How to make meteor work on 64bit mongodb on windows 10? - windows

I just install meteor.js and try to use it replace the old frameworks.
The issue is:
On my windows 10 64bit system, the meteor is use 32bit mongodb(2.6.7), which is limited th database size is 2gb.
How to make the meteor work with 64bit mongodb?

Having researched this myself just now, it looks as though the Meteor version 1.4 release will be updated to version 3.2 of MongoDB, in which "32-bit binaries are deprecated"
Github ticket for the updating of MongoDB
MongoDB declaration that 3.2 has deprecated 32-bit binaries
Meteor 1.4 announcement
If upgrading your MongoDB instance is mandatory now, then unfortunately it looks like the only way is to manually upgrade the binaries yourself. If you do this, I would suggest you make a backup of them just in-case it messes up.
To upgrade to version 3.2 you first need to upgrade to version 3.0, then you can upgrade to version 3.2

I guess you didn't install the right version of Mongo if you have a 32 bits version.
check out their installation guide:
First download the right 64 bits version for Windows:
and follow the instructions:
Install MongoDB
Interactive Installation 1 Install MongoDB for Windows. In Windows
Explorer, locate the downloaded MongoDB .msi file, which typically is
located in the default Downloads folder. Double-click the .msi file. A
set of screens will appear to guide you through the installation
You may specify an installation directory if you choose the “Custom”
installation option.
NOTE These instructions assume that you have installed MongoDB to
C:\mongodb. MongoDB is self-contained and does not have any other
system dependencies. You can run MongoDB from any folder you choose.
You may install MongoDB in any folder (e.g. D:\test\mongodb).


Upgrade SonarQube from version 5.6.4 to 6.7.2

I want to upgrade SonarQube and I haven't done this before so I have few question. Please could you help me with them?
How can I find which edition is installed on my server?
How can I find if the installed version is licensed or not?
How can I upgrade from 5.6.4 to 6.7 LTS? Do you have upgrade guide for the same?
You can always find which version is installed by logging into the SonarQube web app and looking at the footer of the page or by going to Administration / System / System Info. If you for some reason can't log in to the web app, and installation folder name does not contain the version number as it does by default, look in the "lib" folder for a file that looks like "sonar-application-6.3.1.jar". That will tell you the version number as well.
Here are the general steps for upgrading, from the Upgrade the Server docs:
Download and unzip the SonarQube distribution of your edition in a
fresh directory, let's say $NEW_SONARQUBE_HOME
Manually install the
non-default plugins that are compatible with your version of
SonarQube. Use the Compatibility Matrix to ensure that the versions
you install are compatible with your server version. Note that the
most recent versions of all SonarSource code analyzers available in
your edition are installed by default. Simply copying plugins from
the old server to the new is not recommended; incompatible or
duplicate plugins could cause startup errors.
Update the contents of and wrapper.conf files (in
$NEW_SONARQUBE_HOME/conf) with the settings of the related files in
the $OLD_SONARQUBE_HOME/conf directory (web server URL, database,
ldap settings, etc.). Do not copy-paste the old files. If you are
using the Oracle DB, copy its JDBC driver into
Stop your old
SonarQube Server
Start your new SonarQube Server
Browse to
http://yourSonarQubeServerURL/setup and follow the setup
Analyze your projects (and compute your
Views|Portofolios|Application if you own the Enterprise Edition
product) to get fresh data
Before embarking on this, you will want to check out the intermediate upgrade notes for each version in order: 6.0, 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 6.5, 6.6, and 6.7.
Note that upgrade notes for versions after 6.7 are hosted at the new documentation site.

SQLite setup Error

I try to load Sqlite Bundle to my computer from this link:
But its show this error. In my PC already loaded ".Net Framework 4.6" but its says v2.0 or higher is required.
It would appear you do not in fact have the right framework installed, I would recommend you re-install it and ensure that you get the latest version.
If you just uninstall you can get the latest version from this link:

install4j: How to Obtain Old JRE -OR- Convert Installer to .tar.gz?

I accepted a project that consists of a Java-project that is shipped with an installer built by install4j (we have a license for 4.2.8). I'm required to ship a JRE with it. The problem is that the guy who worked on it before me left and I don't have access to his installation of install4j that would have included the JREs that are currently shipped with the final installer of our project (Java 1.6.0_29).
Within install4j I can select a JRE, but 1.6.0_29 is not listed there any more. My obvious option was to simply use the latest 1.6-version, but that was declined. Therefore, now I don't have a JRE. I can't even build a bundle with install4j since none of my colleagues has that version. Besides that, I'd need it for all our target platforms (Windows, Linux and MacOS).
I think the only options I have now is to
find a hidden gem on the internet that holds old JREs in .tar.gz-format (i.e., if you know such a site please let me know)
download the various installers from Oracle's site and somehow convert them into .tar.gz (however, I have no idea how to convert, e.g. an exe, into a .tar.gz)
I tried to figure out where install4j downloads the bundles. I played around with the URLs, but it seems as if only those listed in install4j are available.
Do I have another option? Does anyone have solutions for the two options I listed?
You can use the "createbundle" command line tool to create a JRE bundle from any installed JRE.
This is available since install4j 5.0. You can install the current version with an evaluation key and the created bundle .tar.gz file will work for 4.x as well.
Bundling a JRE for Mac OS X is not supported in install4j 4.x. This functionality was added in install4j 5.1 for OpenJDK on Mac OS X.

Firebird x Windows 7 x gds32.dll error

I have a fdb file (firebird) from a new client (he doesn't know the version). I have tried to use some GUI to access the database, but with no luck. All of them tell that its missing gds32.dll, but I have this one.
I have copied this dll to the GUI folder, I have copied the dll to system32 folder and I have copied to syswow64. I am running Windows 7 64 bits and the firebird database is 32 bits. I have tried to install the dll but I can't register it.
I have installed WinXP in a virtual machine to see if it runs, but nothing. The regsvr32 tells me that it is not an executable file... in Win 7 that this dll could be not compatible with windows version.
I have tried IbExpert Personal, Ibmanager and Flamerobin and they shows me the same error, that the dll was not found or not installed.
How to open this firebird db?
You need a running Firebird server in order to access your database. If you just want to access the data, then the easiest way would be:
Grab free FDBConvert utility and upgrade database to the Firebird 2.5 format
Install Firebird 2.5 server. Get setup from here. Use Win32 version if your GUI tool is 32 bit application. During installation check "Generate client library as GDS32DLL for legacy app support?".
Make sure that Firebird service is running and try to connect to the database.
If the database will be accessed by an old application later on, then you have to:
Determine Firebird version needed. Use gstat -h dbname.fdb command. Check ODS version value. In the table here you will find a correspondence between ODS number and Firebird version. gstat utility is a part of server installation.
Download and install appropriate version of Firebird server from here.
To fix Flamerobin - missing gds32.dll or fbclient.dll problem:
Check which version of Firebird are you running - 32bit or 64 bit?
Install 32-bit Flamerobin for 32-bit Firebird or 64-bit Flamerobin
for 64-bit Firebird.
Installing the correct version resolved my problem.
I had exactly the same problem on Windows 7 64bits.
Solution is:
Copy fbclient.dll & GDS32.DLL to system32 and SySWOW64 folders.
regsvr32 fbclient & regsvr32 GDS32.DLL on both folders. Even when getting error messages, I ignored them.
Go to Program Files (x86)\FlameRobin and right click flamerobin.exe and choose to execute with compatibility Windows XP (Service Pack 3). Also, check execute as an administrator.
That's it!
The firebird server was installed, but I dont know why something was wrong. So, I uninstalled all the firebird packages and installed again. I think I have installed on the wrong order, cause I have installed the ODBC (Firebird_ODBC_2.0.1.152_Win32) before the firebird.
Now everything is ok.
Reinstall the firebird, and check that you want to install dll trought the installation.

Windows CE 6.0 - Installing SQL Server CE 3.5 into the run-time image

I made an application that I put onto the hard disk of Win CE (the Compact Flash card). My problem is that the application is using the SQL Server CE 3.5 database but it looks like that the image is created with the SQL Server CE 3.0. I couldn't select the 3.5 version when I started to build the image.
The 3.5 version dlls are deployed every time I debug the application so the problem never shows up in the development phase.
Now when the application starts (it is started automatically when OS boots) the message window with exceptions pops up and don't let the application to start. My question is how to install the SQL Server CE 3.5 into the image or how to install it using CAB files later or on every boot up time.
When I run the correct CAB files (three CAB) on running OS system it installs the 3.5 version and my application starts but when I reboot the OS again the changes are not saved and commit. There must be a solution to add the 3.5 version in the catalog before building the image or to install it on every boot up time or the last option to install it permanently once after the first boot.
If you can provide me the solution to install the CABs every time the system boots up It will work for me but then take into the consideration that I have to run the application that will use the SQL Server CE 3.5 database on system start so the installation of the CABs must precede the application autostart.
Thanks in advance.
You have a few options. The least desirable is to run the CAB at startup.
One option is to put the newest SQLCE binaries into the OS if you can. This is available in the catalog, provided you have all of the updated QFEs installed. If, for whatever reason, you can't install the QFEs, you could always replace the source binaries Platfrom Builder pulls from at %WINCEROOT%\OTHERS\SQLCOMPACT.
Another option is to just include all of the SQLCE binaries in your application deployment. You don't need a CAB, just put the DLLs in your app folder (removing SQLCE from the OS is a good idea if you go this route to prevent native DLL collision). The source for these binaries is at %PROGRAM_FILES%\Microsoft SQL Server Compact Edition\v3.5\Devices. This is actually the route I prefer, as an update to SQLCE doesn't require a new OS.
