 25 of these combinations and reject the last 2. This approach expects to use U3 27/25 * 3.24 times. But this approach would be a little more tedious to write out since we have a lot more combinations than the first, but the expected number of sampling from U3 is better than the first.
Are there other, perhaps better, approaches to doing this?
I have this marked as language agnostic, but I'm primarily looking into doing this in either Python or C++.
You do not need combinations. A slight tweak using base 3 arithmetic removes the need for a table. Rather than using the 1..3 result directly, subtract 1 to get it into the range 0..2 and treat it as a base 3 digit. For three samples you could do something like:
function sample3()
result <- 0
result <- result + 9 * (randU3() - 1) // High digit: 9
result <- result + 3 * (randU3() - 1) // Middle digit: 3
result <- result + 1 * (randU3() - 1) // Units digit: 1
return result
end function
That will give you a number in the range 0..26, or 1..27 if you add one. You can use that number directly in the rest of your program.
For the range [1, 3] to [1, 5], this is equivalent to rolling a 5-sided die with a 3-sided one.
However, this can't be done without "wasting" randomness (or running forever in the worst case), since all the prime factors of 5 (namely 5) don't divide 3. Thus, the best that can be done is to use rejection sampling to get arbitrarily close to no "waste" of randomness (such as by batching multiple rolls of the 3-sided die until 3^n is "close enough" to a power of 5). In other words, the approaches you give in your question are as good as they can get.
More generally, an algorithm to roll a k-sided die with a p-sided die will inevitably "waste" randomness (and run forever in the worst case) unless "every prime number dividing k also divides p", according to Lemma 3 in "Simulating a dice with a dice" by B. Kloeckner. For example:
Take the much more practical case that p is a power of 2 (and any block of random bits is the same as rolling a die with a power of 2 number of faces) and k is arbitrary. In this case, this "waste" and indefinite running time are inevitable unless k is also a power of 2.
This result applies to any case of rolling a n-sided die with a m-sided die, where n and m are prime numbers. For example, look at the answers to a question for the case n = 7 and m = 5.
See also this question: Frugal conversion of uniformly distributed random numbers from one range to another.
Peter O. is right, you cannot escape to loose some randomness. So the only choice is between how expensive calls to U(1,3) are, code clarity, simplicity etc.
Here is my variant, making bits from U(1,3) and combining them together with rejection
C/C++ (untested!)
int U13(); // your U(1,3)
int getBit() { // single random bit
return (U13()-1)&1;
int U15() {
int r;
for(;;) {
int q = getBit() + 2*getBit() + 4*getBit(); // uniform in [0...8)
if (q < 5) { // need range [0...5)
r = q + 1; // q accepted, make it in [1...5]
return r;

Subtract a number's digits from the number until it reaches 0

Can anyone help me with some algorithm for this problem?
We have a big number (19 digits) and, in a loop, we subtract one of the digits of that number from the number itself.
We continue to do this until the number reaches zero. We want to calculate the minimum number of subtraction that makes a given number reach zero.
The algorithm must respond fast, for a 19 digits number (10^19), within two seconds. As an example, providing input of 36 will give 7:
1. 36 - 6 = 30
2. 30 - 3 = 27
3. 27 - 7 = 20
4. 20 - 2 = 18
5. 18 - 8 = 10
6. 10 - 1 = 9
7. 9 - 9 = 0
Thank you.
The minimum number of subtractions to reach zero makes this, I suspect, a very thorny problem, one that will require a great deal of backtracking potential solutions, making it possibly too expensive for your time limitations.
But the first thing you should do is a sanity check. Since the largest digit is a 9, a 19-digit number will require about 1018 subtractions to reach zero. Code up a simple program to continuously subtract 9 from 1019 until it becomes less than ten. If you can't do that within the two seconds, you're in trouble.
By way of example, the following program (a):
#include <stdio.h>
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
unsigned long long x = strtoull(argv[1], NULL, 10);
x /= 1000000000;
while (x > 9)
x -= 9;
return x;
when run with the argument 10000000000000000000 (1019), takes a second and a half clock time (and CPU time since it's all calculation) even at gcc insane optimisation level of -O3:
real 0m1.531s
user 0m1.528s
sys 0m0.000s
And that's with the one-billion divisor just before the while loop, meaning the full number of iterations would take about 48 years.
So a brute force method isn't going to help here, what you need is some serious mathematical analysis which probably means you should post a similar question over at and let the math geniuses have a shot.
(a) If you're wondering why I'm getting the value from the user rather than using a constant of 10000000000000000000ULL, it's to prevent gcc from calculating it at compile time and turning it into something like:
mov $1, %eax
Ditto for the return x which will prevent it noticing I don't use the final value of x and hence optimise the loop out of existence altogether.
I don't have a solution that can solve 19 digit numbers in 2 seconds. Not even close. But I did implement a couple of algorithms (including a dynamic programming algorithm that solves for the optimum), and gained some insight that I believe is interesting.
Greedy Algorithm
As a baseline, I implemented a greedy algorithm that simply picks the largest digit in each step:
uint64_t countGreedy(uint64_t inputVal) {
uint64_t remVal = inputVal;
uint64_t nStep = 0;
while (remVal > 0) {
uint64_t digitVal = remVal;
uint_fast8_t maxDigit = 0;
while (digitVal > 0) {
uint64_t nextDigitVal = digitVal / 10;
uint_fast8_t digit = digitVal - nextDigitVal * 10;
if (digit > maxDigit) {
maxDigit = digit;
digitVal = nextDigitVal;
remVal -= maxDigit;
return nStep;
Dynamic Programming Algorithm
The idea for this is that we can calculate the optimum incrementally. For a given value, we pick a digit, which adds one step to the optimum number of steps for the value with the digit subtracted.
With the target function (optimum number of steps) for a given value named optSteps(val), and the digits of the value named d_i, the following relationship holds:
optSteps(val) = 1 + min(optSteps(val - d_i))
This can be implemented with a dynamic programming algorithm. Since d_i is at most 9, we only need the previous 9 values to build on. In my implementation, I keep a circular buffer of 10 values:
static uint64_t countDynamic(uint64_t inputVal) {
uint64_t minSteps[10] = {1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1};
uint_fast8_t digit0 = 0;
for (uint64_t val = 10; val <= inputVal; ++val) {
digit0 = val % 10;
uint64_t digitVal = val;
uint64_t minPrevStep = 0;
bool prevStepSet = false;
while (digitVal > 0) {
uint64_t nextDigitVal = digitVal / 10;
uint_fast8_t digit = digitVal - nextDigitVal * 10;
if (digit > 0) {
uint64_t prevStep = 0;
if (digit > digit0) {
prevStep = minSteps[10 + digit0 - digit];
} else {
prevStep = minSteps[digit0 - digit];
if (!prevStepSet || prevStep < minPrevStep) {
minPrevStep = prevStep;
prevStepSet = true;
digitVal = nextDigitVal;
minSteps[digit0] = minPrevStep + 1;
return minSteps[digit0];
Comparison of Results
This may be considered a surprise: I ran both algorithms on all values up to 1,000,000. The results are absolutely identical. This suggests that the greedy algorithm actually calculates the optimum.
I don't have a formal proof that this is indeed true for all possible values. It intuitively kind of makes sense to me. If in any given step, you choose a smaller digit than the maximum, you compromise the immediate progress with the goal of getting into a more favorable situation that allows you to catch up and pass the greedy approach. But in all the scenarios I thought about, the situation after taking a sub-optimal step just does not get significantly more favorable. It might make the next step bigger, but that is at most enough to get even again.
While both algorithms look linear in the size of the value, they also loop over all digits in the value. Since the number of digits corresponds to log(n), I believe the complexity is O(n * log(n)).
I think it's possible to make it linear by keeping counts of the frequency of each digit, and modifying them incrementally. But I doubt it would actually be faster. It requires more logic, and turns a loop over all digits in the value (which is in the range of 2-19 for the values we are looking at) into a fixed loop over 10 possible digits.
Not surprisingly, the greedy algorithm is faster to calculate a single value. For example, for value 1,000,000,000, the runtimes on my MacBook Pro are:
greedy: 3 seconds
dynamic: 36 seconds
On the other hand, the dynamic programming approach is obviously much faster at calculating all the values, since its incremental approach needs them as intermediate results anyway. For calculating all values from 10 to 1,000,000:
greedy: 19 minutes
dynamic: 0.03 seconds
As already shown in the runtimes above, the greedy algorithm gets about as high as 9 digit input values within the targeted runtime of 2 seconds. The implementations aren't really tuned, and it's certainly possible to squeeze out some more time, but it would be fractional improvements.
As already explored in another answer, there's no chance of getting the result for 19 digit numbers in 2 seconds by subtracting digits one by one. Since we subtract at most 9 in each step, completing this for a value of 10^19 needs more than 10^18 steps. We mostly use computers that perform in the rough range of 10^9 operations/second, which suggests that it would take about 10^9 seconds.
Therefore, we need something that can take shortcuts. I can think of scenarios where that's possible, but haven't been able to generalize it to a full strategy so far.
For example, if your current value is 9999, you know that you can subtract 9 until you reach 9000. So you can calculate that you will make 112 steps ((9999 - 9000) / 9 + 1) where you subtract 9, which can be done in a few operations.
As said in comments already, and agreeing with #paxdiablo’s other answer, I’m not sure if there is an algorithm to find the ideal solution without some backtracking; and the size of the number and the time constraint might be tough as well.
A general consideration though: You might want to find a way to decide between always subtracting the highest digit (which will decrease your current number by the largest possible amount, obviously), and by looking at your current digits and subtracting which of those will give you the largest “new” digit.
Say, your current number only consists of digits between 0 and 5 – then you might be tempted to subtract the 5 to decrease your number by the highest possible value, and continue with the next step. If the last digit of your current number is 3 however, then you might want to subtract 4 instead – since that will give you 9 as new digit at the end of the number, instead of “only” 8 you would be getting if you subtracted 5.
Whereas if you have a 2 and two 9 in your digits already, and the last digit is a 1 – then you might want to subtract the 9 anyway, since you will be left with the second 9 in the result (at least in most cases; in some edge cases it might get obliterated from the result as well), so subtracting the 2 instead would not have the advantage of giving you a “high” 9 that you would otherwise not have in the next step, and would have the disadvantage of not lowering your number by as high an amount as subtracting the 9 would …
But every digit you subtract will not only affect the next step directly, but the following steps indirectly – so again, I doubt there is a way to always chose the ideal digit for the current step without any backtracking or similar measures.

How to implement Random(a,b) with only Random(0,1)? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
how to get uniformed random between a, b by a known uniformed random function RANDOM(0,1)
In the book of Introduction to algorithms, there is an excise:
Describe an implementation of the procedure Random(a, b) that only makes calls to Random(0,1). What is the expected running time of your procedure, as a function of a and b? The probability of the result of Random(a,b) should be pure uniformly distributed, as Random(0,1)
For the Random function, the results are integers between a and b, inclusively. For e.g., Random(0,1) generates either 0 or 1; Random(a, b) generates a, a+1, a+2, ..., b
My solution is like this:
for i = 1 to b-a
r = a + Random(0,1)
return r
the running time is T=b-a
Is this correct? Are the results of my solutions uniformly distributed?
What if my new solution is like this:
r = a
for i = 1 to b - a //including b-a
r += Random(0,1)
return r
If it is not correct, why r += Random(0,1) makes r not uniformly distributed?
Others have explained why your solution doesn't work. Here's the correct solution:
1) Find the smallest number, p, such that 2^p > b-a.
2) Perform the following algorithm:
for i = 1 to p
r = 2*r + Random(0,1)
3) If r is greater than b-a, go to step 2.
4) Your result is r+a
So let's try Random(1,3).
So b-a is 2.
2^1 = 2, so p will have to be 2 so that 2^p is greater than 2.
So we'll loop two times. Let's try all possible outputs:
00 -> r=0, 0 is not > 2, so we output 0+1 or 1.
01 -> r=1, 1 is not > 2, so we output 1+1 or 2.
10 -> r=2, 2 is not > 2, so we output 2+1 or 3.
11 -> r=3, 3 is > 2, so we repeat.
So 1/4 of the time, we output 1. 1/4 of the time we output 2. 1/4 of the time we output 3. And 1/4 of the time we have to repeat the algorithm a second time. Looks good.
Note that if you have to do this a lot, two optimizations are handy:
1) If you use the same range a lot, have a class that computes p once so you don't have to compute it each time.
2) Many CPUs have fast ways to perform step 1 that aren't exposed in high-level languages. For example, x86 CPUs have the BSR instruction.
No, it's not correct, that method will concentrate around (a+b)/2. It's a binomial distribution.
Are you sure that Random(0,1) produces integers? it would make more sense if it produced floating point values between 0 and 1. Then the solution would be an affine transformation, running time independent of a and b.
An idea I just had, in case it's about integer values: use bisection. At each step, you have a range low-high. If Random(0,1) returns 0, the next range is low-(low+high)/2, else (low+high)/2-high.
Details and complexity left to you, since it's homework.
That should create (approximately) a uniform distribution.
Edit: approximately is the important word there. Uniform if b-a+1 is a power of 2, not too far off if it's close, but not good enough generally. Ah, well it was a spontaneous idea, can't get them all right.
No, your solution isn't correct. This sum'll have binomial distribution.
However, you can generate a pure random sequence of 0, 1 and treat it as a binary number.
result = a
steps = ceiling(log(b - a))
for i = 0 to steps
result += (2 ^ i) * Random(0, 1)
until result <= b
KennyTM: my bad.
I read the other answers. For fun, here is another way to find the random number:
Allocate an array with b-a elements.
Set all the values to 1.
Iterate through the array. For each nonzero element, flip the coin, as it were. If it is came up 0, set the element to 0.
Whenever, after a complete iteration, you only have 1 element remaining, you have your random number: a+i where i is the index of the nonzero element (assuming we start indexing on 0). All numbers are then equally likely. (You would have to deal with the case where it's a tie, but I leave that as an exercise for you.)
This would have O(infinity) ... :)
On average, though, half the numbers would be eliminated, so it would have an average case running time of log_2 (b-a).
First of all I assume you are actually accumulating the result, not adding 0 or 1 to a on each step.
Using some probabilites you can prove that your solution is not uniformly distibuted. The chance that the resulting value r is (a+b)/2 is greatest. For instance if a is 0 and b is 7, the chance that you get a value 4 is (combination 4 of 7) divided by 2 raised to the power 7. The reason for that is that no matter which 4 out of the 7 values are 1 the result will still be 4.
The running time you estimate is correct.
Your solution's pseudocode should look like:
for i = 0 to b-a
return r
As for uniform distribution, assuming that the random implementation this random number generator is based on is perfectly uniform the odds of getting 0 or 1 are 50%. Therefore getting the number you want is the result of that choice made over and over again.
So for a=1, b=5, there are 5 choices made.
The odds of getting 1 involves 5 decisions, all 0, the odds of that are 0.5^5 = 3.125%
The odds of getting 5 involves 5 decisions, all 1, the odds of that are 0.5^5 = 3.125%
As you can see from this, the distribution is not uniform -- the odds of any number should be 20%.
In the algorithm you created, it is really not equally distributed.
The result "r" will always be either "a" or "a+1". It will never go beyond that.
It should look something like this:
for i=0 to b-a
r = a + r + Random(0,1)
return r;
By including "r" into your computation, you are including the "randomness" of all the previous "for" loop runs.

How to compute the "15% of the time" randomness?

I'm looking for a decent, elegant method of calculating this simple logic.
Right now I can't think of one, it's spinning my head.
I am required to do some action only 15% of the time.
I'm used to "50% of the time" where I just mod the milliseconds of the current time and see if it's odd or even, but I don't think that's elegant.
How would I elegantly calculate "15% of the time"? Random number generator maybe?
Pseudo-code or any language are welcome.
Hope this is not subjective, since I'm looking for the "smartest" short-hand method of doing that.
Solution 1 (double)
get a random double between 0 and 1 (whatever language you use, there must be such a function)
do the action only if it is smaller than 0.15
Solution 2 (int)
You can also achieve this by creating a random int and see if it is dividable to 6 or 7. UPDATE --> This is not optimal.
You can produce a random number between 0 and 99, and check if it's less than 15:
if (rnd.Next(100) < 15) ...
You can also reduce the numbers, as 15/100 is the same as 3/20:
if (rnd.Next(20) < 3) ...
Random number generator would give you the best randomness. Generate a random between 0 and 1, test for < 0.15.
Using the time like that isn't true random, as it's influenced by processing time. If a task takes less than 1 millisecond to run, then the next random choice will be the same one.
That said, if you do want to use the millisecond-based method, do milliseconds % 20 < 3.
Just use a PRNG. Like always, it's a performance v. accuracy trade-off. I think making your own doing directly off the time is a waste of time (pun intended). You'll probably get biasing effects even worse than a run of the mill linear congruential generator.
In Java, I would use nextInt:
myRNG.nextInt(100) < 15
Or (mostly) equivalently:
myRNG.nextInt(20) < 3
There are way to get a random integer in other languages (multiple ways actually, depending how accurate it has to be).
Using modulo arithmetic you can easily do something every Xth run like so
(6 will give you ruthly 15%
if( microtime() % 6 === ) do it
other thing:
if(rand(0,1) >= 0.15) do it
boolean array[100] = {true:first 15, false:rest};
while(array.size > 0)
// pop first element of the array.
if(element == true)
// redo the whole thing again when no elements are left.
Here's one approach that combines randomness and a guarantee that eventually you get a positive outcome in a predictable range:
Have a target (15 in your case), a counter (initialized to 0), and a flag (initialized to false).
Accept a request.
If the counter is 15, reset the counter and the flag.
If the flag is true, return negative outcome.
Get a random true or false based on one of the methods described in other answers, but use a probability of 1/(15-counter).
Increment counter
If result is true, set flag to true and return a positive outcome. Else return a negative outcome.
Accept next request
This means that the first request has probability of 1/15 of return positive, but by the 15th request, if no positive result has been returned, there's a probability of 1/1 of a positive result.
This quote is from a great article about how to use a random number generator:
Note: Do NOT use
y = rand() % M;
as this focuses on the lower bits of
rand(). For linear congruential random
number generators, which rand() often
is, the lower bytes are much less
random than the higher bytes. In fact
the lowest bit cycles between 0 and 1.
Thus rand() may cycle between even and
odd (try it out). Note rand() does not
have to be a linear congruential
random number generator. It's
perfectly permissible for it to be
something better which does not have
this problem.
and it contains formulas and pseudo-code for
r = [0,1) = {r: 0 <= r < 1} real
x = [0,M) = {x: 0 <= x < M} real
y = [0,M) = {y: 0 <= y < M} integer
z = [1,M] = {z: 1 <= z <= M} integer
