Can't build cordova app on windows 7 - windows

I went through the whole process to initialize a cordova app from the command line as state on this webpage. I added the windows platform with the command cordova platform add windows, and then tried to build it. But I got an error saying that I may not have the required environment or OS to build this project. I'm not sure what that means or what I should do, this error isn't described on the webpage I've linked.

From the Windows Platform Guide:
This guide shows how to set up your SDK development environment to
build and deploy Cordova apps for Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows
Phone 8.1, and Windows 10 Universal App Platform.
There is no mention of Windows 7 which is what you state in your title. Thus the "Windows Platform" may not be supported on that version of Windows. Imagine trying to build a Windows application in Windows 95 today or Windows 98? You likely wouldn't do it as they are too old which is how some may view Windows 7 today as there are a few newer versions out there to support.


Will windows 8.1 app package from xamarin work for windows 10 tab?

I have created an app package for Windows 8.1 for a Hello world app using XAMARIN to test whether it works for windows 10 Surface Pro or not. And it Doesn't.
I am using a Windows 8.1 OS with Visual studio 15 and one of my friend is using Windows 13. In both our cases, it doesn't work. We have the latest version of xamarin.
Since Windows apps have a forward compatibility, Why doesn't this package work for Windows 10.
Do I have to specifically have a Windows 10 OS to develop windows 10 app in xamarin?
I have had a look in the Xamarin docs but cannot find my answer. Please help with a brief explanation. need windows 10 to develop windows 10 app in xamarin.and you must add UWP project not Window8.1 . UWP app will support in window 10 as well as others universal platform like windows 10 tablet also.

Windows UWP app for Windows 8 and 10 both

I am new to Windows app development and going to develop the first Windows app. Our client wants an UWP app that supports both Windows 8 and 10. I am planning to use a Windows 8.1 machine with Visual studio 2015 for development.
When I create a project for that should I create it as a Windows 8 Universal app or a Windows Universal app? From what I have read if I create a Windows Universal app I think it'll work only on Windows 10 only. So I guess I should create it as a Windows 8 app. Will that work in Windows 10 without any changes? Will that be available for both Windows 8 and 10 appstores?
Please share your knowledge and experience about this. Thanks.
If you want a single project, you have to use a Windows 8.1 project template. See screenshot below. It's a little confusing as this template is also called "Universal Windows" but mind the version number 8.1. It's in the template subfolder Windows 8. It will run on Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 but not on Windows 8. You can make it available to both platforms via Windows appstore.

SDK for Windows 10?

I would like to build an application for universal application Windows 10 with But I only see SDK for Windows and Windows phone v1.6. Please help me choose which SDK to build universal application Windows 10. Thanks so much.
Windows 10 (on desktop and phones) uses WinRT, just like Windows 8 did. So if you install the v1.6 of the SDK for Windows, it should work since it's targeting Windows 8.
Overall, I recommend you to add the Parse SDK to your application directly from Visual Studio by using NuGet. This way, you'll be absolutely sure to use a compatible version.

Whether VS2015 can build project target for Windows Phone 10 and Windows Phone 8.1

Whether Visual Studio 2015 support building targets both for windows phone 8.1 and windows phone 10?
I have a project which needs support both Windows Phone 10 and Windows phone 8.1,
I initially created a windows universal project (library) for Windows Phone 10, after finishing my program, I need build for Windows Phone 8.1, but I found the project cannot be built for Windows Phone 8.1 via project Property -> General -> Target Platform as it is disabled.
More details,
I have installed windows sdk10, and sdk8.1.
The project is built with VC++/Windows/Universal/Runtime Component Template
You probably selected wrong project type in Visual Studio Wizard - Windows Universal Platform introduced in Windows 10 is not backward compatible, so you won't be able to retarget it to Win8.1
In order to support both Windows 8.1 and Win10 Universal you need to create a project for Universal Windows 8.1:
With it you will be able to support both Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 Universal
If you need to support Windows 10 and Windows Phone 8.1 as well you can create a project for each and then share code via a PCL or Shared Project. The majority of your code should be able to be shared in order to limit code redundancy. Certainly, there will be some pieces that won't carry over, and these pieces would go in their specific project folders instead of shared.

How to run cordova apps on windows 8.1 phone?

I am working on cordova app using Ionic framework & I want to test it on windows phone. I am working on windows 7 PC and my phone is lumia which runs on windows 8.1. Testing it on android was simple just get the apk on phone install it and run. But it dosen't work this way with windows. I have got Xap file using Now I want to test it on my lumia, just copy and pasting on the phone isn't working. Anybody who can help with the process. So far by R&D I came to know that to develop any thing on win 8.1 devices I am gonna need win 8.1 sdk which only works with win 8 PC. Is there any way I can run the app on my device with the existing software that I have.
You should be able to use the intel xdk to build a windows 8 version and put it on your phone. Grab the intel xdk here, import your html5 project, hit the build tab at the top, follow the step by step instructions, build for windows 8, install it on phone and profit. You should not need a windows 8 pc for this to work as intel builds it on their servers and you simply download the app. I run this in ubuntu and do android, iphone, and any ohter build i need.
