D3 datamaps changing border width on mouseover - d3.js

I'm trying to make a combined map/chart visualization work. I want to be able to mouseover/select a country on the map, and have an effect applied not only to the country but also to the line on the chart representing the country's data (of whatever, let's say population growth over the last decade).
In the done section of the map initialization, I use a callback highlightMap and pass in the countryName. This in theory would also be called by the chart when I mouseover that.
1) In highlightMap my attempt to get the country element and change it's border width doesn't work. What's the right way to grab a map subunit and apply an effect to it?
2) Is this the right way to do this in general?
var map;
function setupMap(mouseoverCallback, mouseoutCallback) {
var width = mapWidth;
var height = mapHeight;
map = new Datamap({
element: document.getElementById(mapContainerDiv),
projection: 'mercator',
// responsive: true,
width: width,
height: height,
fills: {
defaultFill: "#ffffff"
geographyConfig: {
borderColor: '#000000',
data: {},
done: function(datamap) {
datamap.svg.selectAll('.datamaps-subunit').on('mouseover', function(geography) {
var countryName = geography.properties.name;
datamap.svg.selectAll('.datamaps-subunit').on('mouseout', function(geography) {
var countryName = geography.properties.name;
function highlightMap(name, highlight) {
var code = country2Code[name];
if (highlight) {
var countryElement = map.svg.select("#datamaps-subunit "+code);
countryElement.attr('stroke-width', 10); // Change border of country to something nutty
// reset color

Sort out your selectors:
.datamaps-subunit is not the same as #datamaps-subunit
Moreover, each country geometry has an additional class (like "ESP" or "USA") with the country code
To later select the country you just use map.svg.selectAll(".datamaps-subunit.ESP") or map.svg.selectAll(".datamaps-subunit.USA")
Notice there is no space between class names, as they are applied to the same SVG element
Use select() or selectAll() depending on how many elements you expect to get (one or possibly many)
EDIT: A much easier option would be to simply add this rule to your CSS sheet:
.datamaps-subunit:hover {
stroke-width: 2px;


Customizing colors for PrimeReact datatable

There is a way to change a background or text color to a row in PrimeReact Datatable that is using rowClassName={rowClass} where rowClass is a function that allows returning a class configured in the CSS file.
but... what if I want to choose an arbitrary color? for example, one fetched from a database in #RRGGBB format?
Reading de documentation I can't see a way to call a function to return the style string. Another way could be, creating dynamically the class name, for example...
class RRGGBB for a selected color, define this class with background: #RRGGBB and let rowClassName={rowClass} call rowClass function returning this dynamically created class...
I have this approach, but don't work:
const mycolor = "#00ff00";
function createStyle() {
const style = document.createElement("style");
// add CSS styles
style.innerHTML = `
.lulu {
color: white;
background-color: ${mycolor};
// append the style to the DOM in <head> section
const rowClass = (data) => {
return {
"lulu": data.category === "Accessories"
<DataTable value={products} rowClassName={rowClass}>
this code is a modified version of the sample code by prime react, here, in sandbox:
I have solved it...
What I did is to create a dynamic css, and then use it:
function createStyle(color) {
var style = document.getElementsByTagName("style");
var colortag = color.replace("#", "mycolor");
//Assuming there is a style section in the head
var pos = style[0].innerHTML.indexOf(colortag);
style[1].innerHTML += "."+colortag+`
color: ${color}!important;
return colortag;
const rowClass = (data) => {
var colortag;
if (data.COLOR!=undefined)
return { [colortag]: ata.COLOR!=undefined };
<DataTable ref={dt} value={Data} rowClassName={rowClass}>
With this code, if in the data there is a field called COLOR:"#RRGGBB" then it will create a style with this color and use it as text color. The same can be applied to background or whatever

Changing colour of bar on selecting and unselecting bar in composite chart

When I click on focus ordinal bar((c2 of composite chart) it should keep the selected one as red and other as grey but it doesn't.
When I click on pie chart I get red bars along with unfiltered bar(grey). Here clicking on red bar should filter other graphs it's doing that as you can see my table and pie chart is getting updated but When I click on gray bar data is also getting filtered but for pie chart it just add grey slices.
Line no. 284-324:
chart_11.fadeDeselectedArea = function (brushSelection) {
var _chart = this;
var bars = _chart.chartBodyG().selectAll('rect.bar');
if (chart_11Filter.length) {
bars.classed(dc.constants.SELECTED_CLASS, function (d) {
return chart_11Filter.includes(d.data.key);
bars.classed(dc.constants.DESELECTED_CLASS, function (d) {
return !chart_11Filter.includes(d.data.key);
} else {
bars.classed(dc.constants.SELECTED_CLASS, false);
bars.classed(dc.constants.DESELECTED_CLASS, false);
chart_11.on('pretransition', function(chart) {
chart.selectAll('rect.bar').on('click.ordinal-select', function(d) {
var i = chart_11Filter.indexOf(d.data.key);
if(i >= 0)
chart_11Filter.splice(i, 1);
If I use the above code then I get these things So I can think of these solutions.
I can change the colour of c2 bar on clicking by using the above code and applying it to c2.
also for the second graph I can use css to disable on clicking them or I
can make the filter to return none.
But when I tried the above solutions It didn't work. Problems were still the same.
If I make this function applicable only for c2 by replacing chart_11 with c2:
chart_11.fadeDeselectedArea = function (brushSelection) {
chart_11.on('pretransition', function(chart) {
I get this:
chart_11.on('pretransition', function(chart) {
chart.selectAll('rect.bar').on('click', null);
If I add this I will be able to disable clicking all bar. I have to make it only for C1.
chart_11.on('pretransition', function(chart) {
// chart.selectAll('rect.bar').on('click', null);
chart.selectAll('rect.bar').on('click.ordinal-select', function(d) {
In this function my 2nd issue can be solved I guess. This function has to be customized. Accessing the child C2 and select its rect.bar and filter.
But unable to write the code for it.
This is getting to be a very hacky solution, combining two already hacky customizations of dc.js.
However, you weren't very far off; it is just a matter of restricting behaviors to c2 and cleaning out some irrelevant code.
I removed hide_second_chart because that's not necessary here, and removed the filterHandler for the same reason.
As you pointed out, fadeDeselectedArea has to be overridden on the parent; for some reason it doesn't fire on the children.
But this selection was empty, so nothing happened:
var bars = _chart.chartBodyG().selectAll('rect.bar');
I changed it to
var bars = c2.selectAll('rect.bar');
Also, the click handler should be specific to the second child, so this
chart_11.on('pretransition', function(chart) {
chart.selectAll('rect.bar').on('click.ordinal-select', function(d) {
c2.on('pretransition.click-handler', function(chart) {
chart.selectAll('.sub._1 rect.bar').on('click.ordinal-select', function(d) {
.sub._1 is CSS that will select only the second child chart.
We can use similar CSS to disable hover behaviors on the first child chart:
.dc-chart .sub._0 rect.bar:hover {
fill-opacity: 1;
.dc-chart .sub._0 rect.bar {
cursor: pointer;
Enable filterAll, as discussed in Unable to reset the focus ordinal bar chart:
chart_11.filterAll = function() {
chart_11Filter = [];
Finally, it is confusing if the unfiltered chart is not the same color as deselected bars, so we change grey to #ccc:
Working fork of your block.
Hopefully the range/focus part still works, because otherwise this is making things much more complicated than they need to be!

AmChart move labelText to right a few pixels

I'm trying to move label test to right few pixels because the way it's displayed now it looks like it is more to the left:
Label text is aligned to center for 2d bar charts but when you have 3d bars you have this slight offset effect to left that needs to be corrected.Label position values are: "bottom", "top", "right", "left", "inside", "middle".
I wasn't able to fine tune it.
Any ideas on this?
As mentioned in my comment, the labels are centered with respect to the angle setting for 3D charts. The API doesn't allow you to shift the label left or right, so you have to manipulate the graph SVG nodes directly through the drawn event. If you set addClassNames to true, you can retrieve the label elements using document.querySelectorAll through the generated DOM class names and then modifying the translate value in the transform attribute accordingly. You can use a technique from this SO answer to easily manipulate the transform attribute as an object:
// ...
"addClassNames": true,
"listeners": [{
"event": "drawn",
"method": function(e) {
document.querySelectorAll(".amcharts-graph-g4 .amcharts-graph-label"),
function(graphLabel) {
var transform = parseTransform(graphLabel.getAttribute('transform'));
transform.translate[0] = parseFloat(transform.translate[0]) + 5; //adjust X offset
graphLabel.setAttribute('transform', serializeTransform(transform));
// ...
// from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17824145/parse-svg-transform-attribute-with-javascript
function parseTransform(a) {
var b = {};
for (var i in a = a.match(/(\w+\((\-?\d+\.?\d*e?\-?\d*,?)+\))+/g)) {
var c = a[i].match(/[\w\.\-]+/g);
b[c.shift()] = c;
return b;
//serialize transform object back to an attribute string
function serializeTransform(transformObj) {
var transformStrings = [];
for (var attr in transformObj) {
transformStrings.push(attr + '(' + transformObj[attr].join(',') + ')');
return transformStrings.join(',');
Updated fiddle

Disable brush resize (DC.js, D3.js)

Brush extent needs to be changed only from a dropdown as shown here: https://jsfiddle.net/dani2011/67jopfj8/3/
Need to disable brush extending by:
1) Extending an existing brush using the handles/resize-area of the brush
Gray circles are the handels:
2) Dragging a new brush by clicking on the brush background, where the
haircross cursor appears.
JavaScript file
Removed the handles of the brush:
timeSlider.on('preRedraw',function (chart)
var timesliderSVG = d3.select("#bitrate-timeSlider-chart").selectAll("g.brush").selectAll("g.resize").selectAll("*").data(data[0]).exit().remove();})
If using css instead:
#bitrate-timeSlider-chart g.resize {
Now it looks like this:
The rect and the path elements inside "resize e","resize w" were removed:
However,the "resize e", "resize w" for extanding the brush still exist:
g.resize.e and g.resize.w dimesions are 0*0:
Furthurmore,after deleting "resize e","resize w" in the "developer tools/elements" in chrome,they reappear after moving the brush.
Tried to remove the resize-area in brushstart,brush,brushend:
timeSlider.on('renderlet', function (chart) {
var brushg = d3.select("#bitrate-timeSlider-chart").selectAll("g.brush");
var resizeg = brushg.selectAll("g.resize").selectAll("*").data(data[0]);
var timesliderSVG4 =
brushg.on("brushstart", function () {resizeg.exit().remove()}).on("brush", function () { resizeg.exit().remove() }).on("brushend", function () {resizeg.exit().remove() })
dc.js file
Tried to change setHandlePaths,resizeHandlePath:
Remarked the _chart.setHandlePaths(gBrush):
_chart.renderBrush = function (g) {....
// _chart.setHandlePaths(gBrush);
2) Changed _chart.setHandlePaths = function (gBrush) for example by removing the gbrush.path:
// gBrush.selectAll('.resize path').exit().remove();
3) Remarked/changed _chart.resizeHandlePath = function (d) {...}.
d3.js file
1) Remarked/changed resize such as:
mode: "move" //mode: "resize" ,
var resize = g.selectAll(".resize").data(resizes[0], d3_identity);
Using resizes[0] disable the brush rendering on the background but still can re-extend the existing brush
2) Remarked/changed d3_svg_brushResizes
3) In d3.svg.brush = function():
a) Added .style("display","none"):
background.enter().append("rect").attr("class", "background").style("visibility", "hidden").style("display", "none").style("cursor", "none");
b) background.exit().remove();
The cursor now is "pointer" instead of "haircross" extending the brush to a full width
c) d3_svg_brushCursor disabled makes the whole brush disappear
4) Changed the pointer-events as specified here: https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Web/CSS/pointer-events
5) console.log in different places to track the different brush events:
function d3_event_dragSuppress(node) {
console.log("here2 ");
if (d3_event_dragSelect) {
console.log("here3 d3_event_dragSelect");
return function (suppressClick) {
var off = function () {
w.on(click, function () {
function d3_mousePoint(container, e) {
if (svg.createSVGPoint) {
if (window.scrollX || window.scrollY) {
svg = d3.select("body").append("svg").style({
function dragstart(id, position, subject, move, end) {
function moved() {
console.log("moved ");
if (d3.event.changedTouches) {
} else {
if (dragging) {
if (d3.event.keyCode == 32) {
if (!dragging) {
function brushmove() {
if (!dragging) {
if (d3.event.altKey) {
if (resizingX && move1(point, x, 0)) {
if (resizingY && move1(point, y, 1)) {
if (moved) {
function move1(point, scale, i) {
if (dragging) {
if (dragging) {
} else {
if (extent[0] != min || extent[1] != max) {
if (i) console.log("dragging12"); yExtentDomain = null;
function brushend() {
The two changes that seemed to get closest to the needed result are in d3.js:
1) Using resizes[0] disables the brush rendering on the background but still can re-extend the existing brush
var resize = g.selectAll(".resize").data(resizes[0], d3_identity);
2) Removing the brush's background changes the cursor to "pointer" instead of "haircross",extending the brush to a full width only when clicking on the graph
Any help would be very appreciated!
This is from the accepted answer in Disable d3 brush resize, as suggested by #altocumulus. I didn't see a response from #Dani on this idea in particular, but thought I'd go ahead and try it, since I've seen other people try it in the past. (Probably on the dc.js users group.)
It looks a little twitchy, because d3.js will draw the brush at the new extent, and then a moment later we reset the extent to what we want, but functionally it seems to do what we want.
In dc.js the function that handles brush "rounding" is coordinateGridMixin.extendBrush:
_chart.extendBrush = function () {
var extent = _brush.extent();
if (_chart.round()) {
extent[0] = extent.map(_chart.round())[0];
extent[1] = extent.map(_chart.round())[1];
return extent;
Notice that it's following the same pattern as Lars' answer. Well, this is sort of like rounding, right? Let's override it.
First, let's store the current number of hours when it's set through the dropdown:
var graphSpan;
function addHours(amountHours) {
graphSpan = amountHours;
// ...
Next let's override coordinateGridMixin.extendBrush:
timeSlider.extendBrush = function() {
var extent = timeSlider.brush().extent();
if(graphSpan) {
extent[1] = moment(extent[0]).add(graphSpan, 'hours');
return extent;
We just replace the function. If we needed to reuse the old implementation in our function, we could use dc.override.
If graphSpan has been set, we add that amount to the beginning to get the end. If it's not set, we allow the user to specify the brush width - you'd need to default the graphSpan and the select widget if you wanted that part to work automatically.
Well, let's admit it: it's very twitchy, but it works:
EDIT: Got rid of the twitch! The problem was that dc.js was setting the brush extent asynchronously after a little while (in response to the filter event). If we also set it during extentBrush then it never shows the wrong extent:
timeSlider.extendBrush = function() {
var extent = timeSlider.brush().extent();
if(graphSpan) {
extent[1] = moment(extent[0]).add(graphSpan, 'hours');
return extent;
What worked for me:
in d3:
disable resize handles
disable crosshair
in css:
disable resize handles -
.handle {
pointer-events: none;
disable crosshair -
.overlay {
pointer-events: none;

D3 Zoomable Treemap changing the children accessor

I am trying to use Mike Bostock's zoomable treemap http://bost.ocks.org/mike/treemap/ with one modification. Instead of using nested JSON data, I have have a simple mapping from parents to a list of children. I built a function, getChildren(root), that simply returns root's children, or null if root does not have any children.
I have tried replacing all instances of d.children() with getChildren(d) in the treemap javascript file, but it seems that it is not working properly.
The resulting page shows the orange bar as normal up top, but nothing else displays correctly (i.e. there are no rectangles underneath the orange bar, just empty gray space). All the text from the children is mashed up in the top left corner of the empty gray space, so it might be that coordinates are not being assigned correctly.
Any ideas??
It looks like there were a few issues here:
Your data structure doesn't seem to be referencing the child nodes:
var nMap = {};
nMap.papa = {};
nMap.papa["children"] = [];
"name": "c1"
// snip
nMap.c1 = {
size: 5
Unless I'm missing something, your getChildren function gets the { name: "c1" } object but never looks up nMap.c1. I'm not exactly certain what your alternative data structure is trying to achieve, but it seems like the most obvious option is to use a flat map of nodes, with children referenced by id, like this:
var nMap = {};
nMap.c1 = {
name: "c1",
value: 5
nMap.c2 = {
name: "c2",
value: 5
nMap.c3 = {
name: "c3",
value: 5
nMap.papa = {
name: "papa",
children: ['c1', 'c2', 'c3']
With a structure like this, you can map to the real children in the getChildren function:
function getChildren(par){
var parName = par.name,
childNames = parName in nMap && nMap[parName].children;
if (childNames) {
// look up real nodes
return childNames.map(function(name) { return nMap[name]; });
Your children were using size instead of value to indicate weight, and the rest of the code expected value (so they all had weight 0).
Because you're using the "zoomable" treemap approach, which uses a specialized version of the treemap layout, you don't need to specify the .children accessor of the treemap layout. Instead, use your custom accessor in the the custom layout helper:
function layout(d) {
// get the children with your accessor
var children = getChildren(d);
if (children && children.length > 0) {
treemap.nodes({ children: children });
children.forEach(function(c) {
c.x = d.x + c.x * d.dx;
c.y = d.y + c.y * d.dy;
c.dx *= d.dx;
c.dy *= d.dy;
c.parent = d;
Working fiddle here: http://jsfiddle.net/nrabinowitz/WpQCy/
