How to toggle slidingSubmenus? - mmenu

I'd like to be able to toggle slidingSubmenus mode. It looks like it's not possible to change the options dynamically:
var instance = api.getInstance();
instance.opts.slidingSubmenus = true;
It doesn't seem to work if I try reinitialising using the api, and it doesn't seem possible to destroy the menu and recreate. But I know it's possible as the 'playground' on the mmenu website does it through an 'updateMenu()' function that I can't find.


how to call SetExtendedUI on CMFCToolBarFontComboBox

I am creating a MFC application based on example:
now i want to change the way to expand font name drop list in toolbar from DOWN key to F4. It seems i need to get the combobox and call SetExtenedUI(FALSE) on it, but i dont know where to do it.
To change the extended UI flag on a CComboBox, you call its CComboBox::SetExtendedUI member. When you have a CMFCToolBarFontComboBox you need to get to its combo box first. Since it inherits from CMFCToolBarComboBoxButton you can use its CMFCToolBarComboBoxButton::GetComboBox member to get a CComboBox*.
CMFCToolBarFontComboBox* pFontButton = ...;
CComboBox* pComboBox = pFontButton->GetComboBox();
finally i switched to CComboBoxEx which works fine

Firefox extension: share state

I have a Firefox overlay extension with a tree in a sidebar.
How can I keep the tree state synchronized in several windows?
For example in first window added new item in tree, how update tree in other windows?
If somebody can show minimal code for it (with use code modules, observers, broadcasters or something else), please help.
I read similar question, but it did not help:
Firefox extension - Share common state between two or more windows
The answer in the question you reference is good, but short on explanation. You should read the references to which it links. I have duplicated those links here.
One way to keep state information outside of a window context is to use JavaScript code modules (JSM). The section Sharing objects using code modules talks briefly about doing this. Once you have set up your JSM to share the data, it is merely a matter of informing each window that a change has been made and it should update the displayed state. This is easily accomplished by using an event which you define. All of the sidebars listen for a particular event in their window. Then there is one function in the JSM which runs through all the windows signalling them that they need to update.
The code to signal could look something like:
function forEachOpenWindow(todo) {
// Apply a function to all open browser windows
var windows = Services.wm.getEnumerator("navigator:browser");
while (windows.hasMoreElements()) {
function signalUpdateNeeded(window){
let event = window.document.createEvent("Event");
function sendUpdateAvailableToAllWindows(){
Then in the code for the sidebar:
//This imports your JSM, it does not need the .jsm extension, you can use
// whatever extension you want.
updateDataFromModule, false);
//Instead you may need the following (or another way to get to the
// top window). What is actually needed will depend on the context in
// which your sidebar code is running. You should see below for code to
// access the main browser window from within a sidebar.
// updateDataFromModule, false);
function updateDataFromModule(){
//Whatever it is you need to do here.
mylocalVariable = myExtensionModule.dataStructure.whatever;
Refactoring the first code section above so that it looks like it is in a module that uses one variable to reduce namespace clutter. The code for the module could be something like:
var EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = [ "myExtensionModule" ];
var myExtensionModule = {
dataStructure: {
whatever: true,
you: 1,
want: ["here.", "It", "is", "your", "data."]
forEachOpenWindow: function(todo){
// Apply a function to all open browser windows
var windows = Services.wm.getEnumerator("navigator:browser");
while (windows.hasMoreElements()) {
signalUpdateNeeded: function(window){
let event = window.document.createEvent("Event");
sendUpdateAvailableToAllWindows: function(){
I have not actually tested this, so there may be some errors.
Having either your sidebar code access the main browser window, or the JSM code find which sidebar your code is in (in order to send or listen fro events) may be a bit more complicated than you think. You should see Working with windows in chrome code. Specifically, Accessing the elements of the top-level document from a child window. That section provides the following code to access the main browser window from within a sidebar:
var mainWindow = window
An alternative is for your JSM to keep a reference to an object in the data structure on which all of the sidebars place listeners. This could be an object which it creates. If you do use this method and choose to use a window, then you need to make sure that handle releasing the reference if the window is closed. If you don't you could end up with a memory leak.

Reading custom firefox about:config

How can I create new values on about:config of firefox and read them by programming language such as JavaScript?
var myBranchOfPrefs = Services.prefs.getBranch('extensions.myaddon.');
myBranchOfPrefs.setIntPref('somenumber', 456);
have to use setBoolPref or setStringPref depending on what you want value to be
this is very basic, usually you wont use it like this, youll set up a preference listener, so whenever its modified you update your addon with that value

How to use Google Apps Script Range.setDataValidation

I'd like to limit the possible values that can be selected in a Google Spreadsheet. This is easily doable via the UI, but I'd like to accomplish this in an Apps Script. When I put in the following:
var sheet = // get a sheet from somewhere
sheet.getRange(row, column, numRows, numColumns).setDataValidation(dataValidation);
The editor autocompletes the "setDataValidation" method. The pop-up help says it takes a "DataValidation" class. However, I am unable to find any documentation for this class or this method.
Does anyone happen to know if this is actually supported? And if so, how one might use it?
Thank you
I think its a new Feature. You can get a DataValidation by doing:
var r = SpreadsheetApp.openById("...").getActiveRange();
var dv = r.getDataValidation();
In the popup for dv. you can see the following function:
requireValuesInList(String[] values) : DataValidation
requireValuesInRange(Range rangeApi) : DataValidation
setHelpText(String helpText) : DataValidation
setShowDropDown(boolean showDropDown) : DataValidation
Then you need to set the validation back on the range:

Google Apps Script listbox to dropdown box

I'm building a UI in Google Sites using Apps Script and I am able to create a listbox. According to the documentation if you change the setVisibleItemCount to 1 it will become a dropdown box.
I have tried both 1 and 0.
Neither seems to make it a drop-down box. Using Firefox 13.0.1 to view. Have also tried Safari.
Anyone had any luck with this?
Code looks like this:
var vPanel = container.createVerticalPanel();
//List box
var lb = container.createListBox(true).setId('listbox').setName('listbox');
// add items to ListBox
for(var i=0;i<LIST_OF_PROJECTS.length;i++){
lb.setVisibleItemCount(1); //supposed to make it a drop-down but doesn't
This is all inside a Google Site and the page that is being displayed is a Apps Script Page. Perhaps you are NOT using Google Sites? Above code gives me a single line but no drop down arrow.
Could you post your relevant code please ?, It's working for me on firefox (slightly differently), chrome & safari. (see screen cap when I click the selector, SetVisibleItemCount is 1)
EDIT : One important point : to get the list acting as a dropdown list you have to choose 'disable multiple selection', in other words : createListBox(false) or no parameter... but not 'true' as it is in your code !! (now we know why it doesn't work in your case ;-)
With this parameter set to false , it works as expected in standalone webapp, embedded on site and linked to spreadsheet without any difference.
Don't call:
at all.
