How get laravel route alias? - laravel

I have next code
Route::group(['as' => ''], function () {
Route::get('admin/query', ['uses' => 'Admin\AdminSearchController#query', 'as' => 'query']);
Route::get('admin/search', ['uses' => 'Admin\AdminSearchController#index', 'as' => 'index');
Route::post('admin/search', ['uses' =>'Admin\AdminSearchController#search', 'as' => 'full');
And i check route in layout
#if (!Route::is('') || !Route::is(''))
But is not work. How i can know route which now i am ?

You could use this function, it returns you route name in your case it will be etc...
And check it's !Route::is('') doesn't make sense because it's a post route handler.
In your case code will be
#if (Route::getCurrentRoute()->getName() === '')


how group apiResource route and other routes together?

I am using apiResource and other routes. I grouped them like below:
Route::group(['prefix' => 'posts'], function () {
Route::group(['prefix' => '/{post}'], function () {
Route::put('lablabla', [PostController::class, 'lablabla']);
Route::apiResource('/', PostController::class, [
'names' => [
'store' => 'create_post',
'update' => 'edit_post',
all apiResource routes except index and store do not work! How should I group routes?
Your syntax for routing is wrong,
You will provide a uri for the apiResource (plural)
eg. Route::apiResource('posts', PostController::class);
Your name of resource route is wrong
Get this out
it should be
Route::apiResource('posts', PostController::class)->names([
'store' => 'create_post',
'update' => 'edit_post',
No need of repeating Route::group, you can just write your routes like this
Route::prefix('posts')->group(function () {
Route::put('lablabla', [PostController::class, 'lablabla']);
Route::apiResource('posts', PostController::class)->names([
'store' => 'create_post',
'update' => 'edit_post',
Your syntax is incorrect, there is a names method. See the documentation here

Why is it passing a param when it should not - Laravel Routing

Bizarre issue, lets see some routes:
Route::get('/admin/races', ['as' => 'races.list', 'uses' => 'RacesController#index']);
Route::get('/admin/races/{race}', ['as' => 'races.race', 'uses' => 'RacesController#show']);
Route::get('/admin/races/create', ['as' => 'races.create', 'uses' => 'RacesController#create']);
Route::get('/admin/races/{race}/edit', ['as' => 'races.edit', 'uses' => 'RacesController#edit']);
Seems normal enough, lets see the controller:
class RacesController extends Controller {
public function index() {
return view('admin.races.list');
public function show(GameRace $race) {
return view('admin.races.race', [
'race' => $race,
public function create() {
return view('admin.races.manage', [
'race' => null,
public function edit(GameRace $race) {
return view('admin.races.manage', [
'race' => $race,
Seems normal enough. The issue is:
When I go to /admin/races/create I get a 404. The reason being is because, exception:
Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\ModelNotFoundException^ {#851
#model: "App\Flare\Models\GameRace"
#ids: array:1 [
0 => "create"
#message: "No query results for model [App\Flare\Models\GameRace] new"
#code: 0
#file: "./vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/ImplicitRouteBinding.php"
#line: 47
trace: {
Why is calling:
<li>Create Race</li>
Causing Laravel to take the word create and inject it in as a model? No other route that I have, that is similar does this. For context, here's how we create items:
Route::get('/admin/items/create', ['as' => 'items.create', 'uses' => 'ItemsController#create']);
Same concept, just instead of races its items. So how laravel messing this up?
I have run all the cache clears and route clears and everything. Same issue. Even tests are failing on this. No where am I calling this with a param (especially not one called create) so it should not be assuming there is a param.
It's because you have defined Route::get('/admin/races/{race}' .. first, so it'll hit that route regardless of what the value is. Simply moving the create route before the show route will solve your problem.
Route::get('/admin/races', ['as' => 'races.list', 'uses' => 'RacesController#index']);
Route::get('/admin/races/create', ['as' => 'races.create', 'uses' => 'RacesController#create']);
Route::get('/admin/races/{race}', ['as' => 'races.race', 'uses' => 'RacesController#show']);
Route::get('/admin/races/{race}/edit', ['as' => 'races.edit', 'uses' => 'RacesController#edit']);
That said, you can simplify this a lot more with a simple resource-route.
Route::resource('/admin/races', ['as' => 'races.list', 'uses' => 'RacesController'])->only("index", "show", "create", "edit");
An alternative solution to the accepted answer is to specify conditions for the parameter in the parametrised route. For example if {race} needs to be numeric you can do:
Route::get('/admin/races', ['as' => 'races.list', 'uses' => 'RacesController#index']);
Route::get('/admin/races/{race}', ['as' => 'races.race', 'uses' => 'RacesController#show'])->where('race', '\d+');
Route::get('/admin/races/create', ['as' => 'races.create', 'uses' => 'RacesController#create']);
Route::get('/admin/races/{race}/edit', ['as' => 'races.edit', 'uses' => 'RacesController#edit']);
This is useful in the cases where you can't control the order of the routes (e.g. there's a package registering routes that conflict).

How to make differently route name in Laravel?

I have two the same controller in different directories.
And routing is for both:
Route::resource('dashboard/statistic', 'Admin\StatisticController');
Route::resource('statistic', 'StatisticController');
When I run php artisan route:list
I see, that these routes have the same route name as: statistic:
How can I make this diffrently?
You could to create each route explicitly (Route::resource creates multiple routes to handle a variety of RESTful actions on the resource), for example
Route::get('dashboard/statistic', ['as' => 'dashboard-statistic.index', 'uses' => 'Admin\StatisticController#index']);
Route::delete('dashboard/statistic', ['as' => 'dashboard-statistic.destroy', 'uses' => 'Admin\StatisticController#destroy']);
Route::put('dashboard/statistic', ['as' => 'dashboard-statistic.edit', 'uses' => 'Admin\StatisticController#edit']);
Route::resource('dashboard/statistic', 'Admin\StatisticController',
['admin' => ['create', 'store', 'update', 'destroy']]);
Route::resource('statistic', 'StatisticController');
Hopefully this will solve your problem
maybe this can solve the problem
Route::group(['prefix' => 'dashboard', 'as' => 'dashboard.'], function() {
Route::resource('statistic', 'Admin\StatisticController');
will return name eg:

Routing confusion in laravel 4

I'm experiencing routing confusion in laravel 4.
Route::group(['prefix' => 'myProfile', 'before' => 'auth|inGroup:Model|isMe'], function()
Route::get('/{username}', function(){
echo 'hello';
Route::get('/{username}', [
'as' => 'show-profile',
'uses' => 'ProfileController#index'
When i write to address bar it runs second route and runs ProfileController#index...
Looks like correct behaviour. To access first route you would have to type something like You didn't specify / route in myProfile route group, so it cannot match it and uses second one.
Breaking down your routes:
Route::get('/{username}', [
'as' => 'show-profile',
'uses' => 'ProfileController#index'
Use /example URI to access the above route.
Route::group(['prefix' => 'myProfile', 'before' =>'auth|inGroup:Model|isMe'], function()
Route::get('/{username}', function(){
echo 'hello';
Use /myProfile/example URI to access the above route.
Your application is working as expected.

Getting NotFoundHttpException for my edit route

This is my route
'as' => 'vendor-edit',
'uses' => 'AdminController#updateVendor'
This is my method
public function updateVendor($id)
$vendor = Vendor::findOrFail($id);
return View::make('admin.edit-account-executive');
I keep getting NotFoundHttpException. Any ideas as to why?
Your route definition isn't correct.
Route::get('account-executive/{$id}/edit', array('as' => 'vendor-edit','uses' => 'AdminController#updateVendor'));
You don't need a $ sign in definition of route parameter. So you should just write account-executive/{id}/edit.
Try it.
