How to subscribe websocket by Chrome extensions? - spring

I am try to implement a basic web socket app by following this tutorial:
However, in that tutorial there was a client UI implementation. I don't want to use UI. Instead of the UI, I want to use a websocket client extension in Chrome for sending and seeing messages.
All codes same with the tutorial(except the UI part since I'dont want UI), so I don't rewrite all codes here.
I am able to connect and send message to the url: ws://localhost:8081/gs-guide-websocket for example,
However, I can't get response with this url: ws://localhost:8081/topic/greetings. (I use this URL for getting responses by subscribing it. Because this topic/greetings path used in the UI side of that tutorial for subscription)
The Chrome extension that I used is Simple WebSocket Client.
Why I couldn't subscribe the ws://localhost:8081/topic/greetings url? and How can I get messages from the server by using the Chrome client websocket extensions?

Your application works with STOMP and SockJs, this plugin does not support that. It only works with ws. In this example, you can write a simple ws endpoint for your application:
example simple ws endpoint


ColdFusion API and Websockets

I am hoping someone can point me in the right direction. I have a CF2021 Server which uses a Node.js websocket server and CF pages (via javascript) as a client. Messages from user to user work as expected, so no issue there.
This CF Server also has a custom API built using CFML that handles and routes inbound SMS messages. My question is; what would be the best way to send the SMS message (by now its json) to the Node.js websocket to it can send it to the user(s).
I tried using the same javascript that the browser client uses, but it appears that the CFML API script is "browser-less", so that doesn't work, or should it?
I thought something like Apache Groovy may be the solution, but I am having difficulties with any websocket example I have found.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
thanks in advance
Flow matters.
If you want to handle an incoming message by delivering it to all currently logged in users who are subscribed to messages of the current sort: set up your message handler to deliver using lucee/adobe-coldfusion websockets. Be forewarned, Lucee takes some setup time, but once running, it is a great solution.
If you don't need immediate delivery, or you need a super simple solution: I actually have had some success with "Long Polling" you just have to remember to use "flush" early in the request, before any pause/sleep, then loop your message lookup requests for new data, with a 1-5 second delay between each loop. Once new data is found, I like to return the request to the client, close that polling request and start a new polling request using the client side. I typically won't poll for more than 60 seconds. Even if the returned json object is empty.

Websocket working in Postman, but not in Chrome

I am having a spring boot application, where I created some websockets.
I can connect to them on postman via localhost:8080/ws/v1 , but when I try to connect to the websockt in chrome with the following code
let socket = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:8080/ws/v1");
it is not working.
Do you have any idea if the browser has some extra security checks like CORS for http requests that I need to handle?
I am suspecting the culprit might be not using a secure connection. (wss:// not ws://)
Have seen a bunch of posts saying chrome does not allow unsecured websockets.

Spring client for server send events

I am using the ResponseBodyEmitter in Spring 4.2 RC1 for sending JSON object as part of the server send events. I am able to see the response in web browser. Is there any spring client for the same ?
I tried using AsyncRestTemplate, but I am getting all the response together. Ie if I am sending 3 objects one after another using ResponseBodyEmitter , using AsyncRestTemplate, I get all of them together. I would like to receive in client as and when the server sends it.
You could give a go to Reactor HTTP client if you're into async and reactive programming:

Implement Ajax calls via XMPP messages

I have a website where users are connected with XMPP server (ejabberd). I want to replace my ajax calls with xmpp messages to reduce the load on apache server.
a replace for ajax call, which works on following ideas
Send a XMPP message
Add a handler which is fired when the data for the specific ajax request is answered through a message
Is there a wrapper to do the same?
You could take a look at strophe.js.
It's a pretty powerful JavaScript library for doing XMPP in the browser.

How to integrate SockJS with another web framework

As an alternative to, there is SockJS (, which seems to be better maintained and more stable than
This question is about the conceptual understanding the architecture of using SockJS with a web framework, say, for building a chat application
My current understanding is that you need the SockJS-client and a SocketJS server (in my case, I intend to use SockJS-Tornado ( to be able to make websockets-style communication.
But how does SockJS (SockJS-client + SockJS-Tornado) tie together with a web framework that does the rest of the work (e.g. serving the page, writing/reading to/from db, etc). For instance, how would SockJS-Tornado component communicates with the web server of the framework? In particular, any direction of doing this with web2py (a python web framework) is highly appreciated.
You're right, for SockJS you need a sockjs-capable server and a in-browser javascript client library.
There are generally two integration patterns, let's say you want to use sockjs-tornado:
You may have all your site served from Tornado. With that, hook sockjs-tornado to some path, for example ''. In this scenario both your website and sockjs will be served from domain.
You may keep your site in whatever language/framework it's written and add sockjs-serveras another compontent, under a different domain, like. ''.
Additionally, you may use any variation of this - for example: have two servers internally but expose them as one domain by using a smart loadblancer (like haproxy).
If you're using web2py as a framework you could look a in gluon/contrib. It provides a function (comet_send) for getting messages from web2py app out to your websocket clients. It is based on tornado (w/o SockJS support) but the DistributeHandler can subclass a SockJS connection to provide fallback transport support. In this approach your clients send messages via typical GET or POST HTTP requests which are handled by web2py controllers (or other framework) and receive messages from the web2py controllers calling comet_messaging.comet_send() which sends a post request to the tornado instance which then blasts it out to its list of listeners.
The modified lines in comet_messaging look like (Notice open becomes on_open):
class DistributeHandler(sockjs.tornado.SockJSConnection):
def on_open(self, r):
group,token,name = [None, None, None] = group or 'default'
self.token = token or 'none' = name or 'anonymous'
(r'/', PostHandler),
(r'/token', TokenHandler),
(r'/realtime', DistributeHandler)]
Notice I had to remove the regex group in the DistributeHandler URLSpec because sockJS-tornado was choking on it. Still trying to figure out how get parameters from the path to the on_open handler.
This provides a full answer on how to integrate SockJS into Django:
Basically you need:
Tornado + SockJS-Tornado
Redis + Brukva
I use this configuration in my own project and it works pretty well.
Or: You try the autobahn way: (i didn't try it out yet)
