Laravel PHP Sessions for IPS Community - laravel

I'm trying to install IPS Community( on a fresh local laravel server. However, when I enter the installation process I get the following error. It might be worth mentioning the server is running on a homestead server too.
The installer uses PHP sessions to store data, however PHP sessions are currently not working correctly on your server. This is an issue you will need to contact your host about.
Does anyone know how to enable PHP sessions?

Anyone having this issue... You need to delete the "Constants.php" in your IPS directory to fix this.


Laravel production environment

I've worked on my web app and now it's ready to go on production. For developmnent I used XAMPP on my local machine. I need to deploy the app on a Windows Server 2016 in which other people have access to.
So let's start with some question for you!
I suppose that using XAMPP is not a good idea since it doesn't offer a good level of security.
I want to protect my database, my database storage folders and I want to avoid other people to access any part of my environment.
So I actually want to ask you any suggestion on how to deploy my web app avoiding security issues.
I also would like to ask you the better free local environment I can use for production (something like XAMPP but with improved security).
Keep in mind that my web app should only be visible to the local network.
Is there a way I can set an hostname for my server in order to make everyone who is connected to the lan able to reach my server with that hostname? Writing the IP with the port isn't good for user experience. I know I can use the "name" of the computer itself, but setting a custom hostname would be better.
How should I serve the application? Running the normal command "php artisan serve"? Anyway that way just closing the terminal would result in killing the process so the server will become unavailable.
ANY suggestion would be really appreciated. Is my first approach to deployment so I'm really sorry if my questions are stupid.
Thank you in advance!

How to deploy a laravel application that will be accessed over a LAN on a windows server?

I am tasked to develop a laravel project for our company. I have to deploy it within the company's network only. It is my first time to do it and haven't find any good source of instruction so far. I hope you can help me with this. I am using XAMPP for this one. And the machine runs on a Windows Server 2016.
Laravel applications are easy to install on IIS. You can use the url_rewrite extension to import the rules from the .htaccess file. Other than that it is really no different than deploying to any other server.
You can also use your company's local DNS to point to the server if you wish to access it via
May sure you all are one in common network
sudo php artisan serve --host --port 81 (you can change the port if you want)
Other people will be able to access with you'r IP address http://your-pc-id-address:81

Laravel Valet replacing public sites with 404 Not Found

I'm learning Laravel, and I successfully installed Valet. Did some basic development. Then moved on to other things totally unrelated. About a week later (today) I visited two sites (in Chrome and Safari Mac):
And I get "Valet - Page Not Found".
I do not get this issue any other website I visit. And I've never seen something selectively take over a site like this. It's obviously related to my local configuration but because I'm new to Valet I have no idea where to start with this.
What is happening?
How is this possible?
How do I resolve this?
What is happening?
Your network configuration is pointing those domains to valet instead of looking them up through external name servers.
How is this possible
Laravel Valet uses dnsmasq so you don't have to worry about editing your /etc/hosts file for each dev site you create. It can step in and provide ip resolution before looking externally for an ip address.
How do I fix this
From a terminal run:
valet domain test
valet restart
My guess is you changed your domain on valet to com and the reason other sites are working is their ip addresses are already cached locally.
In your project directory, you will need the public folder.
To get this, copy the public_html and duplicate it.
Proceed to rename it to public
If it's a new project, create the .env file and run php artisan key:generate
Then valet restart and you'll be good now.

What does MAMP do?

I have to develop api and maintain 'MAGENTO'...
I'm new to this so my senior told me to 'test' our service locally after checking out the all source code.
So I'm searching how to do this...
What I found is the combination of magento and mamp...
But due to the lack of understanding of magento, I don't know what mamp does for my purpose.
Anyone can help us?
To run Magento, you'll need a server environment running a web server (Like Apache and Nginx) and PHP.
MAMP is an easy solution for this - It will install a local environment containing Apache, MySql and PHP
Mac - Apache - MySQL - PHP.

Migrating Joomla 2.5 problems, website looks and works different

I am trying to migrate the Joomla website from its temporary server to the new server using akeeba kikstart, during the migration everything looks ok but once the migration finishes then the website on the new server looks odd. This is the website which I am trying to migrate: and this is how its look like after the migration:
does anybody know why is this happening? how could I solve this migration problem?
any help appreciated.
I never use any 3rd party tools for taking backups, transferring etc. I believe in doing it manually which out of all honest, is very simple.
Zip up the original site and upload it to the FTP of your new host, then extract.
Export the database from your original site and import it on the new host using PHPMyAdmin
Open the configuration.php and edit the database area so they they match the settings for your new server.
Hopefully should work after.
Nothing to worry, your joomla migration process went on well. If the website site is accessible through IP, but not the domain, then this is probably because
the ISP blocks the domain (unlikely)
the DNS server you use has some hiccups
Try changing the DNS server addresses specified in the internet connection to either
Google DNS:, or
There are a couple of other free DNS services, but those are the ones used by most, I guess. Otherwise address this issue with your hosting provider.
