What does MAMP do? - magento

I have to develop api and maintain 'MAGENTO'...
I'm new to this so my senior told me to 'test' our service locally after checking out the all source code.
So I'm searching how to do this...
What I found is the combination of magento and mamp...
But due to the lack of understanding of magento, I don't know what mamp does for my purpose.
Anyone can help us?

To run Magento, you'll need a server environment running a web server (Like Apache and Nginx) and PHP.
MAMP is an easy solution for this - It will install a local environment containing Apache, MySql and PHP
Mac - Apache - MySQL - PHP.


laravel production in windows server

im new in laravel and i have done my first project, I have xampp,mysql and windows server 2012 (installed with composer and laravel 7). i'm running the application in server via command below
php artisan serve --host=[ip] --port=[port]
application is running fine within the network. However, it seems super slow. I'm not sure if this the correct way of deploying it into production. Do you have any recommendation/instructions where can i run/deploy apps within the resource that I have.
Speed of your laravel project depends on many parameters like hardware config (CPU,RAM,...) and also number of users and level of requests and processes. But consider that for an app in production it's better to not use php artisan serve command. It's only for development environment. I don't that how much you know about linux but I suggest you to change your stack and use linux as your production os with nginx as web server alongside php-fpm for running your app in production. But for now you should config xmapp's apache web server to run your application from project's public folder. Here is a link you can use: https://insidert.medium.com/setting-up-laravel-project-on-windows-2aa7e4f080da
good luck

Laravel PHP Sessions for IPS Community

I'm trying to install IPS Community(https://invisioncommunity.com/) on a fresh local laravel server. However, when I enter the installation process I get the following error. It might be worth mentioning the server is running on a homestead server too.
The installer uses PHP sessions to store data, however PHP sessions are currently not working correctly on your server. This is an issue you will need to contact your host about.
Does anyone know how to enable PHP sessions?
Anyone having this issue... You need to delete the "Constants.php" in your IPS directory to fix this.

WHMCS module for managing ISPConfig

I have an Ubuntu 16.04 server with ISPConfig 3.1 and a website where I installed WHMCS.
My goal is to use this module that integrates WHMCS with ISPConfig 3.1 allowing the automatic creation, termination, suspension, and un-suspension of accounts.
But I'm kind of confused.
Is it ok to install WHMCS on a webiste from the own server to be managed (e.g. for client2, site2), or do I have to install it somewhere else? If so, where exactly?
If you're testing it should be ok to install WHMCS on the same server.
But for production, it is better for performance and security to install WHMCS on separate server or hosting.

How to get Laravel homestead on server

I already have a running server and i just want to get laravel homestead on it.
All the tutorials are about how to install it on a localmachine or on a virtual machine.
Homestead is VM box, it was created to copy usual server environment for using on any local machine. You absolutely do not want to use it on your server for production.
According to the Laravel Docs Homestead is intended to use only in the local development.
It is just a pre-packaged Vagrant box that provides you a wonderful development environment without requiring you to install PHP, HHVM, a web server, and any other server software on your local machine.
Source : Laravel Docs
You may need to look on the forge which does the same on production server.
You can learn more about forge here

Why doesn't CodeIgniter's mysql database driver work for remote databases in WAMP?

I have not found any other question/answer that is this specific.
A few clarifications:
The same codebase for the project connects just fine on a LAMP, MAMP or even XAMPP stacks.
WAMP version is 2.2, Apache: 2.2.22, PHP, 5.3.13, MySQL: both 5.1.41 and 5.5.24 (but pretty sure these are only in use when trying to connect locally).
I don't have access to the MySQL server, so I cannot change any host settings
On Win7 ultimate (not sure what else you would need for environment specs)
I am fairly certain this issue has something to do with WAMP, not CodeIgniter, since the codebase works elsewhere.
