iOS 9: Renewal and distribution of provisioning profile of Enterprise app without IPA build - profile

In iOS 7, for renewal of provisioning profile (for enterprise app), we used to follow the below process:
Generate a new provisioning profile from the Apple member center.
Install the new provisioning profile to all the devices.
In iOS 9, it seems that the steps are not working. I am unable to install the provisioning profile directly to devices. Rebuilding IPA and distributing to all the devices is not an option at this point of time.
What are the other options that I have? Anyone faced the same issue? What's the workaround for this issue?


Xamarin iOS Hot Restart Not Deploying to Phone from Windows to iPhone

I am trying to debug from a Windows computer to an iPhone plugged into the computer.
I set up Hot Restart and followed every step closely.
I have a paid Apple Developer account, downloaded iTunes, and Visual Studio 2022
I have since revoked my certificates and provisioning profiles since automatic provisioning apparently creates those
However, I am getting the following error when I try to debug on the iPhone device:
No valid iOS code signing keys found in keychain. Please enable automatic provisioning from the iOS Bundle Signing page.
When I go to the iOS bundle signing page and try to enable automatic provisioning by selecting my team, it says:
Automatic provisioning failed, please check the logs.
What on earth could I be doing wrong? I've been trying to solve this problem for two days. Please help.

Xcode Enterprise Distribution Not Embedding Mobile Provisioning Profile

I recently updated to Xcode 10 (on accident).
Before the update, automatic code signing worked perfectly fine and the appropriate provisioning profile was embedded.
Now, after I go through the distribution wizard it generates the .ipa without embedding a provisioning profile.
When I run ipa info on the created .ipa, it throws:
Embedded mobile provisioning profile not found in created.ipa

When using Titanium (Appcelerator Studio) with xcode 8, how do I turn ON "automatically manage signing"?

I'm a long-time Titanium developer who recently upgraded to xcode8. Afterwards, I could not build to my iOS device. I was getting an error about my provisioning profile being managed but the signing of my app requires a manual provisioning profile. The only way I could figure out to move past the error was to create a manual provisioning profile. Instead, I'd like to turn ON "automatically manage signing" but I cannot figure out how to do this in Appcelerator Studio.
Automatic code-signing is not supported by Titanium, yet, and you should create your provisioning profiles in the iOS Dev-Center until it is officially supported.
See TIMOB-24008 for more information.

xcode 7 ios9 no provisioning profile found

As pe the apple doc Here provisioning profile is not required for connected devices. But in my xcode it is still asking for provisioning profile.
i am using a project created with cordova

How to build an ipa file from a xCode 5 project without developer membership?

I have appSync for iOS 7 in my Jailbroken device, so I'm only looking for export a project to a ipa.
Is this possible without having a developer membership from Apple as that costs 99 dollars per year.
No it is not possible to install the application on your device for development testing without apple
membership account.
Because to install the application you have to make a provisioning file and without membership account you can not make provisioning file
