First order logic representation of this statement? - first-order-logic

For the expression
The flight from boston arrived.
I need to give an event oriented First Order Logic representation.
If it was the flight arrived, I would have said
Arrived(e) ^ arrived_thing(e,flight)
How do I incorporate the propositional phrasefrom boston in it?

if you want to keep Arrived and arrived_thing
Arrived(e) ^ Arrived_thing(e,flight) ^ Before(boston, flight)
Hope this helps.


Representing FOL in english language

I have the following FOL formula: ∀e(S(e)) → ∃d(P(d))
And the vocabulary:
variables: e:'exam', d:'day'
functions: S:'successful', P:'party'
I initially translated that formula into:
For every successful exam, there will be a day of party
While apparently the correct translation would be something of the sort of:
You party at least one day after all exams were successful.
Why does the correct one say that we only party after ALL exams were successful?
Does ∀e(S(e)) mean: "For all exams, they will all be successful"?
And ∃d(P(d)) mean: "there exists at least one day where we party"?
And doesn't the implication translte to "if a then b" ?
I think I can somehow see the logic of the correct translation, but there's something about the implication that makes me unsure...
Careful here. This formula:
∀e(S(e)) → ∃d(P(d))
Really only has one precise sense, the one you acknowledge as apparently correct:
If all exams are successful, then there will be a party.
Your translation is wrong for a subtle but significant reason. Your translation:
For every successful exam, there will be a day of party
Corresponds to this formula:
∀e.∃d(S(e) → P(d))
These formulae are not logically equivalent, that is, the following is not a tautology:
(∀e(S(e)) → ∃d(P(d))) <=> (∀e.∃d(S(e) → P(d)))
To see this, consider what happens when you pass ten exams and fail one exam. The original formula is vacuously true regardless of whether any party is had, since ∀e(S(e)) is not satisfied. However, your statement is only true if you have at least one party, since you did pass at least one exam.

Prolog River Crossing

So I was given an assignment to try to solve this problem in Prolog, though the teacher has only covered the basics and this is essentially the only project in Prolog. I feel like I'm over thinking it and that he's just expecting too much as a first time Prolog program.
The problem is listed below, how should I go about solving this?
Write a Prolog program that solves the word problem below. As part of the solution, it should print all the crossings, with the paddler listed first.
Tom, Jack, Bill, and Jim had to cross a river using a canoe that held only two people.
In each of the three crossings from the left to the right bank of the river, the canoe had two persons, and in each of the two crossings from the right to the left bank, the canoe had one person. Tom was unable to paddle when someone else was in the canoe with him.
Jack was unable to paddle when anyone else but Bill was in the canoe with him. Each person paddled for at least one crossing.
This is what I have so far, though it "works", it doesn't make sure that everyone paddles at least once.
(This answer may be too late, but since this is quite a classic problem/puzzle which has many many variants, I think it might still be useful to try and break the problem down a little bit.)
As yet stated in answers above, I think it might be a good idea to do some refactoring and try to write a simpler, more manageable model for this problem. What I mean with this is if someone asked you for example to 'quickly modify' your code to integrate let's say a fifth person to the puzzle, it wouldn't be much fun to refactor the code above.
You could start -this is just one approach to give you an idea- by encoding the configuration of the 4 men in a list, where we use an 'l' or 'r' to specify whether someone is located on the left or right side of the river bank. This would give us an initial state like so:
% Tom, Jack, Bill, and Jim are all on the left side
And we want to reach the goal state:
% Tom, Jack, Bill, and Jim are all on the right side
This gives us a model that is a lot easier to read/understand (imo).
We could then think some more about how we are going to encode actual transports between the river banks. We wrote our list configuration to specify which person is located where, so now we need a Prolog predicate that can transform one configuration into another. Let's say:
Now, for the implementation, instead of explicitly matching on all possible moves (like you do in your current code), it's always a good idea to try and generalise what exactly is happening (the fun part in Prolog :) ).
Without writing too complicated code at once, we break the problem down into small pieces:
% Facts defining a crossing of the river
% Transport example for Tom
transport([X,Jack,Bill,Jim],[tom],[Y,Jack,Bill,Jim]) :- cross(X,Y).
As you can see, we now defined 'transport' in a very simple way: it is known that Tom will only cross the river on his own, so we use the cross fact to change his location. (Note that Jack, Bill and Jim are just variables stating either an 'l' or 'r' as indication on which river bank those people are located. Since Tom only crosses on his own, these variables will not change!). We could write this even more abstract and don't match specifically on 'tom', but I'm trying to keep it simple in this example.
Of course, we still need to express which crossings are valid and which aren't. From your question: "In each of the three crossings from the left to the right bank of the river, the canoe had two persons, and in each of the two crossings from the right to the left bank, the canoe had one person."
These conditions can very easily be coded using our 'transport' predicate since the initial state (first arg) tells us whether we are crossing from left to right, or vice versa and our 2nd argument specifies a list of which persons are crossing. In other words, the direction of the crossing and the amount of passengers are already known and it seems a bit trivial to write down these conditions here.
Next up: "Jack was unable to paddle when anyone else but Bill was in the canoe with him." Again, this is already very easily written together in our 'transport' (note that I've used wildcards to leave out information we don't care about for this particular condition, but of course, this will probably be different in the resulting end code. It is merely to give an example.):
% Transport example for Jack (Persons length = min 1 - max 2)
transport([_,_,_,_],Persons,[_,_,_,_]) :-
( member(jack,Persons) ->
* other condition(s) *
% Alternative with pattern matching on Persons
transport([_,_,_,_],[A,B],[_,_,_,_]) :-
* if jack is A or B, then bill is the other one *
Another quick example: "Tom was unable to paddle when someone else was in the canoe with him."
% Tom cannot peddle in a team of 2
transport([_,_,_,_],Persons,[_,_,_,_]) :-
\+ member(tom,Persons).
As you may have noticed, we have now almost completely broken down the problem in bits and pieces that can be very easily expressed in our model and we are not far from writing the actual solver. There are however enough code examples to be found online and I don't think it's necessary to work out any more of the code right here.
More inspiration can be found by searching for the classic Fox-Goose-Beans/Cabbage puzzle.
Good luck to everyone!

Negated possibilities in Prolog

This is a somewhat silly example but I'm trying to keep the concept pretty basic for better understanding. Say I have the following unary relations:
And the following binary relations:
eats(steve, apples).
eats(steve, pears).
eats(joe, mangos).
I know that querying eats(steve, F). will return all the fruit that steve eats (apples and pears). My problem is that I want to get all of the fruits that Steve doesn't eat. I know that this: \+eats(steve,F) will just return "no" because F can't be bound to an infinite number of possibilities, however I would like it to return mangos, as that's the only existing fruit possibility that steve doesn't eat. Is there a way to write this that would produce the desired result?
I tried this but no luck here either: \+eats(steve,F), fruit(F).
If a better title is appropriate for this question I would appreciate any input.
Prolog provides only a very crude form of negation, in fact, (\+)/1 means simply "not provable at this point in time of the execution". So you have to take into account the exact moment when (\+)/1 is executed. In your particular case, there is an easy way out:
fruit(F), \+eats(steve,F).
In the general case, however, this is far from being fixed easily. Think of \+ X = Y, see this answer.
Another issue is that negation, even if used properly, will introduce non-monotonic properties into your program: By adding further facts for eats/2 less might be deduced. So unless you really want this (as in this example where it does make sense), avoid the construct.

HElp with converting to first order logic

Using only these predicates.....
child(X) X is a child
unwell(X,Y) X is unwell on day Y
location(X,Y,Z) Location of X on day Y is Z (school, park, home)
sunny(X) X is a sunny day
Generally, children do not go to school whenever they are unwell
∄x [Child(x) ∧ location(X,y,home) → Child(x) ∧ unwell(X,y)]
Not sure if what i've written is right or wrong
Also not sure, how to convert this line...
On sunny days Julie goes to the park, otherwise she stays at home.
Would appreciate the help... Thanks...
Maybe something like this:
((child(Julie) ^ location(Julie,Y,park)) -> sunny(Y)) ^ ((child(Julie) ^ location(Julie,Y,home)) -> ~sunny(Y))
I will edit this further if I can think of something. Been a while since I touched first-order logic :)
your first answer isn't correct, but it isn't really translatable to FOL because it describes doesn't describe a strict rule, but only something that is generally the case. To describe that kind of things you would need some kind of non monotonic logic.
But even if we leave that out, and just asume it is a strict rule and ignore all exceptional behaviour you here say that there isn't an entity x which if it is a child and at home is sick and a child. i think you meant to be the second precedent of the implication to be $location(X,Y,school)$
the rendering of the second sentence by Sagar V looks nice but perhaps you want to reverse the implication (depends on what causal relation you want to have) and his sentence forces Julie to be a child which isn't in your problem statement

Query on Lambda calculus

Continuing on exercises in book Lambda Calculus, the question is as follows:
Suppose a symbol of the λ-calculus
alphabet is always 0.5cm wide. Write
down a λ-term with length less than 20
cm having a normal form with length at
least (10^10)^10 lightyear. The speed
of light is c = 3 * (10^10) cm/sec.
I have absolutely no idea as to what needs to be done in this question. Can anyone please give me some pointers to help understand the question and what needs to be done here? Please do not solve or mention the final answer.
Hoping for a reply.
Not knowing anything about lambda calculus, I understand the question as following:
You have to write a λ-term in less than 20 cm, where a symbol is 0.5cm, meaning you are allowed less than 40 symbols. This λ-term should expand to a normal form with the length of at least (10^10)^10 = 10^100 lightyears, which results in (10^100)*2*3*(10^10)*24*60*60 symbols. Basically a very long recursive function.
Here's another hint: in lambda calculus, the typical way to represent an integer is by its Church encoding, which is a unary representation. So if you convert the distances into numbers, one thing that would do the trick would be a small function which, when applied to a small number, terminates and produces a very large number.
