How to conditionally execute function if operating system supports it? - windows

I'd like to build an application that invokes CancelIoEx on Windows Vista and newer (where it is supported) and does something else on Windows XP (where it is not).
What happens if I compile the application under Windows 7 but run it under Windows XP? What will happen at runtime? Will I get some sort of load error?
How do I get my application to pick one code path or another (avoiding load errors) depending on what operating system is being used at runtime? Please provide sample code.
UPDATE: Please note that the DLL exists on Windows XP but the function does not.

Yes, an application that references a non-existent DLL export will fail to load.
Adding code to take different paths based on the OS version won't help much, because you'll still have the reference to the non-existent function.
Instead, you need to resolve the reference at run-time.
One option is Delay Load Import (with the /DELAYLOAD linker flag), but I don't think this is supported for the core system DLLs (like kernel32).
The other is to use LoadLibrary and GetProcAddress. The code is something like this, though in reality you'd do the lookup once when your app starts, not each time you call the function.
// Declare type of pointer to CancelIoEx function
typedef BOOL (WINAPI *CancelIoExType)(HANDLE hFile, LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped);
// Load module; won't fail because it's already imported
HMODULE hKernel32 = LoadLibrary(L"kernel32.dll");
// Look up function address
CancelIoExType pCancelIoEx = (CancelIoExType)GetProcAddress(hKernel32, "CancelIoEx");
// Do something with it
if (pCancelIoEx)
// Function exists so call it
pCancelIoEx(hMyFile, pMyOverlapped);
// Function doesn't exist

In order to resolve a symbol at runtime, you need to use LoadLibrary and GetProcAddress:
HMODULE kernel32 = LoadLibrary("kernel32.dll");
BOOL (WINAPI *pCancelIoEx)(HANDLE, LPOVERLAPPED) = GetProcAddress(kernel32, "CancelIoEx");
In the case that CancelIoEx is not available, you will get NULL back from GetProcAddress. Once you have the pointer (you only need to do the above once), you can call it normally with:
pCancelIoEx(h, &lp);


Is it safe to use WM_COPYDATA between 64-and 32-bit (WOW64) apps?

There is a good SO Q/A session on the general use of WM_COPYDATA messages here, and a 'discussion' about whether or not this will work between apps of different 32/64-bitness here. However, the latter seems to be focussed on possible misuse of the 'data pointer' being passed. So, I'm raising a new question here.
I am working on getting two Windows apps to communicate/synchronize with each other and, as a first-round approach, I'm using Windows Messaging to implement this. Everything seems OK for now … but I'm using the WM_COPYDATA message to pass info between the apps.
My question: Is this approach guaranteed to be safe when the two apps have different (32/64) bitness? I've done some tests using the code below with all four possible combinations of 32 vs 64 builds between 'client' and 'server', and all work as expected; but is this just because I'm getting 'lucky' results (from possible undefined behaviour), or does the WOW64 system (especially when server is 64-bit and client is 32) take care of all the necessary marshalling?
If anyone can confirm that it is guaranteed to work, I would very much appreciate an 'official' link/reference confirming that.
Shared header file:
static const WPARAM nmIdFilePath = 0x00001100;
struct nmLockInfoType {
char filePathID[1024];
// More elements will be added later!
static const nmLockInfoType nmLockInfoDefault = {
"<<<Uninitialised Image Data Path>>>",
extern nmLockInfoType nmLockInfo; // MUST be provided by each app!
///nmLockInfoType nmLockInfo = nmLockInfoDefault; // Use this code to instatiate it (once, somewhere)!
Server program code (inside the handler for a RegisterWindowMessage(L"HANDSHAKE"); message):
cds.dwData = nmIdFilePath; // Pre-defined ID
cds.cbData = sizeof(nmLockInfoType);
cds.lpData = &nmLockInfo; // Pre-defined structure (see above)
// Send a copy of the "Welcome Pack" data structure to the client app ...
::SendMessage(clientLock, WM_COPYDATA, WPARAM(m_hWnd), LPARAM(&cds)); // "clientLock is the HWND of the client app's MainWnd
Client Program code:
BOOL MyFrame::OnCopyData(CWnd* pWnd, COPYDATASTRUCT* pCopyDataStruct)
switch (pCopyDataStruct->dwData)
case nmIdFilePath:
memcpy(&nmLockInfo, pCopyDataStruct->lpData, pCopyDataStruct->cbData);
return nmsSucceeded; // This is NON_ZERO so evaluates to TRUE
// Other cases here ...
return CMDIFrameWnd::OnCopyData(pWnd, pCopyDataStruct);
I'm particularly concerned about the case when the client is 32-bit but the server is 64-bit; in such a case, it would be sending a 64-bit data address to a 32-bit app (albeit, a WOW64 app). Does the in-built 'marshalling' handle this in WOW64 situations?
It's safe only when we follow the rule how to use it. Please refer the remarks of WM_COPYDATA message from below:
The data being passed must not contain pointers or other references to
objects not accessible to the application receiving the data.
While this message is being sent, the referenced data must not be
changed by another thread of the sending process.
The receiving application should consider the data read-only. The
lParam parameter is valid only during the processing of the message.
The receiving application should not free the memory referenced by
lParam. If the receiving application must access the data after
SendMessage returns, it must copy the data into a local buffer.
For example, if we are trying to passing the data type: ULONG_PTR, then the data copy maybe not function well when pass it from 64-bit application to 32-bit application. Because it is 32-bit on 32-bit application and 64-bit on 64-bit application.
You can test it via modify the code below:
struct nmLockInfoType {
char filePathID[1024];
ULONG_PTR point64_32;
// More elements will be added later!
The scenario mentioned above, which should be safe as the result you tested. Feel free to let me know if you still have concern about.
In-addition, below is an helpful document about developing 64-bit application for your reference:
Common Visual C++ 64-bit Migration Issues

Identify and intercept function call

I'm developing a launcher for a game.
Want to intercept game's call for a function that prints text.
I don't know whether the code that contains this function is dynamically linked or statically. So I dont even know the function name.
I did intercepted some windows-api calls of this game through microsoft Detours, Ninject and some others.
But this one is not in import table either.
What should I do to catch this function call? What profiler should be used? IDA? How this could be done?
Finally found function address. Thanks, Skino!
Tried to hook it with Detours, injected dll. Injected DllMain:
typedef int (WINAPI *PrintTextType)(char *, int, float , int);
static PrintTextType PrintText_Origin = NULL;
int WINAPI PrintText_Hooked(char * a, int b, float c, int d)
return PrintText_Origin(a, b, c , d);
HMODULE game_dll_base;
/* game_dll_base initialization goes here */
BOOL APIENTRY DllMain(HINSTANCE hinstDLL, DWORD fdwReason, LPVOID lpvReserved)
PrintText_Origin = (PrintTextType)((DWORD)game_dll_base + 0x6049B0);
DetourAttach((PVOID *)&PrintText_Origin , PrintText_Hooked);
It hooks as expected. Parameter a has text that should be displayed. But when calling original function return PrintText_Origin (a, b, c , d); application crashes(,
Original function disassembly:
After Detours:
After Detours:
PrintText_Hooked disassembly w3_loader.dll is the injected dll
Im bad at ASM, please tell what can be wrong ?
Want to intercept game's call for a function that prints text.
You can use a debugger for the investigative phase. Either IDA, or even Visual Studio (in combination with e.g. HxD), should do. It should be relatively easy to identify the function using the steps below:
Identify a particular fragment of text whose printing you want to trace (e.g. Hello World!)
Break the game execution at any point before the game normally prints the fragment you identified above
Search for that fragment of text† (look for either Unicode or ANSI) in the game's memory. IDA will allow you to do that IIRC, as will the free HxD (Extras > Open RAM...)
Once the address of the fragment has been identified, set a break-on-access/read data breakpoint so the debugger will give you control the moment the game attempts to read said fragment (while or immediately prior to displaying it)
Resume execution, wait for the data breakpoint to trigger
Inspect the stack trace and look for a suitable candidate for hooking
Step through from the moment the fragment is read from memory until it is printed if you want to explore additional potential hook points
†provided text is not kept compressed (or, for whatever reason, encrypted) until the very last moment
Once you are done with the investigative phase and you have identified where you'd like to inject your hook, you have two options when writing your launcher:
If, based on the above exercise, you were able to identify an export/import after all, then use any API hooking techniques
EDIT Use Microsoft Detours, making sure that you first correctly identify the calling convention (cdecl, fastcall, stdcall) of the function you are trying to detour, and use that calling convention for both the prototype of the original as well as for the implementation of the dummy. See examples.
If not, you will have to
use the Debugging API to programatically load the game
compute the hook address based on your investigative phase (either as a hard-coded offset from the module base, or by looking for the instruction bytes around the hook site‡)
set a breakpoint
resume the process
wait for the breakpoint to trigger, do whatever you have to do
resume execution, wait for the next trigger etc. again, all done programatically by your launcher via the Debugging API.
‡to be able to continue to work with eventual patch releases of the game
At this stage it sounds like you don't have a notion of what library function you're trying to hook, and you've stated it's not (obviously at least) an imported external function in the import table which probably means that the function responsible for generating the text is likely located inside the .text of the application you are disassembling directly or loaded dynamically, the text generation (especially in a game) is likely a part of the application.
In my experience, this simplest way to find code that is difficult to trace such as this is by stopping the application shortly during or before/after text is displayed and using IDA's fabulous call-graph functionality to establish what is responsible for writing it out (use watches and breakpoints liberally!)
Look carefully to calls to CreateRemoteThread or any other commonly used dynamic loading mechanism if you have reason to believe this functionality might be provided by an exported function that isn't showing up in the import table.
I strongly advice against it but for the sake of completeness, you could also hook NtSetInformationThread in the system service dispatch table. here's a good dump of the table for different Windows versions here. If you want to get the index in the table yourself you can just disassemble the NtSetInformationThread export from ntdll.dll.

How to find out caller info?

This will require some background. I am using Detours to intercept system calls. For those of who don't know what Detours is - it is a tool which redirects call to system functions to a detour function which allows us to do whatever we want to do before and after the actual system call is made. What I want to know is that if it is possible to find out somehow any info about the dll/module which has made this system call? Does any win32 api function help me do this?
Lets say traceapi.dll makes a system call to GetModuleFileNameW() inside kernel32.dll. Detour will intercept this call and redirect control to a detour function (say Mine_GetModuleFileNameW()). Now inside Mine_GetModuleFileNameW(), is it possible to find out that this call originated from traceapi?
call ZwQuerySystemInformation with first argument SystemProcessesAndThreadsInformation.
once you have the returned buf, typecast it to PSYTSTEM+PROCESS_INFORMATION and use its field to extract your info.
status = ZwQuerySystemInformation (
SystemProcessesAndThreadsInformation, buf, bufsize, NULL);
proc_info->ProcessName, which is a UNICODE_STRING will give you the calling process name.
Please note that the structure and field I am talking about is not documented and might change in future release of windows. However, I am using it and it works fine on WIN XP and above.
I don't know how many stack frames will be on the stack that are owned by Detours code. Easy to find out in the debugger, the odds are good that there are none. That makes it easy, use the _ReturnAddress intrinsic to get the caller's address. VirtualQuery() to get the base address, cast it to HMODULE and use GetModuleFileName(). Well, the non-detoured one :)
If there are Detours stack frames then it gets a lot harder. StackWalk64() to skip them, perilous if there are FPO frames present.

How can I tell if a Windows module handle is still valid?

A module can be unloaded, so how can I tell for sure if it is still in memory? I have a handle to it, obtained from GetModuleHandle. When I tried calling GetHandleInformation on it I see error 0xc0000008 - "An invalid HANDLE was specified." This happened before it could have been unloaded.
The term "handle" is a bit overloaded here - lots of different classes of objects in the Win32 API are called "Handles".
GetHandleInformation is used for handles to kernel objects - files, registry keys, mutexes, etc.
The HMODULE returned by GetModuleHandle is used by the loader and is not an actual kernel object, hence GetHandleInformation fails. Neither of the flags you get in GetHandleInformation makes sense for HMODULE though.
If you want to check if the HMODULE is still loaded in memory, you can just call GetModuleHandle - this API should be quick enough to call many times. However, the result of GetModuleHandle can be invalid the moment it returns - another thread could have called FreeLibrary. It is better to ensure that the DLL does stay loaded. You can do this by calling LoadLibrary yourself, or by calling GetModuleHandleEx which will increment the reference count of the DLL.
Two solutions:
Call GetModuleFileName() on the HMODULE. If the module is loaded you will get a valid filename. If it is not loaded, you won't get a valid filename. Be sure to either set the first byte of the returned filename array to '\0' before you call GetModuleFileName() or to check the return value. If you set the first byte before the call you can effectively ignore the return value and just treat the zero length string as a "not loaded" signal.
TCHAR szModName[MAX_PATH + 1];
szModName[0] = _T('\0');
GetModuleFileName(hMod, szModName, MAX_PATH);
// zero length string if not loaded, valid DLL name if still loaded
Call VirtualQuery() passing the HMODULE as the address to query. As an experiment do this on a loaded library and on a library you know to be freed. You will find they have very differentl results for the returned MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION. I leave it to you to work out a suitable algorithm to determine the difference between the two.
Of course, the caveat that another thread may unload the library while you are running eiher of these tests applies. In my experience, this is highly unlikely to happen, but that depends very much on what you are doing, why you are doing it, and when you are doing it the program's execution path. Use with care.
It's very simple API.
Sample program:
HMODULE hDll = GetModuleHandle("ntdll.dll");
HMODULE hDllTmp = LoadLibrary("ws2_32.dll");
RtlImageNtHeader = (RTLIMAGENTHEADER)GetProcAddress(hDll,"RtlImageNtHeader");
struct _IMAGE_NT_HEADERS *r,*r2;
r= RtlImageNtHeader(hDllTmp);
r2= RtlImageNtHeader(hDllTmp);
//r = NULL
//r2 = return ws2_32 PE Header address

Problems using wxWidgets (wxMSW) within multiple DLL instances

I'm developing VST-plugins which are DLL-based software modules and loaded by VST-supporting host applications. To open a VST-plugin the host applications loads the VST-DLL and calls an appropriate function of the plugin while providing a native window handle, which the plugin can use to draw it's GUI. I managed to port my original VSTGUI
code to the wxWidgets-Framework and now all my plugins run under wxMSW and wxMac but I still have problems under wxMSW to find a correct way to open and close the plugins and I am not sure if this is a wxMSW-only issue.
If I use any VST-host application I can open and close multiple instances of one of my VST-plugins without any problems. As soon as I open another of my VST-plugins besides my first VST-plugin and then close all instances of my first VST-plugin the application crashes after a short amount of time within the wxEventHandlerr::ProcessEvent function telling me that the wxTheApp object isn't valid any longer during execution of wxTheApp->FilterEvent (see below). So it seems to be that the wxTheApp objects was deleted after closing all instances of the first plugin and is no longer available for the second plugin.
bool wxEvtHandler::ProcessEvent(wxEvent& event)
// allow the application to hook into event processing
if ( wxTheApp )
int rc = wxTheApp->FilterEvent(event);
if ( rc != -1 )
wxASSERT_MSG( rc == 1 || rc == 0,
_T("unexpected wxApp::FilterEvent return value") );
return rc != 0;
//else: proceed normally
1.) All my VST-plugins a dynamically linked against the C-Runtime and wxWidgets libraries. With regard to the wxWidgets
forum this seemed to be the best way to run multiple instances of the software side by side.
2.) The DllMain of each VST-Plugin is defined as follows:
// WXW
#include "wx/app.h"
#include "wx/defs.h"
#include "wx/gdicmn.h"
#include "wx/image.h"
#ifdef __WXMSW__
#include <windows.h>
#include "wx/msw/winundef.h"
( HANDLE hModule,
DWORD ul_reason_for_call,
LPVOID lpReserved )
switch (ul_reason_for_call)
return TRUE;
#endif // __WXMSW__
class Application : public wxApp {};
How can I prevent this behavior respectively how can I properly handle the wxTheApp object if I have multiple instances
of different VST-plugins (DLL-modules), which are dynamically linked against the C-Runtime and wxWidgets libraries?
Best reagards, Steffen
We had similar issues using a LSP created with wxWidgets when an wxWidgets application loaded our DLL. Check for NULL == wxTheApp before calling ::wxInitialize().
Pseudo code:
BOOL APIENTRY DllMain(HANDLE hModule, DWORD dwReason, LPVOID lpReserved)
switch(dwReason) {
if(NULL == wxTheApp) {
Also, I suggest doing as little possible in your DllMain() as possible, e.g. move wxInitAllImageHandlers() elsewhere if possible. Additionally, you may wish to track if you called ::wxInitialize() to pair up with ::wxUninitialize()
I encountered a similar issue but with Acrobat plugins.
While adjusting our Acrobat plugins to Acrobat X (10) we had to remove code related to ADM (Acrobat Dialog Manager - Used to be a cross-platform GUI framework on Acrobat 7, 8 & 9. Removed with Acrobat X) and use a different GUI framework.
Acrobat SDK comes with samples of using wxWidgets as a cross-platform framework so we headed that way (we support MAC & Windows).
The plugin architecture of Acrobat is very similar to the one you described above: dlls (for Acrobat plugins the binary file extension is *.api) which are dynamically loaded by a main process (exe) and their functions are being called in a documented, pre-defined order.
Because the Acrobat wxWidgets example was written with 2.8.12 and due to the fact that this is the stable version we decided to NOT use the 2.9.x ongoing version.
So we statically linked our plugins (total of 3 different plugins) to the wx2.8.12 libs and found out that if 3 of them are installed, the two that were loaded last were not functioning. By that I mean - Our custom wxFrames, wxWindows & wxDialogs belonging to these two plugins were all messed up (like someone tried to erase them, with rubber :-)).
Digging deeply we narrowed it down to the fact that the first plugin being loaded, initializes wxWidgets and the latter do not, even though the explicit call to wxInitialize(). Something there went wrong....
Here I forgot to mention - In an Acrobat plugin you cannot change the DllMain() function, so the initialization of wx is done in a "Plugin Init() function".
Just to be clear - The wx libs are statically linked to the *.api files, so each should have a "copy" of its own and not influence on each other.
Using Google for 2-3 FULL days I managed to find this post
,which suggested to apply this patch (for 2.8x ONLY!!!). I believe (or hope) that the 2.9.x version does not suffer from this issue (didn't have the chance to check it).
BTW - The patch is only one file which is very clear, so reading the code to understand it and to be calm that it does no harm is pretty easy.
I hope others using wx 2.8.x and suffering from the same issue will find this.
