Android Test Kit or Appium with ArcWelder - google-chrome-arc

Does arcwelder support any kind of uiautomation test framework like android testing support library


On Uno Platform how do you use Preferences.Set command

I have an existing Xamarin app which uses
which is in Xamarin.Essentials
It works OK Android, iOs and UWP.
When I add as WASM project to run the project in Browser this command does not work.
Xamarin Essentials only provides implementations for iOS, Android, and UWP. So in Platform Uno you are going to have to provide your own implementations for other platforms such as WASM, WPF, macOS, and Tizen.

Code coverage for Xamarin iOS mobile application for unit tests written using NUnit

We have written unit tests for a Xamarin iOS native mobile application with NUnit framework available in Visual Studio for Mac. These unit tests run on iOS simulators and are passing. But the IDE doesn't provide a coverage report.
Please suggest a tool or way to get coverage report for Xamarin iOS native mobile application.
Unfortunately ,now there is no way to get coverage report for Xamarin iOS by using NUnit in current version of Visual Studio for Mac.I think it will exist in the future version of Visual Studio for Mac .
If not mind other ways to test your application, you can have a look at App Center with Test reports inside it .However it not contains unit test ,it's regrettable .

Xamarin Bluetooth library

I need to write a Xamarin Native (not Xamarin.Forms) solution for Android and iOS.
The application needs to find and communicate with a bluetooth device.
The device uses classic Bluetooth and not BLE.
Is there a good library for cross-platform (Core) or native that support API > 19? I only found libraries for Xamarin.Forms or BLE.
I tried the solution of creating a BroadcastReceiver but it seems to not work on some version of Android.

How can I test Existing app on Phone

I already have installed app on device, how can I use XAMARIN UI TEST for test it ? I don't need to reinstall or install apk on my Android.
For testing with Xamarin.UITest, iOS requires that you link in either the Xamarin Test Cloud Agent for Xamarin.iOS application projects or linking in the Calabash agent in your ObjC/Swift Xcode project for "native" applications.
Non-Xamarin.iOS apps are also supported by Xamarin.UITest, but instead of the Xamarin Test Cloud Agent require linking Calabash.
So for existing iOS application that are not linked to the Xamarin.TestCloud.Agent or the Calabash framework, Xamarin.UITest` can not be used.
Testing frameworks like Appium can be used on existing native, hybrid and mobile web app iOS applications as it uses Apples' UI Automation framework (which Xamarin.UITest does not use).

Ideal Mobile UI Framework for use with Marionette

What is the ideal Mobile UI Framework to use with Marionette?
We are targeting Android with a PhoneGap compiled WebApp.
