Firebird x Windows 7 x gds32.dll error - windows-7

I have a fdb file (firebird) from a new client (he doesn't know the version). I have tried to use some GUI to access the database, but with no luck. All of them tell that its missing gds32.dll, but I have this one.
I have copied this dll to the GUI folder, I have copied the dll to system32 folder and I have copied to syswow64. I am running Windows 7 64 bits and the firebird database is 32 bits. I have tried to install the dll but I can't register it.
I have installed WinXP in a virtual machine to see if it runs, but nothing. The regsvr32 tells me that it is not an executable file... in Win 7 that this dll could be not compatible with windows version.
I have tried IbExpert Personal, Ibmanager and Flamerobin and they shows me the same error, that the dll was not found or not installed.
How to open this firebird db?

You need a running Firebird server in order to access your database. If you just want to access the data, then the easiest way would be:
Grab free FDBConvert utility and upgrade database to the Firebird 2.5 format
Install Firebird 2.5 server. Get setup from here. Use Win32 version if your GUI tool is 32 bit application. During installation check "Generate client library as GDS32DLL for legacy app support?".
Make sure that Firebird service is running and try to connect to the database.
If the database will be accessed by an old application later on, then you have to:
Determine Firebird version needed. Use gstat -h dbname.fdb command. Check ODS version value. In the table here you will find a correspondence between ODS number and Firebird version. gstat utility is a part of server installation.
Download and install appropriate version of Firebird server from here.

To fix Flamerobin - missing gds32.dll or fbclient.dll problem:
Check which version of Firebird are you running - 32bit or 64 bit?
Install 32-bit Flamerobin for 32-bit Firebird or 64-bit Flamerobin
for 64-bit Firebird.
Installing the correct version resolved my problem.

I had exactly the same problem on Windows 7 64bits.
Solution is:
Copy fbclient.dll & GDS32.DLL to system32 and SySWOW64 folders.
regsvr32 fbclient & regsvr32 GDS32.DLL on both folders. Even when getting error messages, I ignored them.
Go to Program Files (x86)\FlameRobin and right click flamerobin.exe and choose to execute with compatibility Windows XP (Service Pack 3). Also, check execute as an administrator.
That's it!

The firebird server was installed, but I dont know why something was wrong. So, I uninstalled all the firebird packages and installed again. I think I have installed on the wrong order, cause I have installed the ODBC (Firebird_ODBC_2.0.1.152_Win32) before the firebird.
Now everything is ok.

Reinstall the firebird, and check that you want to install dll trought the installation.


Oracle 12c client on Windows 10 64bit

I am trying to install the Oracle 12c 64bit client on a Windows 10 64bit PC. Whenever I run the setup it just quickly pops up a DOS window then immediately closes it. No error messages, nothing.
I know there are a few command line switches to ignore the prereq checking, but they don't appear to do anything.
Any tips are greatly appreciated...
The big question is 'what do you want the client for'? Most users can just unzip the Oracle Instant Client package(s) and not need to run an installer. If the tools (not the OS) you use are 64-bit then install the 64-bit Instant Client from here, otherwise if the tools are 32-bit then install the 32-bit Instant Client from here. Generic instructions are at the foot of each page, but check whether your tool etc has its own specific instructions.
The next question is do you really need the old 12c client? Since 19c Oracle Client libraries (including those in Oracle Instant Client) can connect to Oracle Database 11.2 or later, you can probably install the latest-and-greatest Instant Client (or "full" Oracle Client if you really need it).
Try opening up a command prompt in the same directory as the Setup.exe file you are attempting to run, then just run the executable from the command line. This should hopefully show what is popping up in the command prompt.
Another option to try is right clicking on the Setup.exe file and selecting Run as Administrator.
Check following folders and delete them, if existing:
Then open a Command Line window as Administrator and start setup.exe from there - perhaps you get more information.
After installation have a look at %TEMP%\OraInstall* there you should find a detailed log file.
Make sure you are running the executable from a local drive, not a removeable drive or mapped drive.
Make sure you have the Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 x86 Redistributable installed.
Switches for Oracle Client Install procedure
setup.exe -ignoreSysPrereqs
That is to ignore higher version of Windows when install old Oracle Client.
On my experience - Oracle 10g client installation on Windows 10
as shown

Installer Oracle 11g windows 64 bit doesn't work

This one drives me crazy, I am installing Oracle Database 11g Release 2 Windows 64 bit version. Because Express edition doesn't work on win7.
Link to download is:
In total there are 2 files, using 7zip I have unzipped them in one folder. Folder is called 'database' containing:
I double clicked on setup, passed installation option where they ask me to provide email address to be informed of security issues. I selected 'Create and configure a database'. And in the next step where they ask for type of installation I chose 'Desktop Class'. After I clicked on 'Next' the installer just closes and installation is stopped..
Any idea what might be the cause? I have the rights, I am using a clean new laptop, WIN7 64 bit, installed JDK.
Oracle 11G Express Edition is officially available on 64-bit versions of Windows (Finally!).
Oracle 11G Express Edition Download Page
If you purpose is some developing/testing/learning why not use pre-built Oracle VM images? You just need to install Virualbox and download the image file.
I quote:
Because Express edition doesn't work on win7.
It actually works.
Just right click on setup and click "run as administrator". Ignore any error message.
It worked on win7 64bit and Windows Server 2008 R2 (of course 64bit).

Cannot find installable ISAM [duplicate]

The boss handed me some rather ancient legacy code, all done in VB6. After installing Visual Studio 6 and a few other things, I'm finally able to open the project and actually compile/run it. My new problem comes from this line of code:
Set db = DBEngine.Workspaces(0).OpenDatabase(ThePath$, False, ReadOnlyFlag, "FoxPro 2.6;")
I get the error "Cannot find installable ISAM"
I'm not sure what I'm missing. I've done some searching and I have things like MSJET35.DLL in system32 and the registry. Access is installed (I tried it with both Access 2002 and 2003). I would expect this to be a problem with Windows 7 or Vista, but this is in XP, service pack 3.
Any thoughts anyone?
The FoxPro drivers are not included in MDAC 2.6 and beyond. Download the appropriate install for either ODBC or OLEDB
FoxPro ODBC drivers
FoxPro OLEDB drivers
FoxPro 2.6 requires a dll called msxbse35.dll
Copy it into your system32 directory and run regsvr32 msxbse35.dll to register.
Your program will then run fine on that computer.

VB6 - A foxpro 2.6 no isam error on XP

The boss handed me some rather ancient legacy code, all done in VB6. After installing Visual Studio 6 and a few other things, I'm finally able to open the project and actually compile/run it. My new problem comes from this line of code:
Set db = DBEngine.Workspaces(0).OpenDatabase(ThePath$, False, ReadOnlyFlag, "FoxPro 2.6;")
I get the error "Cannot find installable ISAM"
I'm not sure what I'm missing. I've done some searching and I have things like MSJET35.DLL in system32 and the registry. Access is installed (I tried it with both Access 2002 and 2003). I would expect this to be a problem with Windows 7 or Vista, but this is in XP, service pack 3.
Any thoughts anyone?
The FoxPro drivers are not included in MDAC 2.6 and beyond. Download the appropriate install for either ODBC or OLEDB
FoxPro ODBC drivers
FoxPro OLEDB drivers
FoxPro 2.6 requires a dll called msxbse35.dll
Copy it into your system32 directory and run regsvr32 msxbse35.dll to register.
Your program will then run fine on that computer.

Installing Oracle 10 ODP.NET on Microsoft Windows 2008 Server 64bit

I've tried to install "Oracle10g Release 2 ODAC (64-bit) for Windows x64" from:
on Windows 2008 server 64bit, but it crushes right after i run the setup.exe with the following error:
Problem signature: Problem Event
Name: APPCRASH Application
Name: javaw.exe Application
Version: Application
Timestamp: 42a019e4 Fault Module
Name: StackHash_5c81 Fault Module
Version: 6.0.6001.18000 Fault Module
Timestamp: 4791adec Exception
Code: c0000374 Exception
Offset: 00000000000a6e97 OS
Version: 6.0.6001. Locale
ID: 1037 Additional Information
1: 5c81 Additional Information
2: fa1981fc0da3377cbbec45e762388188
Additional Information 3: 7698
Additional Information
4: 7defb6f15001721d919a359fb7888c17
Read our privacy statement:
can anyone direct me to a version that i can install the latesr version of ODP.NET for Windows 2008 server 64bit?
Best regards,
Guy Bertental
It's a really tricky. Before installing ODP.NET you need to already have working connection setup to oracle database. That means:
Step 1:
Oracle install client (never succeeded with that, not recommended) or Oracle client (succeeded on Win7 ultimate 64bit, file, installed with "Runtime" option selected). After client install make sure you can connect. From command line try "tnsping yourtnanamesentry" to check if tnsnames is ok, and after that "sqlplus username/pwd#yourtnsnamesentry" to check if you know valid user and password and really can connect. Memorize or write down oracle home name and path you choosed during install.
Step 2:
Install ODP.NET (I did with file Use exactly the same oracle home name, but different path during installation.
Step 3: try connecting with visual studio. For "server name" I used this: "oraclexe:1521/xe". That means I have machine called "oraclexe" which has oracle listener on port 1521, and database with instance name "xe". It's so-called "EZCONNECT" name.
I'm not sure if Step 1 is really needed or not, because maybe step3 really uses just oracle instant client.
I know, it is real pain, but this works. It took me 2 days to connect to oracle, and I had to install almost 1GB of downloaded oracle software. They could and should make that much, much, much, much easier. Like one-click install that just works. This is shame how complicated client install is.
Donwload and install Oracle Database 11g Release 2 Client ( for Microsoft Windows (32-bit) on your development computer.
Delete former references to Oracle.DataAccess on your project.
Add the new reference pointing to this new version.
In Visual Studio, after adding the reference select it, then choose properties to check the setting. Set “Specific Version” true , then check that “Copy Local” is false.
Build your solution using ANY CPU target.
Next, prepare your server. Install Oracle Database 11g Release 2 Client ( for Microsoft Windows (x64) . When installing, select the RUNTIME OPTION.
Finally, deploy your solution to your server, as you always use to do. This time it should work.
The trick is to have the same ODAC version ( on both the development and deployment enviroments. This ODAC contains the Oracle.DataAcces.Client which you should reference on your code to access classes like OracleConnection, OracleDataReader, etc.
I had problems because I had developed using ODAC (32 bits, latest at this time) but there's no x64 version for this ODAC.
So, always use the latest stable ODAC version which has 32 bits and 64 bits version if you are going to develop on 32 bits and deploy on 64 bits.
Hi Ran into your problem, solution is get a copy of ( run this & it will install the client.
Unpack then go to All Programs->OracleHome->Oracle Installation Products & run the Universal Installer. When the installer runs at the Specify Source Location browse to the Stage directory created when you unpacked then install as normal.
There is a but this will not talk to Oracle 9 dB's so the above will resolve talking to legacy dB's.
Guy- have a look at this, it may help. Getting Oracle client working is a pain at the best of times, x64 must make it harder.
I had unexpected crashes in my application using Instant Client on Windows Server 2008 x64. After reading a few posts about the lack of support for this platform, I upgraded the client to and it works like a charm !
So I would be surprised if ODP .NET would be stable on Windows Server 2008 x64, if you ever managed to install it. IMHO, your options are :
use another provider (Microsoft+client v11.1, or DataDirect...).
go with the beta version if you dare...
