D3 Zoomable Treemap changing the children accessor - d3.js

I am trying to use Mike Bostock's zoomable treemap http://bost.ocks.org/mike/treemap/ with one modification. Instead of using nested JSON data, I have have a simple mapping from parents to a list of children. I built a function, getChildren(root), that simply returns root's children, or null if root does not have any children.
I have tried replacing all instances of d.children() with getChildren(d) in the treemap javascript file, but it seems that it is not working properly.
The resulting page shows the orange bar as normal up top, but nothing else displays correctly (i.e. there are no rectangles underneath the orange bar, just empty gray space). All the text from the children is mashed up in the top left corner of the empty gray space, so it might be that coordinates are not being assigned correctly.
Any ideas??

It looks like there were a few issues here:
Your data structure doesn't seem to be referencing the child nodes:
var nMap = {};
nMap.papa = {};
nMap.papa["children"] = [];
"name": "c1"
// snip
nMap.c1 = {
size: 5
Unless I'm missing something, your getChildren function gets the { name: "c1" } object but never looks up nMap.c1. I'm not exactly certain what your alternative data structure is trying to achieve, but it seems like the most obvious option is to use a flat map of nodes, with children referenced by id, like this:
var nMap = {};
nMap.c1 = {
name: "c1",
value: 5
nMap.c2 = {
name: "c2",
value: 5
nMap.c3 = {
name: "c3",
value: 5
nMap.papa = {
name: "papa",
children: ['c1', 'c2', 'c3']
With a structure like this, you can map to the real children in the getChildren function:
function getChildren(par){
var parName = par.name,
childNames = parName in nMap && nMap[parName].children;
if (childNames) {
// look up real nodes
return childNames.map(function(name) { return nMap[name]; });
Your children were using size instead of value to indicate weight, and the rest of the code expected value (so they all had weight 0).
Because you're using the "zoomable" treemap approach, which uses a specialized version of the treemap layout, you don't need to specify the .children accessor of the treemap layout. Instead, use your custom accessor in the the custom layout helper:
function layout(d) {
// get the children with your accessor
var children = getChildren(d);
if (children && children.length > 0) {
treemap.nodes({ children: children });
children.forEach(function(c) {
c.x = d.x + c.x * d.dx;
c.y = d.y + c.y * d.dy;
c.dx *= d.dx;
c.dy *= d.dy;
c.parent = d;
Working fiddle here: http://jsfiddle.net/nrabinowitz/WpQCy/


Merge selection with groups

I've worked out a consistent pattern for using the new selection merge which is brilliant for reusable charts where data and/or scales may change.
I've also been using the key function successfully.
However, I seem to get a problem when entering and appending a group with multiple elements. The data is successfully updated in the group but not the appended elements.
I've got round it by adding a fix (see below) but I'm sure it is something really obvious that needs to be changed to resolve it.
Any thoughts?
//define data group
var my_group = svg.selectAll(".data_group")
.data(my_data,function(d){return d.id});
//enter new groups
var enter = my_group.enter()
//append items to group
enter.append("text").attr("class","group_item group_text")
enter.append("circle").attr("class","group_item group_circle");
//merge and remove
//fix added to reset changing data for bars.
d3.select(this)._groups[0][0].__data__ = d3.select(this)._groups[0][0].parentElement.__data__;
.... add properties to text - ie x,y,fill,text-anchor,text
.... add properties to circle - ie cx,cy,fill,stroke,radius
There is absolutely no need for selecting the parent group, getting its data and rebinding it to the child elements, as the code in your question and the other answer do. This is bending over backwards. Also, do not delete/re-append elements, as suggested, which is not an idiomatic D3 approach.
The thing is simple: the new data is there for the children elements in the "enter" selection. You just need to use the parent's selection (with select()) to propagate them.
Here is a basic demo, using (most of) your code. The code generates from 1 to 5 data objects, with a random property called someProperty. You'll see that, using your each(), only the children elements in the "enter" selection are changed:
var svg = d3.select("svg");
d3.interval(function() {
var data = d3.range(1 + ~~(Math.random() * 4)).map(function(d) {
return {
id: "id" + d,
"someProperty": ~~(Math.random() * 100)
}, 2000);
function update(my_data) {
var my_group = svg.selectAll(".data_group")
.data(my_data, function(d) {
return d.id
var enter = my_group.enter()
.attr("class", "data_group");
enter.append("text").attr("class", "group_item group_text")
enter.append("circle").attr("class", "group_item group_circle");
my_group = my_group.merge(enter);
d3.selectAll(".group_text").each(function(d) {
.as-console-wrapper { max-height: 100% !important;}
<script src="https://d3js.org/d3.v5.min.js"></script>
Now, if we use your parent's selection...
my_group.select(".group_text").each(function(d) {
... you'll see that all properties are updated:
var svg = d3.select("svg");
d3.interval(function() {
var data = d3.range(1 + ~~(Math.random() * 4)).map(function(d) {
return {
id: "id" + d,
"someProperty": ~~(Math.random() * 100)
}, 2000);
function update(my_data) {
var my_group = svg.selectAll(".data_group")
.data(my_data, function(d) {
return d.id
var enter = my_group.enter()
.attr("class", "data_group");
enter.append("text").attr("class", "group_item group_text")
enter.append("circle").attr("class", "group_item group_circle");
my_group = my_group.merge(enter);
my_group.select(".group_text").each(function(d) {
<script src="https://d3js.org/d3.v5.min.js"></script>
Finally, in your now deleted answer you're using my_group.selectAll(). The problem is that selectAll() does not propagate the data.
Have a look at this table I made:
selects the first element that matches the selector string
selects all elements that match the selector string
Does not affect grouping
Affects grouping
Data propagation
Propagates data
Doesn't propagate data
Pay attention to the propagates data versus doesn't propagate data.
The more d3 way of copying the data bound to the parent g elements
No need to add the fix
.datum(function () { return d3.select(this.parentNode).datum(); } )
// .... add properties to text - ie x,y,fill,text-anchor,text
.datum(function () { return d3.select(this.parentNode).datum(); } )
// .... add properties to circle - ie cx,cy,fill,stroke,radius

AmChart move labelText to right a few pixels

I'm trying to move label test to right few pixels because the way it's displayed now it looks like it is more to the left:
Label text is aligned to center for 2d bar charts but when you have 3d bars you have this slight offset effect to left that needs to be corrected.Label position values are: "bottom", "top", "right", "left", "inside", "middle".
I wasn't able to fine tune it.
Any ideas on this?
As mentioned in my comment, the labels are centered with respect to the angle setting for 3D charts. The API doesn't allow you to shift the label left or right, so you have to manipulate the graph SVG nodes directly through the drawn event. If you set addClassNames to true, you can retrieve the label elements using document.querySelectorAll through the generated DOM class names and then modifying the translate value in the transform attribute accordingly. You can use a technique from this SO answer to easily manipulate the transform attribute as an object:
// ...
"addClassNames": true,
"listeners": [{
"event": "drawn",
"method": function(e) {
document.querySelectorAll(".amcharts-graph-g4 .amcharts-graph-label"),
function(graphLabel) {
var transform = parseTransform(graphLabel.getAttribute('transform'));
transform.translate[0] = parseFloat(transform.translate[0]) + 5; //adjust X offset
graphLabel.setAttribute('transform', serializeTransform(transform));
// ...
// from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17824145/parse-svg-transform-attribute-with-javascript
function parseTransform(a) {
var b = {};
for (var i in a = a.match(/(\w+\((\-?\d+\.?\d*e?\-?\d*,?)+\))+/g)) {
var c = a[i].match(/[\w\.\-]+/g);
b[c.shift()] = c;
return b;
//serialize transform object back to an attribute string
function serializeTransform(transformObj) {
var transformStrings = [];
for (var attr in transformObj) {
transformStrings.push(attr + '(' + transformObj[attr].join(',') + ')');
return transformStrings.join(',');
Updated fiddle

Get all dom nodes from d3 selection

selection.node() returns only the first node. Can we get an array of all nodes from a selection?
EDIT Added some code to help us.
The attempt with each() is the only one producing the wanted
output, although quite verbose.
Calling sel[0] also returns an array with DOM nodes, but it's hacky (depends on the internal structure of the library) and includes an unwanted "parentNode" field.
// creating a selection to experiment with
var data= [1,2,3,4]
var sel = d3.select("li")
function identity(d){return d}
console.log(sel); // array[1] with array[4] with the <li>'s
// using .node()
var res1 = sel.node();
console.log(res1); // first <li> only
// using .each() to accumulate nodes in an array
var res2 = [];
function appendToRes2(){
console.log(res2); // array[4] with the <li>'s (what I want)
// calling sel[0]
var res3 = sel[0];
console.log(res3); // array[4] with the <li>'s plus a "parentNode"
// #thisOneGuy's suggestion
var res4 = d3.selectAll(sel);
console.log(res4); // array[1] with array[1] with array[4] with the <li>'s
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/d3/3.4.11/d3.min.js"></script>
EDIT 2 Why do I want to do that?
To call array methods like reduce and map on the DOM nodes. D3 provides filter but to use others I first need to extract the node array from the selection.
I originally wrote this as a comment, but decided to turn it into an answer...
It looks like d3 v4 will include the functionality you want. If you don't want to wait, you can steal the implementation now and add it to the selection prototype:
d3.selection.prototype.nodes = function(){
var nodes = new Array(this.size()), i = -1;
this.each(function() { nodes[++i] = this; });
return nodes;
Usage example:
d3.selection.prototype.nodes = function(){
var nodes = new Array(this.size()), i = -1;
this.each(function() { nodes[++i] = this; });
return nodes;
var data= [1,2,3,4]
var sel = d3.select("li")
function identity(d){return d}
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/d3/3.4.11/d3.min.js"></script>
Since it came from #mbostock, it's a good bet is the best implementation available.

Extending dc.js to add a "simpleLineChart" chart

edit See here for the non-working example of what I'm trying to do: http://bl.ocks.org/elsherbini/5814788
I am using dc.js to plot data collected from bee hives at my university. I am pushing new data to the graphs on every database change (using the magic of Meteor). When the database is over 5000 records or so, rerendering the lines gets really slow. So I want to use simplify.js to preprocess the lines before rendering. To see what I'm talking about, go to http://datacomb.meteor.com/. The page freezes after a couple of seconds, so be warned.
I have started to extend dc.js with a simpleLineChart, which would inherit from the existing dc.lineChart object/function. Here is what I have so far:
dc.simpleLineChart = function(parent, chartGroup) {
var _chart = dc.lineChart(),
_tolerance = 1,
_highQuality = false,
_chart.tolerance = function (_) {
if (!arguments.length) return _tolerance;
_tolerance = _;
return _chart;
_chart.highQuality = function (_) {
if (!arguments.length) return _highQuality;
_highQuality = _;
return _chart;
return _chart.anchor(parent, chartGroup);
simplify.js takes in an array of data, a tolerance, and a boolean highQuality, and returns a new array with fewer elements based on it's simplification algorithm.
dc.js uses crossfilter.js. dc.js charts are associated with a particular crossfilter dimension and group. Eventually, it uses the data from someGroup().all() as the data to pass to a d3.svg.line(). I can't find where this is happening in the dc.js source, but this is where I need to intervene. I want to find this method, and override it in the dc.simpleLineChart object that I am making.
I was thinking something like
_chart.theMethodINeedToOverride = function(){
var helperDataArray = theChartGroup().all().map(function(d) { return {
x: _chart.keyAccessor()(d),
y: _chart.valueAccessor()(d)};})
var simplifiedData = simplify(helperDataArray, _tolerance, _highQuality)
g.datum(simplifiedData); // I know I'm binding some data at some point
// I'm just not sure to what or when
Can anyone help me either identify which method I need to override, or even better, show me how to do so?
dc.js source: https://github.com/NickQiZhu/dc.js/blob/master/dc.js
I think I may have found the function I need to override. The original function is
function createGrouping(stackedCssClass, group) {
var g = _chart.chartBodyG().select("g." + stackedCssClass);
if (g.empty())
g = _chart.chartBodyG().append("g").attr("class", stackedCssClass);
return g;
And I have tried to override it like so
function createGrouping(stackedCssClass, group) {
var g = _chart.chartBodyG().select("g." + stackedCssClass);
if (g.empty())
g = _chart.chartBodyG().append("g").attr("class", stackedCssClass);
var helperDataArray = group().all().map(function(d) { return {
x: _chart.keyAccessor()(d),
y: _chart.valueAccessor()(d)};})
var simplifiedData = simplify(helperDataArray, _tolerance, _highQuality)
return g;
However, when I make a simpleLineChart, it is just a linechart with a tolerance() and highQuality() method. See here: http://bl.ocks.org/elsherbini/5814788
Well, I pretty much did what I set out to do.
The key was to not only modify the createGrouping function, but also the lineY function in the code. (lineY gets set to tell the d3.svg.line() instance how to set the y value of a given point d)
I changed it to
var lineY = function(d, dataIndex, groupIndex) {
return _chart.y()(_chart.valueAccessor()(d));
The way lineY was written before, it was looking up the y value in an array, rather than using the data bound to the group element. This array had it's data set before i made my changes, so it was still using the old, pre-simplification data.

d3 accessor of hierarchical array of objects

I'm feeding data to d3 via json in a format that looks like this:
I use this data to draw both a multiple series line chart (to show the evolution of "balance_of_power" through time) and a donut chart to represent the latest value of "balance_of_power" for all series.
So each top-level array element is an object that has several attributes, one of them being "history", which is itself an array of objects (that have the time and balance_of_power attributes).
A working example can be found here.
To produce the data for the donut chart I use a function that takes the latest element from each history array (the data is sorted by time) and generate another attribute that's called "last_balance".
For example the first element becomes:
And then I specify the right accessor from the pie layout value:
pie = d3.layout.pie().value(function(d) { return d.latest_balance; })
Now I'd like to get rid of the extra step and change the accessor function so that I can read the value directly form the initial data structure and also be able to access any balance_of_power for a time given as an argument.
Is there a way to do that with only modifying the accessor of pie value ?
I changed the .value function to this:
.value(function(d) {
var h = d.history[0];
d.history.forEach(function(elt, i, a) {
console.log("======"); // start debug
console.log("search for:"+selected_time.toString());
console.log("current value:"+d.history[i].time.toString());
console.log("test:"+(d.history[i].time == selected_time));
console.log("======"); // end debug
if(d.history[i].time == selected_time) {
h = d.history[i];
return h.balance_of_power;
But the comparison always fails, even when the values seem to be identical, so the previous code always returns the initial value.
Here's what the javascript console shows for the last iteration:
====== final_balance_donut_chart.js?body=1:11
search for:Thu Jun 06 2013 16:06:00 GMT+0200 (CEST) final_balance_donut_chart.js?body=1:12
current value:Thu Jun 06 2013 16:06:00 GMT+0200 (CEST) final_balance_donut_chart.js?body=1:13
test:false final_balance_donut_chart.js?body=1:14
For some reason I had to convert both times to string to make this work.
Here is the final code fore .value:
.value(function(d) {
var h = d.history[0];
d.history.forEach(function(elt) {
if(elt.time.toString() == selected_time.toString()) {
h = elt;
return h.balance_of_power;
Yes, your code would look something like this.
time = "...";
pie = d3.layout.pie()
.value(function(d) {
var h = d.history[0];
for(var i = 0; i < d.history.length; i++) {
if(d.history[i].time == time) {
h = d.history[i];
return h.balance_of_power;
You will need to handle the case when the time is not in the history though.
