Xamarin Bluetooth library - xamarin

I need to write a Xamarin Native (not Xamarin.Forms) solution for Android and iOS.
The application needs to find and communicate with a bluetooth device.
The device uses classic Bluetooth and not BLE.
Is there a good library for cross-platform (Core) or native that support API > 19? I only found libraries for Xamarin.Forms or BLE.
I tried the solution of creating a BroadcastReceiver but it seems to not work on some version of Android.


On Uno Platform how do you use Preferences.Set command

I have an existing Xamarin app which uses
which is in Xamarin.Essentials
It works OK Android, iOs and UWP.
When I add as WASM project to run the project in Browser this command does not work.
Xamarin Essentials only provides implementations for iOS, Android, and UWP. So in Platform Uno you are going to have to provide your own implementations for other platforms such as WASM, WPF, macOS, and Tizen.

Does Firebase Unity support Windows UWP or Windows 10 applications?

According to Unity documentation, unity supports Windows Applications (UWP) and Windows 10 applications, I just wonder that does the Firebase Unity support Windows Applications (UWP) and Windows 10 applications?
Thank you very much.
Most Firebase's Unity SDKs are wrappers around their Android and iOS SDKs, so will not work on other platforms.
Some of the Firebase Unity SDKs provide limited support for working on desktop environments, to simplify development and debugging of Android/iOS apps. See the documentation for a list of features that support this desktop workflow.
As far as I know, none of the Firebase Unity SDKs support running in UWP.
firebase works on windows and mac.
User authentication, real-time database, fire store, and storage are supported.

Xamarin.Forms, are there any other application types?

Are there any other way to create Android Application except Xamarin.Forms ?
There is a remark
"The equivalent app written with Xamarin.Forms is called Todo."
at https://github.com/xamarin/mobile-samples/tree/master/TaskyPortable.
So, which application type present at this link?
You can use the Xamarin Native to develop the Android Application. Here is the link to get started with the Xamarin Native with Android: https://developer.xamarin.com/guides/android/getting_started/
And you can also use the Xamarin.Forms Portable and Shared for the Android, iOS, UWP, Windows Phone 8/8.1 and Windows 8.1 application development.
Thank You.

Develop desktop apps using Xamarin for Windows and Mac OS?

I want to develop desktop application for Windows and Mac OS. Can I use Xamarin for this?
Yes you can, but the support for Xamarin.Forms is not available right now for Xamarin.Mac. For Xamarin.UWP it is.
While using Xamarin.Mac, it is indeed using the Mono Framework, and you can develop on Xamarin Studio. The interfaces can be created either by code or with the Interface Builder on XCode. You can have more informations here : https://developer.xamarin.com/guides/mac/getting_started/
Xamarin.Forms has UWP and OSX (alpha) support. If you need WPF and/or GTK (to support also Linux), you can use something like Xwt (used by MonoDevleop) or Eto. Both allow you to choose which toolkit to use (i.e. Gtk backends can run on both Windows and Mac, or you use always the native backend, or Wpf on Windows and Gtk on Mac, etc.)
With Xamarin/Mono you can use the GTK# wrapper that comes with it to build cross platform Windows/OSx/Nix applications.
Just be aware that the UI will look less native on Windows and OSx.

Development for different mobile platforms on Mac

I'm developing for iPhone mainly but wonder for what other mobile platform I can develop on my Mac? Info about any mobile platforms (Symbian, Maemo, Win-mobile, Android, Bada etc) is appreciated.
For Android, of course. Only need to install Eclipse with Android SDK.
For Symbian, from what I have heard as well.
With Windows Mobile could be more complicated. Usually you need Visual Studio with Compact Framework, which as you can guess are only available for Windows.
