WebSocket Request: 426 Upgrade required - websocket

I'm a licensed user of the Paw 2.2.7 Rest client and I would like to issue a WebSocket request.
I currently get back the response: 426 Upgrade Required. I would like to define a proper WebSocket request within the client.
Is it possible? If so, how would I define such a request?

I appreciate the feedback.
I was able to create a simple Websocket iOS-based app to perform my testing. I like PAWS so I hope you add WebSocket support in the future.


ColdFusion API and Websockets

I am hoping someone can point me in the right direction. I have a CF2021 Server which uses a Node.js websocket server and CF pages (via javascript) as a client. Messages from user to user work as expected, so no issue there.
This CF Server also has a custom API built using CFML that handles and routes inbound SMS messages. My question is; what would be the best way to send the SMS message (by now its json) to the Node.js websocket to it can send it to the user(s).
I tried using the same javascript that the browser client uses, but it appears that the CFML API script is "browser-less", so that doesn't work, or should it?
I thought something like Apache Groovy may be the solution, but I am having difficulties with any websocket example I have found.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
thanks in advance
Flow matters.
If you want to handle an incoming message by delivering it to all currently logged in users who are subscribed to messages of the current sort: set up your message handler to deliver using lucee/adobe-coldfusion websockets. Be forewarned, Lucee takes some setup time, but once running, it is a great solution.
If you don't need immediate delivery, or you need a super simple solution: I actually have had some success with "Long Polling" you just have to remember to use "flush" early in the request, before any pause/sleep, then loop your message lookup requests for new data, with a 1-5 second delay between each loop. Once new data is found, I like to return the request to the client, close that polling request and start a new polling request using the client side. I typically won't poll for more than 60 seconds. Even if the returned json object is empty.

How to subscribe websocket by Chrome extensions?

I am try to implement a basic web socket app by following this tutorial:https://spring.io/guides/gs/messaging-stomp-websocket/
However, in that tutorial there was a client UI implementation. I don't want to use UI. Instead of the UI, I want to use a websocket client extension in Chrome for sending and seeing messages.
All codes same with the tutorial(except the UI part since I'dont want UI), so I don't rewrite all codes here.
I am able to connect and send message to the url: ws://localhost:8081/gs-guide-websocket for example,
However, I can't get response with this url: ws://localhost:8081/topic/greetings. (I use this URL for getting responses by subscribing it. Because this topic/greetings path used in the UI side of that tutorial for subscription)
The Chrome extension that I used is Simple WebSocket Client.
Why I couldn't subscribe the ws://localhost:8081/topic/greetings url? and How can I get messages from the server by using the Chrome client websocket extensions?
Your application works with STOMP and SockJs, this plugin does not support that. It only works with ws. In this example, you can write a simple ws endpoint for your application:
example simple ws endpoint

javax.websocket.DeploymentException: The HTTP response from the server [HTTP/1.1 200 OK ] did not permit the HTTP upgrade to WebSocket

I have question, i'm make application REST API spring for fingerprint using websocket, i have already tried to connect websocket and that's work using button click from interface but after i tried to connect to websocket from localhost:8080/filename/1 url bar always showing, did not permit the HTTP upgrade to websocket can someone help me, thanks in advance.

PostCatcher Equivalent For Https?

I have been using postcatcher.in to test my HTTP post requests. But, I have no been able to find an equivalent service which supports HTTPS. Does anyone knows of something like that?
Beeceptor - can help you. It is real-time and supports HTTPs.
Request payload inspection
Mocking the response when a request path matches
(Disclaimer: I am the author and developed this as a need to proxy requests to an HTTP endpoint and still want to mock a few requests)

In Heroku, is there a way to add multiple HTTP post hooks?

I am currently using Heroku's HTTP post hook add-on to send a message to my company's chat client, but now I want to do more with it. Is it possible to add multiple HTTP post hooks, so more than one service could be notified when a deploy happens? (no I don't want to receive emails).
My friend Jared made an app for this: https://github.com/deadlyicon/deploy-hook-forker
Not right now - a workaround would be having a tiny app to receives your HTTP post hook and trigger all the HTTP hooks you need.
