Simplest possible Joomla Download Manager - joomla

I want to create a Joomla page where my users can download view files (pdf's, excel sheet's, ...).
There will be around 20 Files available. The files are split up into 4 categories.
I want to show all files on a single page. The categories should be shown as a header.
My page is available in 3 languages. I do have different files for every language. I do only want to show the files matching the specific language.
The download MUST be a one-click-experience.
The whole page has to be styled according to a predefined design.
What is the best way to archive this? Is there any simple extension for that? Do I have to create my own? Should I use a Page-Builder?

I use Attachments pluggin I think it's the best free solution out there. Easy to use and allows to access files based on access level of certain user. However to obtain functionality you need I'd recommend creating access groups based on language.


Joomla Component that allows frontend-access to a single folder

working on a Joomla site I came across the following problem: I need to give frontend-access to a specified directory on the server. The user (an elderly man who is not into IT, should be as simple as possible!) has to upload photos into a directory and should also be able to delete them if he wishes. I have found several extensions that allow easy uploading from the frontend. Still, I did not find any which would also allow to delete content, in fact I haven't even found one that even displays the content of the folder.
The features I ideally would like to have are:
- uploading
- displaying in a list
- deleting out of that list
the content of a specified folder via front-end.
Does anyone know an extension providing the needed features? Or would there possibly be a solution combining multiple extensions, each of them fulfilling one of the needs?
Thanks in advance!
the Image Galery of the DOCman extension ( should do the job but it is not free...

Image and media banks for user content in Plone

This might be more of a user question rather than a developer question. but developers should be able to offer insights.
For the person creating and editing content, what's the best practice for where to store images associates with pages? (I'm referring to the Plone folder, not the file system directory).
Should it be stored inside the same folder as the content item itself? Or a subfolder within the working directory? Or a special directory writeable by all for storing images?
If you do some sort of shared image upload Plone folder, what would the permissions on that Plone folder be? Once again, I'm referring of course to the Plone folder, not the file system directory.
I see that in the site admin TinyMCE options you can configure some default paths for image uploads. How would you do it so that the user won't be overwhelmed by all the images in a common images folder? (in other words, he can see and edit only his own image uploads).
This is truly a serious weakness in Plone, in the sense there is no "Best or More Oftenly Recommended Way". As #keul highlighted, Plone is flexible enough to support almost every imaginable usecase, nevertheless I can't see much of a consensus - neither a set of common steps - to fulfill the common usecase you described, in a hierarchical-and-permissioned paradigm.
That said I recommend you to check and share opinions, feature requests and code on the second of these:
Both focus on easing the use of tags to manage the overwhelming of items you described. I believe this kind of problem would mostly arise when adding images inside TinyMCE sessions, say, adding a News item. However if you just need to update images for sections or the homepage I recommend you to take a look at collective.cover:
btw I also recommend you to check these solutions for richer image handling:

Open Source Asset Management or File Server

I'm looking for a simple tool that would allow users to update and tag assets.
THen search/browse for assets and view the assets in the search results.
I have lots of files, i.e. logos, buttons, infographics, icons. I'd like to be able to share the with co-workers and have them be able to easily locate them without have to guess based on file names.
Right now I'm using apache with dir listing and htaccess. But this is less than ideal.
Are you talking about Version Controls? If so, Git can help.

Load MS Word files with AJAX

I want to dynamically load (AJAX) the text from some Microsoft Word files into a webpage. So I might have a link to essays I've written and upon mouseover have it load the first few sentences in a tooltip.
Only if you have a parser. I think the new format is a zip archive with XML schema. But the old one is just binary.
There are some parsers out there.
I know of wvWare but it seems it's outdated. (
This is maybe something worth looking at:
And yeah, forgot to mention how to do this. :-)
First you need to make the javascript ask for the data through ajax. The serverside has to take care of the parsing and return the text to the javascript. This will be a pain in the ass. I haven't done this myself and have never tried the parsers I linked, so I'm not sure if they suit you. Images, stylesheets, etc.... not sure if that will be useable.
At least, good luck.
For security reasons, it is not possible to directly load a local file (such as a Word document) into the page using simply Javascript. The user will need to upload the file to the server, which you will want to parse on the server and then you can load whatever result you like into the page using Ajax.
It sounds like you mean to upload your files (e.g. essays) to your server to allow users to download them, and want to create a server-side page that will parse the files and print the first few lines (so it can be called by an AJAX method that displays a preview on hover).
To suggest a tool for this, we'll need to know whether these are "old" Word format (Office 2003 - extension is .doc) or "new" Word format (Office 2007 - extension is .docx).
It will also be good to know what you're using to create your pages server-side, since different document-reading tools support different programming languages. If you're using Java to read .doc files, you can use the tool we use at my place of work, which is POI ( If you're using something else, try searching google for {read in }, e.g. {read .docx in ruby}.
If all of this is Greek to you and you have no prior experience with developing custom server-side web code, this is probably going to be unnecessarily painful and you should consider an alternative (like manually creating a 3-line text "preview" page for each regular page, and then just showing that).

Document Based App with Core Data vs plain Core Data app?

I am trying to understand the key differences between these two types of Core Data application templates.
My understanding is that with a document based core data app you get access to NSDocument instances and a lot of document based behaviors for free (save dialogs, undo, etc).
Assuming I want to create an application that is more "Project" based and not necessarily focused on creating individual savable documents should I still use Core Data with Documents?
To be more concrete, I am trying to build a simple CMS application using core data and that outputs html pages in a structured way. The idea of the app would be focused on "sites" that are really projects and not single documents. The projects contain a consolidated model for various posts, pages, sidebar content, and whatever content might need to go into a website. But the app doesn't save individual pages as documents in the traditional sense. I want a unified model of the all the project data and provide export functionality where the entire application model would become expressed as a set of html documents in a specified project folder.
This is both a learning exercise and something I want to try and build for myself.
Any tips on specific documentation to read? In particular information about "Project" based cocoa apps, and useful samples and tutorials.
It is conceivable that the CMS data model could be stored in a single Core Data document but that doesn't necessarily seem right from an architectural point of view.
A project can be a document and a document doesn't have to be a single file. Read the NSDocument related documentation and decide if it offers any functionality you might be interested in.
I look at the difference as being that a Document based application lets the user have multiple sets of information stored separately.
The best example, from a functionality perspective, is iTunes. Apple doesn't let you have multiple libraries, it's all or nothing, one "database" for the entire application.
A simple document based application would be something like TextEdit.
I don't think what you are proposing is too different from a single document based application, though - you just need to remember that the web pages you produce are an OUTPUT, not a part of the project. The same way you don't think of printed output from TextEdit being part of the document. Or object/executable files in XCode being part of the project.
