Laravel Eloquent using paginate with whereIn - laravel

Hi I have a query that looks roughly like this
Comment::join('users', '', '=', 'comments.user_id')
->whereIn('', $ids)
where $ids is an array of comment ids. Changing the paginate to get() works but I want to use paginate as it returns many built-in useful results such as next_page_url etc. So how do I modify the query to utilize both whereIn and paginate together?

I found out the issue later on, I forgot to serialize the object before I return the result. A simple toArray() has done the trick.


Laravel optimize Eloquent Query

Does someone know how to speed up such a query? When loading <3000 items it takes like ages until I get a result.
$data = Data::select('updated_at', 'data')
->where('device', $request->id)
->where('type', $request->type)
Just search the word Paginate and read laravel documentation. You don't get all data and show it, you paginate them.

Laravel Sorting Data with Relationship and Pagination

I need sorting the Records data according to Relationship.
I am trying below Query.
$data = Lead::with('bdm', 'status_code', 'bdm.bdm')->get()->sortByDesc('');
It works fine but I need data with pagination which is giving by Laravel 5 by default.
So If I am trying with below query . It is giving error.
$data = Lead::with('bdm', 'status_code', 'bdm.bdm')->pagination(20)->sortByDesc('');
I am trying an other way to do the same task. It works fine but it is not sorting the records.
$data = Lead::with(['bdm','status_code', 'bdm.bdm' => function ($query) {
$query->orderBy('name', 'desc');
So kindly can anyone give me solution how to adjust this query.
Any Help will be appreciated.
You should be using a join statement to do that.
If I were to assume your column names it should look something like this:
$data = Lead::with(['status_code', 'bdm.bdm'])
->join('bdms', '', '=', 'leads.bdm_id')
->orderBy('', 'desc')
And the first bdm parameter in your query is redundant. It will be handled during bdm.bdm anyway.

when to use get() in query laravel 5

I have a basic query set up in the show method of a laravel resource
public function show($id){
$results = Student::find($id);
$drives= Drive:: where('student_id', $id);
The query for $results works perfectly. The query for $drives does not work unless I do ->get() at the end of it. Why is this? what's the difference between the two queries so that one requires the ->get() and the other does not? Solving this problem took me like 5 hrs and i'm just curious as to the functionality behind it so i can avoid this headache in the future.
Some eloquent expressions have a get implicitly. Those ones who are made by a Query Builder will need a ->get() call, find(), findOne()... won't need a get().
use get to execute a builder query. unless you run the get() query wont be executed. get will return a collection.
1 - Use query builder to build queries however you want.
$drives= Drive:: where('student_id', $id);
dd($drives); // will return a query builder, you can use it to build query by chaining
2 - when you are ready to execute the query call get()
$drives= Drive:: where('student_id', $id);
$result = $drives->get()
dd($result); // will return a database query result set as a collection object
If you want to get a single object by id use find, to get a single object
$results = Student::find($id);
dd($result); will return a single model
Using the function find() on a model gets a query result based on the primary key of the model, id in this case.
When using where(), it gets a collection (an object of all query results), so if you only want the first result you must call $drives=Drive::where('student_id', $id)->first();
Here is a more in-depth explanation: the difference of find and get in Eloquent

How to add dynamic 'where' to eloquent ORM with() relation

I'm, trying to do something like this:
$verfuegbarkeiten = Verfuegbarkeit::verfuegbar()->with('product', 'producer', 'producer.user', 'producer.user.ort')->where('product.kategorie_id', '=', $_GET['kat'])->get()->toArray();
I want to use a 'where' clause so i can only get the results where the 'product's attribute 'kategorie_id' matches the GET parameter. How can I 'where' on a relation? It's really important to me that this value can be dynamic, so writing a fix function in the related Model won't be a good solution.
Every hint appreciated
You want whereHas(), documentation here:
For your example, that would mean something like this:
$kat = $_GET['kat'];
$verfuegbarkeiten = Verfuegbarkeit::verfuegbar()
->with('product', 'producer', 'producer.user', 'producer.user.ort')
->whereHas('product', function($query) use ($kat) {
$query->where('kat', $kat);
Although I might add that using $_GET is generally discouraged in Laravel.

Group By Eloquent ORM

I was searching for making a GROUP BY name Eloquent ORM docs but I haven't find anything, neither on google.
Does anyone know if it's possible ? or should I use query builder ?
Eloquent uses the query builder internally, so you can do:
$users = User::orderBy('name', 'desc')
->having('count', '>', 100)
Laravel 5
WARNING: As #Usama stated in comments section, this groups by AFTER fetching data from the database. The grouping is not done by the database server.
I wouldn't recommend this solution for large data set.
This is working for me (i use laravel 5.6).
$collection = MyModel::all()->groupBy('column');
If you want to convert the collection to plain php array, you can use toArray()
$array = MyModel::all()->groupBy('column')->toArray();
try: ->unique('column')
$users = User::get()->unique('column');
