How to make extension after editing - joomla

I have downloaded a joomla extension it is in MVC format.
I have edited it and now I want it to become an extension again the updated form which I have created. How is this possible it is currently running on website.

If you want to modify an existing extension, just download the file(s) you need to modify, edit them, and upload them again in the same place. There's no need to create a new extension package.
If you want to duplicate the extension, i.e. to create another one from the modified files, that's definitely more complex and I suggest to start from here:


Simplest possible Joomla Download Manager

I want to create a Joomla page where my users can download view files (pdf's, excel sheet's, ...).
There will be around 20 Files available. The files are split up into 4 categories.
I want to show all files on a single page. The categories should be shown as a header.
My page is available in 3 languages. I do have different files for every language. I do only want to show the files matching the specific language.
The download MUST be a one-click-experience.
The whole page has to be styled according to a predefined design.
What is the best way to archive this? Is there any simple extension for that? Do I have to create my own? Should I use a Page-Builder?
I use Attachments pluggin I think it's the best free solution out there. Easy to use and allows to access files based on access level of certain user. However to obtain functionality you need I'd recommend creating access groups based on language.

Joomla Component that allows frontend-access to a single folder

working on a Joomla site I came across the following problem: I need to give frontend-access to a specified directory on the server. The user (an elderly man who is not into IT, should be as simple as possible!) has to upload photos into a directory and should also be able to delete them if he wishes. I have found several extensions that allow easy uploading from the frontend. Still, I did not find any which would also allow to delete content, in fact I haven't even found one that even displays the content of the folder.
The features I ideally would like to have are:
- uploading
- displaying in a list
- deleting out of that list
the content of a specified folder via front-end.
Does anyone know an extension providing the needed features? Or would there possibly be a solution combining multiple extensions, each of them fulfilling one of the needs?
Thanks in advance!
the Image Galery of the DOCman extension ( should do the job but it is not free...

How to add files to a PrestaShop theme without "hacking" the core

I am working on an web built in PrestaShop that needs some re-design. I have made a copy of their theme and I am working there. Now I need to add some javascript files and they need to be included in all my theme pages.
I have read similar questions here and looked for info and basically I have found two solutions proposed:
1) Add the file directly into your HEAD.tpl using something like {$base_dir}
(explained here: Prestashop root directory)
2) Add the files in the FrontController.php (overrides/classes) with a new setMedia() function
(explained here:
The second solution seems the most recommended one but when I open the FrontController.php I see the following warning:
* Do not edit or add to this file if you wish to upgrade PrestaShop to newer versions in the future.
So I'm a bit confused now. Is it safe to edit this file? How about future upgrades, will they overwrite any changes made there? Isn't it safer to add them to your themes header.tpl and not affect the core of the cms?
(This is my first question here, I tried to follow the guides but I would appreciate any comments on how can I improve it, thank-you!)
It is totally safe to use the override file, and that's why they exist. I have used them in every Prestashop I made and they've never had been replaced in an update. The text they put is for the license, they probably just copy/paste it everywhere.
I wouldn't recommend manually adding the files to the header.tpl. It will work, but the advantage of adding it with the Tools::addJs() method is that the script will be concatenated with all the other scripts.

What's the best way to load MEF extensions based on solution's location?

We have an extension that invokes command line tools and DLLs that are constantly updated and deployed through source control. Users often work in different branches, each branch might have differences in these command line interfaces.
So I want to avoid having to re-install the vsix manually each time these files are updated or the user switches branches.
Instead, I want users to simply sync from perforce, and opening a solution will load the matching vsix automatically.
I could create a proxy extension that wraps all the functionality I need and then load an assembly dynamically that contains my implementation and invoke that from the proxy. But with MEF, there's so many entry points to creating extensions that I'd need to update the proxy just as often as I add features to our extension.
Perhaps there's a way to dynamically load an assembly containing MEF extensions?
I have a blog post that details how to automatically update a vsix file if the version has been updated:
You may be able to adapt it to check a relative file path storing the vsix based on solution's path.

How can I link TFS work item to source file?

This is my first attempt at creating linked work items in TFS. I'm using VS2010 TFS with the Agile template out of the box. I created a Requirements type Work Item for creating a class specifying several requirements. In Test Driven Design style I created a test project with tests for the requirements.
Now I would like to link the Requirements Work Item to the source code file with the tests. When I select the All Links tab in the Work Item window and then use the Link to button the dialog it brings up won't let me specify a source file. It seems to only want to link to another Work Item. I'd like to link it to the source file so when the requirements change there will be a link to the test source file to be changed. Is there a way to do this. Thanks in advance.
Jon Newbill
The way TFS associates work items with code is at checkin. One of the reasons for this is that a source file might implement many requirements, tasks and bug fixes over time. You want to associate the changes to the file to a work item, not the file itself.
A requirement (or bug fix or task) might involve changes to multiple files so you should checkin files in logical groups. I.e. if you've changed 3 source files and a config file to fix a bug then you can check those files in separately and associate the changes to the bug work item at each checkin. You could also check in all 4 files at the same time and associate that single checkin to the work item.
If you change 3 source files and a config file to fix a bug, and you have also changed another source file to add extra functionality, you should avoid checking this file in with the others as it will be held in the same changeset and associated with the same work items as the bug fix code.
In your specific case, if the requirements change then I think you should probably create a new work item. That way you can see the code that implemented the original requirement and the changes to the file will be associated to the change in requirements.
You can associate changesets to Work Items as seen in this picture
