Negated possibilities in Prolog - prolog

This is a somewhat silly example but I'm trying to keep the concept pretty basic for better understanding. Say I have the following unary relations:
And the following binary relations:
eats(steve, apples).
eats(steve, pears).
eats(joe, mangos).
I know that querying eats(steve, F). will return all the fruit that steve eats (apples and pears). My problem is that I want to get all of the fruits that Steve doesn't eat. I know that this: \+eats(steve,F) will just return "no" because F can't be bound to an infinite number of possibilities, however I would like it to return mangos, as that's the only existing fruit possibility that steve doesn't eat. Is there a way to write this that would produce the desired result?
I tried this but no luck here either: \+eats(steve,F), fruit(F).
If a better title is appropriate for this question I would appreciate any input.

Prolog provides only a very crude form of negation, in fact, (\+)/1 means simply "not provable at this point in time of the execution". So you have to take into account the exact moment when (\+)/1 is executed. In your particular case, there is an easy way out:
fruit(F), \+eats(steve,F).
In the general case, however, this is far from being fixed easily. Think of \+ X = Y, see this answer.
Another issue is that negation, even if used properly, will introduce non-monotonic properties into your program: By adding further facts for eats/2 less might be deduced. So unless you really want this (as in this example where it does make sense), avoid the construct.


Reporting *why* a query failed in Prolog in a systematic way

I'm looking for an approach, pattern, or built-in feature in Prolog that I can use to return why a set of predicates failed, at least as far as the predicates in the database are concerned. I'm trying to be able to say more than "That is false" when a user poses a query in a system.
For example, let's say I have two predicates. blue/1 is true if something is blue, and dog/1 is true if something is a dog:
blue(X) :- ...
dog(X) :- ...
If I pose the following query to Prolog and foo is a dog, but not blue, Prolog would normally just return "false":
? blue(foo), dog(foo)
What I want is to find out why the conjunction of predicates was not true, even if it is an out of band call such as:
? getReasonForFailure(X)
X = not(blue(foo))
I'm OK if the predicates have to be written in a certain way, I'm just looking for any approaches people have used.
The way I've done this to date, with some success, is by writing the predicates in a stylized way and using some helper predicates to find out the reason after the fact. For example:
blue(X) :-
And then implementing recordFailureReason/1 such that it always remembers the "reason" that happened deepest in the stack. If a query fails, whatever failure happened the deepest is recorded as the "best" reason for failure. That heuristic works surprisingly well for many cases, but does require careful building of the predicates to work well.
Any ideas? I'm willing to look outside of Prolog if there are predicate logic systems designed for this kind of analysis.
As long as you remain within the pure monotonic subset of Prolog, you may consider generalizations as explanations. To take your example, the following generalizations might be thinkable depending on your precise definition of blue/1 and dog/1.
?- blue(foo), * dog(foo).
In this generalization, the entire goal dog(foo) was removed. The prefix * is actually a predicate defined like :- op(950, fy, *). *(_).
Informally, above can be read as: Not only this query fails, but even this generalized query fails. There is no blue foo at all (provided there is none). But maybe there is a blue foo, but no blue dog at all...
?- blue(_X/*foo*/), dog(_X/*foo*/).
Now we have generalized the program by replacing foo with the new variable _X. In this manner the sharing between the two goals is retained.
There are more such generalizations possible like introducing dif/2.
This technique can be both manually and automatically applied. For more, there is a collection of example sessions. Also see Declarative program development in Prolog with GUPU
Some thoughts:
Why did the logic program fail: The answer to "why" is of course "because there is no variable assignment that fulfills the constraints given by the Prolog program".
This is evidently rather unhelpful, but it is exactly the case of the "blue dog": there are no such thing (at least in the problem you model).
In fact the only acceptable answer to the blue dog problem is obtained when the system goes into full theorem-proving mode and outputs:
blue(X) <=> ~dog(X)
or maybe just
dog(X) => ~blue(X)
or maybe just
blue(X) => ~dog(X)
depending on assumptions. "There is no evidence of blue dogs". Which is true, as that's what the program states. So a "why" in this question is a demand to rewrite the program...
There may not be a good answer: "Why is there no x such that x² < 0" is ill-posed and may have as answer "just because" or "because you are restricting yourself to the reals" or "because that 0 in the equation is just wrong" ... so it depends very much.
To make a "why" more helpful, you will have to qualify this "why" somehow. which may be done by structuring the program and extending the query so that additional information collecting during proof tree construction is bubbling up, but you will have to decide beforehand what information that is:
query(Sought, [Info1, Info2, Info3])
And this query will always succeed (for query/2, "success" no longer means "success in finding a solution to the modeled problem" but "success in finishing the computation"),
Variable Sought will be the reified answer of the actual query you want answered, i.e. one of the atoms true or false (and maybe unknown if you have had enough with two-valued logic) and Info1, Info2, Info3 will be additional details to help you answer a why something something in case Sought is false.
Note that much of the time, the desire to ask "why" is down to the mix-up between the two distinct failures: "failure in finding a solution to the modeled problem" and "failure in finishing the computation". For example, you want to apply maplist/3 to two lists and expect this to work but erroneously the two lists are of different length: You will get false - but it will be a false from computation (in this case, due to a bug), not a false from modeling. Being heavy-handed with assertion/1 may help here, but this is ugly in its own way.
In fact, compare with imperative or functional languages w/o logic programming parts: In the event of failure (maybe an exception?), what would be a corresponding "why"? It is unclear.
This is a great question but the more I reflect on it, the more I think it can only be answer in a task-specific way: You must structure your logic program to be why-able, and you must decide what kind of information why should actually return. It will be something task-specific: something about missing information, "if only this or that were true" indications, where "this or that" are chosen from a dedicates set of predicates. This is of course expected, as there is no general way to make imperative or functional programs explain their results (or lack thereof) either.
I have looked a bit for papers on this (including IEEE Xplore and ACM Library), and have just found:
Reasoning about Explanations for Negative Query Answers in DL-Lite which is actually for Description Logics and uses abductive reasoning.
WhyNot: Debugging Failed Queries in Large Knowledge Bases which discusses a tool for Cyc.
I also took a random look at the documentation for Flora-2 but they basically seem to say "use the debugger". But debugging is just debugging, not explaining.
There must be more.

misconception about how prolog works

So I am currently learning prolog and I can't get my head around how this language works.
"It tries all the possible solutions until it finds one, if it doesn't it returns false" is what I've read that this language does. You just Describe the solution and it finds it for you
With that in mind, I am trying to solve the 8 queens problem ( how to place 8 queens on a chess board without anyone threatening the others).
I have this predicate, 'safe' that gets a list of pairs, the positions of all the queens and succeeds when they are not threatening each other.
When I enter in the terminal
?- safe([(1,2),(3,5)]).
true ?
| ?- safe([(1,3),(1,7)]).
| ?- safe([(2,2),(3,3)]).
| ?- safe([(2,2),(3,4),(8,7)]).
true ?
it recognizes the correct from the wrong answers, so it knows if something is a possible solution
when I enter
| ?- safe(L).
L = [] ? ;
L = [_] ? ;
it gives me the default answers, even though it recognizes a solution for 2 queens when I enter them.
here is my code
threatens((Column1,Row1),(Column2,Row2)) :-
Diff1 is Column1 - Row1,
Diff2 is Column2 - Row2,
abs(Diff1) =:= abs(Diff2).
safe([A,B|T]) :-
\+ threatens(A,B),
One solution I found to the problem is to create predicates 'position' and modify the 'safe' one
safe([A,B|T]) :-
\+ threatens(A,B),
but this is just stupid, as you have to type everything explicitly and really really slow,
even for 6 queens.
My real problem here, is not with the code itself but with prolog, I am trying to think in prolog, But all I read is
Describe how the solution would look like and let it work out what is would be
Well that's what I have been doing but it does not seem to work,
Could somebody point me to some resources that don't teach you the semantics but how to think in prolog
Thank you
but this is just stupid, as you have to type everything explicitly and really really slow, even for 6 queens.
Regarding listing the positions, the two coordinates are independent, so you could write something like:
position((X, Y)) :-
This is already much less typing. It's even simpler if your Prolog has a between/3 predicate:
coordinate(X) :-
between(1, 8, X).
Regarding the predicate being very slow, this is because you are asking it to do too much duplicate work:
safe([A,B|T]) :-
Once you know that [A|T] is safe, T must be safe as well. You can remove the last goal and will get an exponential speedup.
Describe how the solution would look like and let it work out what is
would be
demands that the AI be very strong in general. We are not there yet.
You are on the right track though. Prolog essentially works by enumerating possible solutions and testing them, rejecting those that don't fit the conditions encoded in the program. The skill resides in performing a "good enumeration" (traversing the domain in certain ways, exploiting domain symmetries and overlaps etc) and subsequent "fast rejection" (quickly throwing away whole sectors of the search space as not promising). The basic pattern:
findstuff(X) :- generate(X),test(X).
And evidently the program must first generate X before it can test X, which may not be always evident to beginners.
findstuff(X) :- x_fulfills_test_conditions(X),x_fullfills_domain_conditions(X).
which is really another way of writing
findstuff(X) :- test(X),generate(X).
would be the same, but for Prolog, as a concrete implementation, there would be nothing to work with.
That X in the program always stands for a particular value (which may be uninstantiated at a given moment, but becomes more and more instantiated going "to the right"). Unlike in logic, where the X really stands for an unknown object onto which we pile constraints until -ideally- we can resolve X to a set of concrete values by applying a lot of thinking to reformulate constraints.
Which brings us the the approach of "Constraint Logic Programming (over finite domains)", aka CLP(FD) which is far more elegant and nearer what's going on when thinking mathematically or actually doing theorem proving, see here:
and the ECLiPSe logic programming system
N-Queens in Prolog on YouTube. as a must-watch
This is still technically Prolog (in fact, implemented on top of Prolog) but allows you to work on a more abstract level than raw generate-and-test.
Prolog is radically different in its approach to computing.
Arithmetic often is not required at all. But the complexity inherent in a solution to a problem show up in some place, where we control how relevant information are related.
No arithmetic at all, columns/rows are encoded in a clever choice of symbols (the numbers indeed are just that, identifiers), diagonals in two additional arguments.
The whole program just requires a (very) small subset of Prolog, namely a pure 2-clauses interpreter.
If you take the time to understand what place_queens/4 does (operationally, maybe, if you have above average attention capabilities), you'll gain a deeper understanding of what (pure) Prolog actually computes.

Prolog unknowns in the knowledge base

I am trying to learn Prolog and it seems the completeness of the knowledge is very important because obviously if the knowledge base does not have the fact, or the fact is incorrect, it will affect the query results. I am wondering how best to handle unknown details of a fact. For example,
%life(<name>,<birth year>,<death year>)
Some people I add to the knowledge base would still be alive, therefore their year of death is not known. In the example of rulers, the first ruler did not have a predecessor and the current ruler does not have a successor. In the event that there are these unknowns should I put some kind of unknown flag value or can the detail be left out. In the case of the ruler, not knowing the predecessor would the fact look like this?
Well, you have a few options.
In this particular case, I would question your design. Rather than putting both previous and next on the ruler, you could just put next and use a rule to find the previous:
ruler(great_ruler, second_ruler).
ruler(second_ruler, third_ruler).
previous(Ruler, Previous) :- ruler(Previous, Ruler).
This predicate will simply fail for great_ruler, which is probably appropriate—there wasn't anyone before them, after all.
In other cases, it may not be straightforward. So you have to decide if you want to make an explicit value for unknown or use a variable. Basically, do you want to do this:
ruler(great_ruler, unknown, second_ruler).
or do you want to do this:
ruler(great_ruler, _, second_ruler).
In the first case, you might get spurious answers featuring unknown, unless you write some custom logic to catch it. But I actually think the second case is worse, because that empty variable will unify with anything, so lots of queries will produce weird results:
ruler(_, SucceededHimself, SucceededHimself)
will succeed, for instance, unifying SucceededHimself = second_ruler, which probably isn't what you want. You can check for variables using var/1 and ground/1, but at that point you're tampering with Prolog's search and it's going to get more complex. So a blank variable is not as much like NULL in SQL as you might want it to be.
In summary:
prefer representations that do not lead to this problem
if forced, use a special value

Prolog: "if then else", using cut

This is an easy question: I've seen this example in a Prolog text book.
It is implementing if-then-else using a cut.
if_then_else(P, Q, R) :- P, !, Q.
if_then_else(P, Q, R) :- R.
Can anyone explain what this program is doing, and why it is useful?
The most important thing to note about this program that it is definitely not a nice relation.
For example, from a pure logic program, we expect to be able to derive whether the condition had held if we pass it the outcome. This is of course in contrast to procedural programming, where you first check a condition and everything else depends on the condition.
Also other properties are violated. For example, what happens if the condition actually backtracks? Suppose I want to see conclusions for each solution of the condition, not just the first one. Your code cuts away these additional solutions.
I would also like to use the relation in other cases, for example, suppose I want to detect superfluous if-then-else constructs in my code. These are solutions to queries similar to:
?- if_then_else(NoMatter, Same, Same).
If if_then_else/3 were a pure relation, we could use it to answer such queries. As it is currently implemented, it yields incorrect results for such queries.
See logical-purity and if_/3 for more information.

Prolog: How to tell if a predicate is deterministic or not

So from what I understand about deterministic predicates:
Deterministic predicate = 1 solution
Non-deterministic predicate = multiple solutions
Are there any type of rules as to how you can detect if the predicate is one or the other? Like looking at the search tree, etc.
There is no clear, generally accepted consensus about these notions. However, they are usually based rather on the observed answers and not based on the number of solutions. In certain contexts the notions are very implementation related. Non-determinate may mean: leaves a choice point open. And sometimes determinate means: never even creates a choice point.
Answers vs. solutions
To see the difference, consider the goal length(L, 1). How many solutions does it have? L = [a] is one, L = [23] another... but all of these solutions are compactly represented with a single answer substitution: L = [_] which thus contains infinitely many solutions.
In any case, in all implementations I know of, length(L, 1) is a determinate goal.
Now consider the goal repeat which has exactly one solution, but infinitely many answers. This goal is considered non-determinate.
In case you are interested in constraints, things become even more evolved. In library(clpfd), the goal X #> Y, Y #> X has no solution, but still one answer. Combine this with repeat: infinitely many answers and no solution.
Further, the goal append(Xs, Ys, []) has exactly one solution and also exactly one answer, nevertheless it is considered non-determinate in many implementations, since in those implementations it leaves a choice point open.
In an ideal implementation, there would be no answers without solutions (except false), and there would be non-determinism only when there is more than one answer. But then, all of this is mostly undecidable in the general case.
So, whenever you are using these notions make sure on what level things are meant. Rather explicitly say: multiple answers, multiple solutions, leaves no (unnecessary) choice point open.
You need understand the difference between det, semidet and undet, it is more than just number of solutions.
Because there is no loop control operator in Prolog, looping (not recursion) is constructed as a 'sequence generating' predicate (undet) followed by the loop body. Also you can store solutions with some of findall-group predicates as a list and loop later with the member/2 predicate.
So, any piece of your program is either part of loop construction or part of usual flow. So, there is a difference in designing det and undet predicates almost in the intended usage. If you can work with a sequence you always do undet and comment it as so. There is a nice unit-test extension in swi-prolog which can check wheter your predicate always the same in mean of det/semidet/undet (semidet is for usage the same way as undet but as a head of 'if' construction).
So, the difference is pre-design, and this question should not be arised with already existing predicates. It is a good practice always comment the intended usage in a comment like.
% member(?El, ?List) is undet.
Deterministic: Always succeeds with a single answer that is always the same for the same input. Think a of a static list of three items, and you tell your function to return value one. You will get the same answer every time. Additionally, arithmetic functions. 1 + 1 = 2. X + Y = Z.
Semi-deterministic: Succeeds with a single answer that is always the same for the same input, but it can fail. Think of a function that takes a list of numbers, and you ask your function if some number exists in the list. It either does, or it doesn't, based on the contents of the list given and the number asked.
Non-deterministic: Succeeds with a single answer, but can exhibit different behaviors on different runs, even for the same input. Think any kind of math.random(min,max) function like random/3
In essence, this is entirely separate from the concept of choice points, as choice points are a function of Prolog. Where I think the Prolog confusion of these terms comes from is that Prolog can find a single answer, then go back and try for another solution, and you have to use the cut operator ! to tell it that you want to discard your choice points explicitly.
This is very useful to know when working with Prolog Unit Testing
