how to call SetExtendedUI on CMFCToolBarFontComboBox - winapi

I am creating a MFC application based on example:
now i want to change the way to expand font name drop list in toolbar from DOWN key to F4. It seems i need to get the combobox and call SetExtenedUI(FALSE) on it, but i dont know where to do it.

To change the extended UI flag on a CComboBox, you call its CComboBox::SetExtendedUI member. When you have a CMFCToolBarFontComboBox you need to get to its combo box first. Since it inherits from CMFCToolBarComboBoxButton you can use its CMFCToolBarComboBoxButton::GetComboBox member to get a CComboBox*.
CMFCToolBarFontComboBox* pFontButton = ...;
CComboBox* pComboBox = pFontButton->GetComboBox();

finally i switched to CComboBoxEx which works fine


SAPUI5 Control Enable / Disable Rendering

I have a sap.m.TabContainer control with multiple sap.m.TabContainerItem controls. Each of the TabContainerItem controls have a number of their own controls on them. I have created a custom control (DBPanel) with a label and text field. It also has an enabled property for which I have overridden the setEnabled(boolean) method to enable/disable the internal text field within DBPanel. There are five (5) of these DBPanel controls on a specific TabContainerItem. When I call setEnabled(true) on each of these DBPanels, only three of the five become enabled. When I switch to another TabContainerItem and then back to this one, the final two DBPanels are also enabled. It is almost as if the TabContainerItem needs to be re-rendered. But I have read elsewhere that if rerender or invalidate need to be specifically called then there is something wrong with the code.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you
At your overridden method, you can try to call the original method that is extended. If you don't need extra logic rather than disabling or enabling it, you don't need to extend that method but I guess you have some.
First check whether superclass implements the method and then call the
method with the original arguments
if (DBPanel.prototype.setEnabled)
DBPanel.prototype.setEnabled.apply(this, arguments);

ADD OBJECT to subcontainer of object being defined

I'm writing a program to generate a VFP form class with lots (90+ each) of labels and radio buttons on it. That's the easy part. (and yes, I know that's a lot of radio buttons, but that's what the users want).
We have several VCXs in our application which do something similar, but not with anywhere near as many individual controls. So, rather than spend a huge fraction of my life dragging and dropping fields around, and realizing that I happen to have a handy list of all the fields, their options and default values, I used the 'View Class Code' option from the Class Browser to get a sample of what the code looks like as a base. Then I wrote code to generate a PRG with all the pieces I need.
My actual problem is that the code output by 'View Class Code' seems to include invalid syntax:
DEFINE CLASS form40 AS frmae
Height = 427
Width = 710
ScrollBars = 2
DoCreate = .T.
Visible = .T.
Name = "form40"
ADD OBJECT form40.cntouter.cntform40 AS cntctrls WITH ;
Top = 175, ;
Left = 2, ;
Visible = .T., ;
Name = "Cntform40"
The class frmae is a class (from a VCX) which includes a container called 'cntouter'. Class cntctrls is the container that contains all the labels/radio buttons.
The problem is that apparently you can't, in the DEFINE CLASS command, ADD OBJECT to a member. The dotted syntax causes a syntax error. Yet, this technique is used in the 'View Class Code' output.
I suspect I could get around this by generating an Init method which calls ADDOBJECT() to add my control container to cntouter, but I'd rather have it in the class definition.
The "View Class Code" option doesn't produce runnable code; it never has.
My suggestion for doing what you need is to create an option button class with the appearance that you want. Then, use your existing list to populate a cursor and write code that spins through that and adds option buttons to a container class.
The key thing you need to know here is that you can run code in the IDE that affects a form or class that's open in the Form Designer or Class Designer. That's what Builders do. So rather than generate a code-based class, use code to create a visual class.
If you want to do this in code, then first you shouldn't depend view code as Tamar already pointed out. You can do any form and its controls in code (with the exception of one or two activex controls maybe) but you need to understand how to code container type controls. First, to add a class from a class library you need to sepcify its source. ie:
add object myContainer as MyBeautifulContainer from myClasslib.vcx
wouldn't work. Instead you would need to define a class in your code like this:
define class form40 as form
* ...
add object myContainer as MyContainer with ...
* ...
define class myContainer as MyBeautifulContainer from myClasslib.vcx
* additiobnal code if any
Second, you would need to create your inner controls first and then add as needed to create the outermost object.
AT designtime, you could go to command window, pop up a code window:
modify command [enter]
and then using ASELOBJ() function you can get a reference to any object on the form you are designing. Onece you have the desired reference(s), you can add and arrange objects within that code window programmatically, select the code and execute selection (erase the controls, correct your code and retry if you can't do it right for the first time). That is temporary "do and throw away" style builder.

How to Auotmate Combo box for makemytrip as I am able to insert the value but once the focus is moved value is erased from the combobox

How to Auotmate Combo box for makemytrip as I am able to insert the value but once the focus is moved value is erased from the combobox
Try use Click first on that WebEdit (or maybe WebElement) object. Then, use SendKeys method to insert desired value. One potential issue here is that the value may still disappear even you use SendKeys, if so, try to send the string one by one. Google has lots of sample codes about SendKeys and sending string one character by one character.
If it's a WebEdit object, you might find it works best if you use the WebEdit("whateveritscalled").Type myDestinationString operation rather than Set or SendKeys.
Try the following, I am setting the values using the Elementid,it should work-
Browser("MakeMyTrip, India's No").Page("MakeMyTrip, India's No").Object.getElementById("from_typeahead1").value = "New Delhi, India (DEL)"
Browser("MakeMyTrip, India's No").Page("MakeMyTrip, India's No").Object.getElementById("to_typeahead1").value = "Mumbai, India (BOM)"

What ComponentQuery should I use for this example in this.control()?

I have:
1.) What should I type in this.control() for getting the reference to the grid panel?
My plan is, when user double clicks one row, new tab is created. I already have code for creating new tabs but I just need to get reference to the grid panel.
Something like this:
'viewport > westpanel > accordion > gridpanel': {
doubleclick: function...
2.) Let's say that I gave an ID to the grid panel. How can I get reference in this.control using .get method?
3.) How can I be sure that I've got the right reference? Can I console.log() - it or something like that?
I would know how to do this without MVC but here I need help. :)
Thank you! :)
It is quite easy once you understand how to use it. First you should read the API about the ComponentQuery cause that is what is used within the control.
this depends on your components. You so can go by the xtype 'panel > grid': {itemdblclick:this.yourCallback}
the recommend way if you can't define a really unique path by xtypes '#myID': {itemdblclick:this.yourCallback} using defined refs within the control is not possible in the currently release, as far as I know.
Use Id's instead of just xtypes '#myID > grid': {itemdblclick:this.yourCallback} or define additional params '#myID > grid[customProp=identString]': {itemdblclick:this.yourCallback}

Allowing user selected Global Theme for winform app

I am using DevExpress controls in a winform app I am building for internal use. My app has about 30 forms in total and I am trying to figure out a way to allow my user's to select a theme. I have seen this mentioned here at SO multiple times in answers to other posts.
I understand how the StyleController works, I believe, but what I am wondering is how I can use 1 Style controller for the whole app.
Right now I am trying to create 1 StlyeController at the Shell form and then pass a reference to it to each child form. From there I then have to programatically set the StyleController property for each control. I don't mind I just wonder, especially from those who have done this, if there is a simpler way?
It is very simple. This example is assuming that you are using skins.
In the constructor of your main form calls:
This will enable your form to use the current skin. It is also important that each of your forms derived from XtraForm.
After that you need to setup the global look and feel object for your application:
//This set the style to use skin technology
DevExpress.LookAndFeel.UserLookAndFeel.Default.Style = DevExpress.LookAndFeel.LookAndFeelStyle.Skin;
//Here we specify the skin to use by its name
If you want to set the look and feel of your application like Office 2003, the setup is different. You just have to call the following function:
So, every control of devexpress will use these settings to paint themselves. It is possible to specify a custom LookAndFeel object for some controls but I never used it because I dont see the point to have a custom display for a control or a form.
There is one exception in Devexpress framework. The NavBarControl does not use the skin technology automatically from your global LookAndFeel object, you need to specify a setting to enable that:
//To use the current skin
youNavBarControl.PaintStyleName = "SkinNavigationPane";
//To use the current look and feel without the skin
youNavBarControl.PaintStyleName = "NavigationPane";
With version 11.2 I used the information in this article:
In summary :
* Inherit all your forms from XtraForm
* Leave look and feel settings default so that they use the default skin
* Modify the default skin with the following line of code:
DevExpress.LookAndFeel.UserLookAndFeel.Default.SkinName = "DevExpress Dark Style";
