I am trying to find easier way to wait for a new window to be displayed (popup).
Is there any selenide api example where I could wait until a new window popup?
Try to use one of the following methods for SelenideElement
waitUntil(Condition condition, long timeoutMilliseconds)
waitUntil(Condition condition, long timeoutMilliseconds, long pollingIntervalMilliseconds)
waitWhile(Condition condition, long timeoutMilliseconds)
waitWhile(Condition condition, long timeoutMilliseconds, long pollingIntervalMilliseconds)
Here are test examples from Selenide Github repository
public void waitUntilDisappears() {
$("button").waitUntil(disappears, 2000);
What I used to do is count the windows just before a click to make sure there is just one, then click to open new window and then have a condition to wait until window count is 2, then switch to it. There might not be a Selenide specific way to count windows, but you can with Selenium itself. Then, you can further assert on it my checking the new window URL string to make sure.
I am writing UITest cases for my Xamarin forms project. Now, i am stuck at Navigation Part. I know using "app.Back()" we can navigate back but on our Project Hardware Back Button is disabled. Is there any way we can use Navigation Bar "Back button" ?
I tried to get elements in Page by using following code "AppResult[] results = app.Query();" but still i am not able to find any element which says barbackbutton or backbutton etc in the list.
Bharat, after reading this a couple times, I think what you are asking is "how do I find the automation ids / elements to target".
There's a couple different ways to do this. My preferred one is App.Repl(). Here's the Microsoft docs on it, but in short:
at the point in your test where you are on the application view that you want to find an element on, put in App.Repl()
public void CanTapButton()
Run the test. When the test gets to this point, a repl window will open and the test will pause. End the test if you want, but keep the command window. It will look like this:
Type into the command prompt tree, to see the full layout of the page visible on the device.
You can use the app query calls in the Repl window to draft queries. For example,
app.Query(x => x.Marked("cpgTitle"));
will return the cpgTitle element that you can see listed in the tree. You can then use that app query to interact with the element, using something like App.Tap(appQueryVariable).
AppQueries docs are here and overall, it's very similar to selenium-style selectors.
I'm trying to make an augmented reality application with vuforia and unity.
whenever it recognize the image target, it must tell a story by showing text , and it should enable the user to press next and back to go on reading the different parts of this story, I'm totally new to unity and don't know how to handle with UI throughout scripting, I need some help on how to accomplish the part of "going forward and backward on showing the story by hitting Next and Back buttons", and all these parts of story should be related to the same image target in the same scene.
I appreciate it if you help me with an example code.
You should create some script that attach on trackable object, maybe something like this.
public class DataBook {
string[] dataBook;
string idText;
bool isActive;
Then you must create another script to set that trackable object is active or not, this link can help you to get that.
Then after you get the active trackable object, you can set the dialog from the book by create another controller script for button, example
public void Next() {
DataBook[] books = FindObjectsOfType<DataBook>(); // if the object more than one, it will be more easy if it only the one
foreach (var book in books)
if (book.isActive) {
book.idText += 1;
textUI.text = book.dataBook[idText]; //textUI assign to object text on canvas
you can learn about unity UI Button on this :
Good luck
I have an application, and it works such way: when I tap & hold some element, context menu is shown, then I can move my finger to specified element and release it on appropriate menu item. I try implement this logic with Appium, but it's failed.
At first, I tried press element, then move_to another:
Appium::TouchAction.new.press(element: my_elem).perform
Appium::TouchAction.new.move_to(element: text(...)).perform
But before second action "finger releases screen" and context menu disappeared. Then I tried another way:
.press(element: my_elem)
.move_to(element: text(...))
But it fails with Selenium::WebDriver::Error::NoSuchElementError: No element found, because element, where we move_to, didn't appeared yet.
So, tell me please, how can I implement neccessary logic?
Not sure about Ruby but in java first you release() it before perform(). Also, if this doesn't work, look if duration() method is availabe in Ruby. Then you should use somethings like:
In case if you don't find duration method, then its a bug in Appium what they are working on. Look at this:
Try this:
First, make sure that the element you want move to is really reachable. If it is but it hasn't appeared before you called the method then you should wait till the element appears. This is a sample in java
WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, 120);
This may look a little different in your case, but the idea is the same. After it passes, then call move_to, if it fails then probably your element is not reachable.
If the problem is like you said,
But it fails with Selenium::WebDriver::Error::NoSuchElementError: No element found, because element, where we move_to, didn't appeared yet.
Then try this
wait = Selenium::WebDriver::Wait.new :timeout => 10
then you can do something like this
wait.until { moveTo(element: text(...)) } ...
You probably have to adapt this to your case, I just wanted to show you the idea, you can read more about this here
I am working on a, hand coded, Coded UI test for an application.
The application has a certain function that operates in 2 windows. When a button is clicked, a new window appears and then the user makes a selection upon which that window closes, and then the user continues taking actions on the main window.
With Selenium, I would handle that by iterating through all the window handles and switching by using passing it the URL of the page I wanted using the "driver.SwitchTo().Window(handle)" method. However, with Coded UI, I have not found a similar solution. Using the Process class I can do something similar that could work:
Process[] myList = Process.GetProcessesByName("iexplore");
foreach (Process item in myList)
if (item.MainWindowTitle.Contains("Window Title"))
The problem is that the application that I am testing is poorly designed and all windows throughout the application have the same name, thus it will not work.
Is there a method which can be used to switch to a different window on Coded UI? Or what would be the best approach?
Take a look at this question, it might help: Interacting with multiple instances of an application in Coded UI
You don't do "switching" in CUIT, every window and control is accessed via a UITestControl object. If you want to do stuff on an other window you create a new object for it. If you can't differentiate the two windows with search properties you can use the Instance property or FindMatchingControls method.
To catch a window creation event you can use a winhook. It gives you the window handle of every window created. Using that you can find out if the window created is the window you are waiting for and then use the UITestControlFactory.FromWindowHandle to create a UITestControl for CUIT to interact with. If you have a generated class for that window you can create an instance of that class and call its CopyFrom method to pass to it the control you created from the window handle.
I am using:
public static HtmlDocument WaitForPopup(string popupName, string text)
BrowserWindow browser = new BrowserWindow();
browser.SearchProperties.Add(BrowserWindow.PropertyNames.Name, popupName,
HtmlDocument html = new HtmlDocument(browser);
html.SearchProperties.Add(HtmlDocument.PropertyNames.InnerText, text,
return html;
Just call WaitForPopup("your window name", "some constant text in window") and continue with tests there.
Note that this method will return html of the new window and you can use it further on.
I am using Selenium Webdriver(Ruby) to automate my web app and my web app has this carousel wherein my element continuously keeps moving in a loop.
By the time I locate that element and try to click it, element moves ahead.Hence I am not able to locate that element.
I tried finding and clicking that moving element by following code:
ele_button = driver.find_element(:xpath,"xpath")
sleep 10
I thought that by 'sleep 10' I could make that element wait for 10 seconds and then click it.But this does not work and I am getting ElementNotVisibleError whenever I run my script.
Is it even possible to automate a moving element? If yes please provide me a solution.
Yes it is absolutely possible. I handled same scenario for carousel on my site. There are three ways:
Most carousel stop on mouse hover. So you may use it to stop the
carousel. Use Actions class to move over to the carousel. Once it
stops you may click on it.
If you want a specific slide, you can click on dots or any other navigator, like prev/nxt, to reach your slide and then click it.
The sure shot way to click your specific slide, without worrying about whether it is displayed or not is to use Javascript to click it (Which I had done in my case although I had also implemented 2nd way but I found javascript the simplest solution).
Why are the actions divided?
I would recommend the following:
so it will find the object and click on it.
Another thing you can do, as we doing in selenium with java that put the implicitlyWait according to the time on which your button came back after one rotation; now perform click just after implicitlyWait
driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
// Suppose a rotation of button takes 30 sec
// action performs on the element
In ruby you have to use this type of syntax
#driver.manage.timeouts.implicit_wait = 30