Yammer Sandbox / Developer Mode - yammer

I am new to Yammer Development.
My company has a Yammer network, but i don't want to use it during development (as during development, it creates junk / test posts)
Is there any way to use yammer in Sandbox / Development mode, so that it does not affect my company's existing network?
Can i sign up to yammer with my Gmail / Hotmail account for development?


Why is my Google Chat bot not available for other G-Suite users apart from my domain?

I have created a Google Chatbot using the Google Hangouts Chat API. The bot has been verified on the store listing of GSuite Marketplace SDK. App visibility is also set to the public mode.
Store Listing Status:
App Visibility Status:
I have also got my OAuth Consent Screen verified and set to external.
Can anyone let me know, what might be the reason that my Chatbot is not available to other G-Suite domain accounts?
OAuth Verification Status:

Is there a way to detect when a user has paid for a Google App Marketplace app you published?

We're currently in the process of publishing a Laravel web app to Google App Marketplace and I have read every section of the guides found here https://developers.google.com/gsuite/marketplace/overview but there doesn't seem to be any mention of detecting when a user has successfully paid for your app. Because ultimately what we want to achieve is to prevent just anybody from accessing the registration/initial setup page and only grant access to G Suite domains that have paid for the app.
The G Suite Marketplace does not support payments. If you have implemented your own payment solution then it's up to you to restrict access to paying users.

Alternative to Appcenter / HockeyApp for hosting mobile applications

I am looking for an alternative to HockeyApp, so that I can host and deliver Xamarin Application to end customers (UWP, iOS, Android). The reason I cannot use HockeyApp is that the authentication mechanism has changed and requires one of github, microsoft, google, etc credentials to register/login. The end customers with their business emails, should not be using personal logins to access enterprise stuff.
Have checked tools like TestFairy, etc. None of them serve the purpose or are missing UWP app hosting.
Your customers can create Microsoft account with their business email. It's free. Not tied to outlook.com email address. They will benefit from improved security compared to the deprecated HockeyApp authentication.
you can create google account with office email, suppose for your business you use oultlook.com, with the same id you can create account on google only thing is gmail will not be there for you because you already have outlook, but you can use all google service with this account.

Mobile Chrome Apps payments API

I'm working on publishing my Chrome App to Google Play using the Chrome Apps for Mobile tools.
As Mihai Ionescu mentioned, there are two Google Wallet Merchant APIs: Google Wallet for Digital Goods API (used for Chrome Web Store apps) and Google Play In-app Billing API (used for Android apps). As far as I'm located in Belarus, Play API is supported for my country, but Digital Goods is not, though the Supported Locations table doesn't mention any API differences.
Mobile Chrome Apps Payment Plug-in ReadMe says:
This plugin allows you to sell digital and virtual goods within your app. It is built on the Android In-App Billing API and the iOS In-App Purchase API. It provides a JavaScript interface similar to the Chrome Apps Google Wallet for Digital Goods API, so that you can use the same API in both a desktop and mobile Chrome App.
What exact API (Google Play or Digital Goods) is used for mobile Chrome Apps and can I really use one merchant API for both mobile and desktop versions?
If different APIs are used, is there any way for a desktop Chrome app to check that a user has purchased the mobile version via Google Play?
For mobile, you will use Google Play In-app Billing API, as the item will ultimately end up on the Google Play Store. Regardless of the API, you will only need to create a single Google Wallet Merchant account to sell your goods, thus using a single Merchant Id.
Unfortunately, there is no way to verify a user's purchases within the app on different platforms (web vs mobile).

Chrome Web Store Review Without Google Plus

I submitted an extension to Chrome Web Store but as a developer, if I reply to a support review my Google Plus account is published.
Is it possible to hide Google Plus account? If not, do you recommend to create another account without breaking Chrome TOS?
You can use another account for that. Google's Publishing tutorial says:
decide which Google Account you want to be your developer account.
This account will own your app (or multiple apps, if you choose) and
will receive any payments you get from Chrome Web Store Payments.
Instead of your personal account, you might want to choose a dedicated
