How to register a client name with Google? - google-api

I have two applications which access my users' calendars via a service account. Until today everything was working fine and out of a sudden one of the app cannot get a grant token. I read that this may be due to the same service account being used simultaneously (which was the case for a year but never mind) so I decided to
create a second service account
and authorize it to access the calendars
I created the service account in the Google Developers Console -> API Manager -> Credentials.
The console now looks like this:
Service account client 1 is the original service account which was working for both apps and now works for one of them only. The ga... account is the newly created one.
In order to get the ClientID I went (on the same page) to "Manage service accounts" and I get this:
The newly created account does not offer the possibility to check its ClientID. Why?
The ClientID is also available in the JSON file downloaded upon creation. I extracted it from there and tried to authorize the access in my GApps Security console:
As you can see it was refused.
What part did I miss when creating this second account?

Found it:
and after checking the checkbox below both accounts look the same, the ClientID is available and it can be authorized in the GApps console.


If a user grants access via a website, how to use that access on a different server?

I'm trying to get some data from a user (searchconsole):
the user first grants permission on a website.
Then, the idea is to use that permission and retrieve the data with a python program that'll run on a different server.
What is the easiest/safest way to achieve that?
Should I use the same token for both servers?
or is there a solution using the service account impersonation? (I'm stuck on that one)
use the permission on the web server to add the service account as a searchconsole user?
I tried to move the token from one server to another manually, and it works, but it seems suboptimal to use the same token for both servers.
I also read the doc and all examples I could find, but didn't find my case even though it seems basic.
Should I use the same token for both servers?
Im not 100% sure what you mean by token, you can and probably should just store the refresh token from the user and then you can access their data when ever you need to. This is really how Oauth2 is supposed to work and maybe you could find a way of storing it in a database that both your fount end and backend can access.
or is there a solution using the service account impersonation? (I'm stuck on that one)
Service accounts should really only be used if you the developer control the account you are trying to connect to. or if you are a google workspace admin and want to control the data of everyone on your domain. impersonation can only be configured via google workspace and can only be configured to control users on the same domain. So standard google gmail users would be out.
In the case of the webmaster tools api im not sure by checking the documentation that this api even supports service accounts
use the permission on the web server to add the service account as a searchconsole user?
I did just check my personal web master tools account and it appears that i have at some point in the past added a service account as a user on my account.
For a service account to have access to an account it must be pre authorized. This is done as you can see by adding a user to your account. I cant remember how long ago I tested this from what i remember it did not work as the user needed to accept the authorization and there was no way to do that with a service account.

I keep getting an error that my app needs to be verified when either I or another user try to authorize with OAuth2. What does that mean?

I received this error when trying to authorize my app with my own account:
Your project is trying to access scopes that need to go through the verification process.
If you need to use one of these scopes, submit a verification request. Learn More
When I use a different account, the error message is different:
This app hasn’t been verified to access:
Are you the developer? If this project needs these scopes, sign in to an account with access to edit your project and try again.
If not, contact the developer for help.
As per the announcement on May 11, 2017, publicly available applications with access to certain user data must pass review. If you see an access error for your app, submit a request using our OAuth Developer Verification form.
For personal-use apps and those you are testing, join the Google group Risky Access Permissions By Unreviewed Apps, which allows you to approve data access for personal and testing accounts. See the Google API Services User Data Policy for more information.
UPDATE: Corrected broken link to form.

HttpError 403 google directory api

I got the super admin privileges for to my Google Account.
I need to get the list of all the chrome devices through an API.
I did enable Google Admin SDK but still facing some issues.
I copied the exact python script from Python Quickstart for checking but still getting error as
"googleapiclient.errors.HttpError: returned "Insufficient Permission">"
When checked on Admin SDK API dashboard I can see 4xx errors for every call made from my python script.
When you run the sample you need to make sure that this step
The sample will attempt to open a new window or tab in your default browser. If this fails, copy the URL from the console and manually open it in your browser.
If you are not already logged into your Google account, you will be prompted to log in. If you are logged into multiple Google accounts, you will be asked to select one account to use for the authorization.
Is done from the Google account which has access to your admin account. The user you are logged in with now does not have access.
I managed to get Super Admin access of Google account and then grant access to my project for different scopes. The docs/ references are so confusing hence it took a while for me to figure it out. So under the admin console, we have to get into Security >> Advanced Settings >> Manage API Client Access(under Authentication) and then add the client name and the scopes(multiple scopes separated by commas) for which we need access. Client name is the client-id which we can get from the client-secretxxxxx.json file(downloaded while creating the oauth id).
NOTE :- You do NOT need super admin access it is just that I was new and the guy who gave me the initial access wasn't sure what has to be enabled across.
Also couldn't post as a comment due to the limitation of characters.

How does the Google Apps Marketplace SSO requirement work?

We're trying to figure out how to submit to the marketplace, but are not sure what we need to do to alter our existing signup flow to accomodate the SSO requirement
Our app was not originally built to be a marketplace app so our signup flow is built for individual users. We are already following the OAuth2 flow as outlined on this documentation page. However, its not clear to me how this works for an entire org when installing from the context of a marketplace app.
Does the admin grant access to all the individual scopes we currently request for the entire org at once? Is there need for some sort of service account or something since we currently are requesting offline access? I'd like to understand what changes we need to make to our server's signup flow in or whether it is just a scope / manifest mismatch.
We currently request the following scopes from an individual user when signing up.
['email', 'profile' ,'', ''],
Exact questions are...
What (if anything) do we need to do to alter our current individual-focused signup flow to accommodate a Google Apps Admin signing up their whole domain?
What scopes do we need to in our Google Apps Admin listing and how do they relate to the scopes we currently request from individuals?
There are not so many changes if you are already using three legged OAuth2.
The first change would be in you project in the developer console. There you need to enable the Marketplace SDK and make the necessary configurations. Here you will add the scopes that your app will request and those are the scopes that the admin will see when installing the app.
The admin will see the scopes your app is requesting, and he will decide if it's ok to install the application in the domain. If it is approved, then yes, the admin would grant access to the entire domain.
Offline access is part of the Oauth flow, after you receive the refresh token, you can continue refreshing the access token without having the user to grant access again.
It is not necessary to have a service account. The service account has two purposes:
To manage information related to the application. In this case the service account can have access to it's own drive to store and retrieve information that is related to the app functionality.
Impersonation of users. When using domain delegation of authority, you can use a service account to impersonate any user in a domain and act on it's behalf to make API calls.
To deploy your app, you also have to create a new project in the Chrome Web Store, with a manifest for Marketplace.
To answer your questions:
It's not necessary that you modify your current oauth flow. The admin will install the app in the domain, but when a user access to the app, the process for authentication is the same as individual.
The scopes in your Marketplace SDK configuration should match the scopes your app will use. This is mostly for security reasons, it wouldn't be safe if you install an app with some scopes and then the app uses different scopes.
You can try your app before actually deploying it by adding trusted testers in the chrome web store dashboard or in the Console API configuration. This way you can check if your flows and all the configurations were done correctly.
Hope this helps. Let me know if you have more questions.

Microsoft App authentication in MVC 5

I want to authenticate my mvc application by microsoft. I successfully done with Facbook, Google and Twitter, but when i click on Microsoft then the error `We're unable to complete your request
Microsoft account is experiencing technical problems. Please try again later`
is coming.
I successfully created an app and paste the Client ID and Client Secret in my mvc application . But I do not know the real problem
What is the return URL that you specified for the given Client ID and Client Secret? If the site is not running under that specific URL (e.g. is running under localhost whilst you are in dev mode), you can get this error message.
In my case I had my gmail account configured as my primary Microsoft Live account once I changed this to my Hotmail account as the primary account and then created a new app with a new name Client ID and Secret it started working for me.
The gmail account worked signing in as a gmail user on my app Identity Provider being Google to give some background this is the account I used as my Microsoft Account. I suspect my Microsoft account using my gmail user name and password confused the MS identity Provider thus resulting in the error. So avoid using a different Identity Providers credentials to authenticate with a different Identity provider if testing this. One account per Identity provider not associated to other Identity providers.
Since the Google account had been my primary for the other Identity Providers when I logged into the App as this I as essentially I suspect therefore already logged in with my Microsoft account.
Step 1:-
Open Application Registration Portal of Microsoft [] where you have Registered your Application.
You need to make change in Redirect URIs
For example :-
The URI which is Registered
URL:- http://localhost:8000
Change to make in URI :-
Just Add :- [/signin-microsoft] at end of URL It works
URL:- http://localhost:8000/signin-microsoft
Finally save your setting and try again it will work.
In my case, it failed when I used my personal Outlook account to login.
Once I switched to an Office 365 account, it started working.
