How to write an ini file with if conditions - windows

I want to write an ini file with if else conditions that i parse it with ConfigParser in python.
How to use if and Else statements in ini File ??

If I understand what you're asking...
What you're probably looking to do is something like this:
Set the value of the conditions in the INI file...
condition_a = true
condition_b = false
condition_c = false
Read in the conditions' boolean values using getboolean()...
import ConfigParser
config = ConfigParser()'my_file.ini')
if config.getboolean('section_1', 'condition_a'):
# Run your first conditional code
if config.getboolean('section_1', 'condition_b'):
# Run your second conditional code
if config.getboolean('section_1', 'condition_c'):
# Run your third conditional code


How to include the source line number everywhere in html output in Sphinx?

Let's say I'm writing a custom editor for my RestructuredText/Sphinx stuff, with "live" html output preview. Output is built using Sphinx.
The source files are pure RestructuredText. No code there.
One desirable feature would be that right-clicking on some part of the preview opens the editor at the correct line of the source file.
To achieve that, one way would be to put that line number in every tag of the html file, for example using classes (e.g., class = "... lineno-124"). Or use html comments.
Note that I don't want to add more content to my source files, just that the line number be included everywhere in the output.
An approximate line number would be enough.
Someone knows how to do this in Sphinx, my way or another?
I decided to add <a> tags with a specific class "lineno lineno-nnn" where nnn is the line number in the RestructuredText source.
The directive .. linenocomment:: nnn is inserted before each new block of unindented text in the source, before the actual parsing (using a 'source-read' event hook).
linenocomment is a custom directive that pushes the <a> tag at build time.
Half a solution is still a solution...
import docutils.nodes as dn
from docutils.parsers.rst import Directive
class linenocomment(dn.General,dn.Element):
def visit_linenocomment_html(self,node):
self.body.append(self.starttag(node,'a',CLASS="lineno lineno-{}".format(node['lineno'])))
def depart_linenocomment_html(self,node):
class LineNoComment(Directive):
required_arguments = 1
optional_arguments = 0
has_content = False
add_index = False
def run(self):
node = linenocomment()
node['lineno'] = self.arguments[0]
return [node]
def insert_line_comments(app, docname, source):
new_source = []
last_line_empty = True
lineno = 0
for line in source[0].split('\n'):
if line.strip() == '':
last_line_empty = True
elif line[0].isspace():
last_line_empty = False
elif not last_line_empty:
last_line_empty = False
new_source.append('.. linenocomment:: {}'.format(lineno))
lineno += 1
source[0] = '\n'.join(new_source)
def setup(app):
app.add_directive('linenocomment', LineNoComment)
return {
'version': 0.1

The %procid% sometimes blank in rsyslog template

I'm trying to configure rsyslog to output in RFC5424 format. This means that the PROCID must be output in the syslog header. If there's no header, it should output a single dash (-) in its place. However, some of the events output have it just blank, and some have an actual value.
This is rsyslogd 5.8.10 running on Amazon Linux.
Here are the config lines:
$template CustomFormat,"<%PRI%>1 %timegenerated:1:23:date-rfc3339%-00:00 %HOSTNAME% %app-name% b%procid%b %msgid% %STRUCTURED-DATA%%msg:::sp-if-no-1st-sp%%msg:::drop-last-lf%\n"
$ActionFileDefaultTemplate CustomFormat
Note that I put a "b" on each side of %procid% to make it more visible (this part is not RFC5424-compliant). Here are two lines of sample output.
<87>1 2019-06-19T20:03:01.929-00:00 ip-10-90-0-15 crond b29408b - - pam_unix(crond:account): expired password for user root (password aged)
<85>1 2019-06-19T20:17:18.150-00:00 ip-10-90-0-15 sudo bb - - ssm-user : TTY=pts/0 ; PWD=/ ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/bin/vi /etc/rsyslog.conf
The first line is correct, but the second example should have "b-b" instead of "bb". What should I do to make the blank %procid% show up as a dash? It works fine for the %msgid% and %STRUCTURED-DATA%.
Is there a better way to get RFC5424 output? (I have to use -00:00 instead of Z.)
There may be a better way, but one thing you can try is to use a Rainer script variable in the template instead of the property, and set this variable to "-" if the procid is empty. For example,
$template CustomFormat,"<%PRI%>1 ... b%$.myprocid%b ..."
$ActionFileDefaultTemplate CustomFormat
if ($procid == "") then {
set $.myprocid = "-";
} else {
set $.myprocid = $procid;
*.* ./outputfile
Just make sure the if statement is before any action statements. Note, you cannot change the procid property itself with set.

Prettify YAML with comments

1. Summary
I can't find, how I can automatically prettify my YAML files.
2. Data
    I have SashaPrettifyYAML.yaml file:
# Sasha comment
sasha_command_help: {call: sublime.command_help, caption: 'Sasha Command: Command Help'}
3. Expected behavior
I want to delete {braces}:
# Sasha comment
call: sublime.command_help
caption: 'Sasha Command: Command Help'
4. Not helped
Pretty YAML (based on PyYAML) and online formatters as YAML Formatter and OnlineYAMLTools delete comments;
I can't find the required option in ruamel.yaml.cmd;
align-yaml align, not prettify YAML file.
There is no option to do this in ruamel.yaml.cmd, but it is fairly straightforward to do this with a small python program and using ruamel.yaml, by loading and dumping in round-trip mode (the default).
The only thing you need to do is make sure the flow-style on the data-structure that is the value for the key sasha_command_help is set to block-style (which is how I interpret your definition of "prettifying YAML"):
import sys
import ruamel.yaml
yaml_str = """\
# Sasha comment
sasha_command_help: {call: sublime.command_help, caption: 'Sasha Command: Command Help'}
yaml = ruamel.yaml.YAML()
yaml.preserve_quotes = True
data = yaml.load(yaml_str)
yaml.dump(data, sys.stdout)
this will exactly give the output you expect.
A recursive data structure walker can be found in in the ruamel.yaml source, and adapted to make a generic "make-everything-block-style" routine:
import sys
import ruamel.yaml
def block_style(base):
This routine walks over a simple, i.e. consisting of dicts, lists and
primitives, tree loaded from YAML. It recurses into dict values and list
items, and sets block-style on these.
if isinstance(base, dict):
for k in base:
except AttributeError:
elif isinstance(base, list):
for elem in base:
except AttributeError:
yaml = ruamel.yaml.YAML()
yaml.preserve_quotes = True
file_in = sys.argv[1]
file_out = sys.argv[2]
with open(file_in) as fp:
data = yaml.load(fp)
with open(file_out, 'w') as fp:
yaml.dump(data, fp)
If you store the above in you can call it with:
python SashaPrettifyYAML.yaml Prettified.yaml
Since you are already using single quotes around the scalar that has embedded spaces, you won't see a change if you leave out yaml.preserve_quotes = True. But if you had used a double quoted scalar then that line makes sure the double quotes are preserved.
I had the same problem. I wrote my own YAML beautifier I hope it helps.
I tried top results from Google, but none of them address the requirements of, which I am leading: cannot handle a file of multiple YAML documents separated by --- cannot handle multiple files. cannot replace (inline edit) the input files.
You can use yq tool - it's easy to install and use, and it's well maintained.
Supposing you have example.yml file to format, it can be processed by following ways:
from file: yq r --unwrapScalar -p pv -P example.yml '*'
from stdin: cat example.yml | yq r --unwrapScalar -p pv -P - '*'

Ruby - CSV works while SmarteCSV doesn't

I want to open a csv file using SmarterCSV.process
market_csv = SmarterCSV.process(market)
p "just read #{market_csv}"
The problem is that the data is not read and this prints:
However, if I attempt the same thing with the default CSV library implementation the content of the file is read(the following print statement prints the file).
CSV.foreach(market) do |row|
p row
The content of the file I was reading is of the form:
The problem could come from the line separator, the file is not exactly the same if you're using windows or unix system ("\r\n" or "\r"). Try to identify and specify the character in the SmarterCSV.process like this:
market_csv = SmarterCSV.process(market, row_sep: "\r")
p "just read #{market_csv}"
or like this:
market_csv = SmarterCSV.process(market, row_sep: :auto)
p "just read #{market_csv}"

Where is the ruby function 'powershell' defined?

I am using the msutter DSC module for puppet. While reading through the source code, I come across code like this (in dsc_configuration_provider.rb):
def create
Puppet.debug "\n" + ps_script_content('set')
output = powershell(ps_script_content('set'))
Puppet.debug output
What file defines the powershell function or method? Is it a ruby builtin? A puppet builtin? Inherited from a class? I know that it is being used to send text to powershell as a command and gathering results, but I need to see the source code to understand how to improve its error logging for my purposes, because certain powershell errors are being swallowed and no warnings are being printed to the Puppet log.
These lines in file dsc_provider_helpers.rb may be relevant:
provider.commands :powershell =>
if File.exists?("#{ENV['SYSTEMROOT']}\\sysnative\\WindowsPowershell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe")
elsif File.exists?("#{ENV['SYSTEMROOT']}\\system32\\WindowsPowershell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe")
Surely this defines where the Powershell executable is located, but gives no indication how it is called and how its return value is derived. Are stdout and stderr combined? Am I given the text output or just the error code? etc.
This is core Puppet logic. When a provider has a command, like
commands :powershell => some binary
That is hooked up as a function powershell(*args).
You can see it with other providers like Chocolatey:
commands :chocolatey => chocolatey_command
def self.chocolatey_command
# must determine how to get to params in ruby
#default_location = $chocolatey::params::install_location || ENV['ALLUSERSPROFILE'] + '\chocolatey'
chocopath = ENV['ChocolateyInstall'] ||
('C:\Chocolatey' if'C:\Chocolatey')) ||
('C:\ProgramData\chocolatey' if'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey')) ||
chocopath += '\bin\choco.exe'
chocopath = 'choco.exe'
Then other locations can just call chocolatey like a function with args:
