Regarding msgrcv in android-kernel? - linux-kernel

I was running a test suite for testing IPC related functionality in android kernel. while I was testing msgrcv system call , it return error function not implemented.
So is it true msgrcv() system call not implemented in android-kernel, if so why and which system call in android kernel serve purpose of msgrcv() system call.
I got related statement which says System V IPCs (including message queues) are not implemented on Bionic. but not sure what does it mean.
Update : I am able to find definition of msgrcv in android kernel , but not sure why it is returning error function not implemented.
Below code snippet :
SYSCALL_DEFINE5(msgrcv, int, msqid, struct msgbuf __user *, msgp, size_t, msgsz,
long, msgtyp, int, msgflg)
return do_msgrcv(msqid, msgp, msgsz, msgtyp, msgflg, do_msg_fill);
Please comment if information seems incomplete or vague ,Help is appreciated.

System V IPC may be available in the kernel but system call interfaces are not implemented in Bionic lib C. For Example, /bionic/libc/arch-arm/syscalls/ contains all system call implementations with respect to ARM.


How can an ebpf program change kernel execution flow or call kernel functions?

I'm trying to figure out how an ebpf program can change the outcome of a function (not a syscall, in my case) in kernel space. I've found numerous articles and blog posts about how ebpf turns the kernel into a programmable kernel, but it seems like every example is just read-only tracing and collecting statistics.
I can think of a few ways of doing this: 1) make a kernel application read memory from an ebpf program, 2) make ebpf change the return value of a function, 3) allow an ebpf program to call kernel functions.
The first approach does not seem like a good idea.
The second would be enough, but as far as I understand it's not easy. This question says syscalls are read-only. This bcc document says it is possible but the function needs to be whitelisted in the kernel. This makes me think that the whitelist is fixed and can only be changed by recompiling the kernel, is this correct?
The third seems to be the most flexible one, and this blog post encouraged me to look into it. This is the one I'm going for.
I started with a brand new 5.15 kernel, which should have this functionality
As the blog post says, I did something no one should do (security is not an issue since I'm just toying with this) and opened every function to ebpf by adding this to net/core/filter.c (which I'm not sure is the correct place to do so):
static bool accept_the_world(int off, int size,
enum bpf_access_type type,
const struct bpf_prog *prog,
struct bpf_insn_access_aux *info)
return true;
bool export_the_world(u32 kfunc_id)
return true;
const struct bpf_verifier_ops all_verifier_ops = {
.check_kfunc_call = export_the_world,
.is_valid_access = accept_the_world,
How does the kernel know of the existence of this struct? I don't know. None of the other bpf_verifier_ops declared are used anywhere else, so it doesn't seem like there is a register_bpf_ops
Next I was able to install bcc (after a long fight due to many broken installation guides).
I had to checkout v0.24 of bcc. I read somewhere that pahole is required when compiling the kernel, so I updated mine to v1.19.
My python file is super simple, I just copied the vfs example from bcc and simplified it:
bpf_text_kfunc = """
extern void hello_test_kfunc(void) __attribute__((section(".ksyms")));
return 0;
b = BPF(text=bpf_text_kfunc)
Where hello_test_kfunc is just a function that does a printk, inserted as a module into the kernel (it is present in kallsyms).
When I try to run it, I get:
/virtual/main.c:25:5: error: cannot call non-static helper function
And this is where I'm stuck. It seems like it's the JIT that is not allowing this, but who exactly is causing this issue? BCC, libbpf or something else? Do I need to manually write bpf code to call kernel functions?
Does anyone have an example with code of what the lwn blog post I linked talks about actually working?
eBPF is fundamentally made to extend kernel functionality in very specific limited ways. Essentially a very advanced plugin system. One of the main design principles of the eBPF is that a program is not allowed to break the kernel. Therefor it is not possible to change to outcome of arbitrary kernel functions.
The kernel has facilities to call a eBPF program at any time the kernel wants and then use the return value or side effects from helper calls to effect something. The key here is that the kernel always knows it is doing this.
One sort of exception is the BPF_PROG_TYPE_STRUCT_OPS program type which can be used to replace function pointers in whitelisted structures.
But again, explicitly allowed by the kernel.
make a kernel application read memory from an ebpf program
This is not possible since the memory of an eBPF program is ephemaral, but you could define your own custom eBPF program type and pass in some memory to be modified to the eBPF program via a custom context type.
make ebpf change the return value of a function
Not possible unless you explicitly call a eBPF program from that function.
allow an ebpf program to call kernel functions.
While possible for a number for purposes, this typically doesn't give you the ability to change return values of arbitrary functions.
You are correct, certain program types are allowed to call some kernel functions. But these are again whitelisted as you discovered.
How does the kernel know of the existence of this struct?
Macro magic. The verifier builds a list of these structs. But only if the program type exists in the list of program types.
/virtual/main.c:25:5: error: cannot call non-static helper function
This seems to be a limitation of BCC, so if you want to play with this stuff you will likely have to manually compile your eBPF program and load it with libbpf or cilium/ebpf.

Crash while accessing Address passed via ioctl in linux kernel

I am passing pointer to below structure through ioctl.
typedef struct myparam_t {
int i;
char *myname;
I allocate memory for myname in the user space before passing the argument.
In the ioctl implementation at kernel space I use copy_from_user() to copy the argument in kspace variable (say kval). call is like copy_from_user(kval,uval,sizeof(myparam)); kval & uval are of myparam * type.
Now in ioctl function I have check like -
if (uval->myname != NULL) {
I thought this will result in to kernel crash or panic due to page fault.
However I see different behaviour with different version of kernel.
With 4.1.21 kernel I see no issue with NULL check, But with 4.10.17 kernel I see a page fault that results in to kernel panic.
My question is what might make NULL check working in kernel 4.1.21 ?
Is there a way I can make same code working for 4.10.17 as well ?
Note that I am facing this issue as part of kernel migration. We are trying to migrate from version 4.1.21 to 4.10.17. There may be many instance of such usage in our code base. Hence, if possible, I'd prefer to put a patch in kernel to fix the issue, rather than fixing all such instance.

Hook Arbitrary Kernel Function through Module

I am trying to monitor all times the PCIe stack writes configures to a device. In the absence of a PCI equivalent of usbmon, I thought to monitor all times the pci_bus_write_config_byte() function is called. I wanted to write a kernel module that essentially did this:
int (*original)(struct pci_bus *, unsigned int, int, u8);
original = &pci_bus_write_config_byte;
pci_bus_write_config_byte = &my_custom_func;
And then my custom function will printk() whatever data is passed, and return the original pci_bus_write_config_byte. However, when I load the module nothing happens. I suspect this is due to some sort of RW protection.
My google searches revealed that set_memory_rw() is supposed to make a function pointer writable, but I am not able to properly include it or use this function - when I go to insmod the module, the kernel says there are unknown symbols.
Any ideas on how one would do this?

Linux 'socketcall' system call implementation

In linux all socket related system calls are gated throw one system call named socketcall.Its handler is found in /net/socket.c. As one can expect there are a copy_from_user for the arguments and then a switch for all socket functions.
I expected to see in each case a call for a ordinary function , but it seems that there are callings to another system calls. For example the case for 'socket' :
err = sys_socket(a0, a1, a[2]);
sys_socket is also defined in /net/socket.c as :
SYSCALL_DEFINE3(socket, int, family, int, type, int, protocol)
My question is why its defined like this. I guess its for backward compatibility, or I have a mistake somewhere?
man 2 socketcall says that
On a few architectures, for example ia64, there is no socketcall() system call; instead socket(2), accept(2), bind(2), and so on really
are implemented as separate system calls
So, in the case of x86, the socketcall dispatcher is only for x86_32, while x86_64 uses separate system calls for each socket API.

How to conditionally execute function if operating system supports it?

I'd like to build an application that invokes CancelIoEx on Windows Vista and newer (where it is supported) and does something else on Windows XP (where it is not).
What happens if I compile the application under Windows 7 but run it under Windows XP? What will happen at runtime? Will I get some sort of load error?
How do I get my application to pick one code path or another (avoiding load errors) depending on what operating system is being used at runtime? Please provide sample code.
UPDATE: Please note that the DLL exists on Windows XP but the function does not.
Yes, an application that references a non-existent DLL export will fail to load.
Adding code to take different paths based on the OS version won't help much, because you'll still have the reference to the non-existent function.
Instead, you need to resolve the reference at run-time.
One option is Delay Load Import (with the /DELAYLOAD linker flag), but I don't think this is supported for the core system DLLs (like kernel32).
The other is to use LoadLibrary and GetProcAddress. The code is something like this, though in reality you'd do the lookup once when your app starts, not each time you call the function.
// Declare type of pointer to CancelIoEx function
typedef BOOL (WINAPI *CancelIoExType)(HANDLE hFile, LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped);
// Load module; won't fail because it's already imported
HMODULE hKernel32 = LoadLibrary(L"kernel32.dll");
// Look up function address
CancelIoExType pCancelIoEx = (CancelIoExType)GetProcAddress(hKernel32, "CancelIoEx");
// Do something with it
if (pCancelIoEx)
// Function exists so call it
pCancelIoEx(hMyFile, pMyOverlapped);
// Function doesn't exist
In order to resolve a symbol at runtime, you need to use LoadLibrary and GetProcAddress:
HMODULE kernel32 = LoadLibrary("kernel32.dll");
BOOL (WINAPI *pCancelIoEx)(HANDLE, LPOVERLAPPED) = GetProcAddress(kernel32, "CancelIoEx");
In the case that CancelIoEx is not available, you will get NULL back from GetProcAddress. Once you have the pointer (you only need to do the above once), you can call it normally with:
pCancelIoEx(h, &lp);
