Firebug command line & editor not working - firefox

When I type few commands like this:
var x = 1;
the commands are simply copied to the prompt window.
They are not executed !
What is wrong with my Firebug (Firefox) addon, please ?
Firefox v 43, Firebug v2.0.12b1
but with Chrome everything works fine

According to a thread in the Firebug forum, this may be caused by a conflict with other extensions. The extensions named there are:
Ghostery 5.2.1
The easiest Xdebug 1.2
Skype Click to Call
A Greasemonkey script
Nimbus Screen Capture
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So, if you have one of those extensions installed or a Greasemonkey script running, disabling it and try it again.
If that doesn't help, I suggest you follow the steps described in the Firebug first aid page and report that bug. The steps are:
Open the Firefox Error Console (Ctrl/⌘+Shift+J). Any errors related to Firebug? Copy them and remember to include them in your report.
Create a new profile, install Firebug, reproduce the problem. Still a bug? Report the problem, else
Return to your previous profile, open the Add-ons Manager via Ctrl/⌘+Shift+A or Firefox menu button > Add-ons or about:addons to disable all extensions except Firebug. Solved? Enable the other extensions again one by one until you find the buggy one and report it, else
Open the troubleshooting information via Firefox menu button > ? > Troubleshooting Information, click Show Folder, open prefs.js in a text editor, copy all lines containing extensions.firebug into a separate text file, reset all options (via Firebug icon menu (upper left corner) > Options > Reset All Firebug Options), reproduce the problem. Solved? Report the problem attaching the created file, else
In the profile folder go to firebug/, move the file breakpoints.json (if it doesn't exist, go to step 4) out of that folder, reproduce the problem. Solved? Report the problem attaching your breakpoints.json (Attention: breakpoints.json contains the URLs of all breakpoints you set, so make sure there's nothing, that shouldn't be public), else
In the profile folder under firebug/ move the file annotations.json (if it doesn't exist, go to step 5) out of that folder, reproduce the problem. Solved? Report the problem attaching your annotations.json (Attention: annotations.json contains the URLs of all pages you enabled Firebug for, so make sure there's nothing, that shouldn't be public)


How to remove nova rambler virus

I downloaded some freeware recently on my mac and now all my chrome urls have prepended.
I've never had a virus or trojan on here so I have clue where to even start.
I've done search after search but everything is for PC or tries to sell you some sort of anti-virus software.
Any help would be awesome.
Your Chrome shortcut may have been affected. The second solution in this article mentioned how to fix it. Of course, ignore the downloads on this page.
Go to Google Chrome shortcut by right-clicking on its icon and selecting Properties.
Delete the additional argument at the end of the Target section.
This may do the trick.
Also, remember to check your Hosts file and make sure nothing suspicious is added there.
If the malware can't be removed, try some free anti-malware programs like Malwarebytes and AdwCleaner.
Hope this help.
first of all, install another Browser (Firefox)
export your Favourites if you are afraid to loose them ("Bookmarks", "Bookmarks Manager", "Organize" and choose "Export to HTML files")
exit from Chrome
go to the "Applications" folder and drag the Chrome icon into the Trashbox.
Then click on the "Go" button on the upper Finder tool bar, choose "Go to Folder" and write this command:
~/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome
select all the Chrome folders and all the Chrome files displayed (you are inside the Chrome folder that is still inside your OS) and drag all of them inside the Trashbox
Now Chrome is completely uninstalled from your OS. Now:
open Firefox, download the Chrome.dmg file from the Chrome official site and open it
drag the Install file inside the "Application" folder
launch Chrome
Now you have a "virgin" and "clear" Chrome installation. Then You have to:
sign in with your Google account
import your Bookmarks (but I think they will be already there after I have logged in)
uninstall Firefox if You want or use both of them if You want.
Probably the hosts file is affected. The shortcut should also be checked. I recommend you to scan your Mac with the latest version of Bitdefender antivirus (you will find a nice review, here). What is interesting is that Bitdefender also checks the hosts file (probably affceted) for any unusual change.
You can use it in "Trial" mode for 30 days, so you don't need to pay anything.

Unable to set breakpoints in Chrome dev tools, version 26.0.1410.64 m

I need to debug some JavaScript an' I use Chrome dev tools. I'm a newby in JavaScript (just started to learn a couple of days ago), an' at work I could set breakpoints via the Resources pane. But at home for some reason I can't do this: after the click no breakpoint appeares.
I have Chrome version: 26.0.1410.64 m.
What could be the case?
clicking on the De-Obfuscate Source button (i.e. {}) solved this issue for me.
I'm a fool! haha! breakpoints are set in the Source pane )))
It's been a while, but in version 33.0.1750.146, but my problem was that I was on the Sources pane (I'd call this a tab; it's one of the items at the very top of the window), but I was on the Content scripts tab (on the left hand side). I needed to switch to the Sources tab.
To be clear, there are two sets of Sources tabs; one is within the other.
UPDATE 2016-01-07: Now I'm on 47.0.2526.106. The only thing that worked for me today was to close DevTools and re-open. It was a little finicky. It worked once, then stopped, and I had to close the DevTools and re-open again. I saw #johntrepreneur's answer about closing the browser, but unfortunately I have too many tabs open on too many workspaces, so that's too much of a pain, so I didn't try that, although I have to assume that would work.
Other solutions didn't work for me. Had to close and restart browser to be able to set breakpoints again.
This also happens when there is a JS error in your code.
Some sort of weird built in function in windows 10 i think because I did press a few buttons by accident. Some of my keys even stopped working in certain areas of visual studio. F.e the letter "c" stopped working in the find window.
Mine did this and no solution worked, i pressed alt, windows key and function key a few times and my problem went away.
Fixed as follows: For me, the issue stems from having set up Chrome to interact with operating system files. If you set this up, then the fact is evident from a green dot by the file name. At some point, I could not set a breakpoint in a recently edited file. I fixed this by disconnecting the interaction, as follows: When viewing "sources", above the code, there were some file names listed. Clicking the [x] to make the particular filename go away gave a caution message; I proceeded without saving. After that, I was able to set breakpoints for that file.
I also had this problem. However, once I closed the popup message in my browser, suddenly all my breakpoints that I set in that time appeared. Mental note: Don't set breakpoints while your app is showing a popup.
I couldn't find any direct fix for this problem.
It seems that chrome keeps settings of your site stored somewhere whatever you do to clean it. (I tried removing the folder from workspace, closing et reopening chrome etc... and nothing worked).
A workaround is to change your site's url to make chrome consider it a new site

Force Firefox to reuse existing tab for modified HTML file

If Firefox is already displaying a local HTML file on my PC in a tab (address = "file:///...") and I modify the file using my favorite external editor, sending the file to FF to display the edits results in FF opening a new tab with a fresh instance of the original file, rather than searching to see if the file is already open it it and reusing that tab.
Sure, after editing the file I could reopen Firefox, navigate along the tab bar to the existing tab for that file and click Refresh. But IMO FF should be capable of doing this for me. In my work, by the time I need to refresh FF, the tab currently open is not likely to be that of the file I am editing, so I continually need to return to the original page to refresh it.
My efforts to work around this include:
1)In about:config, *setting* from 3 to 1.
2)Running Firefox and passing it either the filename or the URL to the filename (as -url parameter).
3)Looking for a suitable add-on.
I am not fond of either Firebug or Aurora and prefer my own editor (EditPlus), which with I am far more comfortable, to edit web pages. However, its inbuilt browser does not display properly on my screen, so I need to view results of edits in Firefox.
Can anyone suggest a solution to this problem? I've searched here without success. The best solution would be another about:config setting. Thanks in advance.
(added) After all, in EditPlus, if I send it a file (in document-centric mode) which it has already opened, it simply changes focus to the existing tab. Why can't FF do this?
Thanks for suggesting the "Restore Open_External" add-on.
I tried it but it doesn't help me here. What it does is:
" (Integer). This option specifies how Firefox opens links launched externally, e.g. e-mail or Microsoft Word. 3 options are available;
1. Selecting this option launches the link in a new tab in the most recently active Firefox window. This would be recommended if you don’t wish launching such links to affect your most recently active webpage and you aren’t concerned about the links content.
2. Selecting this option launches a new Firefox window to view the link. This would perhaps be the safest option to select (In that if you launch something questionable you may be able to end the process without affecting other windows).
3. Selecting this option (default) launches the link in the most recently active Firefox window/tab. This would be recommended if you aren’t concerned about launching links is the most recently active window/tab (You can always use the back button to view the previous page if you need)."
TechSpot - Firefox 2 Tweak Guide
I'm sure many find this useful. Option 1 would have been fine for my purposes if it didn't insist on opening a duplicate tab. This add-on does nothing to prevent duplicate tabs being opened. So I began hunting for some add-on that might PREVENT a new tab being created in response to an external app sending a file to Firefox. Tab Mix Plus is supposed to do this, but I got lost somewhere in the maze of options. Then there is Prevent Duplicate Tabs, which creates a whitelist of all pages where duplicates are not permitted. This is far from automatic and seems pretty lame to me, as is Duplicate Tab Closer which doesn't prevent a duplicate tab from being created; instead, you have to press Ctrl+Alt+D to remove existing duplicate tabs - equally lame. deduplicate-tabs is similar, but offers a button to remove duplicate tabs.
Maybe I'm missing the point, but I can't see why anyone would want duplicate tabs of the same page, one a later version than the other. In fact, FF ought to be able to automatically refresh a tab when one reselects this, without having to resort to the "refresh" button. But that's just my rant.
If anyone reading this can think of a better way to integrate FF with an external app that modifies a web page, I'll be most grateful.
Install that addon:
Go to addon preferences and set:
'in the current tab of current window'
Next time you open a new url from an external program it opens in the same tab.
You can also install the
duplicate tabs closer firefox addon which, as the name suggests, allows you to automatically close duplicate tabs
You can configure it to:
Close the older tabs and keep the new tab
Select the new tab
Try this addon.
I'm using it for development mode in Gatsby and Create React App.

FireBug 1.7.3 still breaks on removed breakpoint

There's a bug in FireBug: I accidentally clicked where the line numbers are, which sets a breakpoint. So I clicked again to remove it. Now it's breaking there every single time. And I've tried setting/removing a breakpoint, but it doesn't work. I've even tried clicking the pause icon, which I see suggested elsewhere, but it does nothing -- it doesn't even change. I've even tried setting it to be a conditional breakpoint that is always false so it should never fire. No cigar. I even tried uninstalling FireBug and reinstalling it!
(Please note that I am using FireBug 1.7.3 with FireFox 3.6.25, and have to for a reason, and cannot upgrade.)
[I'd post an image, but I cannot until I have 10 rep pts!]
How can I remove all breakpoints?
Do I have to uninstall / reinstall?
Try this:
In Firefox, go to URL about:support
Check the Profile Directory
Open containing folder
Go into folder firebug
Delete breakpoints.json
I am having the same issue with Firefox 79.0. Since the breakpoints.json does not exist anymore in this version (how does firebug keep track of its breakpoints now?), I tried
In Firefox, go to URL about:support
Click "Refresh Firefox"
This resets everything to default (language etc.) but also removed "ghost breakpoints".
I think I managed to fix this for newer Firefox versions, that, as was mentioned above, don't have the breakpoints.json anymore.
Open the Profile folder
Navigate to the storage\permanent folder
Close Firefox
Delete the indexeddb+++fx-devtools folder
The deleted folder will be generated again, so don't worry.
You'll probably lose some configuration on the devtools, but it's better than refreshing your entire browser.

firebug come home?

For a couple of days I had noticed that the "script" tab of firebug had not been working. I ignored it because I wasn't working with javascript at the time.
Then the day came I was going to need that script panel, which still wasn't working, so I decided to reinstall firebug.
And now, when it's installed, it's just plain gone. No icon that I can see, neither on the bottom bar nor the top bar. No mention of it in the tool menu. The only evidence it's installed is an entry in the extensions list and a file in the extensions folder.
I've tried googling but have not fond anything that sounds like my issue.
I'm using firefox 6 on Windows XP.
For some reason, Firebug changed it's toolbar button (and removed the old one) from the old bug to a blue default cursor over a width, short box. Right-click on a toolbar, select Customize, and look for the icon next to the bug at the large picture of Firebug at top of this page:
This is the button you're looking for (download the raw file to view):
You might try checking if it's profile-specific to start:
Try disabling any other extensions you have installed?
