NameNode is not formatted - hadoop

After rebooting the servers, hdfs refuses to start and keeps saying :
2016-01-09 17:39:21,117 ERROR org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.NameNode: Failed to start namenode. NameNode is not formatted.
Data is still there! All seems to be okey, but it keeps failing.
I checked all the solution out there, none helped! I would like avoiding running a namenode format, as I would lose all my data.
Any ideas besides rebuilding?

just format your namenode by using below command:
$ bin/hdfs namenode -format


Hadoop localhost:9870 don't work before format hdfs namenode

I have installed the hadoop.
When I start dfs and yarn, just yarn localhost work. For dfs localhost work, I need to do "bin/hdfs namenode -format" every time I start my laptop, and then start dfs, and it works.
How can I fix this ?
Sorry my bad english
You always have to format the namenode at first start.
If you are needing to do it more than once, you'll need to look at the logs to find out why HDFS is not starting... More than likely, you're just shutting down your computer, and not stopping HDFS process, and the file blocks are becoming corrupt

Cannot start running on browser the namenode for Hadoop

It is my first time in installing Hadoop on my Linux (Fedora distro) running on VM (using Parallel on my Mac). And I followed every step on this video and including the textual version of it.And then when I run it on localhost (or the equivalent value from hostname) in port 50070, I got the following message.
...can't establish a connection to the server at localhost:50070
When I run the jps by the way command I don't have the datanode and namenode unlike at the end of the textual version tutorial which has the following:
While mine has only the following processes running:
6021 NodeManager
3947 SecondaryNameNode
5788 ResourceManager
8941 Jps
When I run the hadoop namenode command I have some of the following [redacted] error:
Cannot access storage directory /usr/local/hadoop_store/hdfs/namenode
16/10/11 21:52:45 WARN namenode.FSNamesystem: Encountered exception loading fsimage
org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.common.InconsistentFSStateException: Directory /usr/local/hadoop_store/hdfs/namenode is in an inconsistent state: storage directory does not exist or is not accessible.
I tried to access by the way the above mentioned directories and it existed.
Any hint for this newbie? ;-)
You would need to give read and write permission to user with which you are running the services on directory /usr/local/hadoop_store/hdfs/namenode.
Once done, you should run format command using hadoop namenode -format
Then try to start your services.
delete files /app/hadoop/tmp/*
and try again formatting the namenode and then &

NameNode Does Not Start with

The NameNode does not start after with I try hadoop namenode -format and start namenode then everything ok. However my data is lost in HDFS.
I do not want data loss. This result, hadoop namenode -format command is not want my path to a solution. How can I start the NameNode with ?
First of all, with are deprecated. Use and instead of Same with already says so)
secondly, hadoop namenode -format formats your HDFS and should therefore be used only once, at the time of installation.
Hadoop by default sets the property of hadoop.tmp.dir to a directory in /tmp, where the files are deleted after every restart. Set the hadoop.tmp.dir property in $HADOOP_HOME/conf/hadoop/core-site.xml, to some place where the files are not usually deleted. Run the hadoop namenode -format (actually it is hdfs namenode -format, this one is also deprecated.) one last time and start the daemons.
PS: If you can post the log file or the terminal screenshot of the error, it will be easier to help you.
temp = should be "tmp" => hadoop.tmp.dir
I missed only "e".

Datanode failing in Hadoop on single Machine

I set up and configured sudo node hadoop environment on ubuntu 12.04 LTS using following tutorial
After typing hadoop/bin $
everything going fine then i checked the Jps
then NameNode, JobTracker ,TaskTracker,SecondaryNode have been started but DataNode not started ...
If any know how to resolve this issue please let me know..
ya i resolved it... Incompatible namespaceIDs
If you see the error Incompatible namespaceIDs in the logs of a DataNode (logs/hadoop-hduser-datanode-.log), chances are you are affected by issue HDFS-107 (formerly known as HADOOP-1212).
The full error looked like this on my machines:
... ERROR org.apache.hadoop.dfs.DataNode: Incompatible namespaceIDs in /app/hadoop/tmp/dfs/data: namenode namespaceID = 308967713; datanode namespaceID = 113030094
at org.apache.hadoop.dfs.DataStorage.doTransition(
at org.apache.hadoop.dfs.DataStorage.recoverTransitionRead(
at org.apache.hadoop.dfs.DataNode.startDataNode(
at org.apache.hadoop.dfs.DataNode.(
at org.apache.hadoop.dfs.DataNode.makeInstance(
at org.apache.hadoop.dfs.DataNode.createDataNode(
at org.apache.hadoop.dfs.DataNode.main(
t the moment, there seem to be two workarounds as described below.
Workaround 1: Start from scratch
I can testify that the following steps solve this error, but the side effects won’t make you happy (me neither). The crude workaround I have found is to:
Stop the cluster
Delete the data directory on the problematic DataNode: the directory is specified by in conf/hdfs-site.xml; if you followed this tutorial, the relevant directory is /app/hadoop/tmp/dfs/data
Reformat the NameNode (NOTE: all HDFS data is lost during this process!)
Restart the cluster
When deleting all the HDFS data and starting from scratch does not sound like a good idea (it might be ok during the initial setup/testing), you might give the second approach a try.
Workaround 2: Updating namespaceID of problematic DataNodes
Big thanks to Jared Stehler for the following suggestion. I have not tested it myself yet, but feel free to try it out and send me your feedback. This workaround is “minimally invasive” as you only have to edit one file on the problematic DataNodes:
Stop the DataNode
Edit the value of namespaceID in /current/VERSION to match the value of the current NameNode
Restart the DataNode
If you followed the instructions in my tutorials, the full path of the relevant files are:
NameNode: /app/hadoop/tmp/dfs/name/current/VERSION
DataNode: /app/hadoop/tmp/dfs/data/current/VERSION (background: is by default set to ${hadoop.tmp.dir}/dfs/data, and we set hadoop.tmp.dir in this tutorial to /app/hadoop/tmp).
The solution for the problem is clearly given in the following site:

hbase.MasterNotRunningException while creating table in Hbase

ERROR: org.apache.hadoop.hbase.MasterNotRunningException: Retried 7 times
I got this error when I am creating the table in HBase. I am giving like in following way to create the table by using HBase. I type the following command on console.
create 'test', 'cf'
I got the above mentioned error. What would be the reasons for getting this error?
I am trying this table in standalone system.
this happens only if your namenode is in safe mode, so just enter the following command :- hdfs dfsadmin -safemode leave
this command worked for me all ways, try it for you.
you should check hadoop and hbase logs. it seems hdfs does not started correctly. as codingFoo said you should wait about 1 minute after starting hdfs before starting hbase. after starting hbase check http://:60010 to see what is going on in your machines
I was having the exactly same error. After spending lots of hours struggling, it is finally resolved just by writing 'ubuntu' besides hostname in the /etc/hosts file.
i.e. your-hostname ubuntu.
Obviously, this solution might work for you only if you are using Ubuntu.
I had faced the same problem after installing Hbase & did the below steps.
Just in your terminal go to Hbase->bin & run shown below .
Then type jps in your terminal .Now HMaster will active .
user#client:/usr/local/hbase/bin$ jps
After this I could create a table .
I had the same issue and as said I did $ and then found the below processes by JPS command.
3420 TaskTracker
3202 SecondaryNameNode
2953 NameNode
4327 HRegionServer
4041 HQuorumPeer
4143 HMaster
3078 DataNode
4619 Jps
3290 JobTracker
Both hmaster hregionserver are ready. Now I am able to use hbase correctly.
