Why is my Google Chat bot not available for other G-Suite users apart from my domain? - google-apps-marketplace

I have created a Google Chatbot using the Google Hangouts Chat API. The bot has been verified on the store listing of GSuite Marketplace SDK. App visibility is also set to the public mode.
Store Listing Status:
App Visibility Status:
I have also got my OAuth Consent Screen verified and set to external.
Can anyone let me know, what might be the reason that my Chatbot is not available to other G-Suite domain accounts?
OAuth Verification Status:


How to Get User Data from Microsoft Teams Bot Just Once

My web app bot is installed in Teams as an app. (Only in my company(AD) ) Now, I want to fetch users' information such as email, name etc... I don't want to send oauth card again and again to users.
Is there any solution which provides fetching users' (team members') information? Can you please share all setups in Azure AD and Bot framework?

User's title attribute from Teams bot

I have a working Teams bot, using the nodejs botbuilder-teams SDK v3, and registered at dev.botframework.com and apps.dev.microsoft.com. I have created a Teams app that contains it (using the App Studio app in Teams), and installed it in an Office 365 developer tenant of which I am the admin, and the bot can send and receive messages with no problem.
When the bot is added to a team, I get the "conversationUpdate"/"teamMemberAdded" message, and use the fetchMembers() call from the teams bot connector to retrieve basic info for each member, including "givenName", "surname", "email", etc. However, I don't get the "jobTitle" attribute. Is there any way to retrieve jobTitle through the Teams bot SDK?
Alternatively, could I make MSGraph API calls (say, /v1.0/groups/{group-id-for-teams}/members)? Is there a good example of a nodejs serverside app like a bot calling the MSGraph API? The authentication part seems somewhat murky to me.
jobTitle is not part of roster details. You need to call Graph APIs to fetch additional details.
Here is Node.js sample for bot authentication. If you are using Azure for bot registration then please take a look at Azure Bot Service for Authentication in Teams documentation.

Gmail API Credit Card Information

Is it possible to use the Free Trial on Google Cloud Platform to enable Gmail API, without providing Credit Card information?
I am trying to enable Gmail API for sending Emails through an Email address procured under GSuite prior 2012.
Please Advice
The free trial on Google cloud platform requires that you enter a credit card information to use it.
The gmail api is part of the google developer console which should not require that you have a google cloud platform account to access it. You should be able to login to that and create your project and credentials and enable the gmail api their.

Passing an external user ID through MS Bot Framework

I am working on a Skype bot, using Microsoft's Bot Framework.
I have an external website, where a user can create an account, obtaining a userID. I would like to have a button on my website that allows me to link their account to a Skype conversation.
The only way I can work it at the moment is by having the Skype bot ask for the user's email, then the user has to go onto the website and confirm that that was them on Skype. Not a good UX.
I know Telegram lets you do what I want with "deep linking", and Kik can do it by scanning QR codes. Facebook Messenger can do it by including the Facebook JSSDK in the page with a "Connect to this bot" button.
Is there any way to do this on Skype?
Use the "Sign-in Card" workflow to have your users authenticate with your website before proceeding with the Skype bot conversation.
The Sign-in card enables a bot to request that a user sign-in. It typically contains text and one or more buttons that the user can click to initiate the sign-in process.
For documentation and code example, see:
Blog article showing sign-in card walk-through:
Additional code examples:
.NET SDK - https://github.com/Microsoft/BotBuilder-Samples/tree/master/CSharp/cards-RichCards#sign-in-card
Node.js SDK - https://github.com/Microsoft/BotBuilder-Samples/tree/master/Node/cards-RichCards#sign-in-card
Use individual deep link mechanism for each bot (e.g. telegram) that you wish to implement.
How to setup Telegram webhook the simple way.
Telegram webhook requirement
HOWEVER, it doesn't work on Skype.
Microsoft bot builder deep linking
he only way I can work it at the moment is by having the Skype bot ask for the user's email, then the user has to go onto the website and confirm that that was them on Skype. Not a good UX.
This is the only way so far for Skype.

List Google Hangouts App on Google Apps Marketplace

We have developed an app using Google Hangouts API.
Now we want to list it on Google Apps Marketplace.
We have tried to add the Google Apps Marketplace SDK service to the app but it erases the settings of the Hangouts API page. These two services don't seem to work together.
Does anybody know if this can work? How long does Google usually take to reply to the Listing Review Request form?
The Listing Review process is a reactive process after your app is already published in the Google Apps Marketplace (via the Chrome Web Store)
Have you already listed the app on the Chrome Web Store?
Currently you cannot list Hangout Apps on the Google Apps Marketplace. In order for users to launch your Hangout App, use the the Hangouts Button.
