firebug come home? - firefox

For a couple of days I had noticed that the "script" tab of firebug had not been working. I ignored it because I wasn't working with javascript at the time.
Then the day came I was going to need that script panel, which still wasn't working, so I decided to reinstall firebug.
And now, when it's installed, it's just plain gone. No icon that I can see, neither on the bottom bar nor the top bar. No mention of it in the tool menu. The only evidence it's installed is an entry in the extensions list and a file in the extensions folder.
I've tried googling but have not fond anything that sounds like my issue.
I'm using firefox 6 on Windows XP.

For some reason, Firebug changed it's toolbar button (and removed the old one) from the old bug to a blue default cursor over a width, short box. Right-click on a toolbar, select Customize, and look for the icon next to the bug at the large picture of Firebug at top of this page:
This is the button you're looking for (download the raw file to view):

You might try checking if it's profile-specific to start:
Try disabling any other extensions you have installed?


VS Code Extension Sidebar Not Displaying/Loading

I'm simply wanting to search for extensions in VS Code, so that I can look at a file produced by sqlite3. I go to the extensions tab and click on it but I cannot search for anything. As shown in the screenshot below there is EXTENSIONS to the top left but there is no search bar at all. I cannot click in it or right click in it to bring anything up and I don't know if there is any alternative to search for and get the extension I need.
Screenshot showing Extensions View
I am working on a Ubuntu 18.04LTS OS and I've opened VS Code through Anaconda Navigator (1.9.12). The version of VS Code is 1.45.1. I thought that maybe something here was out of date but I've checked that and they seem to be up-to-date. I've also tried to search for something that's like my problem and the only thing I can find is this issue which was resolved by updating to the most recent versions (I have the most recent versions). I've also tried opening VS Code simply via the terminal but I still have the same problem with the Extensions side bar.

Sticky ruler lines in firefox developer edition

I've started using Firefox developer edition, after many years of using Firefox with firebug.
A slightly annoying artifact that I cant seem to get rid of are the rule lines - when I select an element (e.g. a button) Firefox developer edition adds rulers to the page (dashed blue lines) and highlights the elements in yellow.
The issue I'm having is that these rules (sometimes) appear fixed on the page - they don't move with the selected elements and I cant make these rules and highlights disappear (alternatively, I can't make them stick by myself), I've tried every setting in the console, I've tried refreshing the page, all to no avail, the only way I can seem to get rid of them is to navigate to another page and back to my original page.
Does anyone know a setting, or a keyboard shortcut to make these lines go away? is it a bug in Firefox?
To answer my own question:
It seems the only way to get rid of the rulers without navigating to another page is to close the inspector, and re-open again (a quick double-press of F12 does it) - others don't have the same issue with the same version of Firefox developer edition, Though I cant find a bug-report about this

Google Chrome dev tools automatically opens the 'drawer' pane

As of a few days ago, whenever I open the developer tools in Chrome on OSX the 'drawer' automatically opens - 2nd screen shot
The icon in blue shows/hides the drawer (now defaults to on) - First screen shot
This is so annoying and I cant figure out a way to stop this behaviour. It never did this before....
This was annoying me to no end and I could never figure out why it was automatically opening. Apparently the fix, at least in my case, is that I went into the Emulation tab inside of the drawer and disabled any of the overrides. Everything in blue is highlighted as an override. Disabling those seems to have fixed the problem for me.
Offering Phil Rykoff's comment as a solution...
Disabling JavaScript source maps seems to do the trick for me.
Settings > Enable JavaScript source maps
I was getting an error parsing my source maps so this could well be the cause for those with similar errors:
Failed to parse SourceMap: https://myapp/
Found the solution press the "Escape" key when you're on the Developer Tools
There is also a setting under Appearance -> Show 'Emulation'/'Rendering' view in console drawer which will turn them off by default. But if you have some overrides then the panel still popup when you open Developer Tools.
In the DevTools, click the hamburger-icon.
Click 'Hide console'
Further to Ed's solution (which did fix my problem) the issue appears to be that the whatever page you are viewing is generating a console error- which in this case just happens to be a SourceMap error.
Because the default tab on the Dev Tools pane is "Elements" it appears that Chrome opens the console drawer so that the error message is visible when you reload. Rearranging the tabs in the Dev Tools so that console is the first item solves the issue, and I could re-enable SourceMap errors.

Unable to set breakpoints in Chrome dev tools, version 26.0.1410.64 m

I need to debug some JavaScript an' I use Chrome dev tools. I'm a newby in JavaScript (just started to learn a couple of days ago), an' at work I could set breakpoints via the Resources pane. But at home for some reason I can't do this: after the click no breakpoint appeares.
I have Chrome version: 26.0.1410.64 m.
What could be the case?
clicking on the De-Obfuscate Source button (i.e. {}) solved this issue for me.
I'm a fool! haha! breakpoints are set in the Source pane )))
It's been a while, but in version 33.0.1750.146, but my problem was that I was on the Sources pane (I'd call this a tab; it's one of the items at the very top of the window), but I was on the Content scripts tab (on the left hand side). I needed to switch to the Sources tab.
To be clear, there are two sets of Sources tabs; one is within the other.
UPDATE 2016-01-07: Now I'm on 47.0.2526.106. The only thing that worked for me today was to close DevTools and re-open. It was a little finicky. It worked once, then stopped, and I had to close the DevTools and re-open again. I saw #johntrepreneur's answer about closing the browser, but unfortunately I have too many tabs open on too many workspaces, so that's too much of a pain, so I didn't try that, although I have to assume that would work.
Other solutions didn't work for me. Had to close and restart browser to be able to set breakpoints again.
This also happens when there is a JS error in your code.
Some sort of weird built in function in windows 10 i think because I did press a few buttons by accident. Some of my keys even stopped working in certain areas of visual studio. F.e the letter "c" stopped working in the find window.
Mine did this and no solution worked, i pressed alt, windows key and function key a few times and my problem went away.
Fixed as follows: For me, the issue stems from having set up Chrome to interact with operating system files. If you set this up, then the fact is evident from a green dot by the file name. At some point, I could not set a breakpoint in a recently edited file. I fixed this by disconnecting the interaction, as follows: When viewing "sources", above the code, there were some file names listed. Clicking the [x] to make the particular filename go away gave a caution message; I proceeded without saving. After that, I was able to set breakpoints for that file.
I also had this problem. However, once I closed the popup message in my browser, suddenly all my breakpoints that I set in that time appeared. Mental note: Don't set breakpoints while your app is showing a popup.
I couldn't find any direct fix for this problem.
It seems that chrome keeps settings of your site stored somewhere whatever you do to clean it. (I tried removing the folder from workspace, closing et reopening chrome etc... and nothing worked).
A workaround is to change your site's url to make chrome consider it a new site

FireBug 1.7.3 still breaks on removed breakpoint

There's a bug in FireBug: I accidentally clicked where the line numbers are, which sets a breakpoint. So I clicked again to remove it. Now it's breaking there every single time. And I've tried setting/removing a breakpoint, but it doesn't work. I've even tried clicking the pause icon, which I see suggested elsewhere, but it does nothing -- it doesn't even change. I've even tried setting it to be a conditional breakpoint that is always false so it should never fire. No cigar. I even tried uninstalling FireBug and reinstalling it!
(Please note that I am using FireBug 1.7.3 with FireFox 3.6.25, and have to for a reason, and cannot upgrade.)
[I'd post an image, but I cannot until I have 10 rep pts!]
How can I remove all breakpoints?
Do I have to uninstall / reinstall?
Try this:
In Firefox, go to URL about:support
Check the Profile Directory
Open containing folder
Go into folder firebug
Delete breakpoints.json
I am having the same issue with Firefox 79.0. Since the breakpoints.json does not exist anymore in this version (how does firebug keep track of its breakpoints now?), I tried
In Firefox, go to URL about:support
Click "Refresh Firefox"
This resets everything to default (language etc.) but also removed "ghost breakpoints".
I think I managed to fix this for newer Firefox versions, that, as was mentioned above, don't have the breakpoints.json anymore.
Open the Profile folder
Navigate to the storage\permanent folder
Close Firefox
Delete the indexeddb+++fx-devtools folder
The deleted folder will be generated again, so don't worry.
You'll probably lose some configuration on the devtools, but it's better than refreshing your entire browser.
