Repeating loss of session variables occurring with web application after moving to new server - session

I have an old web application which formerly ran on a windows 2003 server. When I moved it to a new Windows 2008 server, I started receiving an error that I never had before. The app uses a windows login. Upon accessing the app, the user is asked for their login. After that, they are free to use to application. However, the issue is that after using it for some time, the user will be booted out and asked to login again. The system is also much slower than it was previously. It is operating on IIS7. It seems to me that there is a loss of session variables occurring, but I am unsure about why that would be the case.
Interestingly, when the user logs in again, they can generally use the application for a longer period of time before being booted out and asked to log in again. It is also worth mentioning that it seems like the more users there are on the server, the less prominent the issue is.
It is also worth mentioning that I tried moving the application to another 2008 server, and it worked perfectly fine on that one. This leads me to believe that the issue lies somewhere in the settings on the server. I looked at the settings of the two 2008 servers side-by-side and noted the differences, but was incapable of finding a difference that would cause this sort of error. One difference that might be worth noting is that the server which does not work properly is 32 bit, whereas the server which does works is 64 bit. Although, I don't see how that difference could lead to the application having a loss of session variables, but still working otherwise.
Additional information:
The code in the application on each server is identical, so that leads me to believe that the error is on the server level and not within the application itself.
Given that the code is identical, I do not believe this to be a result of Session.Abandon() being called from anywhere.
I do not believe this is due to a session timeout.
I have read that other people experience a loss of session variables due to app pool recycling, and that often the app pool recycling is from the config files being accessed (whether it be from a user or from something like an anti-virus software). I have no reason to believe that this is the case here, because all servers are under the same anti-virus and the application works fine on them.
On the server which works, the IIS authentication setting are set such that windows authentication is disabled and that anonymous authentication is enabled. Whereas, on the other server, the opposite is true.
Any help with this issue would be appreciated.
Thank you.

Make sure your app pool is running under 4.0 .Net Framework and also check your application pool identity. When your using 7.0 iis, make sure you use integrated mode.


VM & MS access - ExportWithFormatting PDF not working while in background

I have a problem that i have a difficult time explaining, which makes any online search very hard. Here is my dilema.
I'm migrating a VM. The purpose of this machine is to compile send out daily/weekly/monthly reports. I know there are other ways (like Power BI) but this is the situation we are in right now. The older machine has win10 pro and office 365 installed while the new has win10 enterprise version and office 2016 installed. This machine runs 24/7 in the background running specific tasks (via system scheduler app) at given times, that is it's a Virtual machine and has done so without issues since it was created. The reason for the migration is because we need to domain change and bring the machine under a new corporate policy and we don't want to do this on a live server.
We've set it the VM's the same way, same programs and same settings. Everything seams to be running smooth expect for this one thing, and here is the problem i have a hard time to explain or figure out:
MS Access will update the tables and the computer will run the tasks as set but it will not export the data to pdf unless i have a remote desktop connection open. Will not export the pdf's otherwise. MS Access uses a autoexec macro where the pdf export is set with ExportWithFormatting. This works without issues on the old server.
We thought this to be a permission or user specific issue at first but even re-creating the tasks did not work and changing paths. Otherwise also i expect we would have problems with tables updating, specially since it works when you have an active remote desktop conn running.
I'm lost and therefore hoping this community will be able to help or guide me to a solution.
I believe that we found the reason for this. It was caused by windows easy print and the printer drivers of the machine. It worked for some reason differently between the servers. after reinstalling the printer drivers and a few restarts it started working. It exports now from access again.
This is at least solved.

How to do "first login" style things via WinRM

So I'm working on a Chef cookbook for Windows, meaning it is generally executed on a Windows Server instance (2012r2 in this case). Specifically I am installing MSYS2 which uses Cygwin under the hood. I noticed that package installs were very slow and tracked down an article showing how the default nsswitch.conf in Cygwin uses the slower dynamic SAM/AD integration. For most users, and especially for my test environment this isn't needed so I tried following those steps to use only file-based users/groups. This resulted in a massive speedup (roughly 6x).
But there is a weirdness. It only works if I've logged in to the server via RDP at least once. Otherwise back to slows-ville.
Since this isn't hugely useful to automated testing, I've tried to figure out what exactly is causing the issue. The most likely candidate is that the first RDP connection (i.e. non-WinRM/headless session) is populating some piece of the user profile that headless sessions don't load, but I can't figure out what. I've tried calling LoadUserProfile, which is supposed to create a profile it doesn't exist, but this is not enough.
Any ideas on what piece of this I'm missing?

Web access is extremely slow

I have TFS 2015 installed on one of the company's servers. I try to access TFS using web access and it is extremely slow, it takes more than 5 minutes for a page to load and sometimes even longer. If I restart the server, TFS becomes a little bit faster (a page would need only a minute or so to load), but soon it becomes slower.
The server itself is okay. The CPU and memory are not even fully utilized (~20% - ~40% is utilized).
Other applications that are installed on the server are working fine, so it's just TFS.
Any suggestions?
Log in the application tier machine to try to access the web access to see whether you can see the same behavior.
Check the network connection between the application tier machine and data tier machine if you set up TFS in a multiple server configuration. You may try to turn off the firewall and anti-virus software on the machines.
Clean the cache folder on the application tier, usually the folder locates in: C:\TfsData\ApplicationTier\_fileCache
Check the Requirements and compatibility, to see whether your TFS set up on a appropriate environment.
If the items above is not helpful. You may need to consider move your TFS to another hardware.

WaIISHost flatlining web-role

First off, I'm very new to Azure.
I've successfully deployed an ASP.NET MVC 3 web application to Azure, using a web role. The app uses Entity Framework and SQL Azure.
Recently I've done some changes (some including adding appsettings), and tried to upgrade the application. When upgrading, it took quite a long time, before Aborting. I've always deployed through the management portal Silverlight application at
When trying again to no avail, I setup remote desktop and deployed again. The remote desktop session was extremely slow, and it turned out to be because WaIISHost was putting the CPU to 100%.
The IIS Manager shows that the application is deployed and 'started', however I cannot navigate to the site in the VM, and the deployment constantly seems to be trying to update without success and eventually aborting and retrying, (as I write this, it's currently Busy and Waiting for role to start...).
Does anyone have any ideas as to what the problem could be?
I believe all the right dependencies are set to copy local, which is a possible problem. It is extremely hard to debug this issue, as the remote desktop session hangs so often due to the 100% CPU utilization, and the recycling/restarting/reupdating of the web role from time to time.
P.S. Hope some of that made at least some sense...
I doubt that there's something doing in your WebRole.OnStart and/or Run, which caused the WaIISHost uses 100% CPU. Can you remove all codes from the WebRole.OnStart and/or Run and try again.
And it might be helpful to turn on the IntelliTrace when deploying, so that you can download the trace and find out any exceptions occurred when your application started, even before the website started.

WkHtmlToXSharp error on Windows Server 2008 R2 x64 environment

WkHtmlToXSharp is C# wrapper (using P/Invoke) for the excelent Html to PDF conversion library wkhtmltopdf library.
I have two websites on staging Windows Server 2008 R2 x64 environment
One of them let say web site A version of website and another one web site B.
The WkHtmlToXSharp conversion was working on the A version but when I set up an B version an conversion not working on that version, I am getting an error:
HtmlToPdf conversion failed: Failed loading page http://website/Convert (sometimes it will work just to ignore this error with --load-error-handling ignore)
I was wondering why it is happening and than I pointed A website to look in to the the same folder as B site is looking. And I was surprised that when I am running A conversion working well there, but when I am ruining B I am still getting the same error, but the funny thing is that both of sites pointed to the same source code(folder). I am just wondering why it is happend. Both websites has the similar app pool configurations and Enable 32-bit apps set too true in bot of them. Also i was trying to set the same app pool for both websites and still the same thing taking place, conversion on site A is working but on B site is not.
On my local environment(Windows 7 x64) if I set the same websites conversions working in both cases.
Also I made some changes in code to ignore the errors :
converter.ObjectSettings.Load.LoadErrorHandling = LoadErrorHandlingType.ignore;
but it is does not fix the error, only the difference is that now I am getting empty pdf in case of conversion on B web site.
I just thinking may be it is something in Windows Server which deny to run/keep in memory two copies of WkHtmlToXSharp.dll or wkhtmltopdf or something kind of like that is going on.
Maybe some one have any ideas about that?
See this
The problem with IIS is that it recycles app. pools from time to time,
but during this process any non-managed resources hold by your
application may (as in this case) end up not being appropiatelly
freed. Also, having more than one AppDomain under you'r IIS
application can cause memory corruption, as both AppDomains try to
instantiante a WebKit instance under the same process (ie. same
process memory/space), and that's another no-way.
The best thing you can do is having a Daemon or Service handling
HTML2PDF conversión, and calling it from your web app. using remoting,
WS calls, or any other RPC method. This will also help you de-compose
your application and making things easier to debug.
Hope it helps.
