How to write Xamarin.UITest case for Software Back Button on Android - xamarin

I am writing UITest cases for my Xamarin forms project. Now, i am stuck at Navigation Part. I know using "app.Back()" we can navigate back but on our Project Hardware Back Button is disabled. Is there any way we can use Navigation Bar "Back button" ?
I tried to get elements in Page by using following code "AppResult[] results = app.Query();" but still i am not able to find any element which says barbackbutton or backbutton etc in the list.

Bharat, after reading this a couple times, I think what you are asking is "how do I find the automation ids / elements to target".
There's a couple different ways to do this. My preferred one is App.Repl(). Here's the Microsoft docs on it, but in short:
at the point in your test where you are on the application view that you want to find an element on, put in App.Repl()
public void CanTapButton()
Run the test. When the test gets to this point, a repl window will open and the test will pause. End the test if you want, but keep the command window. It will look like this:
Type into the command prompt tree, to see the full layout of the page visible on the device.
You can use the app query calls in the Repl window to draft queries. For example,
app.Query(x => x.Marked("cpgTitle"));
will return the cpgTitle element that you can see listed in the tree. You can then use that app query to interact with the element, using something like App.Tap(appQueryVariable).
AppQueries docs are here and overall, it's very similar to selenium-style selectors.


Appium: How to differentiate between two different iOS screens?

I am developing a testing algorithm for our iOS apps using Appium. To fully implement this algorithm i need to identify wither i have moved onto different screen or am still on the same screen after performing some action. I need to know, what makes every screen unique/different from other in terms of Appium?
Going through the pageSource of every screen, i found that most screens have xpath attribute in window element. Can i use value of xpath of window element to mark the screen as unique from others, or do i need to do a trivial string comparison between screen's pageSources to mark them different? Or is there any other better solution?
Not sure if xpath would be the best solution for this. Normally the UIAWindow would remain the same, and developers might use different containers within this UIAWindow to render different screens.
So to verify different screens, you might need to figure out what this container is and see if the container's properties change when you move to a new screen (ie a new container)
If you app user a different header for every new screen, then you can use this header to see if the screen is changed. Example: in WhatsApp, you would see a different persons at the top. So in this case, the person's name can be assumed as the header.
If this doesn't work then you can verify some of the other controls, or say list of all the UIAStaticText on the screen. During screen change the entire list of UIAStaticText might change. So this can indicate a screen change.
For our automation suite at work I've implemented a series of screen check steps. Every time we switch screens I do a find_element command for an element on that screen that is unique to that screen. That way if a button or option takes me to a new screen that is incorrect my test will fail as expected. If it does find the element we're expecting it adds minimal time to the test suite.
Anish Pillai made a good suggestion of using the header text if there is any. Otherwise a particular tab, menu text, resource_id, or whatever is unique about the page would suffice. All you would need to do is a find_element call and a failure message if it fails.

How to dynamically create a breakpoint on an expression in chrome?

Say I have some code in production. I want to test that a particular item in a large list of items has some behavior. One way to accomplish this in development with the debugger statement is like this:
// some code...
if (item.title.match(/foo/)) {
// some more code...
With that code, you put a breakpoint in a list, only when the list item matches some expression. This makes it easy to debug only that one item, which may have some obscure bug in it. If you just try to put a breakpoint there by clicking the line, then it's going to pause at every item in the list, so you have to step through like 100 items before you get there which is super tedious.
One problem with the above is, it requires you to have the ability to edit the client-side JavaScript, which you can't really do in production.
So the question is, can you accomplish this same sort of thing, but purely using the Chrome Web Inspector? Maybe something to do with "watch expressions" (haven't found much on google about those). The ideal would be, from within the Chrome Web Inspector, add an expression like:
line: 17
file: build.js
expression: item.title.match(/foo/)
The closest you will get to this without getting into Chrome's chrome.debugger APIs are conditional breakpoints.
If you truly want to do this programmatically, look into chrome.debugger.sendCommand with the Debugger.setBreakpoint command.

Is it possible to find an element like a button and click it, when it is continuously moving on? e.g Carousel

I am using Selenium Webdriver(Ruby) to automate my web app and my web app has this carousel wherein my element continuously keeps moving in a loop.
By the time I locate that element and try to click it, element moves ahead.Hence I am not able to locate that element.
I tried finding and clicking that moving element by following code:
ele_button = driver.find_element(:xpath,"xpath")
sleep 10
I thought that by 'sleep 10' I could make that element wait for 10 seconds and then click it.But this does not work and I am getting ElementNotVisibleError whenever I run my script.
Is it even possible to automate a moving element? If yes please provide me a solution.
Yes it is absolutely possible. I handled same scenario for carousel on my site. There are three ways:
Most carousel stop on mouse hover. So you may use it to stop the
carousel. Use Actions class to move over to the carousel. Once it
stops you may click on it.
If you want a specific slide, you can click on dots or any other navigator, like prev/nxt, to reach your slide and then click it.
The sure shot way to click your specific slide, without worrying about whether it is displayed or not is to use Javascript to click it (Which I had done in my case although I had also implemented 2nd way but I found javascript the simplest solution).
Why are the actions divided?
I would recommend the following:
so it will find the object and click on it.
Another thing you can do, as we doing in selenium with java that put the implicitlyWait according to the time on which your button came back after one rotation; now perform click just after implicitlyWait
driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
// Suppose a rotation of button takes 30 sec
// action performs on the element
In ruby you have to use this type of syntax
#driver.manage.timeouts.implicit_wait = 30

looking for (N) steps GUI kind of thing

i dont sure if this question is for this group but i don't know where to ask
im looking for GUI examples that gives the user for example make X in 4 steps
kind of GUI especial for none teachi folks
Do you mean like a Dialog Wizard type interface?
The idea of a wizard is you have a single window where you can step through a number of frames containing different selections using a next button and a back button to go back and change selections? Sometimes you have a finish button to use the default selections on the remaining frames.
What language and GUI toolkit are you using???

chrome-like status bar in qt

I'm not big on creating GUI's, and generally my philosophy is: I don't create them, or I make them as simple as possible (and convince myself that it's better for usability :)
For my current project, I'm using Qt from Python (PyQt), and I want to start adding some GUI elements without cluttering the interface.
My idea is to create these elements as sort of floating-shaped-widgets that only appear when necessary; pretty much like the status bar (and find bar) in chrome.
Is there any standard api that enables creating this kind of interface?
This is not very complicated. If you want something like the status bar in Chrome you just need to have a QFrame at the bottom of your windows and show or hide it when you need it.
You have 2 options here, add is as part of your window layout so all the items move up when it is shown. Or you can have if floating, so it will be shown on top of the items. For the second option you need to create the QFrame with the window as parent and then in the window resizeEvent set the geometry of the frame.
This is an example of the second approach:
void MyWindow::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent* event)
frame.setGeometry(0, this->height() - frame.sizeHint().height(), this->width(), frame.sizeHint().height());
I hope this helps.
